PDBot Stats

Game 806483392

[Time] 1657908675
[21:11:15] PDBot has started watching.
[21:11:16] ErikAdrien joined the game.
[21:11:16] Collected_Company joined the game.
[League] Mono Blue Dreadnought by collected_company (187021) vs Mindpost by erikadrien (187028)
[21:11:18] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[21:11:23] Collected_Company chooses to play first.
[21:11:40] Collected_Company begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[21:11:42] ErikAdrien begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[21:11:42] Turn 1: Collected_Company
[21:11:42] Collected_Company skips their draw step.
[21:11:46] Collected_Company casts [Gitaxian Probe] targeting ErikAdrien.
[21:11:46] Collected_Company draws a card with [Gitaxian Probe].
[21:11:56] Collected_Company plays [Island].
[21:11:57] Collected_Company casts [Delver of Secrets].
[21:11:59] Turn 1: ErikAdrien
[21:12:01] ErikAdrien plays [Snow-Covered Forest].
[21:12:05] Turn 2: Collected_Company
[21:12:05] Collected_Company puts triggered ability from [Delver of Secrets] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, look at the top card of your library. You may reveal that card. I...).
[21:12:12] Collected_Company reveals [Lose Focus].
[21:12:12] [Insectile Aberration] transformed
[21:12:13] Collected_Company plays [Island].
[21:12:15] ErikAdrien is being attacked by [Insectile Aberration]
[21:12:17] Turn 2: ErikAdrien
[21:12:20] ErikAdrien plays [Cryptic Caves].
[21:12:22] ErikAdrien casts [Explore].
[21:12:31] Collected_Company casts [Lose Focus] targeting [Explore].
[21:12:38] Turn 3: Collected_Company
[21:12:39] Collected_Company plays [Island].
[21:12:41] ErikAdrien is being attacked by [Insectile Aberration]
[21:12:46] Collected_Company casts [Tempest Djinn].
[21:12:47] Turn 3: ErikAdrien
[21:12:49] ErikAdrien plays [Gruul Turf].
[21:12:49] ErikAdrien puts triggered ability from [Gruul Turf] onto the stack (When Gruul Turf enters the battlefield, return a land you control to its owner's hand.).
[21:12:52] ErikAdrien returns [Cryptic Caves] to its owner's hand with [Gruul Turf]'s ability.
[21:12:57] Turn 4: Collected_Company
[21:13:04] Collected_Company casts [Gitaxian Probe] targeting ErikAdrien.
[21:13:04] Collected_Company draws a card with [Gitaxian Probe].
[21:13:07] Collected_Company plays [Island].
[21:13:12] ErikAdrien is being attacked by [Tempest Djinn] and [Insectile Aberration]
[21:13:19] Collected_Company casts [Tempest Djinn].
[21:13:20] Turn 4: ErikAdrien
[21:13:22] ErikAdrien plays [Snow-Covered Forest].
[21:13:25] ErikAdrien casts [Cartographer's Survey].
[21:13:36] ErikAdrien has conceded from the game.
Winner: Collected_Company
Game 1 Completed.

Game 806483800

[Time] 1657908944
[21:15:45] PDBot has started watching.
[21:15:51] ErikAdrien chooses to play first.
[21:15:55] ErikAdrien begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[21:16:04] Collected_Company begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[21:16:04] Turn 1: ErikAdrien
[21:16:04] ErikAdrien skips their draw step.
[21:16:08] ErikAdrien plays [Glimmerpost].
[21:16:08] ErikAdrien puts triggered ability from [Glimmerpost] onto the stack (When Glimmerpost enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life for each Locus on the battlefield.).
[21:16:13] Turn 1: Collected_Company
[21:16:14] Collected_Company plays [Island].
[21:16:16] Collected_Company casts [Delver of Secrets].
[21:16:17] Turn 2: ErikAdrien
[21:16:19] ErikAdrien plays [Gruul Turf].
[21:16:19] ErikAdrien puts triggered ability from [Gruul Turf] onto the stack (When Gruul Turf enters the battlefield, return a land you control to its owner's hand.).
