PDBot Stats

Game 824671868

[Time] 1672888565
[05:16:06] PDBot has started watching.
[05:16:06] pandaemonium joined the game.
[League] Dragonstorm by j_meka (205408) vs Esper by pandaemonium (205411)
[05:16:08] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[05:16:17] j_meka chooses to play first.
[05:16:20] j_meka begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[05:16:24] pandaemonium begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[05:16:24] Turn 1: j_meka
[05:16:25] j_meka skips their draw step.
[05:16:26] j_meka plays [Mountain].
[05:16:29] Turn 1: pandaemonium
[05:16:31] pandaemonium plays [Island].
[05:16:33] pandaemonium casts [Ponder].
[05:16:37] pandaemonium chooses to shuffle their library.
[05:16:37] pandaemonium draws a card with [Ponder].
[05:16:40] Turn 2: j_meka
[05:16:42] j_meka plays [Mountain].
[05:16:43] j_meka casts [Bitter Reunion].
[05:16:49] j_meka puts triggered ability from [Bitter Reunion] onto the stack (When Bitter Reunion enters the battlefield, you may discard a card. If you do, draw two cards.).
[05:16:51] j_meka discards [Through the Breach].
[05:16:51] j_meka draws two cards with [Bitter Reunion]'s ability.
[05:16:56] Turn 2: pandaemonium
[05:16:59] pandaemonium plays [Glacial Fortress].
[05:17:01] Turn 3: j_meka
[05:17:04] j_meka casts [Bitter Reunion].
[05:17:09] pandaemonium casts [Memory Lapse] targeting [Bitter Reunion].
[05:17:15] Turn 3: pandaemonium
[05:17:17] pandaemonium plays [Arcane Sanctum].
[05:17:24] Turn 4: j_meka
[05:17:27] j_meka casts [Bitter Reunion].
[05:17:31] pandaemonium casts [Memory Lapse] targeting [Bitter Reunion].
[05:17:36] Turn 4: pandaemonium
[05:17:41] pandaemonium casts [Ponder].
[05:18:04] pandaemonium chooses to not shuffle their library.
[05:18:04] pandaemonium draws a card with [Ponder].
[05:18:08] pandaemonium plays [Obscura Storefront].
[05:18:08] pandaemonium puts triggered ability from [Obscura Storefront] onto the stack (When Obscura Storefront enters the battlefield, sacrifice it. When you do, search your library for...).
[05:18:16] pandaemonium puts triggered ability from [Obscura Storefront] onto the stack (When you sacrifice Obscura Storefront, search your library for a basic Plains, Island, or Swamp ca...).
[05:18:42] Turn 5: j_meka
[05:18:47] j_meka casts [Bitter Reunion].
[05:18:55] pandaemonium casts [Lose Focus] targeting [Bitter Reunion].
[05:19:03] Turn 5: pandaemonium
[05:19:06] pandaemonium casts [Ruin Crab].
[05:19:17] pandaemonium casts [Painful Truths] (with 3 colors).
[05:19:17] pandaemonium draws three cards with [Painful Truths].
[05:19:20] pandaemonium plays [Obscura Storefront].
[05:19:23] pandaemonium puts triggered ability from [Ruin Crab] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, each opponent mills three cards.).
[05:19:23] pandaemonium puts triggered ability from [Obscura Storefront] onto the stack (When Obscura Storefront enters the battlefield, sacrifice it. When you do, search your library for...).
[05:19:23] pandaemonium puts triggered ability from [Obscura Storefront] onto the stack (When you sacrifice Obscura Storefront, search your library for a basic Plains, Island, or Swamp ca...).
[05:19:29] pandaemonium puts triggered ability from [Ruin Crab] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, each opponent mills three cards.).
[05:19:30] j_meka mills [Bitter Reunion], [Tyrant of Kher Ridges] and [Pyretic Ritual].
[05:19:30] j_meka mills [Desperate Ritual], [Mountain] and [Fire Prophecy].
[05:19:31] Turn 6: j_meka
[05:20:34] Turn 6: pandaemonium
[05:20:46] pandaemonium plays [Drowned Catacomb].
[05:20:46] pandaemonium puts triggered ability from [Ruin Crab] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, each opponent mills three cards.).
