PDBot Stats

Game 819848796

[Time] 1668900678
[01:31:19] PDBot has started watching.
[01:31:19] Venga joined the game.
[01:31:20] adrick5529 joined the game.
[League] Dimir Control by adrick5529 (200835) vs Sneaky by venga (200893)
[01:31:21] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[01:31:40] adrick5529 chooses to play first.
[01:31:44] adrick5529 mulligans to six cards.
[01:32:15] Venga mulligans to six cards.
[01:32:23] adrick5529 puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[01:32:39] Venga puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[01:32:39] Turn 1: adrick5529
[01:32:39] adrick5529 skips their draw step.
[01:32:50] adrick5529 plays [Fetid Pools].
[01:33:01] Turn 1: Venga
[01:33:03] Venga plays [Island].
[01:33:05] Turn 2: adrick5529
[01:33:09] adrick5529 plays [Drowned Catacomb].
[01:33:14] Turn 2: Venga
[01:33:16] Venga plays [Island].
[01:33:19] Venga casts [Patchwork Automaton].
[01:33:39] adrick5529 casts [Lose Focus] targeting [Patchwork Automaton].
[01:33:50] Turn 3: adrick5529
[01:34:01] adrick5529 casts [Thought Scour] targeting adrick5529.
[League] Invalid Match
[01:34:02] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD][sR] Thought Scour was not on a submitted league decklist. This is not a league match.
[01:34:04] adrick5529 mills [Bloodchief's Thirst] and [Tainted Indulgence].
[01:34:04] adrick5529 draws a card with [Thought Scour].
[01:34:11] adrick5529 casts [Ponder].
[01:34:29] adrick5529 has conceded from the game.
[01:34:29] adrick5529 has lost connection to the game.
Winner: Venga
Game 1 Completed.