PDBot Stats

Game 820418886

[Time] 1669429109
[04:18:30] PDBot has started watching.
[04:18:30] MuffledSilence joined the game.
[League] Normal Crank by birdsandbees (201393) vs Mill-Itary by muffledsilence (201359)
[04:18:31] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[04:18:32] BirdsAndBees chooses to play first.
[04:18:39] BirdsAndBees begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[04:18:44] MuffledSilence begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[04:18:44] Turn 1: BirdsAndBees
[04:18:46] BirdsAndBees skips their draw step.
[04:18:47] BirdsAndBees plays [Drowned Catacomb].
[04:18:52] Turn 1: MuffledSilence
[04:18:55] MuffledSilence plays [Island].
[04:18:57] MuffledSilence casts [Ruin Crab].
[04:19:06] Turn 2: BirdsAndBees
[04:19:10] BirdsAndBees plays [Island].
[04:19:14] BirdsAndBees casts [Evangel of Synthesis].
[04:19:19] BirdsAndBees puts triggered ability from [Evangel of Synthesis] onto the stack (When Evangel of Synthesis enters the battlefield, draw a card, then discard a card.).
[04:19:21] BirdsAndBees draws a card with [Evangel of Synthesis]'s ability.
[04:19:22] BirdsAndBees discards [Master of Death].
[04:19:27] Turn 2: MuffledSilence
[04:19:31] MuffledSilence casts [Ruin Crab].
[04:19:35] MuffledSilence plays [Obscura Storefront].
[04:19:37] MuffledSilence puts triggered ability from [Ruin Crab] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, each opponent mills three cards.).
[04:19:39] MuffledSilence puts triggered ability from [Ruin Crab] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, each opponent mills three cards.).
[04:19:39] MuffledSilence puts triggered ability from [Obscura Storefront] onto the stack (When Obscura Storefront enters the battlefield, sacrifice it. When you do, search your library for...).
[04:19:45] MuffledSilence puts triggered ability from [Obscura Storefront] onto the stack (When you sacrifice Obscura Storefront, search your library for a basic Plains, Island, or Swamp ca...).
[04:19:50] MuffledSilence puts triggered ability from [Ruin Crab] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, each opponent mills three cards.).
[04:19:50] MuffledSilence puts triggered ability from [Ruin Crab] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, each opponent mills three cards.).
[04:19:53] BirdsAndBees mills [Lochmere Serpent], [Swamp] and [Lose Focus].
[04:19:54] BirdsAndBees mills [Island], [Island] and [Swamp].
[04:19:55] BirdsAndBees mills [Tainted Indulgence], [Treasure Cruise] and [Duress].
[04:19:56] BirdsAndBees mills [Tainted Indulgence], [Island] and [Mindcrank].
[04:20:10] Turn 3: BirdsAndBees
[04:20:11] BirdsAndBees puts triggered ability from [Master of Death] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, if Master of Death is in your graveyard, you may pay 1 life. If y...).
[04:20:20] BirdsAndBees plays [Drowned Catacomb].
[04:20:24] BirdsAndBees casts [Duress] targeting MuffledSilence.
[04:20:48] MuffledSilence discards [Didn't Say Please].
[04:20:48] MuffledSilence reveals their hand to [Duress], containing [Opt], [Island], [Jace, Memory Adept], and [Maestros Theater].
[04:20:57] BirdsAndBees casts [Tyrant's Scorn] targeting [Ruin Crab] (Destroy target creature with mana value 3 or less.).
[04:21:03] Turn 3: MuffledSilence
[04:21:11] MuffledSilence plays [Maestros Theater].
[04:21:17] MuffledSilence puts triggered ability from [Maestros Theater] onto the stack (When Maestros Theater enters the battlefield, sacrifice it. When you do, search your library for a...).
[04:21:17] MuffledSilence puts triggered ability from [Ruin Crab] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, each opponent mills three cards.).
[04:21:19] BirdsAndBees mills [Drowned Catacomb], [Lose Focus] and [Master of Death].
[04:21:23] MuffledSilence puts triggered ability from [Maestros Theater] onto the stack (When you sacrifice Maestros Theater, search your library for a basic Island, Swamp, or Mountain ca...).
[04:21:27] MuffledSilence puts triggered ability from [Ruin Crab] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, each opponent mills three cards.).
