PDBot Stats

Game 813670642

[Time] 1663435919
[20:31:59] PDBot has started watching.
[20:31:59] Copied joined the game.
[League] Haups Control by kirazo (193949) vs Dargons by copied (193952)
[20:32:02] kirazo chooses to play first.
[20:32:02] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[20:32:13] kirazo begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[20:32:21] Copied begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[20:32:21] Turn 1: kirazo
[20:32:24] kirazo skips their draw step.
[20:32:25] kirazo plays [Mistvault Bridge].
[20:32:33] Turn 1: Copied
[20:32:35] Copied plays [Dragonskull Summit].
[20:32:40] Turn 2: kirazo
[20:32:49] kirazo plays [Swamp].
[20:32:52] kirazo casts [Impulse].
[20:33:05] Turn 2: Copied
[20:33:09] Copied casts [Strike It Rich].
[20:33:11] Copied's [Strike It Rich] creates a Treasure Token.
[20:33:34] Copied casts [Dark Ritual].
[20:33:37] Copied casts [Spoils of the Vault].
[20:33:48] Copied names Dragonstorm for [Spoils of the Vault].
[20:33:48] Copied reveals [Mountain].
[20:33:48] Copied reveals [Mountain].
[20:33:48] Copied reveals [Dragonstorm].
[20:33:53] Copied exiles [Simian Spirit Guide] with [Simian Spirit Guide]'s ability.
[20:33:54] Copied casts [Seething Song].
[20:33:59] Copied casts [Irencrag Feat].
[20:34:03] Copied has conceded from the game.
Winner: kirazo
Game 1 Completed.