PDBot Stats

Game 830539928

[Time] 1677550209
[04:10:10] PDBot has started watching.
[04:10:10] Garcia_Edu joined the game.
[Gatherling] Event=Penny Dreadful Mondays 28.02
[Gatherling] Round=4
[04:10:54] [CHAT] Garcia_Edu: hi brou
[04:10:59] [CHAT] Garcia_Edu: i concede
[04:11:04] Garcia_Edu has conceded from the game.
Winner: TheWatchWander
Game 1 Completed.
[04:11:11] Garcia_Edu has left the game.

Game 830540034

[Time] 1677550296
[04:11:36] PDBot has started watching.
[04:11:40] Garcia_Edu has conceded from the game.
Winner: TheWatchWander
Game 2 Completed.
Match Winner: TheWatchWander: 2–0
[04:11:45] Garcia_Edu has left the game.