[04:21:29] BirdsAndBees mills [Tainted Indulgence], [Treasure Cruise] and [Duskmantle Guildmage].
[04:21:34] MuffledSilence casts [Opt].
[04:21:38] MuffledSilence scrys 1 (0 top, 1 bottom).
[04:21:38] MuffledSilence draws a card with [Opt].
[04:21:47] Turn 4: BirdsAndBees
[04:21:47] BirdsAndBees puts triggered ability from [Master of Death] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, if Master of Death is in your graveyard, you may pay 1 life. If y...).
[04:22:06] BirdsAndBees casts [Treasure Cruise].
[04:22:10] BirdsAndBees draws three cards with [Treasure Cruise].
[04:22:14] BirdsAndBees plays [Island].
[04:22:22] MuffledSilence is being attacked by [Evangel of Synthesis]
[04:22:34] BirdsAndBees casts [Bloodchief's Thirst] targeting [Ruin Crab].
[04:22:45] BirdsAndBees casts BirdsAndBees.
[04:22:50] BirdsAndBees puts triggered ability from BirdsAndBees onto the stack (When Evangel of Synthesis enters the battlefield, draw a card, then discard a card.).
[04:22:51] BirdsAndBees draws a card with BirdsAndBees's ability.
[04:22:53] BirdsAndBees discards [Master of Death].
[04:22:56] Turn 4: MuffledSilence
[04:23:00] MuffledSilence plays [Island].
[04:23:04] MuffledSilence casts [Mind Sculpt] targeting BirdsAndBees.
[04:23:06] BirdsAndBees mills [Island], [Erebos's Intervention], [Swamp], [Duskmantle Guildmage], [Ponder], [Diabolic Edict] and [Erebos's Intervention].
[04:23:13] Turn 5: BirdsAndBees
[04:23:13] BirdsAndBees puts triggered ability from [Master of Death] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, if Master of Death is in your graveyard, you may pay 1 life. If y...).
[04:23:13] BirdsAndBees puts triggered ability from [Master of Death] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, if Master of Death is in your graveyard, you may pay 1 life. If y...).
[04:23:25] BirdsAndBees plays [Choked Estuary].
[04:23:36] BirdsAndBees activates an ability of [Lochmere Serpent] targeting [Mind Sculpt], [Opt], [Didn't Say Please], [Ruin Crab], and [Ruin Crab] ( Exile five target cards from an opponent's graveyard. Return Lochmere Serpent from your graveyard...).
[04:23:41] [Lochmere Serpent] is returned to BirdsAndBees's hand from the graveyard.
[04:23:45] BirdsAndBees casts [Ponder].
[04:23:50] BirdsAndBees chooses to shuffle their library.
[04:23:50] BirdsAndBees draws a card with [Ponder].
[04:23:59] MuffledSilence is being attacked by BirdsAndBees and [Evangel of Synthesis]
[04:24:05] Turn 5: MuffledSilence
[04:24:09] MuffledSilence plays [Island].
[04:24:24] MuffledSilence casts [Jace, Memory Adept].
[04:24:25] MuffledSilence puts four loyalty counters on [Jace, Memory Adept].
[04:24:30] MuffledSilence activates an ability of [Jace, Memory Adept] targeting BirdsAndBees ( Target player mills ten cards.).
[04:24:32] BirdsAndBees mills [Ritual of Soot], [Choked Estuary], [Dimir Aqueduct], [Choked Estuary], [Duskmantle Guildmage], [Lose Focus], [Forbid], [Drowned Catacomb], [Repeal] and [Ponder].
[04:24:42] Turn 6: BirdsAndBees
[04:24:42] BirdsAndBees puts triggered ability from [Master of Death] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, if Master of Death is in your graveyard, you may pay 1 life. If y...).
[04:24:50] BirdsAndBees plays [Island].
[04:25:00] MuffledSilence's [Jace, Memory Adept] is being attacked by BirdsAndBees and [Evangel of Synthesis]
[04:25:02] BirdsAndBees removes four loyalty counters from [Jace, Memory Adept].
[04:25:05] Turn 6: MuffledSilence
[04:25:10] MuffledSilence plays [Island].
[04:25:14] MuffledSilence casts [Dream Twist] targeting BirdsAndBees.
[04:25:17] BirdsAndBees mills [Duress], [Barren Moor] and [Mindcrank].