[21:16:21] ErikAdrien returns [Glimmerpost] to its owner's hand with [Gruul Turf]'s ability.
[21:16:24] Turn 2: Collected_Company
[21:16:24] Collected_Company puts triggered ability from [Delver of Secrets] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, look at the top card of your library. You may reveal that card. I...).
[21:16:33] Collected_Company reveals [Thought Scour].
[21:16:33] [Insectile Aberration] transformed
[21:16:34] Collected_Company plays [Island].
[21:16:40] ErikAdrien is being attacked by [Insectile Aberration]
[21:16:44] Turn 3: ErikAdrien
[21:16:48] ErikAdrien casts [Explore].
[21:16:56] Collected_Company casts [Memory Lapse] targeting [Explore].
[21:16:58] ErikAdrien plays [Glimmerpost].
[21:16:58] ErikAdrien puts triggered ability from [Glimmerpost] onto the stack (When Glimmerpost enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life for each Locus on the battlefield.).
[21:17:03] Turn 3: Collected_Company
[21:17:04] Collected_Company plays [Island].
[21:17:09] ErikAdrien is being attacked by [Insectile Aberration]
[21:17:11] Turn 4: ErikAdrien
[21:17:16] ErikAdrien plays [Haunted Fengraf].
[21:17:20] ErikAdrien casts [Cartographer's Survey].
[21:17:31] Collected_Company casts [Lose Focus] targeting [Cartographer's Survey].
[21:17:38] Collected_Company casts [Thought Scour] targeting Collected_Company.
[21:17:38] Collected_Company mills [Island] and [Island].
[21:17:38] Collected_Company draws a card with [Thought Scour].
[21:17:42] Turn 4: Collected_Company
[21:17:44] Collected_Company plays [Island].
[21:17:51] ErikAdrien is being attacked by [Insectile Aberration]
[21:17:56] Collected_Company casts [Ponder].
[21:18:01] Collected_Company chooses to shuffle their library.
[21:18:01] Collected_Company draws a card with [Ponder].
[21:18:06] Collected_Company casts [Phyrexian Dreadnought].
[21:18:07] Collected_Company puts triggered ability from [Phyrexian Dreadnought] onto the stack (When Phyrexian Dreadnought enters the battlefield, sacrifice it unless you sacrifice any number of...).
[21:18:09] Collected_Company casts [Reality Ripple] targeting [Phyrexian Dreadnought].
[21:18:12] Turn 5: ErikAdrien
[21:18:49] ErikAdrien plays [Arch of Orazca].
[21:18:58] Turn 5: Collected_Company
[21:19:01] Collected_Company plays [Island].
[21:19:06] ErikAdrien casts [Krosan Grip] targeting [Phyrexian Dreadnought].
[21:19:12] ErikAdrien is being attacked by [Insectile Aberration]
[21:19:18] Collected_Company casts [Tempest Djinn].
[21:19:22] Turn 6: ErikAdrien
[21:19:29] ErikAdrien casts [Cartographer's Survey].
[21:19:49] Turn 6: Collected_Company
[21:19:51] Collected_Company plays [Island].
[21:19:54] ErikAdrien is being attacked by [Tempest Djinn] and [Insectile Aberration]
[21:19:55] Turn 7: ErikAdrien
[21:19:59] ErikAdrien casts [Ancient Stirrings].
[21:20:02] ErikAdrien puts [Mindslaver] into their hand with with [Ancient Stirrings].
[21:20:13] ErikAdrien casts [Mindslaver].
[21:20:18] ErikAdrien activates an ability of [Mindslaver] targeting Collected_Company ( You control target player during that player's next turn.).
[21:20:22] Turn 7: Collected_Company
[21:20:28] Collected_Company casts [Phyrexian Dreadnought].
[21:20:35] Collected_Company puts triggered ability from [Phyrexian Dreadnought] onto the stack (When Phyrexian Dreadnought enters the battlefield, sacrifice it unless you sacrifice any number of...).
[21:20:52] Collected_Company casts [Ponder].
