PDBot Stats

Game 819840436

[Time] 1668895186
[23:59:46] PDBot has started watching.
[23:59:46] AaronViqash joined the game.
[23:59:46] Venga joined the game.
[League] Dragonstorm by venga (200807) vs Braids by aaronviqash (200797)
[23:59:48] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[23:59:54] AaronViqash chooses to play first.
[00:00:04] AaronViqash mulligans to six cards.
[00:00:21] Venga mulligans to six cards.
[00:00:31] AaronViqash puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[00:00:37] Venga puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[00:00:37] Turn 1: AaronViqash
[00:00:38] AaronViqash skips their draw step.
[00:00:41] AaronViqash plays [Snow-Covered Swamp].
[00:01:02] Turn 1: Venga
[00:01:05] Venga plays [Mountain].
[00:01:07] Venga casts [Strike It Rich].
[00:01:19] Venga's [Strike It Rich] creates a Treasure Token.
[00:01:27] Venga casts [Ponder].
[00:01:33] Venga chooses to shuffle their library.
[00:01:33] Venga draws a card with [Ponder].
[00:01:37] Turn 2: AaronViqash
[00:01:43] AaronViqash plays [Frostwalk Bastion].
[00:01:47] AaronViqash casts [Smuggler's Copter].
[00:01:51] Turn 2: Venga
[00:02:03] Turn 3: AaronViqash
[00:02:13] AaronViqash plays [Snow-Covered Plains].
[00:02:17] AaronViqash casts [Bloodsoaked Champion].
[00:02:24] AaronViqash activates an ability of [Smuggler's Copter] (Crew 1).
[00:02:28] Venga is being attacked by [Smuggler's Copter]
[00:02:29] AaronViqash puts triggered ability from [Smuggler's Copter] onto the stack (Whenever Smuggler's Copter attacks or blocks, you may draw a card. If you do, discard a card.).
[00:02:31] AaronViqash draws a card with [Smuggler's Copter]'s ability.
[00:02:39] AaronViqash discards [Snow-Covered Plains].
[00:02:49] AaronViqash casts [Smuggler's Copter].
[00:02:52] Turn 3: Venga
[00:03:00] Turn 4: AaronViqash
[00:03:05] AaronViqash plays [Snow-Covered Swamp].
[00:03:09] AaronViqash casts [Hunted Nightmare].
[00:03:09] AaronViqash puts triggered ability from [Hunted Nightmare] onto the stack targeting Venga (When Hunted Nightmare enters the battlefield, target opponent puts a deathtouch counter on a creat...).
[00:03:19] AaronViqash activates an ability of [Smuggler's Copter] (Crew 1).
[00:03:26] AaronViqash activates an ability of [Smuggler's Copter] (Crew 1).
[00:03:30] Venga is being attacked by [Smuggler's Copter] and [Smuggler's Copter]
[00:03:31] AaronViqash puts triggered ability from [Smuggler's Copter] onto the stack (Whenever Smuggler's Copter attacks or blocks, you may draw a card. If you do, discard a card.).
[00:03:31] AaronViqash puts triggered ability from [Smuggler's Copter] onto the stack (Whenever Smuggler's Copter attacks or blocks, you may draw a card. If you do, discard a card.).
[00:03:33] AaronViqash draws a card with [Smuggler's Copter]'s ability.
[00:03:38] AaronViqash discards [Bloodsoaked Champion].
[00:03:43] AaronViqash draws a card with [Smuggler's Copter]'s ability.
[00:03:49] AaronViqash discards [Snow-Covered Swamp].
[00:03:59] Turn 4: Venga
[00:04:04] Venga plays [Wandering Fumarole].
[00:04:11] Turn 5: AaronViqash
[00:04:18] AaronViqash casts [Arcum's Astrolabe].
[00:04:21] AaronViqash puts triggered ability from [Arcum's Astrolabe] onto the stack (When Arcum's Astrolabe enters the battlefield, draw a card.).
[00:04:23] AaronViqash draws a card with [Arcum's Astrolabe]'s ability.
[00:04:27] AaronViqash casts [Bloodsoaked Champion].
[00:04:34] AaronViqash activates an ability of [Smuggler's Copter] (Crew 1).
[00:04:41] AaronViqash activates an ability of [Smuggler's Copter] (Crew 1).