[04:25:22] MuffledSilence casts [Dream Twist] from the graveyard targeting BirdsAndBees.
[04:25:24] BirdsAndBees mills [Mindcrank], [Duskmantle Guildmage] and [Lose Focus].
[04:25:33] MuffledSilence casts [Chronic Flooding] targeting [Choked Estuary].
[04:25:45] BirdsAndBees casts [Lochmere Serpent].
[04:26:07] Turn 7: BirdsAndBees
[04:26:07] BirdsAndBees puts triggered ability from [Master of Death] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, if Master of Death is in your graveyard, you may pay 1 life. If y...).
[04:26:17] BirdsAndBees has conceded from the game.
Winner: MuffledSilence
Game 1 Completed.

Game 820419442

[Time] 1669429631
[04:27:11] PDBot has started watching.
[04:27:17] MuffledSilence mulligans to six cards.
[04:27:25] MuffledSilence puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[04:27:25] Turn 1: BirdsAndBees
[04:27:26] BirdsAndBees skips their draw step.
[04:27:27] BirdsAndBees plays [Swamp].
[04:27:34] Turn 1: MuffledSilence
[04:27:36] MuffledSilence plays [Island].
[04:27:41] MuffledSilence casts [Ruin Crab].
[04:27:49] Turn 2: BirdsAndBees
[04:27:52] BirdsAndBees plays [Island].
[04:27:55] BirdsAndBees casts [Bloodchief's Thirst] targeting [Ruin Crab].
[04:27:59] Turn 2: MuffledSilence
[04:28:02] MuffledSilence plays [Island].
[04:28:10] MuffledSilence casts [Opt].
[04:28:14] MuffledSilence scrys 1 (0 top, 1 bottom).
[04:28:14] MuffledSilence draws a card with [Opt].
[04:28:19] MuffledSilence casts [Dream Twist] targeting BirdsAndBees.
[04:28:21] BirdsAndBees mills [Ritual of Soot], [Ponder] and [Choked Estuary].
[04:28:31] Turn 3: BirdsAndBees
[04:28:36] BirdsAndBees casts [Evangel of Synthesis].
[04:28:38] BirdsAndBees puts triggered ability from [Evangel of Synthesis] onto the stack (When Evangel of Synthesis enters the battlefield, draw a card, then discard a card.).
[04:28:40] BirdsAndBees draws a card with [Evangel of Synthesis]'s ability.
[04:28:41] BirdsAndBees discards [Yahenni's Expertise].
[04:28:43] BirdsAndBees plays [Island].
[04:28:48] Turn 3: MuffledSilence
[04:28:51] MuffledSilence plays [Island].
[04:28:56] MuffledSilence casts [Moat Piranhas].
[04:29:05] Turn 4: BirdsAndBees
[04:29:09] BirdsAndBees casts [Tainted Indulgence].
[04:29:15] BirdsAndBees draws two cards with [Tainted Indulgence].
[04:29:19] BirdsAndBees discards [Island].
[04:29:20] BirdsAndBees plays [Island].
[04:29:26] MuffledSilence is being attacked by [Evangel of Synthesis]
[04:29:32] [Moat Piranhas] blocks [Evangel of Synthesis].
[04:29:35] Illegal blocking - @B[Evangel of Synthesis] can't be blocked except by 2 or more creatures, but only 1 are assigned to block it.
[04:29:51] Turn 4: MuffledSilence
[04:29:55] MuffledSilence casts [Ruin Crab].
[04:30:01] MuffledSilence plays [Island].
[04:30:01] MuffledSilence puts triggered ability from [Ruin Crab] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, each opponent mills three cards.).
[04:30:08] BirdsAndBees mills [Swamp], [Duskmantle Guildmage] and [Duress].
[04:30:11] MuffledSilence casts [Ponder].
[04:31:12] MuffledSilence chooses to not shuffle their library.
[04:31:12] MuffledSilence draws a card with [Ponder].
[04:31:13] Turn 5: BirdsAndBees
[04:31:14] BirdsAndBees casts [Treasure Cruise].
[04:31:14] BirdsAndBees draws three cards with [Treasure Cruise].
[04:32:18] BirdsAndBees plays [Drowned Catacomb].
[04:32:19] MuffledSilence is being attacked by [Evangel of Synthesis]
[04:32:21] [Moat Piranhas] blocks [Evangel of Synthesis].
