PDBot Stats

Game 814054000

[Time] 1663736790
[08:06:31] PDBot has started watching.
[League] Unplayable Garbage Featuring Slight Improvements by cdnewlon (194735) vs Deck Dek by nurs_t (194733)
[08:06:33] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[08:06:40] [CHAT] Cdnewlon: kek
[08:06:44] [CHAT] Nurs_T: gah i wasnt paying mind
[08:06:46] Nurs_T chooses to play first.
[08:06:53] Nurs_T begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[08:07:00] Cdnewlon begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[08:07:00] Turn 1: Nurs_T
[08:07:01] Nurs_T skips their draw step.
[08:07:03] Nurs_T plays [Forest].
[08:07:04] Nurs_T casts [Glistener Elf].
[08:07:05] Turn 1: Cdnewlon
[08:07:08] [CHAT] Cdnewlon: you did go first
[08:07:13] [CHAT] Cdnewlon: which is a big part of this
[08:07:18] Cdnewlon plays [Tangled Islet].
[08:07:19] Turn 2: Nurs_T
[08:07:22] Nurs_T plays [Yavimaya Coast].
[08:07:28] Nurs_T casts [Blighted Agent].
[08:07:31] Cdnewlon is being attacked by [Glistener Elf]
[08:07:32] Nurs_T puts a poison counter on Cdnewlon.
[08:07:32] Turn 2: Cdnewlon
[08:07:37] Cdnewlon plays [Hinterland Harbor].
[08:07:57] Cdnewlon casts [Abundant Harvest].
[08:08:00] Cdnewlon chooses land for [Abundant Harvest].
[08:08:00] Cdnewlon reveals [Yavimaya Coast] with [Abundant Harvest].
[08:08:04] Turn 3: Nurs_T
[08:08:11] Nurs_T casts [Llanowar Augur].
[08:08:20] Cdnewlon is being attacked by [Blighted Agent] and [Glistener Elf]
[08:08:24] Nurs_T puts two poison counters on Cdnewlon.
[08:08:28] Nurs_T casts [Glistener Elf].
[08:08:32] Turn 3: Cdnewlon
[08:08:37] Cdnewlon plays [Yavimaya Coast].
[08:08:41] Cdnewlon casts [Blighted Agent].
[08:08:51] Turn 4: Nurs_T
[08:09:05] [CHAT] Nurs_T: no upkeep stop kek
[08:09:15] [CHAT] Cdnewlon: 0/3 moment
[08:09:18] [CHAT] Nurs_T: i hate this game
[08:09:37] [CHAT] Nurs_T: based and yeild your mainphase piled or something
[08:09:41] Cdnewlon is being attacked by [Glistener Elf], [Blighted Agent] and [Glistener Elf]
[08:09:53] Nurs_T puts three poison counters on Cdnewlon.
[08:09:55] Nurs_T casts [Abundant Harvest].
[08:09:58] Nurs_T chooses nonland for [Abundant Harvest].
[08:09:58] Nurs_T reveals [Gitaxian Probe] with [Abundant Harvest].
[08:10:01] Nurs_T casts [Gitaxian Probe] targeting Cdnewlon.
[08:10:02] Nurs_T draws a card with [Gitaxian Probe].
[08:10:10] [CHAT] Nurs_T: im so madge
[08:10:14] Nurs_T casts [Abundant Harvest].
[08:10:21] Nurs_T chooses nonland for [Abundant Harvest].
[08:10:21] Nurs_T reveals 3 cards with [Abundant Harvest]: [Forest], [Forest], and [Invigorate].
[08:10:29] Nurs_T has conceded from the game.
Winner: Cdnewlon
Game 1 Completed.
[08:10:32] Nurs_T has left the game.
[08:10:44] Cdnewlon draws their next card.
[08:10:45] Cdnewlon draws their next card.

