PDBot Stats

Game 825712746

[Time] 1673576067
[04:14:27] PDBot has started watching.
[04:14:27] totodilespy joined the game.
[04:14:27] Scarafaggio joined the game.
[League] Duplicate Pairing: Tempered Steel by scarafaggio (206177) vs Not Dirty Kitty by totodilespy (206212)
[04:14:30] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD][sR] This is not a valid League pairing!
[04:14:30] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD][sR] You have both already played each other with these decks.
[04:14:35] totodilespy chooses to play first.
[04:14:41] totodilespy mulligans to six cards.
[04:14:45] Scarafaggio has conceded from the game.
Winner: totodilespy
Game 1 Completed.