[05:20:50] j_meka mills [Dragonstorm], [Irencrag Feat] and [Mountain].
[05:20:56] Turn 7: j_meka
[05:21:13] j_meka discards [Bogardan Hellkite].
[05:21:13] Turn 7: pandaemonium
[05:21:17] pandaemonium plays [Arcane Sanctum].
[05:21:17] pandaemonium puts triggered ability from [Ruin Crab] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, each opponent mills three cards.).
[05:21:20] j_meka mills [Tyrant of Kher Ridges], [Irencrag Feat] and [Mountain].
[05:21:28] Turn 8: j_meka
[05:21:40] j_meka discards [Tyrant of Kher Ridges].
[05:21:40] Turn 8: pandaemonium
[05:21:54] pandaemonium casts [Painful Truths] (with 3 colors).
[05:21:56] pandaemonium draws three cards with [Painful Truths].
[05:22:00] pandaemonium plays [Glacial Fortress].
[05:22:01] pandaemonium puts triggered ability from [Ruin Crab] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, each opponent mills three cards.).
[05:22:03] j_meka mills [Mountain], [Bogardan Hellkite] and [Mountain].
[05:22:06] pandaemonium casts [Ponder].
[05:22:16] pandaemonium chooses to not shuffle their library.
[05:22:16] pandaemonium draws a card with [Ponder].
[05:22:18] pandaemonium casts [Ruin Crab].
[05:22:24] Turn 9: j_meka
[05:22:26] j_meka plays [Mountain].
[05:22:38] Turn 9: pandaemonium
[05:22:44] pandaemonium plays [Plains].
[05:22:44] pandaemonium puts triggered ability from [Ruin Crab] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, each opponent mills three cards.).
[05:22:44] pandaemonium puts triggered ability from [Ruin Crab] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, each opponent mills three cards.).
[05:22:47] j_meka mills [Irencrag Feat], [Pyretic Ritual] and [Mountain].
[05:22:49] j_meka mills [Mountain], [Fire Prophecy] and [Bitter Reunion].
[05:22:53] pandaemonium casts [Jace, Memory Adept].
[05:22:55] pandaemonium puts four loyalty counters on [Jace, Memory Adept].
[05:22:58] pandaemonium activates an ability of [Jace, Memory Adept] targeting j_meka ( Target player mills ten cards.).
[05:23:00] j_meka mills [Through the Breach], [Seething Song], [Fire Prophecy], [Mountain], [Desperate Ritual], [Mountain], [Mountain], [Mountain], [Mountain] and [Fire Prophecy].
[05:23:09] j_meka casts [Seething Song].
[05:23:12] j_meka casts [Through the Breach].
[05:23:23] j_meka puts triggered ability from [Bogardan Hellkite] onto the stack targeting pandaemonium for 5 (When Bogardan Hellkite enters the battlefield, it deals 5 damage divided as you choose among any n...).
[05:23:34] Turn 10: j_meka
[05:23:39] j_meka casts [Pyretic Ritual].
[05:23:44] j_meka casts [Desperate Ritual].
[05:23:49] j_meka casts [Desperate Ritual].
[05:23:54] j_meka casts [Seething Song].
[05:24:04] j_meka has conceded from the game.
Winner: pandaemonium
Game 1 Completed.

Game 824672960

[Time] 1672889099
[05:24:59] PDBot has started watching.
[05:25:04] j_meka mulligans to six cards.
[05:25:10] pandaemonium begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[05:25:14] j_meka puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[05:25:14] Turn 1: j_meka
[05:25:14] j_meka skips their draw step.
[05:25:15] j_meka plays [Mountain].
[05:25:22] Turn 1: pandaemonium
[05:25:26] pandaemonium plays [Obscura Storefront].
[05:25:26] pandaemonium puts triggered ability from [Obscura Storefront] onto the stack (When Obscura Storefront enters the battlefield, sacrifice it. When you do, search your library for...).
[05:25:33] pandaemonium puts triggered ability from [Obscura Storefront] onto the stack (When you sacrifice Obscura Storefront, search your library for a basic Plains, Island, or Swamp ca...).
[05:25:49] Turn 2: j_meka
[05:25:51] j_meka plays [Mountain].
[05:25:53] j_meka casts [Bitter Reunion].