[21:21:07] Collected_Company chooses to not shuffle their library.
[21:21:07] Collected_Company draws a card with [Ponder].
[21:21:17] Turn 8: ErikAdrien
[21:21:25] ErikAdrien casts [Ancient Stirrings].
[21:21:31] ErikAdrien puts [Planar Bridge] into their hand with with [Ancient Stirrings].
[21:21:41] ErikAdrien casts [Planar Bridge].
[21:21:46] Turn 8: Collected_Company
[21:21:52] Turn 9: ErikAdrien
[21:22:00] xqby has started watching.
[21:22:03] ErikAdrien casts [Ancient Stirrings].
[21:22:06] ErikAdrien puts [Snow-Covered Forest] into their hand with with [Ancient Stirrings].
[21:22:09] ErikAdrien plays [Snow-Covered Forest].
[21:22:13] ErikAdrien casts [Oracle of Mul Daya].
[21:22:17] ErikAdrien plays [Gruul Turf].
[21:22:17] ErikAdrien puts triggered ability from [Gruul Turf] onto the stack (When Gruul Turf enters the battlefield, return a land you control to its owner's hand.).
[21:22:25] ErikAdrien returns [Glimmerpost] to its owner's hand with [Gruul Turf]'s ability.
[21:22:32] Turn 9: Collected_Company
[21:22:34] Collected_Company casts [Ponder].
[21:23:30] Collected_Company chooses to not shuffle their library.
[21:23:30] Collected_Company draws a card with [Ponder].
[21:23:33] Collected_Company casts [Gitaxian Probe] targeting ErikAdrien.
[21:23:35] Collected_Company draws a card with [Gitaxian Probe].
[21:23:41] Collected_Company casts [Opt].
[21:23:47] Collected_Company puts 1 card on top of their library.
[21:23:47] Collected_Company scrys 1.
[21:23:47] Collected_Company draws a card with [Opt].
[21:23:48] Collected_Company casts [Ponder].
[21:23:56] Collected_Company chooses to shuffle their library.
[21:23:56] Collected_Company draws a card with [Ponder].
[21:24:18] Turn 10: ErikAdrien
[21:24:23] ErikAdrien plays [Glimmerpost].
[21:24:23] ErikAdrien puts triggered ability from [Glimmerpost] onto the stack (When Glimmerpost enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life for each Locus on the battlefield.).
[21:24:30] ErikAdrien casts [Explore].
[21:24:31] ErikAdrien draws a card with [Explore].
[21:24:33] ErikAdrien plays [Cryptic Caves].
[21:24:41] ErikAdrien activates an ability of [Planar Bridge] ( Search your library for a permanent card, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle.).
[21:24:52] ErikAdrien activates an ability of [Mindslaver] targeting Collected_Company ( You control target player during that player's next turn.).
[21:25:02] Collected_Company is being attacked by [Oracle of Mul Daya]
[21:25:08] Turn 10: Collected_Company
[21:25:27] Collected_Company casts [Reality Ripple] targeting [Oracle of Mul Daya].
[21:26:01] Turn 11: ErikAdrien
[21:26:12] ErikAdrien casts [Oracle of Mul Daya].
[21:26:20] ErikAdrien casts [Mindslaver].
[21:26:24] Collected_Company casts [Spell Pierce] targeting [Mindslaver].
[21:26:39] Collected_Company is being attacked by [Oracle of Mul Daya]
[21:26:47] Turn 11: Collected_Company
[21:26:51] Collected_Company casts [Tempest Djinn].
[21:26:53] Collected_Company plays [Island].
[21:26:59] Turn 12: ErikAdrien
[21:27:03] ErikAdrien plays [Selesnya Sanctuary].
[21:27:04] ErikAdrien puts triggered ability from [Selesnya Sanctuary] onto the stack (When Selesnya Sanctuary enters the battlefield, return a land you control to its owner's hand.).
[21:27:11] ErikAdrien returns [Cryptic Caves] to its owner's hand with [Selesnya Sanctuary]'s ability.
