PDBot Stats

Game 825697452

[Time] 1673567161
[01:46:02] PDBot has started watching.
[01:46:02] Scarafaggio joined the game.
[01:46:02] totodilespy joined the game.
[League] totodilespy doesn't have active run
[01:46:04] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD][sR] This is not a valid League pairing!
[01:46:04] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD][sR] totodilespy, you do not have an active run.
[01:46:10] totodilespy chooses to play first.
[01:46:14] totodilespy mulligans to six cards.
[01:46:16] Scarafaggio begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[01:46:21] totodilespy puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[01:46:21] Turn 1: totodilespy
[01:46:34] [CHAT] Scarafaggio: Hey mate
[01:46:41] [CHAT] Scarafaggio: you have to sign up for the pd league
[01:46:48] [CHAT] totodilespy: yeah my bad
[01:46:52] [CHAT] totodilespy: i thought i had a run going
[01:46:54] [CHAT] Scarafaggio: https://pennydreadfulmagic.com/
[01:46:57] [CHAT] Scarafaggio: Oh ok
[01:47:01] [CHAT] Scarafaggio: Always happens to me too
[01:47:02] [CHAT] Scarafaggio:  :D
[01:47:08] Scarafaggio has conceded from the game.
Winner: totodilespy
Game 1 Completed.
[01:47:13] Scarafaggio has left the game.