[05:25:53] j_meka puts triggered ability from [Bitter Reunion] onto the stack (When Bitter Reunion enters the battlefield, you may discard a card. If you do, draw two cards.).
[05:25:56] j_meka discards [Pyretic Ritual].
[05:25:56] j_meka draws two cards with [Bitter Reunion]'s ability.
[05:26:00] Turn 2: pandaemonium
[05:26:04] pandaemonium plays [Drowned Catacomb].
[05:26:10] Turn 3: j_meka
[05:26:12] j_meka plays [Mountain].
[05:26:17] Turn 3: pandaemonium
[05:26:19] pandaemonium plays [Island].
[05:26:25] Turn 4: j_meka
[05:26:28] j_meka casts [Bitter Reunion].
[05:26:37] pandaemonium casts [Memory Lapse] targeting [Bitter Reunion].
[05:26:39] j_meka plays [Mountain].
[05:26:44] Turn 4: pandaemonium
[05:26:46] pandaemonium plays [Glacial Fortress].
[05:26:52] Turn 5: j_meka
[05:26:53] j_meka plays [Mountain].
[05:26:55] j_meka casts [Bitter Reunion].
[05:27:01] j_meka puts triggered ability from [Bitter Reunion] onto the stack (When Bitter Reunion enters the battlefield, you may discard a card. If you do, draw two cards.).
[05:27:05] j_meka discards [Mountain].
[05:27:05] j_meka draws two cards with [Bitter Reunion]'s ability.
[05:27:33] Turn 5: pandaemonium
[05:27:35] pandaemonium plays [Drowned Catacomb].
[05:27:42] Turn 6: j_meka
[05:27:45] j_meka casts [Glorybringer].
[05:27:52] pandaemonium casts [Exclude] targeting [Glorybringer].
[05:27:54] pandaemonium draws a card with [Exclude].
[05:27:59] Turn 6: pandaemonium
[05:28:02] pandaemonium plays [Plains].
[05:28:09] pandaemonium casts [Painful Truths] (with 3 colors).
[05:28:09] pandaemonium draws three cards with [Painful Truths].
[05:28:24] pandaemonium discards [Plains].
[05:28:24] Turn 7: j_meka
[05:28:27] j_meka plays [Mountain].
[05:28:35] j_meka casts [Desperate Ritual] splicing [Desperate Ritual].
[05:28:42] j_meka casts [Tyrant of Kher Ridges].
[05:28:50] pandaemonium casts [Forbid] targeting [Tyrant of Kher Ridges].
[05:29:00] Turn 7: pandaemonium
[05:29:02] pandaemonium plays [Arcane Sanctum].
[05:29:06] pandaemonium casts [Ponder].
[05:29:12] pandaemonium chooses to shuffle their library.
[05:29:12] pandaemonium draws a card with [Ponder].
[05:29:16] Turn 8: j_meka
[05:29:26] Turn 8: pandaemonium
[05:29:29] pandaemonium plays [Urza's Factory].
[05:29:36] pandaemonium casts [Jace, Memory Adept].
[05:29:38] pandaemonium puts four loyalty counters on [Jace, Memory Adept].
[05:29:41] pandaemonium activates an ability of [Jace, Memory Adept] targeting j_meka ( Target player mills ten cards.).
[05:29:44] j_meka mills [Pyretic Ritual], j_meka, pandaemonium, [Desperate Ritual], [Bogardan Hellkite], [Mountain], [Mountain], [Mountain], [Mountain] and [Mountain].
[05:29:56] j_meka casts [Seething Song].
[05:30:01] j_meka casts [Bogardan Hellkite].
[05:30:10] j_meka puts triggered ability from [Bogardan Hellkite] onto the stack targeting [Jace, Memory Adept] for 4, and pandaemonium for 1 (When Bogardan Hellkite enters the battlefield, it deals 5 damage divided as you choose among any n...).
[05:30:16] j_meka removes four loyalty counters from [Jace, Memory Adept].
[05:30:17] Turn 9: j_meka
[05:30:23] pandaemonium is being attacked by [Bogardan Hellkite]
[05:30:30] pandaemonium casts [Fierce Retribution] targeting [Bogardan Hellkite].
