PDBot Stats

Game 826447642

[Time] 1674083306
[01:08:27] PDBot has started watching.
[01:08:27] blackhorrorghost joined the game.
[League] Abiding Dreadnought by blackhorrorghost (206630) vs I Am Told These Are Cards by smokepurpp420 (206435)
[01:08:29] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[01:08:32] blackhorrorghost chooses to play first.
[01:08:35] [CHAT] blackhorrorghost: gl hf
[01:08:45] blackhorrorghost begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[01:08:47] SmokePurpp420 begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[01:08:47] Turn 1: blackhorrorghost
[01:08:47] blackhorrorghost skips their draw step.
[01:08:50] blackhorrorghost plays [Forest].
[01:08:52] blackhorrorghost casts [Birds of Paradise].
[01:08:54] Turn 1: SmokePurpp420
[01:09:03] SmokePurpp420 plays [Mountain].
[01:09:07] SmokePurpp420 casts [Burst Lightning] targeting [Birds of Paradise].
[01:09:08] Turn 2: blackhorrorghost
[01:09:11] blackhorrorghost plays [Miren, the Moaning Well].
[01:09:15] blackhorrorghost casts [Fauna Shaman].
[01:09:17] Turn 2: SmokePurpp420
[01:09:21] SmokePurpp420 plays [Temple of Epiphany].
[01:09:21] SmokePurpp420 puts triggered ability from [Temple of Epiphany] onto the stack (When Temple of Epiphany enters the battlefield, scry 1.).
[01:09:47] SmokePurpp420 scrys 1 (1 top, 0 bottom).
[01:09:49] Turn 3: blackhorrorghost
[01:10:03] blackhorrorghost casts [Commune with Spirits].
[01:10:09] blackhorrorghost puts Sterling Grove in their hand.
[01:10:14] SmokePurpp420 is being attacked by [Fauna Shaman]
[01:10:17] Turn 3: SmokePurpp420
[01:10:24] SmokePurpp420 plays [Silundi Isle].
[01:10:28] Turn 4: blackhorrorghost
[01:10:39] blackhorrorghost discards [Spore Frog].
[01:10:39] blackhorrorghost activates an ability of [Fauna Shaman] ( Search your library for a creature card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle.).
[01:10:45] blackhorrorghost reveals [Birds of Paradise].
[01:10:52] Turn 4: SmokePurpp420
[01:10:58] SmokePurpp420 casts [Ponder].
[01:12:11] SmokePurpp420 chooses to shuffle their library.
[01:12:11] SmokePurpp420 draws a card with [Ponder].
[01:12:16] SmokePurpp420 plays [Mountain].
[01:12:23] Turn 5: blackhorrorghost
[01:12:26] blackhorrorghost casts [Birds of Paradise].
[01:12:30] SmokePurpp420 casts [Mana Leak] targeting [Birds of Paradise].
[01:12:40] SmokePurpp420 is being attacked by [Fauna Shaman]
[01:12:46] Turn 5: SmokePurpp420
[01:12:49] SmokePurpp420 plays [Mountain].
[01:12:59] Turn 6: blackhorrorghost
[01:13:08] SmokePurpp420 is being attacked by [Fauna Shaman]
[01:13:22] SmokePurpp420 casts [Beacon of Destruction] targeting [Fauna Shaman].
[01:13:30] Turn 6: SmokePurpp420
[01:13:52] Turn 7: blackhorrorghost
[01:13:55] blackhorrorghost casts [Fauna Shaman].
[01:14:05] SmokePurpp420 casts [Electrolyze] targeting [Fauna Shaman] for 2.
[01:14:05] SmokePurpp420 draws a card with [Electrolyze].
[01:14:07] Turn 7: SmokePurpp420
[01:14:11] SmokePurpp420 plays [Molten Tributary].
[01:14:15] Turn 8: blackhorrorghost
[01:14:17] blackhorrorghost plays [Forest].
[01:14:45] Turn 8: SmokePurpp420
[01:14:49] SmokePurpp420 casts [Ponder].
[01:14:56] SmokePurpp420 chooses to shuffle their library.
[01:14:56] SmokePurpp420 draws a card with [Ponder].
[01:14:59] SmokePurpp420 plays [Mountain].
[01:15:08] Turn 9: blackhorrorghost
[01:15:11] blackhorrorghost plays [Scattered Groves].
[01:15:24] SmokePurpp420 casts [Desperate Ravings].
[01:15:24] SmokePurpp420 draws two cards with [Desperate Ravings].
[01:15:25] SmokePurpp420 discards [Ponder].
[01:15:30] SmokePurpp420 casts [Desperate Ravings] from the graveyard.
[01:15:31] SmokePurpp420 draws two cards with [Desperate Ravings].
[01:15:31] SmokePurpp420 discards [Mountain].
[01:15:33] Turn 9: SmokePurpp420
[01:15:42] SmokePurpp420 plays [Island].
[01:15:51] SmokePurpp420 casts ability from [Zirda, the Dawnwaker] ( Put Zirda, the Dawnwaker into your hand.).
[01:15:54] Turn 10: blackhorrorghost
[01:15:57] blackhorrorghost plays [Plains].
[01:16:02] blackhorrorghost casts [Sterling Grove].
[01:16:07] SmokePurpp420 casts [Memory Lapse] targeting [Sterling Grove].
[01:16:19] blackhorrorghost casts [Tocatli Honor Guard].
[01:16:35] blackhorrorghost casts [Phyrexian Dreadnought].
[01:16:45] SmokePurpp420 discards [Zirda, the Dawnwaker].
[01:16:45] SmokePurpp420 discards [Desperate Ravings].
[01:16:45] SmokePurpp420 casts [Forbid] with buyback targeting [Phyrexian Dreadnought].