[04:32:21] [Ruin Crab] blocks [Evangel of Synthesis].
[04:32:25] BirdsAndBees casts [Erebos's Intervention] targeting [Ruin Crab]. (X is 3) (Target creature gets -X/-X until end of turn. You gain X life.).
[04:32:25] MuffledSilence casts [Spell Pierce] targeting [Erebos's Intervention].
[04:32:26] Turn 5: MuffledSilence
[04:32:26] MuffledSilence plays [Island].
[04:32:26] MuffledSilence puts triggered ability from [Ruin Crab] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, each opponent mills three cards.).
[04:32:26] BirdsAndBees mills [Swamp], [Mindcrank] and [Island].
[04:32:26] MuffledSilence casts [Kaijin of the Vanishing Touch].
[04:32:28] Turn 6: BirdsAndBees
[04:32:28] BirdsAndBees plays [Choked Estuary].
[04:32:30] BirdsAndBees casts BirdsAndBees.
[04:32:32] BirdsAndBees draws two cards with BirdsAndBees.
[04:32:44] MuffledSilence is being attacked by [Evangel of Synthesis]
[04:32:51] [Moat Piranhas] blocks [Evangel of Synthesis].
[04:32:52] [Kaijin of the Vanishing Touch] blocks [Evangel of Synthesis].
[04:33:02] Blockers for [Evangel of Synthesis] are ordered as follows: [Kaijin of the Vanishing Touch], [Moat Piranhas]
[04:33:02] MuffledSilence puts triggered ability from [Kaijin of the Vanishing Touch] onto the stack (Whenever Kaijin of the Vanishing Touch blocks a creature, return that creature to its owner's hand...).
[04:33:10] BirdsAndBees casts [Repeal] targeting [Moat Piranhas]. (X is 2).
[04:33:11] BirdsAndBees returns [Moat Piranhas] to its owner's hand with [Repeal].
[04:33:11] BirdsAndBees draws a card with [Repeal].
[04:33:15] MuffledSilence puts triggered ability from [Kaijin of the Vanishing Touch] onto the stack (Return this to its owner's hand).
[04:33:21] Turn 6: MuffledSilence
[04:33:27] MuffledSilence casts [Mind Sculpt] targeting BirdsAndBees.
[04:33:28] BirdsAndBees mills [Tyrant's Scorn], [Choked Estuary], [Drowned Catacomb], [Ponder], [Mindcrank], [Duskmantle Guildmage] and [Duskmantle Guildmage].
[04:33:31] MuffledSilence casts [Moat Piranhas].
[04:33:42] Turn 7: BirdsAndBees
[04:33:48] BirdsAndBees casts [Evangel of Synthesis].
[04:33:51] BirdsAndBees puts triggered ability from [Evangel of Synthesis] onto the stack (When Evangel of Synthesis enters the battlefield, draw a card, then discard a card.).
[04:33:53] BirdsAndBees draws a card with [Evangel of Synthesis]'s ability.
[04:34:03] BirdsAndBees discards [Island].
[04:34:12] BirdsAndBees discards [Barren Moor].
[04:34:12] BirdsAndBees cycles [Barren Moor].
[04:34:18] BirdsAndBees plays [Dimir Aqueduct].
[04:34:18] BirdsAndBees puts triggered ability from [Dimir Aqueduct] onto the stack (When Dimir Aqueduct enters the battlefield, return a land you control to its owner's hand.).
[04:34:22] BirdsAndBees returns [Swamp] to its owner's hand with [Dimir Aqueduct]'s ability.
[04:34:28] Turn 7: MuffledSilence
[04:34:30] MuffledSilence plays [Island].
[04:34:30] MuffledSilence puts triggered ability from [Ruin Crab] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, each opponent mills three cards.).
[04:34:32] BirdsAndBees mills [Choked Estuary], [Erebos's Intervention] and [Drowned Catacomb].
[04:34:41] Turn 8: BirdsAndBees
[04:34:52] BirdsAndBees casts [Treasure Cruise].
[04:34:54] BirdsAndBees draws three cards with [Treasure Cruise].
[04:35:02] BirdsAndBees plays [Island].
[04:35:19] MuffledSilence is being attacked by [Evangel of Synthesis]
[04:35:29] BirdsAndBees casts [Master of Death].