[05:30:42] j_meka casts [Thunderbreak Regent].
[05:30:50] Turn 9: pandaemonium
[05:31:03] pandaemonium casts [Damn] for its overload cost using an alternate cost.
[05:31:09] pandaemonium plays [Island].
[05:31:17] Turn 10: j_meka
[05:31:31] Turn 10: pandaemonium
[05:31:45] Turn 11: j_meka
[05:31:49] j_meka casts [Thunderbreak Regent].
[05:32:03] j_meka activates an ability of [Bitter Reunion] ( Creatures you control gain haste until end of turn.).
[05:32:10] pandaemonium is being attacked by [Thunderbreak Regent]
[05:32:26] pandaemonium activates an ability of [Urza's Factory] ( Create a 2/2 colorless Assembly-Worker artifact creature token.).
[05:32:27] pandaemonium's [Urza's Factory] creates an Assembly-Worker Token.
[05:32:30] Turn 11: pandaemonium
[05:32:33] pandaemonium plays [Drowned Catacomb].
[05:32:47] j_meka is being attacked by [Assembly-Worker Token]
[05:32:52] Turn 12: j_meka
[05:32:55] j_meka plays [Mountain].
[05:33:06] pandaemonium is being attacked by [Thunderbreak Regent]
[05:33:18] pandaemonium activates an ability of [Urza's Factory] ( Create a 2/2 colorless Assembly-Worker artifact creature token.).
[05:33:18] pandaemonium's [Urza's Factory] creates an Assembly-Worker Token.
[05:33:21] Turn 12: pandaemonium
[05:33:26] pandaemonium casts [Ruin Crab].
[05:33:32] pandaemonium casts [Detention Sphere].
[05:33:37] pandaemonium puts triggered ability from [Detention Sphere] onto the stack targeting [Thunderbreak Regent] (When Detention Sphere enters the battlefield, you may exile target nonland permanent not named Det...).
[05:33:37] j_meka puts triggered ability from [Thunderbreak Regent] onto the stack (Whenever a Dragon you control becomes the target of a spell or ability an opponent controls, Thund...).
[05:33:45] pandaemonium plays [Island].
[05:33:45] pandaemonium puts triggered ability from [Ruin Crab] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, each opponent mills three cards.).
[05:33:47] j_meka mills [Tyrant of Kher Ridges], [Through the Breach] and [Pyretic Ritual].
[05:33:52] j_meka is being attacked by [Assembly-Worker Token] and [Assembly-Worker Token]
[05:33:54] Turn 13: j_meka
[05:34:01] Turn 13: pandaemonium
[05:34:04] pandaemonium plays [Island].
[05:34:05] pandaemonium puts triggered ability from [Ruin Crab] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, each opponent mills three cards.).
[05:34:08] j_meka mills [Seething Song], [Mountain] and [Dragonstorm].
[05:34:19] j_meka is being attacked by [Assembly-Worker Token] and [Assembly-Worker Token]
[05:34:30] Turn 14: j_meka
[05:34:36] j_meka plays [Mountain].
[05:34:42] Turn 14: pandaemonium
[05:34:49] pandaemonium casts [Fact or Fiction].
[05:35:09] pandaemonium puts [Island], [Ponder], [Damn], [Arcane Sanctum] into their hand with [Fact or Fiction].
[05:35:09] pandaemonium puts [Forbid] into their graveyard.
[05:35:12] pandaemonium casts [Ponder].
[05:35:23] pandaemonium chooses to not shuffle their library.
[05:35:24] pandaemonium draws a card with [Ponder].
[05:35:33] pandaemonium casts [Painful Truths] (with 3 colors).
[05:35:33] pandaemonium draws three cards with [Painful Truths].
[05:35:37] pandaemonium casts [Ruin Crab].
[05:35:40] pandaemonium plays [Arcane Sanctum].
[05:35:40] pandaemonium puts triggered ability from [Ruin Crab] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, each opponent mills three cards.).
[05:35:41] pandaemonium puts triggered ability from [Ruin Crab] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, each opponent mills three cards.).
[05:35:43] j_meka mills [Through the Breach], [Irencrag Feat] and [Bogardan Hellkite].
[05:35:43] j_meka mills [Mountain], [Mountain] and [Mountain].