[01:16:53] Turn 10: SmokePurpp420
[01:17:07] Turn 11: blackhorrorghost
[01:17:16] blackhorrorghost casts [Sterling Grove].
[01:17:28] blackhorrorghost casts [Sterling Grove].
[01:17:33] SmokePurpp420 is being attacked by [Tocatli Honor Guard]
[01:17:50] SmokePurpp420 casts [Fact or Fiction].
[01:18:14] SmokePurpp420 puts [Desperate Ravings], [Molten Tributary], [Mountain], [Mana Leak] into their hand with [Fact or Fiction].
[01:18:14] SmokePurpp420 puts [Forbid] into their graveyard.
[01:18:16] Turn 11: SmokePurpp420
[01:18:25] SmokePurpp420 plays [Mountain].
[01:18:29] SmokePurpp420 casts [Beacon of Destruction] targeting [Tocatli Honor Guard].
[01:18:39] blackhorrorghost activates an ability of [Sterling Grove] ( Search your library for an enchantment card, reveal it, then shuffle and put that card on top.).
[01:18:42] blackhorrorghost reveals [Abiding Grace].
[01:18:45] Turn 12: blackhorrorghost
[01:18:49] blackhorrorghost casts [Abiding Grace].
[01:18:57] SmokePurpp420 discards [Desperate Ravings].
[01:18:57] SmokePurpp420 discards [Molten Tributary].
[01:18:57] SmokePurpp420 casts [Forbid] with buyback targeting [Abiding Grace].
[01:19:03] blackhorrorghost casts [Tocatli Honor Guard].
[01:19:11] Turn 12: SmokePurpp420
[01:19:18] Turn 13: blackhorrorghost
[01:19:26] SmokePurpp420 is being attacked by [Tocatli Honor Guard]
[01:19:41] blackhorrorghost casts [Abiding Grace].
[01:19:47] SmokePurpp420 casts [Mana Leak] targeting [Abiding Grace].
[01:20:12] SmokePurpp420 casts [Invoke Calamity].
[01:20:27] SmokePurpp420 casts [Electrolyze] from the graveyard targeting [Tocatli Honor Guard] for 2.
[01:20:31] SmokePurpp420 casts [Burst Lightning] from the graveyard targeting [Tocatli Honor Guard].
[01:20:37] SmokePurpp420 draws a card with [Electrolyze].
[01:20:39] Turn 13: SmokePurpp420
[01:20:47] blackhorrorghost activates an ability of [Sterling Grove] ( Search your library for an enchantment card, reveal it, then shuffle and put that card on top.).
[01:20:50] blackhorrorghost reveals [Abiding Grace].
[01:20:52] Turn 14: blackhorrorghost
[01:20:56] blackhorrorghost casts [Abiding Grace].
[01:21:08] SmokePurpp420 discards [Storm's Wrath].
[01:21:08] SmokePurpp420 discards [Electrolyze].
[01:21:08] SmokePurpp420 casts [Forbid] with buyback targeting [Abiding Grace].
[01:21:12] blackhorrorghost casts [Commune with the Gods].
[01:21:15] blackhorrorghost reveals 5 cards with [Commune with the Gods]: [Scattered Groves], [Fauna Shaman], [Plains], [Sunpetal Grove], and [Sunpetal Grove].
[01:21:20] blackhorrorghost chooses Fauna Shaman.
[01:21:42] SmokePurpp420 casts [Beacon of Destruction] targeting blackhorrorghost.
[01:21:44] Turn 14: SmokePurpp420
[01:21:51] Turn 15: blackhorrorghost
[01:21:55] blackhorrorghost casts [Fauna Shaman].
[01:22:06] SmokePurpp420 casts [Invoke Calamity].
[01:22:54] SmokePurpp420 casts [Electrolyze] from the graveyard targeting [Fauna Shaman] for 2.
[01:22:58] SmokePurpp420 casts [Ponder] from the graveyard.
[01:23:08] SmokePurpp420 chooses to shuffle their library.
[01:23:08] SmokePurpp420 draws a card with [Ponder].
[01:23:12] SmokePurpp420 draws a card with [Electrolyze].
[01:23:24] SmokePurpp420 casts [Desperate Ravings] from the graveyard.
[01:23:24] SmokePurpp420 draws two cards with [Desperate Ravings].
[01:23:24] SmokePurpp420 discards [Memory Lapse].
[01:23:28] Turn 15: SmokePurpp420
[01:23:34] Turn 16: blackhorrorghost
[01:23:38] blackhorrorghost casts [Tocatli Honor Guard].
[01:23:59] SmokePurpp420 casts [Invoke Calamity].
[01:24:03] SmokePurpp420 casts [Storm's Wrath] from the graveyard.
[01:24:05] SmokePurpp420 casts [Ponder] from the graveyard.
[01:24:15] SmokePurpp420 chooses to shuffle their library.
[01:24:15] SmokePurpp420 draws a card with [Ponder].
[01:24:20] Turn 16: SmokePurpp420
[01:24:27] SmokePurpp420 plays [Sulfur Falls].
[01:24:29] Turn 17: blackhorrorghost
[01:24:32] blackhorrorghost casts [Commune with Spirits].
[01:24:38] blackhorrorghost puts Greater Good in their hand.
[01:24:41] blackhorrorghost casts [Greater Good].
[01:24:57] SmokePurpp420 discards [Mountain].
[01:24:57] SmokePurpp420 discards [Island].
[01:24:57] SmokePurpp420 casts [Forbid] with buyback targeting [Greater Good].
[01:25:07] SmokePurpp420 casts [Desperate Ravings] from the graveyard.
[01:25:07] SmokePurpp420 draws two cards with [Desperate Ravings].
[01:25:07] SmokePurpp420 discards [Sulfur Falls].
[01:25:18] SmokePurpp420 casts [Electrolyze] targeting blackhorrorghost for 2.
