PDBot Stats

Game 806728608

[Time] 1658094103
[00:41:43] PDBot has started watching.
[00:41:43] adrovk joined the game.
[00:41:43] Collected_Company joined the game.
[League] Host doesn't have active run
[00:41:55] Collected_Company chooses to play first.
[00:42:11] Collected_Company mulligans to six cards.
[00:42:38] [CHAT] Collected_Company: hi
[00:42:40] adrovk mulligans to six cards.
[00:42:43] [CHAT] Collected_Company: is this a league match?
[00:42:50] Collected_Company mulligans to five cards.
[00:42:57] adrovk puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[00:42:58] [CHAT] Collected_Company: cuz there is no message from the bot
[00:43:09] Collected_Company puts two cards on the bottom of their library and begins the game with five cards in hand.
[00:43:10] Turn 1: Collected_Company
[00:43:10] Collected_Company skips their draw step.
[00:43:14] Collected_Company plays [Island].
[00:43:15] Collected_Company casts [Ponder].
[00:43:38] Collected_Company chooses to shuffle their library.
[00:43:38] Collected_Company draws a card with [Ponder].
[00:43:40] Turn 1: adrovk
[00:43:43] adrovk plays [Vivid Creek].
[00:43:51] Turn 2: Collected_Company
[00:43:53] Collected_Company plays [Island].
[00:43:54] Collected_Company casts [Phyrexian Dreadnought].
[00:44:02] Collected_Company puts triggered ability from [Phyrexian Dreadnought] onto the stack (When Phyrexian Dreadnought enters the battlefield, sacrifice it unless you sacrifice any number of...).
[00:44:04] Collected_Company casts [Slip Out the Back] targeting [Phyrexian Dreadnought].
[00:44:11] Turn 2: adrovk
[00:44:16] adrovk plays [Vivid Grove].
[00:44:18] Turn 3: Collected_Company
[00:44:53] adrovk is being attacked by [Phyrexian Dreadnought]
[00:45:01] Collected_Company casts [Ponder].
[00:45:07] Collected_Company chooses to shuffle their library.
[00:45:07] Collected_Company draws a card with [Ponder].
[00:45:08] Collected_Company plays [Island].
[00:45:09] Turn 3: adrovk
[00:45:14] adrovk plays [Tendo Ice Bridge].
[00:45:20] adrovk casts [Demonic Dread] targeting [Phyrexian Dreadnought].
[00:45:20] adrovk puts triggered ability from [Demonic Dread] onto the stack (Cascade).
[00:45:37] adrovk reveals 11 cards with [Demonic Dread]: [Magister Sphinx], [Yidaro, Wandering Monster], [Vivid Crag], [Vivid Grove], [Throes of Chaos], [Vivid Grove], [Bogardan Hellkite], [Frontier Bivouac], [Yidaro, Wandering Monster], [Warstorm Surge], and 
[00:45:37] [Hypergenesis].
[00:45:37] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Yidaro, Wandering Monster[sU] has a disadvantageous bug.
Yidaro, Wandering Monster's reanimation ability does not function
[00:45:41] adrovk casts [Hypergenesis]. (X is 0).
[00:45:44] Collected_Company casts [Spell Pierce] targeting [Hypergenesis].
[00:45:49] adrovk has conceded from the game.
Winner: Collected_Company
Game 1 Completed.