[05:35:47] j_meka is being attacked by [Assembly-Worker Token] and [Assembly-Worker Token]
[05:35:50] Turn 15: j_meka
[05:35:53] j_meka casts [Bitter Reunion].
[05:36:02] pandaemonium casts [Negate] targeting [Bitter Reunion].
[05:36:14] Turn 15: pandaemonium
[05:36:17] pandaemonium plays [Drowned Catacomb].
[05:36:18] pandaemonium puts triggered ability from [Ruin Crab] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, each opponent mills three cards.).
[05:36:18] pandaemonium puts triggered ability from [Ruin Crab] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, each opponent mills three cards.).
[05:36:20] j_meka mills [Tyrant of Kher Ridges], [Through the Breach] and [Irencrag Feat].
[05:36:22] j_meka mills [Bitter Reunion], [Desperate Ritual] and [Through the Breach].
[05:36:28] j_meka is being attacked by [Assembly-Worker Token] and [Assembly-Worker Token]
[05:36:32] Turn 16: j_meka
[05:36:43] j_meka casts [Desperate Ritual].
[05:36:50] j_meka casts [Thunderbreak Regent].
[05:37:13] pandaemonium casts [Wipe Away] targeting [Bitter Reunion].
[05:37:20] pandaemonium returns [Bitter Reunion] to its owner's hand with [Wipe Away].
[05:37:30] j_meka casts [Bitter Reunion].
[05:37:38] pandaemonium has conceded from the game.
Winner: j_meka
Game 2 Completed.

Game 824674490

[Time] 1672889890
[05:38:10] PDBot has started watching.
[05:38:11] pandaemonium chooses to play first.
[05:38:15] pandaemonium mulligans to six cards.
[05:38:17] j_meka begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[05:38:21] pandaemonium puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[05:38:21] Turn 1: pandaemonium
[05:38:21] pandaemonium skips their draw step.
[05:38:23] pandaemonium plays [Arcane Sanctum].
[05:38:28] Turn 1: j_meka
[05:38:29] j_meka plays [Mountain].
[05:38:34] Turn 2: pandaemonium
[05:38:38] pandaemonium plays [Island].
[05:38:40] Turn 2: j_meka
[05:38:42] j_meka plays [Mountain].
[05:38:51] Turn 3: pandaemonium
[05:38:55] pandaemonium plays [Arcane Sanctum].
[05:39:00] Turn 3: j_meka
[05:39:01] j_meka plays [Mountain].
[05:39:08] Turn 4: pandaemonium
[05:39:09] pandaemonium plays [Island].
[05:39:18] j_meka casts [Seething Song].
[05:39:20] j_meka casts [Through the Breach].
[05:39:24] j_meka puts triggered ability from [Bogardan Hellkite] onto the stack targeting pandaemonium for 5 (When Bogardan Hellkite enters the battlefield, it deals 5 damage divided as you choose among any n...).
[05:39:27] Turn 4: j_meka
[05:39:29] j_meka plays [Mountain].
[05:39:35] pandaemonium is being attacked by [Bogardan Hellkite]
[05:39:39] pandaemonium casts [Fierce Retribution] targeting [Bogardan Hellkite].
[05:39:42] j_meka puts triggered ability from [Through the Breach] onto the stack (66166,454:@] at the beginning of the next end step.).
[05:39:47] Turn 5: pandaemonium
[05:39:55] Turn 5: j_meka
[05:39:57] j_meka plays [Mountain].
[05:39:59] j_meka casts [Glorybringer].
[05:40:05] pandaemonium casts [Exclude] targeting [Glorybringer].
[05:40:05] pandaemonium draws a card with [Exclude].
[05:40:10] Turn 6: pandaemonium
[05:40:12] pandaemonium plays [Arcane Sanctum].
[05:40:18] Turn 6: j_meka
[05:40:19] j_meka plays [Mountain].
[05:40:24] Turn 7: pandaemonium
[05:40:40] Turn 7: j_meka
[05:40:47] j_meka casts [Tyrant of Kher Ridges].
[05:41:04] pandaemonium casts [Lose Focus] targeting [Tyrant of Kher Ridges].
[05:41:15] Turn 8: pandaemonium
[05:41:17] pandaemonium casts [Ruin Crab].