[01:25:19] SmokePurpp420 draws a card with [Electrolyze].
[01:25:22] Turn 17: SmokePurpp420
[01:25:32] Turn 18: blackhorrorghost
[01:25:37] blackhorrorghost casts [Abiding Grace].
[01:25:40] SmokePurpp420 casts [Mana Leak] targeting [Abiding Grace].
[01:25:46] Turn 18: SmokePurpp420
[01:25:51] Turn 19: blackhorrorghost
[01:25:55] blackhorrorghost casts [Phyrexian Dreadnought].
[01:25:58] blackhorrorghost puts triggered ability from [Phyrexian Dreadnought] onto the stack (When Phyrexian Dreadnought enters the battlefield, sacrifice it unless you sacrifice any number of...).
[01:26:06] blackhorrorghost activates an ability of [Miren, the Moaning Well] ( You gain life equal to the sacrificed creature's toughness.).
[01:26:18] Turn 19: SmokePurpp420
[01:26:23] SmokePurpp420 plays [Temple of Epiphany].
[01:26:23] SmokePurpp420 puts triggered ability from [Temple of Epiphany] onto the stack (When Temple of Epiphany enters the battlefield, scry 1.).
[01:26:25] SmokePurpp420 scrys 1 (1 top, 0 bottom).
[01:26:27] Turn 20: blackhorrorghost
[01:26:38] blackhorrorghost casts [Commune with the Gods].
[01:26:40] blackhorrorghost reveals 5 cards with [Commune with the Gods]: [Forest], [Ram Through], [Forest], [Tocatli Honor Guard], and [Scattered Groves].
[01:26:44] blackhorrorghost chooses Tocatli Honor Guard.
[01:26:47] blackhorrorghost casts [Tocatli Honor Guard].
[01:27:02] SmokePurpp420 discards [Sulfur Falls].
[01:27:02] SmokePurpp420 discards [Island].
[01:27:02] SmokePurpp420 casts [Forbid] with buyback targeting [Tocatli Honor Guard].
[01:27:06] Turn 20: SmokePurpp420
[01:27:12] Turn 21: blackhorrorghost
[01:27:16] blackhorrorghost casts [Fauna Shaman].
[01:27:26] SmokePurpp420 discards [Desperate Ravings].
[01:27:26] SmokePurpp420 discards [Sulfur Falls].
[01:27:26] SmokePurpp420 casts [Forbid] with buyback targeting [Fauna Shaman].
[01:27:32] Turn 21: SmokePurpp420
[01:27:45] SmokePurpp420 casts [Treasure Cruise].
[01:27:45] SmokePurpp420 draws three cards with [Treasure Cruise].
[01:27:48] Turn 22: blackhorrorghost
[01:27:52] blackhorrorghost casts [Commune with the Gods].
[01:27:54] blackhorrorghost reveals 5 cards with [Commune with the Gods]: [Phyrexian Dreadnought], [Caustic Caterpillar], [Heap Doll], [Sunpetal Grove], and [Ram Through].
[01:28:06] blackhorrorghost chooses Phyrexian Dreadnought.
[01:28:14] SmokePurpp420 casts [Beacon of Destruction] targeting blackhorrorghost.
[01:28:17] Turn 22: SmokePurpp420
[01:28:23] Turn 23: blackhorrorghost
[01:28:28] blackhorrorghost casts [Phyrexian Dreadnought].
[01:28:35] SmokePurpp420 discards [Temple of Epiphany].
[01:28:35] SmokePurpp420 discards [Island].
[01:28:35] SmokePurpp420 casts [Forbid] with buyback targeting [Phyrexian Dreadnought].
[01:28:43] Turn 23: SmokePurpp420
[01:28:56] blackhorrorghost discards [Scattered Groves].
[01:28:56] blackhorrorghost cycles [Scattered Groves].
[01:29:01] Turn 24: blackhorrorghost
[01:29:05] blackhorrorghost casts [Spore Frog].
[01:29:13] Turn 24: SmokePurpp420
[01:29:22] Turn 25: blackhorrorghost
[01:29:27] SmokePurpp420 is being attacked by [Spore Frog]
[01:29:36] blackhorrorghost plays [Forest].
[01:29:40] Turn 25: SmokePurpp420
[01:29:44] SmokePurpp420 casts [Ponder].
[01:29:49] SmokePurpp420 chooses to shuffle their library.
[01:29:49] SmokePurpp420 draws a card with [Ponder].
[01:29:54] SmokePurpp420 casts [Burst Lightning] targeting [Spore Frog].
[01:29:58] Turn 26: blackhorrorghost
[01:30:21] SmokePurpp420 casts [Silundi Vision].
[01:30:30] SmokePurpp420 puts Beacon of Destruction in their hand.
[01:30:37] SmokePurpp420 casts [Beacon of Destruction] targeting blackhorrorghost.
[01:30:41] Turn 26: SmokePurpp420
[01:30:47] Turn 27: blackhorrorghost
[01:31:29] blackhorrorghost activates an ability of [Proclamation of Rebirth] targeting [Heap Doll] (Forecast  {5W}, Reveal Proclamation of Rebirth from your hand).
[01:31:53] Turn 27: SmokePurpp420
[01:32:21] SmokePurpp420 casts [Treasure Cruise].
[01:32:24] SmokePurpp420 draws three cards with [Treasure Cruise].
[01:32:32] SmokePurpp420 casts [Beacon of Destruction] targeting blackhorrorghost.
[01:32:37] SmokePurpp420 plays [Temple of Epiphany].
[01:32:37] SmokePurpp420 puts triggered ability from [Temple of Epiphany] onto the stack (When Temple of Epiphany enters the battlefield, scry 1.).
[01:32:41] SmokePurpp420 scrys 1 (0 top, 1 bottom).
[01:32:47] SmokePurpp420 discards [Storm's Wrath].
