PDBot Stats

Game 829979238

[Time] 1677099674
[League] Scampy by herpaderp007 (209399) vs Mono White Zirda Good? by thewanderingplaneswa (209388)
[23:01:22] PDBot has started watching.
[23:01:22] Turn 1: TheWanderinGPlaneswa
[23:01:23] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[23:01:46] TheWanderinGPlaneswa plays [Glimmerpost].
[23:01:48] TheWanderinGPlaneswa puts triggered ability from [Glimmerpost] onto the stack (When Glimmerpost enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life for each Locus on the battlefield.).
[23:01:57] Turn 2: Herpaderp007
[23:01:59] Herpaderp007 plays [Mountain].
[23:02:00] Herpaderp007 casts [Fireblade Charger].
[23:02:02] Herpaderp007 casts [Wayward Guide-Beast].
[23:02:03] TheWanderinGPlaneswa is being attacked by [Wayward Guide-Beast] and [Fireblade Charger]
[23:02:04] Herpaderp007 puts triggered ability from [Wayward Guide-Beast] onto the stack (Whenever Wayward Guide-Beast deals combat damage to a player, return a land you control to its own...).
[23:02:05] Herpaderp007 returns [Mountain] to its owner's hand with [Wayward Guide-Beast]'s ability.
[23:02:09] Turn 2: TheWanderinGPlaneswa
[23:02:39] TheWanderinGPlaneswa plays [Crawling Barrens].
[23:02:44] TheWanderinGPlaneswa casts [Mazemind Tome].
[23:03:00] Turn 3: Herpaderp007
[23:03:04] Herpaderp007 plays [Mountain].
[23:03:11] TheWanderinGPlaneswa is being attacked by [Wayward Guide-Beast], [Fireblade Charger], and [Fireblade Charger]
[23:03:24] Herpaderp007 puts triggered ability from [Wayward Guide-Beast] onto the stack (Whenever Wayward Guide-Beast deals combat damage to a player, return a land you control to its own...).
[23:03:25] Herpaderp007 returns [Mountain] to its owner's hand with [Wayward Guide-Beast]'s ability.
[23:03:25] TheWanderinGPlaneswa puts a page counter on [Mazemind Tome].
[23:03:25] TheWanderinGPlaneswa activates an ability of [Mazemind Tome] ( Scry 1.).
[23:03:25] TheWanderinGPlaneswa scrys 1 (0 top, 1 bottom).
[23:03:25] Turn 3: TheWanderinGPlaneswa
[23:03:26] TheWanderinGPlaneswa plays [Plains].
[23:04:10] TheWanderinGPlaneswa puts a page counter on [Mazemind Tome].
[23:04:18] TheWanderinGPlaneswa activates an ability of [Mazemind Tome] ( Draw a card.).
[23:04:24] TheWanderinGPlaneswa draws a card with [Mazemind Tome]'s ability.
[23:04:27] Turn 4: Herpaderp007
[23:04:28] Herpaderp007 plays [Mountain].
[23:04:28] TheWanderinGPlaneswa is being attacked by [Wayward Guide-Beast], [Fireblade Charger], and [Fireblade Charger]
[23:04:28] Herpaderp007 puts triggered ability from [Wayward Guide-Beast] onto the stack (Whenever Wayward Guide-Beast deals combat damage to a player, return a land you control to its own...).
[23:04:32] Herpaderp007 returns [Mountain] to its owner's hand with [Wayward Guide-Beast]'s ability.
[23:04:41] Turn 4: TheWanderinGPlaneswa
[23:04:51] TheWanderinGPlaneswa puts a page counter on [Mazemind Tome].
[23:04:53] TheWanderinGPlaneswa activates an ability of [Mazemind Tome] ( Scry 1.).
[23:05:11] TheWanderinGPlaneswa scrys 1 (0 top, 1 bottom).
[23:05:23] TheWanderinGPlaneswa plays [Plains].
[23:05:39] TheWanderinGPlaneswa casts [Monument to Perfection].
[23:06:18] Turn 5: Herpaderp007
[23:06:22] TheWanderinGPlaneswa casts [Orim's Chant] (with kicker) targeting Herpaderp007.
[23:06:29] Herpaderp007 plays [Mountain].
[23:06:36] Turn 5: TheWanderinGPlaneswa
[23:06:39] TheWanderinGPlaneswa puts a page counter on [Mazemind Tome].
[23:06:39] TheWanderinGPlaneswa activates an ability of [Mazemind Tome] ( Scry 1.).
[23:06:39] TheWanderinGPlaneswa puts triggered ability from [Mazemind Tome] onto the stack (When there are four or more page counters on Mazemind Tome, exile it. If you do, you gain 4 life.).
[23:06:40] TheWanderinGPlaneswa exiles [Mazemind Tome] with its own ability.
[23:06:40] TheWanderinGPlaneswa scrys 1 (0 top, 1 bottom).
[23:07:07] TheWanderinGPlaneswa activates an ability of [Monument to Perfection] ( Search your library for a basic, Sphere, or Locus land card, reveal it, put it into your hand, th...).
[23:07:18] TheWanderinGPlaneswa reveals [Glimmerpost].
[23:07:20] TheWanderinGPlaneswa plays [Glimmerpost].
[23:07:20] TheWanderinGPlaneswa puts triggered ability from [Glimmerpost] onto the stack (When Glimmerpost enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life for each Locus on the battlefield.).
[23:07:27] TheWanderinGPlaneswa casts [Mazemind Tome].
[23:07:32] Turn 6: Herpaderp007
[23:07:39] Herpaderp007 plays [Mountain].
[23:08:18] TheWanderinGPlaneswa is being attacked by [Wayward Guide-Beast], [Fireblade Charger], and [Fireblade Charger]
[23:08:34] Herpaderp007 puts triggered ability from [Wayward Guide-Beast] onto the stack (Whenever Wayward Guide-Beast deals combat damage to a player, return a land you control to its own...).
[23:08:35] Herpaderp007 returns [Mountain] to its owner's hand with [Wayward Guide-Beast]'s ability.
[23:08:35] TheWanderinGPlaneswa puts a page counter on [Mazemind Tome].
[23:08:35] TheWanderinGPlaneswa activates an ability of [Mazemind Tome] ( Scry 1.).
[23:08:35] TheWanderinGPlaneswa scrys 1 (0 top, 1 bottom).
[23:08:35] Turn 6: TheWanderinGPlaneswa
[23:08:35] TheWanderinGPlaneswa puts a page counter on [Mazemind Tome].
[23:08:35] TheWanderinGPlaneswa activates an ability of [Mazemind Tome] ( Scry 1.).
[23:08:36] TheWanderinGPlaneswa scrys 1 (0 top, 1 bottom).
[23:09:26] TheWanderinGPlaneswa plays [Cloudpost].
[23:09:33] Turn 7: Herpaderp007
[23:09:33] Herpaderp007 plays [Mountain].
[23:09:33] TheWanderinGPlaneswa is being attacked by [Wayward Guide-Beast], [Fireblade Charger], and [Fireblade Charger]
[23:10:14] TheWanderinGPlaneswa exiles [Temur Battle Rage] with with [Blazing Shoal]'s ability.
[23:10:14] Herpaderp007 casts [Blazing Shoal] targeting [Fireblade Charger]. (X is 2).
[23:10:18] TheWanderinGPlaneswa exiles [Temur Battle Rage] with with [Blazing Shoal]'s ability.
[23:10:18] Herpaderp007 casts [Blazing Shoal] targeting [Fireblade Charger]. (X is 2).
[23:10:34] TheWanderinGPlaneswa discards [Forsake the Worldly].
[23:10:34] TheWanderinGPlaneswa cycles [Forsake the Worldly].
[23:10:58] TheWanderinGPlaneswa casts [Condemn] targeting [Fireblade Charger].
[23:11:15] Herpaderp007 has conceded from the game.
Winner: TheWanderinGPlaneswa
Game 1 Completed.
[23:11:18] TheWanderinGPlaneswa draws their next card.
[23:11:19] Herpaderp007 has left the game.