[00:04:46] Venga is being attacked by [Hunted Nightmare], [Smuggler's Copter] and [Smuggler's Copter]
[00:04:46] AaronViqash puts triggered ability from [Smuggler's Copter] onto the stack (Whenever Smuggler's Copter attacks or blocks, you may draw a card. If you do, discard a card.).
[00:04:46] AaronViqash puts triggered ability from [Smuggler's Copter] onto the stack (Whenever Smuggler's Copter attacks or blocks, you may draw a card. If you do, discard a card.).
[00:04:49] AaronViqash draws a card with [Smuggler's Copter]'s ability.
[00:04:53] AaronViqash discards [Frostwalk Bastion].
[00:04:57] AaronViqash draws a card with [Smuggler's Copter]'s ability.
[00:05:01] AaronViqash discards [Dark Ritual].
[00:05:13] AaronViqash casts AaronViqash.
[00:05:19] Turn 5: Venga
[00:05:33] Venga has conceded from the game.
Winner: AaronViqash
Game 1 Completed.
[00:05:37] Venga has left the game.

Game 819841042

[Time] 1668895553
[00:05:54] PDBot has started watching.
[00:06:00] Venga chooses to play first.
[00:06:05] Venga mulligans to six cards.
[00:06:10] AaronViqash begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[00:06:25] Venga mulligans to five cards.
[00:06:46] Venga puts two cards on the bottom of their library and begins the game with five cards in hand.
[00:06:46] Turn 1: Venga
[00:06:47] Venga skips their draw step.
[00:06:48] Venga plays [Mountain].
[00:06:52] Turn 1: AaronViqash
[00:06:55] AaronViqash plays [Snow-Covered Swamp].
[00:07:10] AaronViqash casts [Gutterbones].
[00:07:13] Turn 2: Venga
[00:07:16] Venga plays [Island].
[00:07:21] Turn 2: AaronViqash
[00:07:33] Venga is being attacked by [Gutterbones]
[00:07:44] AaronViqash plays [Snow-Covered Swamp].
[00:07:47] AaronViqash casts [Smallpox].
[00:07:47] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Smallpox[sU] has an advantageous bug.
You can choose to discard the non-creature side of an Adventure card during effects in which each player must discard a card
Our data about this bug is out of date.  Please let us know if this card is still bugged (or if it's been fixed).
You can do so by PM'ing this bot, or by typing `!stillbugged Smallpox` or `!notbugged Smallpox`
[00:07:55] AaronViqash chooses a card from their hand.
[00:08:04] Venga chooses a card from their hand.
[00:08:04] Venga chooses a card from their hand.
[00:08:04] Venga discards [Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund].
[00:08:04] AaronViqash discards [Drownyard Temple].
[00:08:09] AaronViqash sacrifices [Snow-Covered Swamp].
[00:08:13] Venga sacrifices [Island].
[00:08:19] Turn 3: Venga
[00:08:21] Venga plays [Mountain].
[00:08:25] Turn 3: AaronViqash
[00:08:27] AaronViqash plays [Frostwalk Bastion].
[00:08:30] AaronViqash casts [Arcum's Astrolabe].
[00:08:31] AaronViqash puts triggered ability from [Arcum's Astrolabe] onto the stack (When Arcum's Astrolabe enters the battlefield, draw a card.).
[00:08:33] AaronViqash draws a card with [Arcum's Astrolabe]'s ability.
[00:08:36] AaronViqash casts [Gutterbones].
[00:08:40] Turn 4: Venga
[00:08:45] Turn 4: AaronViqash
[00:08:56] Venga is being attacked by [Gutterbones]
[00:09:02] AaronViqash plays [Snow-Covered Swamp].
[00:09:07] AaronViqash casts [Smallpox].
[00:09:16] AaronViqash chooses a card from their hand.
[00:09:19] Venga chooses a card from their hand.
[00:09:19] Venga chooses a card from their hand.
[00:09:19] AaronViqash discards [Smallpox].
[00:09:19] Venga discards [Peer Through Depths].
[00:09:22] AaronViqash sacrifices [Snow-Covered Swamp].
[00:09:24] Venga sacrifices [Mountain].
[00:09:27] Turn 5: Venga
[00:09:33] Turn 5: AaronViqash
[00:09:35] AaronViqash plays [Snow-Covered Swamp].