[01:32:48] Turn 28: blackhorrorghost
[01:32:57] blackhorrorghost activates an ability of [Proclamation of Rebirth] targeting [Spore Frog] (Forecast  {5W}, Reveal Proclamation of Rebirth from your hand).
[01:33:08] SmokePurpp420 is being attacked by [Heap Doll]
[01:33:18] Turn 28: SmokePurpp420
[01:33:27] SmokePurpp420 discards [Fact or Fiction].
[01:33:27] Turn 29: blackhorrorghost
[01:33:39] blackhorrorghost activates an ability of [Proclamation of Rebirth] targeting [Caustic Caterpillar] (Forecast  {5W}, Reveal Proclamation of Rebirth from your hand).
[01:33:49] SmokePurpp420 is being attacked by blackhorrorghost and [Heap Doll]
[01:34:04] SmokePurpp420 casts [Fact or Fiction].
[01:34:13] SmokePurpp420 puts [Electrolyze], [Mountain] into their hand with [Fact or Fiction].
[01:34:17] SmokePurpp420 casts [Beacon of Destruction] targeting blackhorrorghost.
[01:34:21] Turn 29: SmokePurpp420
[01:34:28] SmokePurpp420 casts [Beacon of Destruction] targeting blackhorrorghost.
Winner: SmokePurpp420
Game 1 Completed.

Game 826450702

[Time] 1674084987
[01:36:27] PDBot has started watching.
[01:36:28] blackhorrorghost chooses to play first.
[01:36:35] blackhorrorghost begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[01:36:37] SmokePurpp420 begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[01:36:37] Turn 1: blackhorrorghost
[01:36:38] blackhorrorghost skips their draw step.
[01:36:40] blackhorrorghost plays [Scattered Groves].
[01:36:43] Turn 1: SmokePurpp420
[01:36:47] SmokePurpp420 plays [Island].
[01:36:48] Turn 2: blackhorrorghost
[01:36:51] blackhorrorghost plays [Forest].
[01:36:57] blackhorrorghost casts [Dryad Militant].
[01:37:00] blackhorrorghost casts [Commune with Spirits].
[01:37:03] blackhorrorghost puts Forest in their hand.
[01:37:07] Turn 2: SmokePurpp420
[01:37:12] SmokePurpp420 plays [Sulfur Falls].
[01:37:18] Turn 3: blackhorrorghost
[01:37:22] blackhorrorghost plays [Sunpetal Grove].
[01:37:26] SmokePurpp420 is being attacked by [Dryad Militant]
[01:37:33] blackhorrorghost casts [Fauna Shaman].
[01:37:38] SmokePurpp420 casts [Mana Leak] targeting [Fauna Shaman].
[01:37:46] Turn 3: SmokePurpp420
[01:37:54] SmokePurpp420 plays [Silundi Isle].
[01:37:56] Turn 4: blackhorrorghost
[01:37:59] blackhorrorghost plays [Forest].
[01:38:02] SmokePurpp420 is being attacked by [Dryad Militant]
[01:38:07] blackhorrorghost casts [Commune with the Gods].
[01:38:08] blackhorrorghost reveals 5 cards with [Commune with the Gods]: [Greater Good], [Fauna Shaman], [Commune with Spirits], [Miren, the Moaning Well], and [Commune with Spirits].
[01:38:13] blackhorrorghost chooses Fauna Shaman.
[01:38:16] blackhorrorghost casts [Fauna Shaman].
[01:38:21] Turn 4: SmokePurpp420
[01:38:24] SmokePurpp420 plays [Sulfur Falls].
[01:38:28] SmokePurpp420 casts [Anger of the Gods].
[01:38:34] Turn 5: blackhorrorghost
[01:38:39] blackhorrorghost casts [Commune with the Gods].
[01:38:40] blackhorrorghost reveals 5 cards with [Commune with the Gods]: [Tragic Poet], [Children of Korlis], [Fauna Shaman], [Plains], and [Sunpetal Grove].
[01:38:46] blackhorrorghost chooses Fauna Shaman.
[01:38:50] blackhorrorghost casts [Fauna Shaman].
[01:38:53] Turn 5: SmokePurpp420
[01:39:02] SmokePurpp420 casts [Electrolyze] targeting [Fauna Shaman] for 2.
[01:39:03] SmokePurpp420 draws a card with [Electrolyze].
[01:39:05] SmokePurpp420 plays [Temple of Epiphany].
[01:39:05] SmokePurpp420 puts triggered ability from [Temple of Epiphany] onto the stack (When Temple of Epiphany enters the battlefield, scry 1.).
[01:39:10] SmokePurpp420 scrys 1 (1 top, 0 bottom).
[01:39:13] Turn 6: blackhorrorghost
[01:39:16] blackhorrorghost casts [Birds of Paradise].
[01:39:19] blackhorrorghost casts [Judge's Familiar].
[01:39:23] Turn 6: SmokePurpp420
[01:39:33] SmokePurpp420 plays [Molten Tributary].
[01:39:37] Turn 7: blackhorrorghost
[01:39:39] blackhorrorghost plays [Forest].
[01:39:41] SmokePurpp420 is being attacked by [Judge's Familiar]
[01:39:50] SmokePurpp420 casts [Desperate Ravings].
[01:39:52] SmokePurpp420 draws two cards with [Desperate Ravings].
[01:39:52] SmokePurpp420 discards [Fact or Fiction].
[01:39:59] SmokePurpp420 casts [Desperate Ravings] from the graveyard.
[01:40:08] SmokePurpp420 draws two cards with [Desperate Ravings].
[01:40:08] SmokePurpp420 discards [Mountain].
[01:40:09] Turn 7: SmokePurpp420
[01:40:14] SmokePurpp420 plays [Sulfur Falls].
[01:40:19] SmokePurpp420 casts [Anger of the Gods].