[04:35:33] BirdsAndBees puts triggered ability from [Master of Death] onto the stack (When Master of Death enters the battlefield, surveil 2.).
[04:35:42] BirdsAndBees puts 2 cards on top of their library.
[04:35:47] BirdsAndBees casts [Tainted Indulgence].
[04:35:49] BirdsAndBees draws two cards with [Tainted Indulgence].
[04:35:55] BirdsAndBees casts [Tyrant's Scorn] targeting [Ruin Crab] (Destroy target creature with mana value 3 or less.).
[04:36:02] BirdsAndBees discards [Swamp].
[04:36:03] Turn 8: MuffledSilence
[04:36:06] MuffledSilence casts [Ruin Crab].
[04:36:17] Turn 9: BirdsAndBees
[04:36:36] MuffledSilence is being attacked by [Master of Death]
[04:36:40] [Moat Piranhas] blocks [Master of Death].
[04:36:49] BirdsAndBees casts [Diabolic Edict] targeting MuffledSilence.
[04:36:52] MuffledSilence sacrifices [Ruin Crab].
[04:36:55] BirdsAndBees casts [Duskmantle Guildmage].
[04:36:58] Turn 9: MuffledSilence
[04:37:03] MuffledSilence casts [Opt].
[04:37:07] MuffledSilence scrys 1 (0 top, 1 bottom).
[04:37:07] MuffledSilence draws a card with [Opt].
[04:37:08] MuffledSilence plays [Island].
[04:37:14] Turn 10: BirdsAndBees
[04:37:14] BirdsAndBees puts triggered ability from [Master of Death] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, if Master of Death is in your graveyard, you may pay 1 life. If y...).
[04:37:23] BirdsAndBees plays [Drowned Catacomb].
[04:37:24] BirdsAndBees casts [Ponder].
[04:37:32] BirdsAndBees chooses to shuffle their library.
[04:37:32] BirdsAndBees draws a card with [Ponder].
[04:37:41] MuffledSilence is being attacked by [Duskmantle Guildmage] and [Evangel of Synthesis]
[04:37:50] BirdsAndBees casts [Master of Death].
[04:37:52] BirdsAndBees puts triggered ability from [Master of Death] onto the stack (When Master of Death enters the battlefield, surveil 2.).
[04:37:58] BirdsAndBees puts 2 cards on top of their library.
[04:38:01] Turn 10: MuffledSilence
[04:38:10] MuffledSilence casts [Coral Colony].
[04:38:31] BirdsAndBees casts [Lose Focus] (Replicated 2 times) targeting [Coral Colony].
[04:38:31] BirdsAndBees puts triggered ability from [Lose Focus] onto the stack (Replicate {U} (When you cast this spell, copy it for each time you paid its replicate cost @b(2)...).
[04:38:54] BirdsAndBees's [Lose Focus] is removed from the stack because it has no legal targets.
[04:38:58] MuffledSilence has conceded from the game.
Winner: BirdsAndBees
Game 2 Completed.

Game 820420228

[Time] 1669430394
[04:39:55] PDBot has started watching.
[04:39:55] MuffledSilence chooses to play first.
[04:40:00] MuffledSilence begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[04:40:01] BirdsAndBees mulligans to six cards.
[04:40:04] BirdsAndBees mulligans to five cards.
[04:40:18] BirdsAndBees puts two cards on the bottom of their library and begins the game with five cards in hand.
[04:40:18] Turn 1: MuffledSilence
[04:40:19] MuffledSilence skips their draw step.
[04:40:22] MuffledSilence plays [Island].
[04:40:23] MuffledSilence casts [Ruin Crab].
[04:40:29] Turn 1: BirdsAndBees
[04:40:31] BirdsAndBees plays [Island].
[04:40:36] Turn 2: MuffledSilence
[04:40:41] MuffledSilence casts [Ruin Crab].
[04:40:44] MuffledSilence plays [Obscura Storefront].
[04:40:48] MuffledSilence puts triggered ability from [Obscura Storefront] onto the stack (When Obscura Storefront enters the battlefield, sacrifice it. When you do, search your library for...).
[04:40:48] MuffledSilence puts triggered ability from [Ruin Crab] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, each opponent mills three cards.).
[04:40:48] MuffledSilence puts triggered ability from [Ruin Crab] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, each opponent mills three cards.).
