PDBot Stats

Game 814053448

[Time] 1663736165
[07:56:05] PDBot has started watching.
[League] Hive Mind by cruetusnex (194732) vs Deck Dek by nurs_t (194733)
[07:56:07] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[07:56:08] CruetusNex chooses to play first.
[07:56:11] CruetusNex mulligans to six cards.
[07:56:13] Nurs_T mulligans to six cards.
[07:56:18] CruetusNex puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[07:56:22] Nurs_T puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[07:56:22] Turn 1: CruetusNex
[07:56:23] CruetusNex skips their draw step.
[07:56:24] CruetusNex plays [Drossforge Bridge].
[07:56:26] Turn 1: Nurs_T
[07:56:28] Nurs_T plays [Island].
[07:56:30] Nurs_T casts [Ponder].
[07:56:36] Nurs_T chooses to shuffle their library.
[07:56:36] Nurs_T draws a card with [Ponder].
[07:56:38] Turn 2: CruetusNex
[07:56:40] CruetusNex plays [Island].
[07:56:44] CruetusNex casts [Cleansing Wildfire] targeting [Drossforge Bridge].
[07:56:52] CruetusNex draws a card with [Cleansing Wildfire].
[07:56:55] Turn 2: Nurs_T
[07:57:00] Nurs_T casts [Gitaxian Probe] targeting CruetusNex.
[07:57:01] Nurs_T draws a card with [Gitaxian Probe].
[07:57:06] Nurs_T plays [Yavimaya Coast].
[07:57:08] Nurs_T casts [Ichorclaw Myr].
[07:57:12] Turn 3: CruetusNex
[07:57:17] CruetusNex casts [Gitaxian Probe] targeting Nurs_T.
[07:57:22] CruetusNex draws a card with [Gitaxian Probe].
[07:57:38] CruetusNex casts [Cleansing Wildfire] targeting [Drossforge Bridge].
[07:57:43] CruetusNex draws a card with [Cleansing Wildfire].
[07:57:46] CruetusNex plays [Island].
[07:57:48] CruetusNex casts [Strike It Rich].
[07:57:49] CruetusNex's [Strike It Rich] creates a Treasure Token.
[07:57:53] Turn 3: Nurs_T
[07:58:05] CruetusNex is being attacked by [Ichorclaw Myr]
[07:58:11] Nurs_T puts a poison counter on CruetusNex.
[07:58:12] Nurs_T plays [Forest].
[07:58:18] CruetusNex casts [Thought Scour] targeting CruetusNex.
[07:58:19] CruetusNex mills [Pact of the Titan] and [Strike It Rich].
[07:58:19] CruetusNex draws a card with [Thought Scour].
[07:58:21] Turn 4: CruetusNex
[07:58:32] CruetusNex casts [Strike It Rich] from the graveyard.
[07:58:34] CruetusNex's [Strike It Rich] creates a Treasure Token.
[07:58:37] CruetusNex plays [Silverbluff Bridge].
[07:58:47] Turn 4: Nurs_T
[07:58:50] Nurs_T casts [Abundant Harvest].
[07:58:53] Nurs_T chooses nonland for [Abundant Harvest].
[07:58:53] Nurs_T reveals 2 cards with [Abundant Harvest]: [Yavimaya Coast] and [Gitaxian Probe].
[07:58:57] Nurs_T casts [Gitaxian Probe] targeting CruetusNex.
[07:59:01] Nurs_T draws a card with [Gitaxian Probe].
[07:59:36] Nurs_T plays [Forest].
[07:59:49] Nurs_T casts [Ichorclaw Myr].
[07:59:52] Nurs_T casts [Glistener Elf].
[07:59:57] Turn 5: CruetusNex
[08:00:06] CruetusNex casts [Frantic Search].
[08:00:08] CruetusNex draws two cards with [Frantic Search].
[08:00:17] CruetusNex discards [Mountain].
[08:00:17] CruetusNex discards [Silverbluff Bridge].
[08:00:25] CruetusNex casts [Strike It Rich] from the graveyard.
[08:00:27] CruetusNex's [Strike It Rich] creates a Treasure Token.
[08:00:39] Turn 5: Nurs_T
[08:00:48] CruetusNex is being attacked by [Glistener Elf], [Ichorclaw Myr] and [Ichorclaw Myr]
[08:01:01] CruetusNex casts [Pact of the Titan].
[08:01:03] CruetusNex's [Pact of the Titan] creates a Giant Token.
[08:01:09] [Giant Token] blocks [Glistener Elf].
[08:01:15] Nurs_T casts [Invigorate] targeting [Glistener Elf].
[08:01:35] Nurs_T puts five -1/-1 counters on [Giant Token].
[08:01:35] Nurs_T puts two poison counters on CruetusNex.
[08:01:39] Turn 6: CruetusNex
[08:01:40] CruetusNex puts triggered ability from [Pact of the Titan] onto the stack (Pay {4R} or you lose the game.).
[08:01:52] CruetusNex plays [Dimir Aqueduct].
[08:01:53] CruetusNex puts triggered ability from [Dimir Aqueduct] onto the stack (When Dimir Aqueduct enters the battlefield, return a land you control to its owner's hand.).
[08:01:59] CruetusNex returns [Island] to its owner's hand with [Dimir Aqueduct]'s ability.
[08:02:04] Turn 6: Nurs_T
[08:02:08] Nurs_T plays [Forest].
[08:02:13] CruetusNex is being attacked by [Glistener Elf], [Ichorclaw Myr] and [Ichorclaw Myr]
[08:02:17] Nurs_T puts three poison counters on CruetusNex.
[08:02:21] Turn 7: CruetusNex
[08:02:25] CruetusNex casts [Burning Inquiry].
[08:02:27] CruetusNex draws three cards with [Burning Inquiry].
[08:02:27] Nurs_T draws three cards with [Burning Inquiry].
[08:02:27] CruetusNex discards [Hive Mind].
[08:02:27] CruetusNex discards [Mistvault Bridge].
[08:02:27] CruetusNex discards [Slaughter Pact].
[08:02:27] Nurs_T discards [Forest].
[08:02:27] Nurs_T discards [Vines of Vastwood].
[08:02:27] Nurs_T discards [Hinterland Harbor].
[08:02:30] CruetusNex casts [Burning Inquiry].
[08:02:32] CruetusNex draws three cards with [Burning Inquiry].
[08:02:32] Nurs_T draws three cards with [Burning Inquiry].
[08:02:32] CruetusNex discards [Island].
[08:02:32] CruetusNex discards [Cleansing Wildfire].
[08:02:32] CruetusNex discards [Cleansing Wildfire].
[08:02:32] Nurs_T discards [Might of Old Krosa].
[08:02:32] Nurs_T discards [Ponder].
[08:02:32] Nurs_T discards [Invigorate].
[08:02:51] CruetusNex casts [Strike It Rich].
[08:02:53] CruetusNex's [Strike It Rich] creates a Treasure Token.
[08:02:57] CruetusNex casts [Strike It Rich] from the graveyard.
[08:02:58] CruetusNex's [Strike It Rich] creates a Treasure Token.
[08:02:59] CruetusNex plays [Dimir Aqueduct].
[08:02:59] CruetusNex puts triggered ability from [Dimir Aqueduct] onto the stack (When Dimir Aqueduct enters the battlefield, return a land you control to its owner's hand.).
[08:03:03] CruetusNex returns [Mountain] to its owner's hand with [Dimir Aqueduct]'s ability.
[08:03:07] Turn 7: Nurs_T
[08:03:12] CruetusNex is being attacked by [Glistener Elf], [Ichorclaw Myr] and [Ichorclaw Myr]
[08:03:15] Nurs_T puts three poison counters on CruetusNex.
[08:03:18] Turn 8: CruetusNex
[08:03:44] CruetusNex has conceded from the game.
Winner: Nurs_T
Game 1 Completed.