Game 814054248

[Time] 1663737102
[08:11:42] PDBot has started watching.
[08:11:42] [CHAT] Cdnewlon: what did you have
[08:11:54] [CHAT] Cdnewlon: i could beat one pump spell
[08:12:03] [CHAT] Nurs_T: invig and might
[08:12:06] [CHAT] Cdnewlon: oh
[08:12:08] [CHAT] Cdnewlon: yea dead
[08:12:16] Nurs_T chooses to play first.
[08:12:20] Nurs_T mulligans to six cards.
[08:12:24] Cdnewlon begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[08:12:28] Nurs_T puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[08:12:28] Turn 1: Nurs_T
[08:12:30] Nurs_T skips their draw step.
[08:12:30] Nurs_T plays [Yavimaya Coast].
[08:12:33] Nurs_T casts [Ponder].
[08:12:36] Nurs_T chooses to shuffle their library.
[08:12:36] Nurs_T draws a card with [Ponder].
[08:12:38] Turn 1: Cdnewlon
[08:12:42] Cdnewlon casts [Gitaxian Probe] targeting Nurs_T.
[08:12:44] Cdnewlon draws a card with [Gitaxian Probe].
[08:12:49] Cdnewlon plays [Yavimaya Coast].
[08:12:51] Cdnewlon casts [Llanowar Augur].
[08:12:55] Turn 2: Nurs_T
[08:12:58] Nurs_T plays [Forest].
[08:13:01] Nurs_T casts [Blighted Agent].
[08:13:03] Turn 2: Cdnewlon
[08:13:38] Cdnewlon casts [Abundant Harvest].
[08:13:42] Cdnewlon chooses land for [Abundant Harvest].
[08:13:42] Cdnewlon reveals [Forest] with [Abundant Harvest].
[08:13:45] Cdnewlon plays [Forest].
[08:13:52] Cdnewlon casts [Abundant Harvest].
[08:13:54] Cdnewlon chooses nonland for [Abundant Harvest].
[08:13:54] Cdnewlon reveals [Ponder] with [Abundant Harvest].
[08:13:56] Turn 3: Nurs_T
[08:14:00] Nurs_T plays [Forest].
[08:14:06] Nurs_T casts [Ponder].
[08:14:12] Nurs_T chooses to not shuffle their library.
[08:14:12] Nurs_T draws a card with [Ponder].
[08:14:16] Nurs_T casts [Gitaxian Probe] targeting Cdnewlon.
[08:14:16] Nurs_T draws a card with [Gitaxian Probe].
[08:14:24] Nurs_T casts [Invigorate] using an alternate cost targeting [Blighted Agent].
[08:14:28] Nurs_T casts [Invigorate] using an alternate cost targeting [Blighted Agent].
[08:14:31] Nurs_T casts [Vines of Vastwood] (with kicker) targeting [Blighted Agent].
[08:14:34] [CHAT] Cdnewlon: wow
[08:14:34] Cdnewlon is being attacked by [Blighted Agent]
[08:14:38] [CHAT] Cdnewlon: well done
[08:14:41] Cdnewlon has conceded from the game.
Winner: Nurs_T
Game 2 Completed.
[08:14:44] Cdnewlon has left the game.