[01:40:24] Turn 8: blackhorrorghost
[01:40:28] blackhorrorghost casts blackhorrorghost.
[01:40:33] Turn 8: SmokePurpp420
[01:40:39] Turn 9: blackhorrorghost
[01:40:42] blackhorrorghost casts [Sterling Grove].
[01:40:48] SmokePurpp420 is being attacked by blackhorrorghost
[01:40:54] Turn 9: SmokePurpp420
[01:40:57] SmokePurpp420 casts [Ponder].
[01:41:04] SmokePurpp420 chooses to not shuffle their library.
[01:41:04] SmokePurpp420 draws a card with [Ponder].
[01:41:10] blackhorrorghost activates an ability of [Sterling Grove] ( Search your library for an enchantment card, reveal it, then shuffle and put that card on top.).
[01:41:19] blackhorrorghost reveals [Abiding Grace].
[01:41:21] Turn 10: blackhorrorghost
[01:41:24] blackhorrorghost casts [Abiding Grace].
[01:41:29] SmokePurpp420 casts [Mana Leak] targeting [Abiding Grace].
[01:41:37] SmokePurpp420 is being attacked by blackhorrorghost
[01:41:45] SmokePurpp420 casts [Burst Lightning] targeting blackhorrorghost.
[01:41:48] Turn 10: SmokePurpp420
[01:41:53] Turn 11: blackhorrorghost
[01:41:56] blackhorrorghost casts [Judge's Familiar].
[01:42:11] SmokePurpp420 casts [Invoke Calamity].
[01:42:17] SmokePurpp420 casts [Fact or Fiction] from the graveyard.
[01:42:20] SmokePurpp420 casts [Burst Lightning] from the graveyard targeting [Judge's Familiar].
[01:42:39] SmokePurpp420 puts [Ponder], [Desperate Ravings], [Mountain], [Temple of Epiphany] into their hand with [Fact or Fiction].
[01:42:39] SmokePurpp420 puts [Forbid] into their graveyard.
[01:42:39] Turn 11: SmokePurpp420
[01:42:44] SmokePurpp420 plays [Mountain].
[01:42:48] SmokePurpp420 discards [Mountain].
[01:42:48] SmokePurpp420 discards [Temple of Epiphany].
[01:42:48] Turn 12: blackhorrorghost
[01:42:50] blackhorrorghost plays [Forest].
[01:42:56] SmokePurpp420 casts [Desperate Ravings].
[01:42:57] SmokePurpp420 draws two cards with [Desperate Ravings].
[01:42:57] SmokePurpp420 discards [Mountain].
[01:42:59] Turn 12: SmokePurpp420
[01:43:04] SmokePurpp420 plays [Temple of Epiphany].
[01:43:04] SmokePurpp420 puts triggered ability from [Temple of Epiphany] onto the stack (When Temple of Epiphany enters the battlefield, scry 1.).
[01:43:06] SmokePurpp420 scrys 1 (1 top, 0 bottom).
[01:43:08] SmokePurpp420 casts [Ponder].
[01:43:13] SmokePurpp420 chooses to shuffle their library.
[01:43:13] SmokePurpp420 draws a card with [Ponder].
[01:43:15] Turn 13: blackhorrorghost
[01:43:17] blackhorrorghost plays [Forest].
[01:43:22] SmokePurpp420 casts [Desperate Ravings].
[01:43:22] SmokePurpp420 draws two cards with [Desperate Ravings].
[01:43:22] SmokePurpp420 discards [Repeal].
[01:43:25] Turn 13: SmokePurpp420
[01:43:30] SmokePurpp420 plays [Molten Tributary].
[01:43:31] Turn 14: blackhorrorghost
[01:43:43] SmokePurpp420 casts [Electrolyze] targeting blackhorrorghost for 2.
[01:43:43] SmokePurpp420 draws a card with [Electrolyze].
[01:43:45] Turn 14: SmokePurpp420
[01:43:50] SmokePurpp420 casts [Ponder].
[01:43:55] SmokePurpp420 chooses to not shuffle their library.
[01:43:55] SmokePurpp420 draws a card with [Ponder].
[01:43:56] SmokePurpp420 plays [Mountain].
[01:43:57] Turn 15: blackhorrorghost
[01:44:00] blackhorrorghost plays [Forest].
[01:44:03] Turn 15: SmokePurpp420
[01:44:09] SmokePurpp420 plays [Mountain].
[01:44:11] Turn 16: blackhorrorghost
[01:44:14] blackhorrorghost plays [Sunpetal Grove].
[01:44:17] Turn 16: SmokePurpp420
[01:44:25] SmokePurpp420 casts [Fact or Fiction].
[01:44:34] SmokePurpp420 puts [Electrolyze], [Mountain], [Temple of Epiphany], [Beacon of Destruction] into their hand with [Fact or Fiction].
[01:44:34] SmokePurpp420 puts [Invoke Calamity] into their graveyard.
[01:44:36] SmokePurpp420 plays [Mountain].
[01:44:43] SmokePurpp420 discards [Temple of Epiphany].
[01:44:43] SmokePurpp420 discards [Electrolyze].
[01:44:43] SmokePurpp420 discards [Memory Lapse].
[01:44:43] Turn 17: blackhorrorghost
[01:44:59] SmokePurpp420 casts [Beacon of Destruction] targeting blackhorrorghost.
[01:45:02] Turn 17: SmokePurpp420
[01:45:07] Turn 18: blackhorrorghost
[01:45:11] blackhorrorghost casts [Tocatli Honor Guard].
[01:45:18] SmokePurpp420 casts [Beacon of Destruction] targeting [Tocatli Honor Guard].
[01:45:21] Turn 18: SmokePurpp420
[01:45:27] Turn 19: blackhorrorghost
[01:45:33] blackhorrorghost casts [Animal Boneyard] targeting [Scattered Groves].