[00:09:41] AaronViqash activates an ability of [Frostwalk Bastion] ( Until end of turn, Frostwalk Bastion becomes a 2/3 Construct artifact creature. It's still a land...).
[00:09:45] Venga is being attacked by [Frostwalk Bastion]
[00:09:46] Turn 6: Venga
[00:09:54] Turn 6: AaronViqash
[00:10:00] AaronViqash plays [Snow-Covered Plains].
[00:10:06] AaronViqash activates an ability of [Frostwalk Bastion] ( Until end of turn, Frostwalk Bastion becomes a 2/3 Construct artifact creature. It's still a land...).
[00:10:13] Venga is being attacked by [Frostwalk Bastion]
[00:10:15] Turn 7: Venga
[00:10:16] Venga plays [Wandering Fumarole].
[00:10:21] Turn 7: AaronViqash
[00:10:25] AaronViqash plays [Snow-Covered Plains].
[00:10:30] AaronViqash activates an ability of [Frostwalk Bastion] ( Until end of turn, Frostwalk Bastion becomes a 2/3 Construct artifact creature. It's still a land...).
[00:10:39] Venga is being attacked by [Frostwalk Bastion]
[00:10:47] AaronViqash activates an ability of [Gutterbones] ( Return Gutterbones from your graveyard to your hand.).
[00:10:47] [Gutterbones] is returned to AaronViqash's hand from the graveyard.
[00:10:49] Turn 8: Venga
[00:10:53] Venga plays [Mountain].
[00:10:58] Turn 8: AaronViqash
[00:11:06] AaronViqash activates an ability of [Frostwalk Bastion] ( Until end of turn, Frostwalk Bastion becomes a 2/3 Construct artifact creature. It's still a land...).
[00:11:15] Venga is being attacked by [Frostwalk Bastion]
[00:11:22] AaronViqash plays Venga.
[00:11:27] AaronViqash casts AaronViqash.
[00:11:32] AaronViqash activates an ability of [Gutterbones] ( Return Gutterbones from your graveyard to your hand.).
[00:11:34] [Gutterbones] is returned to AaronViqash's hand from the graveyard.
[00:11:46] Venga casts [Impulse].
[00:12:26] Turn 9: Venga
[00:13:29] Venga casts [Pentad Prism] (with Sunburst 2).
[00:13:29] Venga puts two charge counters on [Pentad Prism].
[00:13:29] Venga removes a charge counter from [Pentad Prism].
[00:13:29] Venga casts [Ponder].
[00:13:38] Venga chooses to not shuffle their library.
[00:13:38] Venga draws a card with [Ponder].
[00:13:39] Venga plays [Wandering Fumarole].
[00:13:41] Turn 9: AaronViqash
[00:13:54] AaronViqash casts [Vampiric Rites].
[00:14:02] AaronViqash activates an ability of [Frostwalk Bastion] ( Until end of turn, Frostwalk Bastion becomes a 2/3 Construct artifact creature. It's still a land...).
[00:14:11] Venga is being attacked by AaronViqash and [Frostwalk Bastion]
[00:14:19] AaronViqash plays [Snow-Covered Plains].
[00:14:27] AaronViqash casts [Gutterbones].
[00:14:34] Turn 10: Venga
[00:14:37] Venga plays [Shivan Reef].
[00:14:43] Venga casts [Seething Song].
[00:14:49] Venga casts [Irencrag Feat].
[00:14:51] Venga casts [Dragonstorm].
[00:14:52] Venga puts triggered ability from [Dragonstorm] onto the stack (2 spells cast before Dragonstorm this turn.
Storm (When you cast this spell, copy it for each sp...).
[00:15:04] Venga puts triggered ability from [Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund] onto the stack (When Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund enters the battlefield, gain control of all Dragons, then untap all ...).
[00:15:09] Venga puts triggered ability from [Terror of Mount Velus] onto the stack (When Terror of Mount Velus enters the battlefield, creatures you control gain double strike until ...).
[00:15:15] AaronViqash is being attacked by [Terror of Mount Velus], [Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund] and [Hellkite Overlord]
Winner: Venga
Game 2 Completed.

Game 819841954

[Time] 1668896190
[00:16:30] PDBot has started watching.
[00:16:32] AaronViqash chooses to play first.