Game 814054406

[Time] 1663737302
[08:15:03] PDBot has started watching.
[08:15:08] Cdnewlon chooses to play first.
[08:15:10] [CHAT] Nurs_T: so i shouldve just won but now we gotta play game 3 
[08:15:14] Cdnewlon mulligans to six cards.
[08:15:16] Nurs_T begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[08:15:24] Cdnewlon puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[08:15:24] Turn 1: Cdnewlon
[08:15:25] [CHAT] Nurs_T: im bad at mtgo lol
[08:15:28] Cdnewlon skips their draw step.
[08:15:37] Cdnewlon plays [Forest].
[08:15:39] Cdnewlon casts [Glistener Elf].
[08:15:40] Turn 1: Nurs_T
[08:15:46] Nurs_T plays [Forest].
[08:15:55] Turn 2: Cdnewlon
[08:16:09] Nurs_T is being attacked by [Glistener Elf]
[08:16:12] Cdnewlon puts a poison counter on Nurs_T.
[08:16:15] Cdnewlon plays [Island].
[08:16:17] Cdnewlon casts [Blighted Agent].
[08:16:20] Turn 2: Nurs_T
[08:16:23] Nurs_T plays [Yavimaya Coast].
[08:16:31] Nurs_T casts [Abundant Harvest].
[08:16:33] Nurs_T chooses land for [Abundant Harvest].
[08:16:33] Nurs_T reveals 6 cards with [Abundant Harvest]: [Ichorclaw Myr], [Spell Pierce], [Ponder], [Blighted Agent], [Invigorate], and [Tangled Islet].
[08:16:35] Turn 3: Cdnewlon
[08:16:44] Nurs_T is being attacked by [Blighted Agent] and [Glistener Elf]
[08:16:46] Cdnewlon puts two poison counters on Nurs_T.
[08:16:48] Cdnewlon casts [Glistener Elf].
[08:16:49] Cdnewlon plays [Tangled Islet].
[08:16:52] Turn 3: Nurs_T
[08:16:56] Nurs_T casts [Gitaxian Probe] targeting Cdnewlon.
[08:16:56] Nurs_T draws a card with [Gitaxian Probe].
[08:17:02] Nurs_T plays [Forest].
[08:17:17] Nurs_T casts [Blighted Agent].
[08:17:22] Turn 4: Cdnewlon
[08:17:28] Cdnewlon casts [Gitaxian Probe] targeting Nurs_T.
[08:17:31] Cdnewlon draws a card with [Gitaxian Probe].
[08:17:54] Cdnewlon casts [Gitaxian Probe] targeting Nurs_T.
[08:17:56] Cdnewlon draws a card with [Gitaxian Probe].
[08:18:43] Nurs_T is being attacked by [Glistener Elf], [Blighted Agent] and [Glistener Elf]
[08:18:47] Cdnewlon puts three poison counters on Nurs_T.
[08:18:51] Turn 4: Nurs_T
[08:19:09] Nurs_T casts [Abundant Harvest].
[08:19:19] Nurs_T chooses nonland for [Abundant Harvest].
[08:19:19] Nurs_T reveals 3 cards with [Abundant Harvest]: [Yavimaya Coast], [Forest], and [Glistener Elf].
[08:19:22] Nurs_T plays [Tangled Islet].
[08:19:29] Cdnewlon is being attacked by [Blighted Agent]
[08:19:36] Nurs_T puts a poison counter on Cdnewlon.
[08:19:40] Turn 5: Cdnewlon
[08:19:49] Cdnewlon casts [Abundant Harvest].
[08:19:52] Cdnewlon chooses land for [Abundant Harvest].
[08:19:53] Cdnewlon reveals 2 cards with [Abundant Harvest]: [Gitaxian Probe] and [Tangled Islet].
[08:21:19] Cdnewlon casts [Might of Old Krosa] targeting [Blighted Agent].
[08:21:24] Nurs_T casts [Vines of Vastwood] targeting [Blighted Agent].
[08:21:31] Cdnewlon's [Might of Old Krosa] is removed from the stack because it has no legal targets.
[08:21:38] Nurs_T is being attacked by [Glistener Elf], [Blighted Agent] and [Glistener Elf]
[08:21:48] [CHAT] Nurs_T: wait i just yeeted the game probably
[08:21:50] Cdnewlon puts three poison counters on Nurs_T.
[08:21:52] Cdnewlon plays [Tangled Islet].
[08:21:57] Turn 5: Nurs_T
[08:22:12] [CHAT] Cdnewlon: i hit the only land in my deck that didn't kill you there kek
[08:22:24] [CHAT] Nurs_T: oh ok i drew a way to beat a speirce 
[08:22:27] [CHAT] Nurs_T: pain 
[08:22:30] [CHAT] Nurs_T: what was your last card 
[08:22:44] [CHAT] Cdnewlon: i have spierce immense
[08:22:50] Nurs_T casts [Might of Old Krosa] targeting [Blighted Agent].
[08:23:04] Nurs_T casts [Vines of Vastwood] (with kicker) targeting [Blighted Agent].
[08:23:12] [CHAT] Cdnewlon: 1/15 pain
[08:23:14] [CHAT] Cdnewlon: unreal
[08:23:18] Cdnewlon casts [Spell Pierce] targeting [Vines of Vastwood].
[08:23:26] Nurs_T casts [Spell Pierce] targeting [Spell Pierce].
[08:23:28] Cdnewlon has conceded from the game.
Winner: Nurs_T
Game 3 Completed.
Match Winner: Nurs_T: 2–1
[08:23:31] Cdnewlon has left the game.