[01:45:47] Turn 19: SmokePurpp420
[01:45:51] SmokePurpp420 plays [Island].
[01:45:53] Turn 20: blackhorrorghost
[01:45:57] blackhorrorghost casts [Phyrexian Dreadnought].
[01:46:11] SmokePurpp420 casts [Repeal] targeting [Animal Boneyard]. (X is 3).
[01:46:15] SmokePurpp420 returns [Animal Boneyard] to its owner's hand with [Repeal].
[01:46:15] SmokePurpp420 draws a card with [Repeal].
[01:46:18] blackhorrorghost puts triggered ability from [Phyrexian Dreadnought] onto the stack (When Phyrexian Dreadnought enters the battlefield, sacrifice it unless you sacrifice any number of...).
[01:46:28] blackhorrorghost casts [Animal Boneyard] targeting [Forest].
[01:46:33] blackhorrorghost casts [Phyrexian Dreadnought].
[01:46:44] SmokePurpp420 casts [Forbid] targeting [Phyrexian Dreadnought].
[01:46:51] blackhorrorghost casts [Phyrexian Dreadnought].
[01:47:11] SmokePurpp420 discards [Mana Leak].
[01:47:11] SmokePurpp420 discards [Silundi Vision].
[01:47:11] SmokePurpp420 casts [Forbid] with buyback targeting [Phyrexian Dreadnought].
[01:47:16] blackhorrorghost casts [Phyrexian Dreadnought].
[01:47:27] blackhorrorghost puts triggered ability from [Phyrexian Dreadnought] onto the stack (When Phyrexian Dreadnought enters the battlefield, sacrifice it unless you sacrifice any number of...).
[01:47:30] blackhorrorghost activates an ability of [Forest] ( You gain life equal to the sacrificed creature's toughness.).
[01:47:39] Turn 20: SmokePurpp420
[01:47:44] Turn 21: blackhorrorghost
[01:47:48] blackhorrorghost casts [Commune with Spirits].
[01:47:52] blackhorrorghost puts Scattered Groves in their hand.
[01:47:56] blackhorrorghost discards [Scattered Groves].
[01:47:56] blackhorrorghost cycles [Scattered Groves].
[01:48:01] blackhorrorghost casts [Tocatli Honor Guard].
[01:48:12] SmokePurpp420 casts [Beacon of Destruction] targeting [Tocatli Honor Guard].
[01:48:15] Turn 21: SmokePurpp420
[01:48:21] Turn 22: blackhorrorghost
[01:48:26] blackhorrorghost casts [Abiding Grace].
[01:48:33] SmokePurpp420 casts [Invoke Calamity].
[01:48:40] SmokePurpp420 casts [Memory Lapse] from the graveyard targeting [Abiding Grace].
[01:48:44] SmokePurpp420 casts [Fact or Fiction] from the graveyard.
[01:48:53] SmokePurpp420 puts [Ponder], [Island], [Island], [Burst Lightning] into their hand with [Fact or Fiction].
[01:48:53] SmokePurpp420 puts [Fact or Fiction] into their graveyard.
[01:49:06] SmokePurpp420 casts [Burst Lightning] (with kicker) targeting blackhorrorghost.
[01:49:09] Turn 22: SmokePurpp420
[01:49:14] SmokePurpp420 plays [Island].
[01:49:16] Turn 23: blackhorrorghost
[01:49:20] blackhorrorghost casts [Abiding Grace].
[01:49:27] SmokePurpp420 discards [Island].
[01:49:27] SmokePurpp420 discards [Mountain].
[01:49:27] SmokePurpp420 casts [Forbid] with buyback targeting [Abiding Grace].
[01:49:31] Turn 23: SmokePurpp420
[01:49:39] Turn 24: blackhorrorghost
[01:49:51] SmokePurpp420 casts [Electrolyze] targeting blackhorrorghost for 2.
[01:49:51] SmokePurpp420 draws a card with [Electrolyze].
[01:50:00] SmokePurpp420 casts [Beacon of Destruction] targeting blackhorrorghost.
[01:50:04] Turn 24: SmokePurpp420
[01:50:12] Turn 25: blackhorrorghost
[01:50:25] blackhorrorghost activates an ability of [Proclamation of Rebirth] targeting [Phyrexian Dreadnought] (Forecast  {5W}, Reveal Proclamation of Rebirth from your hand).
[01:50:28] blackhorrorghost puts triggered ability from [Phyrexian Dreadnought] onto the stack (When Phyrexian Dreadnought enters the battlefield, sacrifice it unless you sacrifice any number of...).
[01:50:31] blackhorrorghost activates an ability of [Forest] ( You gain life equal to the sacrificed creature's toughness.).
[01:50:40] blackhorrorghost plays [Sunpetal Grove].
[01:50:45] Turn 25: SmokePurpp420
[01:50:51] Turn 26: blackhorrorghost
[01:51:13] blackhorrorghost activates an ability of [Proclamation of Rebirth] targeting [Phyrexian Dreadnought] (Forecast  {5W}, Reveal Proclamation of Rebirth from your hand).
[01:51:18] SmokePurpp420 casts [Repeal] targeting [Animal Boneyard]. (X is 3).
[01:51:22] SmokePurpp420 returns [Animal Boneyard] to its owner's hand with [Repeal].
[01:51:22] SmokePurpp420 draws a card with [Repeal].
[01:51:27] blackhorrorghost puts triggered ability from [Phyrexian Dreadnought] onto the stack (When Phyrexian Dreadnought enters the battlefield, sacrifice it unless you sacrifice any number of...).
[01:51:47] blackhorrorghost casts [Animal Boneyard] targeting [Forest].
[01:51:55] SmokePurpp420 discards [Treasure Cruise].
[01:51:55] SmokePurpp420 discards [Treasure Cruise].