[04:40:52] BirdsAndBees mills [Erebos's Intervention], [Treasure Cruise] and [Choked Estuary].
[04:40:52] BirdsAndBees mills [Swamp], [Swamp] and [Duskmantle Guildmage].
[04:40:57] MuffledSilence puts triggered ability from [Obscura Storefront] onto the stack (When you sacrifice Obscura Storefront, search your library for a basic Plains, Island, or Swamp ca...).
[04:41:00] MuffledSilence puts triggered ability from [Ruin Crab] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, each opponent mills three cards.).
[04:41:00] MuffledSilence puts triggered ability from [Ruin Crab] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, each opponent mills three cards.).
[04:41:01] BirdsAndBees mills [Duskmantle Guildmage], [Choked Estuary] and [Island].
[04:41:01] BirdsAndBees mills [Forbid], [Lose Focus] and [Duress].
[04:41:09] Turn 2: BirdsAndBees
[04:41:12] BirdsAndBees plays [Drowned Catacomb].
[04:41:20] Turn 3: MuffledSilence
[04:41:23] MuffledSilence plays [Island].
[04:41:23] MuffledSilence puts triggered ability from [Ruin Crab] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, each opponent mills three cards.).
[04:41:24] MuffledSilence puts triggered ability from [Ruin Crab] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, each opponent mills three cards.).
[04:41:25] BirdsAndBees mills [Choked Estuary], [Island] and [Lochmere Serpent].
[04:41:26] BirdsAndBees mills [Ritual of Soot], [Mindcrank] and [Island].
[04:41:29] MuffledSilence casts [Chronic Flooding] targeting [Drowned Catacomb].
[04:41:37] BirdsAndBees casts [Lose Focus] targeting [Chronic Flooding].
[04:42:15] Turn 3: BirdsAndBees
[04:42:18] BirdsAndBees plays [Island].
[04:42:26] BirdsAndBees casts [Treasure Cruise].
[04:42:27] BirdsAndBees draws three cards with [Treasure Cruise].
[04:42:35] BirdsAndBees casts [Tyrant's Scorn] targeting [Ruin Crab] (Destroy target creature with mana value 3 or less.).
[04:42:43] MuffledSilence casts [Spell Pierce] targeting [Tyrant's Scorn].
[04:42:52] Turn 4: MuffledSilence
[04:43:04] MuffledSilence casts [Dream Twist] targeting BirdsAndBees.
[04:43:05] BirdsAndBees mills [Repeal], [Ponder] and [Island].
[04:43:16] Turn 4: BirdsAndBees
[04:43:32] BirdsAndBees casts [Treasure Cruise].
[04:43:47] BirdsAndBees draws three cards with [Treasure Cruise].
[04:43:55] BirdsAndBees plays [Drowned Catacomb].
[04:43:58] BirdsAndBees casts [Duress] targeting MuffledSilence.
[04:44:09] MuffledSilence casts [Spell Pierce] targeting [Duress].
[04:44:21] BirdsAndBees casts [Tyrant's Scorn] targeting [Ruin Crab] (Destroy target creature with mana value 3 or less.).
[04:44:29] Turn 5: MuffledSilence
[04:44:33] MuffledSilence casts [Opt].
[04:44:39] MuffledSilence scrys 1 (1 top, 0 bottom).
[04:44:39] MuffledSilence draws a card with [Opt].
[04:44:43] MuffledSilence casts [Mind Sculpt] targeting BirdsAndBees.
[04:44:44] BirdsAndBees mills [Lose Focus], [Yahenni's Expertise], [Master of Death], [Tainted Indulgence], [Duress], [Mindcrank] and [Duress].
[04:44:51] Turn 5: BirdsAndBees
[04:44:51] BirdsAndBees puts triggered ability from [Master of Death] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, if Master of Death is in your graveyard, you may pay 1 life. If y...).
[04:45:03] BirdsAndBees casts [Bloodchief's Thirst] targeting [Ruin Crab].
[04:45:07] BirdsAndBees plays [Dimir Aqueduct].
[04:45:07] BirdsAndBees puts triggered ability from [Dimir Aqueduct] onto the stack (When Dimir Aqueduct enters the battlefield, return a land you control to its owner's hand.).
[04:45:12] BirdsAndBees returns [Drowned Catacomb] to its owner's hand with [Dimir Aqueduct]'s ability.