[05:41:23] Turn 8: j_meka
[05:41:25] j_meka plays [Mountain].
[05:41:30] Turn 9: pandaemonium
[05:41:40] Turn 9: j_meka
[05:41:42] j_meka plays [Mountain].
[05:42:00] Turn 10: pandaemonium
[05:42:03] pandaemonium casts [Ponder].
[05:42:13] pandaemonium chooses to not shuffle their library.
[05:42:13] pandaemonium draws a card with [Ponder].
[05:42:14] pandaemonium plays [Island].
[05:42:14] pandaemonium puts triggered ability from [Ruin Crab] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, each opponent mills three cards.).
[05:42:19] j_meka mills [Bogardan Hellkite], [Mountain] and [Bogardan Hellkite].
[05:42:38] Turn 10: j_meka
[05:42:48] Turn 11: pandaemonium
[05:43:19] Turn 11: j_meka
[05:43:22] j_meka casts [Bitter Reunion].
[05:43:36] j_meka puts triggered ability from [Bitter Reunion] onto the stack (When Bitter Reunion enters the battlefield, you may discard a card. If you do, draw two cards.).
[05:43:42] j_meka discards [Pyretic Ritual].
[05:43:42] j_meka draws two cards with [Bitter Reunion]'s ability.
[05:43:46] j_meka casts [Bitter Reunion].
[05:43:48] j_meka puts triggered ability from [Bitter Reunion] onto the stack (When Bitter Reunion enters the battlefield, you may discard a card. If you do, draw two cards.).
[05:43:52] j_meka discards [Pyretic Ritual].
[05:43:52] j_meka draws two cards with [Bitter Reunion]'s ability.
[05:44:02] Turn 12: pandaemonium
[05:44:05] pandaemonium plays [Island].
[05:44:05] pandaemonium puts triggered ability from [Ruin Crab] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, each opponent mills three cards.).
[05:44:08] j_meka mills [Tyrant of Kher Ridges], [Mountain] and [Bitter Reunion].
[05:44:11] pandaemonium casts [Detention Sphere].
[05:44:16] pandaemonium puts triggered ability from [Detention Sphere] onto the stack targeting [Bitter Reunion] (When Detention Sphere enters the battlefield, you may exile target nonland permanent not named Det...).
[05:44:19] j_meka activates an ability of [Bitter Reunion] ( Creatures you control gain haste until end of turn.).
[05:44:23] pandaemonium's Triggered ability from Detention Sphere is removed from the stack because it has no legal targets.
[05:44:34] Turn 12: j_meka
[05:44:41] j_meka casts [Thunderbreak Regent].
[05:44:49] pandaemonium casts [Memory Lapse] targeting [Thunderbreak Regent].
[05:45:13] Turn 13: pandaemonium
[05:45:15] pandaemonium plays [Swamp].
[05:45:16] pandaemonium puts triggered ability from [Ruin Crab] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, each opponent mills three cards.).
[05:45:19] j_meka mills [Thunderbreak Regent], [Irencrag Feat] and [Thunderbreak Regent].
[05:45:25] pandaemonium casts [Detention Sphere].
[05:45:29] pandaemonium puts triggered ability from [Detention Sphere] onto the stack targeting [Bitter Reunion] (When Detention Sphere enters the battlefield, you may exile target nonland permanent not named Det...).
[05:45:53] Turn 13: j_meka
[05:45:59] j_meka casts [Desperate Ritual].
[05:46:06] j_meka casts [Seething Song].
[05:46:12] j_meka casts [Dragonstorm].
[05:46:12] j_meka puts triggered ability from [Dragonstorm] onto the stack (2 spells cast before Dragonstorm this turn.
Storm (When you cast this spell, copy it for each sp...).
[05:46:34] j_meka puts triggered ability from [Bogardan Hellkite] onto the stack targeting pandaemonium for 5 (When Bogardan Hellkite enters the battlefield, it deals 5 damage divided as you choose among any n...).
[05:46:46] j_meka puts triggered ability from [Tyrant of Kher Ridges] onto the stack targeting pandaemonium (When Tyrant of Kher Ridges enters the battlefield, it deals 4 damage to any target.).
[05:47:18] pandaemonium casts [Wipe Away] targeting [Glorybringer].
