PDBot Stats

Game 814055150

[Time] 1663738198
[08:29:59] PDBot has started watching.
[League] Deck Dek by nurs_t (194733) vs 11 Squee Infestation by golosburn (194739)
[08:30:01] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[08:30:06] [CHAT] GolosBurn: glhf!
[08:30:08] GolosBurn chooses to play first.
[08:30:17] GolosBurn begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[08:30:44] Nurs_T begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[08:30:44] Turn 1: GolosBurn
[08:30:50] GolosBurn skips their draw step.
[08:30:52] GolosBurn plays [Maestros Theater].
[08:30:52] GolosBurn puts triggered ability from [Maestros Theater] onto the stack (When Maestros Theater enters the battlefield, sacrifice it. When you do, search your library for a...).
[08:31:04] GolosBurn puts triggered ability from [Maestros Theater] onto the stack (When you sacrifice Maestros Theater, search your library for a basic Island, Swamp, or Mountain ca...).
[08:31:17] Turn 1: Nurs_T
[08:31:20] Nurs_T plays [Tangled Islet].
[08:31:26] Turn 2: GolosBurn
[08:31:30] GolosBurn plays [Island].
[08:31:32] GolosBurn casts [Zombie Infestation].
[08:31:37] GolosBurn discards [Master of Death].
[08:31:37] GolosBurn discards [Squee, the Immortal].
[08:31:37] GolosBurn activates an ability of [Zombie Infestation] ( Create a 2/2 black Zombie creature token.).
[08:31:44] GolosBurn's [Zombie Infestation] creates a Zombie Token.
[08:31:47] GolosBurn discards [Blazing Rootwalla].
[08:31:47] GolosBurn discards [Master of Death].
[08:31:47] GolosBurn activates an ability of [Zombie Infestation] ( Create a 2/2 black Zombie creature token.).
[08:31:47] GolosBurn puts triggered ability from [Blazing Rootwalla] onto the stack (Madness {0}).
[08:31:59] GolosBurn casts [Blazing Rootwalla].
[08:32:03] GolosBurn's [Zombie Infestation] creates a Zombie Token.
[08:32:07] Turn 2: Nurs_T
[08:32:16] Nurs_T plays [Hinterland Harbor].
[08:32:19] Nurs_T casts [Llanowar Augur].
[08:32:29] Turn 3: GolosBurn
[08:32:29] GolosBurn puts triggered ability from [Master of Death] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, if Master of Death is in your graveyard, you may pay 1 life. If y...).
[08:32:29] GolosBurn puts triggered ability from [Master of Death] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, if Master of Death is in your graveyard, you may pay 1 life. If y...).
[08:33:11] [CHAT] GolosBurn: oops wrong squee
[08:33:14] [CHAT] GolosBurn: sorry gtg
[08:33:20] GolosBurn has conceded from the game.
[08:33:20] GolosBurn has lost connection to the game.
Winner: Nurs_T
Game 1 Completed.