[01:51:55] SmokePurpp420 casts [Forbid] with buyback targeting [Animal Boneyard].
[01:52:04] SmokePurpp420 casts [Beacon of Destruction] targeting blackhorrorghost.
[01:52:08] Turn 26: SmokePurpp420
[01:52:20] Turn 27: blackhorrorghost
[01:52:29] blackhorrorghost activates an ability of [Proclamation of Rebirth] targeting [Tragic Poet] (Forecast  {5W}, Reveal Proclamation of Rebirth from your hand).
[01:52:47] Turn 27: SmokePurpp420
[01:52:54] Turn 28: blackhorrorghost
[01:53:03] blackhorrorghost activates an ability of [Proclamation of Rebirth] targeting [Children of Korlis] (Forecast  {5W}, Reveal Proclamation of Rebirth from your hand).
[01:53:14] SmokePurpp420 is being attacked by [Tragic Poet]
[01:53:21] blackhorrorghost plays [Miren, the Moaning Well].
[01:53:28] SmokePurpp420 casts [Beacon of Destruction] targeting [Tragic Poet].
[01:53:32] Turn 28: SmokePurpp420
[01:53:41] Turn 29: blackhorrorghost
[01:53:50] blackhorrorghost activates an ability of [Proclamation of Rebirth] targeting [Phyrexian Dreadnought] (Forecast  {5W}, Reveal Proclamation of Rebirth from your hand).
[01:53:51] blackhorrorghost puts triggered ability from [Phyrexian Dreadnought] onto the stack (When Phyrexian Dreadnought enters the battlefield, sacrifice it unless you sacrifice any number of...).
[01:54:16] blackhorrorghost activates an ability of [Miren, the Moaning Well] ( You gain life equal to the sacrificed creature's toughness.).
[01:54:29] SmokePurpp420 is being attacked by [Children of Korlis]
[01:54:35] blackhorrorghost plays [Scattered Groves].
[01:54:40] SmokePurpp420 casts [Beacon of Destruction] targeting blackhorrorghost.
[01:54:43] Turn 29: SmokePurpp420
[01:54:50] Turn 30: blackhorrorghost
[01:54:59] blackhorrorghost activates an ability of [Proclamation of Rebirth] targeting [Phyrexian Dreadnought] (Forecast  {5W}, Reveal Proclamation of Rebirth from your hand).
[01:55:00] blackhorrorghost puts triggered ability from [Phyrexian Dreadnought] onto the stack (When Phyrexian Dreadnought enters the battlefield, sacrifice it unless you sacrifice any number of...).
[01:55:06] blackhorrorghost activates an ability of [Miren, the Moaning Well] ( You gain life equal to the sacrificed creature's toughness.).
[01:55:18] blackhorrorghost plays [Plains].
[01:55:21] SmokePurpp420 is being attacked by [Children of Korlis]
[01:55:34] SmokePurpp420 casts [Beacon of Destruction] targeting blackhorrorghost.
[01:55:37] Turn 30: SmokePurpp420
[01:55:43] Turn 31: blackhorrorghost
[01:55:49] blackhorrorghost activates an ability of [Proclamation of Rebirth] targeting [Phyrexian Dreadnought] (Forecast  {5W}, Reveal Proclamation of Rebirth from your hand).
[01:55:50] blackhorrorghost puts triggered ability from [Phyrexian Dreadnought] onto the stack (When Phyrexian Dreadnought enters the battlefield, sacrifice it unless you sacrifice any number of...).
[01:55:56] blackhorrorghost activates an ability of [Miren, the Moaning Well] ( You gain life equal to the sacrificed creature's toughness.).
[01:56:05] SmokePurpp420 is being attacked by [Children of Korlis]
[01:56:14] SmokePurpp420 casts blackhorrorghost targeting blackhorrorghost.
[01:56:18] Turn 31: SmokePurpp420
[01:56:19] Turn 32: blackhorrorghost
[01:56:27] Turn 32: SmokePurpp420
[01:56:28] SmokePurpp420 loses because of drawing a card with an empty library.
Winner: blackhorrorghost
Game 2 Completed.
[01:56:33] blackhorrorghost has left the game.

Game 826452782

[Time] 1674086218
[01:56:59] PDBot has started watching.
[01:57:00] SmokePurpp420 begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[01:57:02] blackhorrorghost begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[01:57:02] Turn 1: SmokePurpp420
[01:57:02] SmokePurpp420 skips their draw step.
[01:57:06] Turn 1: blackhorrorghost
[01:57:11] blackhorrorghost plays [Scattered Groves].
[01:57:16] Turn 2: SmokePurpp420
[01:57:19] SmokePurpp420 plays [Mountain].
[01:57:21] Turn 2: blackhorrorghost
[01:57:22] blackhorrorghost plays [Forest].
[01:57:25] blackhorrorghost casts [Tocatli Honor Guard].
[01:57:29] Turn 3: SmokePurpp420
[01:57:32] SmokePurpp420 plays [Sulfur Falls].
[01:57:34] Turn 3: blackhorrorghost
[01:57:36] blackhorrorghost plays [Sunpetal Grove].
[01:57:39] blackhorrorghost casts [Abiding Grace].
[01:57:43] SmokePurpp420 casts [Desperate Ravings].
[01:57:45] SmokePurpp420 draws two cards with [Desperate Ravings].
[01:57:45] SmokePurpp420 discards [Invoke Calamity].
[01:57:49] SmokePurpp420 is being attacked by [Tocatli Honor Guard]
[01:57:52] blackhorrorghost puts triggered ability from [Abiding Grace] onto the stack (You gain 1 life.).
[01:57:53] Turn 4: SmokePurpp420
[01:57:56] SmokePurpp420 plays [Island].