[05:47:20] pandaemonium returns [Glorybringer] to its owner's hand with [Wipe Away].
[05:47:29] Turn 14: pandaemonium
[05:47:32] pandaemonium casts [Ruin Crab].
[05:47:37] pandaemonium casts [Detention Sphere].
[05:47:41] pandaemonium puts triggered ability from [Detention Sphere] onto the stack targeting [Bogardan Hellkite] (When Detention Sphere enters the battlefield, you may exile target nonland permanent not named Det...).
[05:47:56] Turn 14: j_meka
[05:47:58] j_meka plays [Mountain].
[05:48:02] j_meka casts [Glorybringer].
[05:48:06] pandaemonium casts [Memory Lapse] targeting [Glorybringer].
[05:48:14] pandaemonium is being attacked by [Tyrant of Kher Ridges]
[05:48:22] j_meka activates an ability of [Tyrant of Kher Ridges] ( Tyrant of Kher Ridges gets +1/+0 until end of turn.).
[05:48:27] j_meka activates an ability of [Tyrant of Kher Ridges] ( Tyrant of Kher Ridges gets +1/+0 until end of turn.).
[05:48:37] pandaemonium casts [Fierce Retribution] targeting [Tyrant of Kher Ridges].
[05:48:47] Turn 15: pandaemonium
[05:48:57] Turn 15: j_meka
[05:48:59] j_meka casts [Glorybringer].
[05:49:03] pandaemonium casts [Forbid] targeting [Glorybringer].
[05:49:08] Turn 16: pandaemonium
[05:49:12] pandaemonium plays [Island].
[05:49:13] pandaemonium puts triggered ability from [Ruin Crab] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, each opponent mills three cards.).
[05:49:13] pandaemonium puts triggered ability from [Ruin Crab] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, each opponent mills three cards.).
[05:49:16] j_meka mills [Desperate Ritual], [Thunderbreak Regent] and [Irencrag Feat].
[05:49:18] j_meka mills [Irencrag Feat], [Thunderbreak Regent] and [Pyretic Ritual].
[05:49:26] Turn 16: j_meka
[05:49:37] j_meka casts [Bitter Reunion].
[05:49:38] j_meka puts triggered ability from [Bitter Reunion] onto the stack (When Bitter Reunion enters the battlefield, you may discard a card. If you do, draw two cards.).
[05:49:41] j_meka discards [Through the Breach].
[05:49:41] j_meka draws two cards with [Bitter Reunion]'s ability.
[05:49:44] j_meka plays [Mountain].
[05:49:47] j_meka casts [Glorybringer].
[05:49:52] pandaemonium is being attacked by [Glorybringer]
[05:49:59] Turn 17: pandaemonium
[05:50:02] pandaemonium plays [Obscura Storefront].
[05:50:10] pandaemonium puts triggered ability from [Ruin Crab] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, each opponent mills three cards.).
[05:50:11] pandaemonium puts triggered ability from [Ruin Crab] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, each opponent mills three cards.).
[05:50:11] pandaemonium puts triggered ability from [Obscura Storefront] onto the stack (When Obscura Storefront enters the battlefield, sacrifice it. When you do, search your library for...).
[05:50:11] pandaemonium puts triggered ability from [Obscura Storefront] onto the stack (When you sacrifice Obscura Storefront, search your library for a basic Plains, Island, or Swamp ca...).
[05:50:14] pandaemonium puts triggered ability from [Ruin Crab] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, each opponent mills three cards.).
[05:50:14] pandaemonium puts triggered ability from [Ruin Crab] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, each opponent mills three cards.).
[05:50:15] j_meka mills [Through the Breach], [Mountain] and [Mountain].
[05:50:15] j_meka mills [Mountain], [Mountain] and [Dragonstorm].
[05:50:15] j_meka mills [Tyrant of Kher Ridges], [Desperate Ritual] and [Seething Song].
[05:50:16] j_meka mills [Desperate Ritual], [Pyretic Ritual] and [Seething Song].
[05:50:23] [CHAT] pandaemonium: gg
[05:50:33] pandaemonium has conceded from the game.
Winner: j_meka
Game 3 Completed.
Match Winner: j_meka: 2–1
[05:50:33] [CHAT] j_meka: gg