[04:45:17] Turn 6: MuffledSilence
[04:45:20] MuffledSilence plays [Island].
[04:45:26] BirdsAndBees casts [Tainted Indulgence].
[04:45:27] BirdsAndBees draws two cards with [Tainted Indulgence].
[04:45:29] Turn 6: BirdsAndBees
[04:45:32] BirdsAndBees plays [Drowned Catacomb].
[04:45:38] Turn 7: MuffledSilence
[04:45:50] Turn 7: BirdsAndBees
[04:45:54] BirdsAndBees plays [Drowned Catacomb].
[04:46:07] BirdsAndBees activates an ability of [Lochmere Serpent] targeting [Chronic Flooding], [Spell Pierce], [Dream Twist], [Spell Pierce], and [Ruin Crab] ( Exile five target cards from an opponent's graveyard. Return Lochmere Serpent from your graveyard...).
[04:46:10] [Lochmere Serpent] is returned to BirdsAndBees's hand from the graveyard.
[04:46:14] BirdsAndBees casts [Evangel of Synthesis].
[04:46:18] BirdsAndBees puts triggered ability from [Evangel of Synthesis] onto the stack (When Evangel of Synthesis enters the battlefield, draw a card, then discard a card.).
[04:46:20] BirdsAndBees draws a card with [Evangel of Synthesis]'s ability.
[04:46:23] BirdsAndBees discards [Master of Death].
[04:46:29] Turn 8: MuffledSilence
[04:46:33] MuffledSilence plays [Island].
[04:46:50] Turn 8: BirdsAndBees
[04:46:50] BirdsAndBees puts triggered ability from [Master of Death] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, if Master of Death is in your graveyard, you may pay 1 life. If y...).
[04:46:56] BirdsAndBees plays [Drowned Catacomb].
[04:47:01] MuffledSilence is being attacked by [Evangel of Synthesis]
[04:47:07] Turn 9: MuffledSilence
[04:47:20] MuffledSilence casts [Opt].
[04:47:26] MuffledSilence scrys 1 (1 top, 0 bottom).
[04:47:26] MuffledSilence draws a card with [Opt].
[04:47:30] MuffledSilence casts [Mind Sculpt] targeting BirdsAndBees.
[04:47:36] BirdsAndBees casts [Negate] targeting [Mind Sculpt].
[04:48:04] BirdsAndBees casts [Lochmere Serpent].
[04:48:13] Turn 9: BirdsAndBees
[04:48:13] BirdsAndBees puts triggered ability from [Master of Death] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, if Master of Death is in your graveyard, you may pay 1 life. If y...).
[04:48:21] BirdsAndBees plays [Choked Estuary].
[04:48:28] BirdsAndBees casts [Evangel of Synthesis].
[04:48:31] BirdsAndBees puts triggered ability from [Evangel of Synthesis] onto the stack (When Evangel of Synthesis enters the battlefield, draw a card, then discard a card.).
[04:48:34] BirdsAndBees draws a card with [Evangel of Synthesis]'s ability.
[04:48:37] BirdsAndBees discards [Master of Death].
[04:48:43] MuffledSilence is being attacked by [Lochmere Serpent] and [Evangel of Synthesis]
[04:48:52] BirdsAndBees casts [Ponder].
[04:49:01] BirdsAndBees chooses to shuffle their library.
[04:49:01] BirdsAndBees draws a card with [Ponder].
[04:49:09] Turn 10: MuffledSilence
[04:49:13] MuffledSilence plays [Island].
[04:49:16] MuffledSilence casts [Jace, Memory Adept].
[04:49:23] BirdsAndBees casts [Lose Focus] (Replicated 1 time) targeting [Jace, Memory Adept].
[04:49:24] BirdsAndBees puts triggered ability from [Lose Focus] onto the stack (Replicate {U} (When you cast this spell, copy it for each time you paid its replicate cost @b(1)...).
[04:49:45] MuffledSilence casts [Spell Pierce] targeting [Lose Focus].
[04:49:57] [Lose Focus] (currently targetting [Jace, Memory Adept]) has no other legal targets.
[04:50:17] [CHAT] MuffledSilence: gg
[04:50:20] MuffledSilence has conceded from the game.
Winner: BirdsAndBees
Game 3 Completed.
Match Winner: BirdsAndBees: 2–1