[01:57:58] Turn 4: blackhorrorghost
[01:58:00] blackhorrorghost plays [Forest].
[01:58:02] blackhorrorghost casts [Commune with the Gods].
[01:58:03] blackhorrorghost reveals 5 cards with [Commune with the Gods]: [Forest], [Commune with Spirits], [Abiding Grace], [Abiding Grace], and [Tragic Poet].
[01:58:07] blackhorrorghost chooses Abiding Grace.
[01:58:11] SmokePurpp420 is being attacked by [Tocatli Honor Guard]
[01:58:18] blackhorrorghost casts [Commune with Spirits].
[01:58:21] blackhorrorghost puts Forest in their hand.
[01:58:24] blackhorrorghost puts triggered ability from [Abiding Grace] onto the stack (You gain 1 life.).
[01:58:28] Turn 5: SmokePurpp420
[01:58:31] SmokePurpp420 plays [Island].
[01:58:34] Turn 5: blackhorrorghost
[01:58:36] blackhorrorghost plays [Forest].
[01:58:38] blackhorrorghost casts [Commune with Spirits].
[01:58:41] blackhorrorghost puts Forest in their hand.
[01:58:43] SmokePurpp420 is being attacked by [Tocatli Honor Guard]
[01:58:49] blackhorrorghost casts [Abiding Grace].
[01:58:59] blackhorrorghost puts triggered ability from [Abiding Grace] onto the stack targeting [Tragic Poet] (Return target creature card with mana value 1 from your graveyard to the battlefield.).
[01:59:00] blackhorrorghost puts triggered ability from [Abiding Grace] onto the stack (You gain 1 life.).
[01:59:08] SmokePurpp420 casts [Fact or Fiction].
[01:59:16] SmokePurpp420 puts [Repeal], [Mountain], [Mountain], [Temple of Epiphany] into their hand with [Fact or Fiction].
[01:59:16] SmokePurpp420 puts [Fact or Fiction] into their graveyard.
[01:59:17] Turn 6: SmokePurpp420
[01:59:20] SmokePurpp420 plays [Mountain].
[01:59:24] SmokePurpp420 casts [Anger of the Gods].
[01:59:33] SmokePurpp420 discards [Electrolyze].
[01:59:33] SmokePurpp420 discards [Temple of Epiphany].
[01:59:33] Turn 6: blackhorrorghost
[01:59:35] blackhorrorghost plays [Forest].
[01:59:38] blackhorrorghost casts [Children of Korlis].
[01:59:42] blackhorrorghost casts [Sterling Grove].
[01:59:48] blackhorrorghost puts triggered ability from [Abiding Grace] onto the stack (You gain 1 life.).
[01:59:50] blackhorrorghost puts triggered ability from [Abiding Grace] onto the stack (You gain 1 life.).
[01:59:53] Turn 7: SmokePurpp420
[01:59:57] SmokePurpp420 plays [Mountain].
[01:59:59] SmokePurpp420 casts [Ponder].
[02:00:03] SmokePurpp420 chooses to shuffle their library.
[02:00:03] SmokePurpp420 draws a card with [Ponder].
[02:00:06] Turn 7: blackhorrorghost
[02:00:10] SmokePurpp420 is being attacked by [Children of Korlis]
[02:00:14] blackhorrorghost casts [Birds of Paradise].
[02:00:19] blackhorrorghost puts triggered ability from [Abiding Grace] onto the stack (You gain 1 life.).
[02:00:20] blackhorrorghost puts triggered ability from [Abiding Grace] onto the stack (You gain 1 life.).
[02:00:23] SmokePurpp420 casts [Silundi Vision].
[02:00:33] SmokePurpp420 puts Invoke Calamity in their hand.
[02:00:36] Turn 8: SmokePurpp420
[02:00:40] SmokePurpp420 plays [Island].
[02:00:50] Turn 8: blackhorrorghost
[02:01:01] blackhorrorghost puts triggered ability from [Abiding Grace] onto the stack (You gain 1 life.).
[02:01:02] blackhorrorghost puts triggered ability from [Abiding Grace] onto the stack (You gain 1 life.).
[02:01:09] SmokePurpp420 casts [Invoke Calamity].
[02:01:14] SmokePurpp420 casts [Anger of the Gods] from the graveyard.
[02:01:16] SmokePurpp420 casts [Silundi Vision] from the graveyard.
[02:01:23] SmokePurpp420 puts Forbid in their hand.
[02:01:27] Turn 9: SmokePurpp420
[02:01:31] SmokePurpp420 plays [Mountain].
[02:01:32] Turn 9: blackhorrorghost
[02:01:36] blackhorrorghost casts [Commune with the Gods].
[02:01:37] blackhorrorghost reveals 5 cards with [Commune with the Gods]: [Fauna Shaman], [Sunpetal Grove], [Scattered Groves], [Miren, the Moaning Well], and [Birds of Paradise].
[02:01:40] blackhorrorghost chooses Fauna Shaman.
[02:01:43] blackhorrorghost casts [Fauna Shaman].
[02:01:49] blackhorrorghost puts triggered ability from [Abiding Grace] onto the stack (You gain 1 life.).
[02:01:52] blackhorrorghost puts triggered ability from [Abiding Grace] onto the stack targeting [Birds of Paradise] (Return target creature card with mana value 1 from your graveyard to the battlefield.).
[02:01:57] SmokePurpp420 casts [Electrolyze] targeting [Fauna Shaman] for 2.
[02:01:57] SmokePurpp420 draws a card with [Electrolyze].
[02:01:58] [CHAT] blackhorrorghost: gg
[02:02:01] [CHAT] SmokePurpp420: gg
[02:02:05] Turn 10: SmokePurpp420
[02:02:07] blackhorrorghost has run out of time and has lost the match.
Winner: SmokePurpp420
Game 3 Completed.
Match Winner: SmokePurpp420: 2–1