PDBot Stats

Game 815575306

[Time] 1664999441
[22:50:41] PDBot has started watching.
[22:50:41] big_leb joined the game.
[League] Host doesn't have active run
[22:50:43] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD][sR] This is not a valid League pairing!
[22:50:43] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD][sR] big_leb, you do not have an active run.
[22:50:50] [CHAT] PennyPincher: :(
[22:50:59] [CHAT] big_leb: OH
[22:51:04] [CHAT] big_leb: how do i get an active run
[22:51:12] [CHAT] big_leb: sorry I am new to this 
[22:51:23] [CHAT] PennyPincher: Gotta go to the website and register a deck
[22:51:37] [CHAT] PennyPincher: You'll see it say sign in. And ask for a decklist
[22:52:23] [CHAT] PennyPincher: https://pennydreadfulmagic.com/signup/
[22:52:53] [CHAT] big_leb: okay i did it 
[22:52:57] [CHAT] big_leb: do we need to remake?
[22:53:01] [CHAT] PennyPincher: yup
[22:53:05] PennyPincher has conceded from the game.
[22:53:05] PennyPincher has lost connection to the game.
Winner: big_leb
Game 1 Completed.