Game 829980448

[Time] 1677100352
[23:12:33] PDBot has started watching.
[23:12:41] Herpaderp007 chooses to play first.
[23:13:14] Herpaderp007 begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[23:13:39] TheWanderinGPlaneswa begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[23:13:39] Turn 1: Herpaderp007
[23:13:40] Herpaderp007 skips their draw step.
[23:13:40] Herpaderp007 plays [Mountain].
[23:13:40] Herpaderp007 casts [Phoenix Chick].
[23:13:40] TheWanderinGPlaneswa is being attacked by [Phoenix Chick]
[23:13:41] Turn 1: TheWanderinGPlaneswa
[23:13:42] TheWanderinGPlaneswa plays [Plains].
[23:13:42] Turn 2: Herpaderp007
[23:13:42] Herpaderp007 plays [Mountain].
[23:13:43] TheWanderinGPlaneswa is being attacked by [Phoenix Chick]
[23:13:43] TheWanderinGPlaneswa exiles [Reaper King] with with [Blazing Shoal]'s ability.
[23:13:44] Herpaderp007 casts [Blazing Shoal] targeting [Phoenix Chick]. (X is 10).
[23:13:45] TheWanderinGPlaneswa casts [Condemn] targeting [Phoenix Chick].
[23:13:45] Herpaderp007 has conceded from the game.
Winner: TheWanderinGPlaneswa
Game 2 Completed.
Match Winner: TheWanderinGPlaneswa: 2–0