Game 814053928

[Time] 1663736711
[08:05:12] PDBot has started watching.
[08:05:17] CruetusNex chooses to play first.
[08:05:23] CruetusNex begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[08:05:25] Nurs_T begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[08:05:25] Turn 1: CruetusNex
[08:05:27] CruetusNex skips their draw step.
[08:05:31] CruetusNex plays [Mistvault Bridge].
[08:05:34] Turn 1: Nurs_T
[08:05:35] Nurs_T plays [Forest].
[08:05:37] Nurs_T casts [Glistener Elf].
[08:05:38] Turn 2: CruetusNex
[08:05:40] CruetusNex plays [Mountain].
[08:05:45] CruetusNex casts [Cleansing Wildfire] targeting [Mistvault Bridge].
[08:05:50] CruetusNex draws a card with [Cleansing Wildfire].
[08:05:53] Turn 2: Nurs_T
[08:05:56] Nurs_T plays [Hinterland Harbor].
[08:06:08] Nurs_T casts [Invigorate] using an alternate cost targeting [Glistener Elf].
[08:06:15] Nurs_T casts [Invigorate] using an alternate cost targeting [Glistener Elf].
[08:06:19] Nurs_T casts [Vines of Vastwood] (with kicker) targeting [Glistener Elf].
[08:06:24] CruetusNex has conceded from the game.
Winner: Nurs_T
Game 2 Completed.
Match Winner: Nurs_T: 2–0