[00:16:38] AaronViqash begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[00:16:53] Venga mulligans to six cards.
[00:17:01] Venga puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[00:17:01] Turn 1: AaronViqash
[00:17:01] AaronViqash skips their draw step.
[00:17:08] AaronViqash plays [Snow-Covered Swamp].
[00:17:11] AaronViqash casts [Dark Ritual].
[00:17:13] AaronViqash casts [Hunted Nightmare].
[00:17:13] AaronViqash puts triggered ability from [Hunted Nightmare] onto the stack targeting Venga (When Hunted Nightmare enters the battlefield, target opponent puts a deathtouch counter on a creat...).
[00:17:16] Turn 1: Venga
[00:17:21] Venga plays [Wandering Fumarole].
[00:17:26] Turn 2: AaronViqash
[00:17:30] AaronViqash plays [Snow-Covered Plains].
[00:17:34] Venga is being attacked by [Hunted Nightmare]
[00:17:42] AaronViqash casts [Bloodsoaked Champion].
[00:17:44] Turn 2: Venga
[00:17:47] Venga casts [Ponder].
[00:18:09] Venga chooses to not shuffle their library.
[00:18:09] Venga draws a card with [Ponder].
[00:18:10] Venga plays [Shivan Reef].
[00:18:14] Venga casts [Strike It Rich].
[00:18:15] Venga's [Strike It Rich] creates a Treasure Token.
[00:18:18] Turn 3: AaronViqash
[00:18:28] Venga is being attacked by [Bloodsoaked Champion] and [Hunted Nightmare]
[00:18:33] AaronViqash casts [Bloodsoaked Champion].
[00:18:38] Turn 3: Venga
[00:18:56] Venga casts [Ponder].
[00:20:36] Venga chooses to not shuffle their library.
[00:20:36] Venga draws a card with [Ponder].
[00:20:38] Venga plays [Mountain].
[00:20:55] Venga casts [Pentad Prism] (with Sunburst 2).
[00:20:55] Venga puts two charge counters on [Pentad Prism].
[00:20:58] Turn 4: AaronViqash
[00:21:25] Venga is being attacked by [Bloodsoaked Champion], [Bloodsoaked Champion] and [Hunted Nightmare]
[00:21:32] AaronViqash plays [Snow-Covered Plains].
[00:21:36] AaronViqash casts [Lingering Souls].
[00:21:38] AaronViqash's [Lingering Souls] creates two Spirit Tokens.
[00:21:52] Venga removes a charge counter from [Pentad Prism].
[00:21:55] Venga casts [Impulse].
[00:22:10] Turn 4: Venga
[00:22:21] Venga casts [Seething Song].
[00:22:26] Venga casts [Seething Song].
[00:22:30] Venga casts [Seething Song].
[00:22:32] Venga casts [Dragonstorm].
[00:22:32] Venga puts triggered ability from [Dragonstorm] onto the stack (3 spells cast before Dragonstorm this turn.
Storm (When you cast this spell, copy it for each sp...).
[00:22:45] Venga puts triggered ability from [Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund] onto the stack (When Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund enters the battlefield, gain control of all Dragons, then untap all ...).
[00:22:55] Venga puts triggered ability from [Terror of Mount Velus] onto the stack (When Terror of Mount Velus enters the battlefield, creatures you control gain double strike until ...).
[00:23:01] AaronViqash is being attacked by [Terror of Mount Velus], [Atarka, World Render], [Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund] and [Hellkite Overlord]
[00:23:01] Venga puts triggered ability from [Atarka, World Render] onto the stack (Whenever a Dragon you control attacks, it gains double strike until end of turn.).
[00:23:01] Venga puts triggered ability from [Atarka, World Render] onto the stack (Whenever a Dragon you control attacks, it gains double strike until end of turn.).
[00:23:01] Venga puts triggered ability from [Atarka, World Render] onto the stack (Whenever a Dragon you control attacks, it gains double strike until end of turn.).
[00:23:01] Venga puts triggered ability from [Atarka, World Render] onto the stack (Whenever a Dragon you control attacks, it gains double strike until end of turn.).
[00:23:20] [Spirit Token] blocks [Terror of Mount Velus].
[00:23:29] [Spirit Token] blocks [Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund].
Winner: Venga
Game 3 Completed.
Match Winner: Venga: 2–1
[00:23:37] Venga has left the game.