[21:27:12] ErikAdrien plays [Urza's Factory].
[21:27:17] ErikAdrien plays [Cryptic Caves].
[21:27:22] ErikAdrien activates an ability of [Mindslaver] targeting Collected_Company ( You control target player during that player's next turn.).
[21:27:35] Collected_Company casts [Slip Out the Back] targeting [Tempest Djinn].
[21:27:40] Turn 12: Collected_Company
[21:27:53] ErikAdrien activates an ability of [Planar Bridge] ( Search your library for a permanent card, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle.).
[21:28:13] Turn 13: ErikAdrien
[21:28:16] ErikAdrien plays [Glimmerpost].
[21:28:17] ErikAdrien puts triggered ability from [Glimmerpost] onto the stack (When Glimmerpost enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life for each Locus on the battlefield.).
[21:28:22] ErikAdrien plays [Mouth of Ronom].
[21:28:28] ErikAdrien activates an ability of [Arch of Orazca] ( Draw a card.).
[21:28:29] ErikAdrien draws a card with [Arch of Orazca]'s ability.
[21:28:32] ErikAdrien casts [Explore].
[21:28:33] ErikAdrien draws a card with [Explore].
[21:28:35] ErikAdrien plays [Selesnya Sanctuary].
[21:28:35] ErikAdrien puts triggered ability from [Selesnya Sanctuary] onto the stack (When Selesnya Sanctuary enters the battlefield, return a land you control to its owner's hand.).
[21:28:41] ErikAdrien returns [Arch of Orazca] to its owner's hand with [Selesnya Sanctuary]'s ability.
[21:28:42] ErikAdrien plays [Arch of Orazca].
[21:28:49] ErikAdrien activates an ability of [Mindslaver] targeting Collected_Company ( You control target player during that player's next turn.).
[21:28:57] ErikAdrien activates an ability of [Arch of Orazca] ( Draw a card.).
[21:28:58] ErikAdrien draws a card with [Arch of Orazca]'s ability.
[21:29:08] Turn 13: Collected_Company
[21:29:23] Collected_Company casts [Reality Ripple] targeting [Tempest Djinn].
[21:29:35] Turn 14: ErikAdrien
[21:29:38] ErikAdrien plays [Buried Ruin].
[21:29:45] ErikAdrien activates an ability of [Buried Ruin] targeting [Mindslaver] ( Return target artifact card from your graveyard to your hand.).
[21:29:45] ErikAdrien returns [Mindslaver] to its owner's hand with [Buried Ruin]'s ability.
[21:29:48] ErikAdrien plays [Gruul Turf].
[21:29:49] ErikAdrien puts triggered ability from [Gruul Turf] onto the stack (When Gruul Turf enters the battlefield, return a land you control to its owner's hand.).
[21:29:53] ErikAdrien returns [Snow-Covered Forest] to its owner's hand with [Gruul Turf]'s ability.
[21:30:00] ErikAdrien casts [Mindslaver].
[21:30:06] ErikAdrien casts [Sylvan Scrying].
[21:30:09] ErikAdrien reveals [Glimmerpost].
[21:30:11] ErikAdrien plays [Glimmerpost].
[21:30:11] ErikAdrien puts triggered ability from [Glimmerpost] onto the stack (When Glimmerpost enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life for each Locus on the battlefield.).
[21:30:18] ErikAdrien casts [Summer Bloom].
[21:30:19] ErikAdrien plays [Buried Ruin].
[21:30:22] ErikAdrien plays [Snow-Covered Forest].
[21:30:27] ErikAdrien activates an ability of [Planar Bridge] ( Search your library for a permanent card, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle.).
[21:30:55] ErikAdrien activates an ability of [Mindslaver] targeting Collected_Company ( You control target player during that player's next turn.).
[21:31:00] Collected_Company is being attacked by [Oracle of Mul Daya] and [Oracle of Mul Daya]
[21:31:09] ErikAdrien activates an ability of [Cryptic Caves] ( Draw a card.).
[21:31:09] ErikAdrien draws a card with [Cryptic Caves]'s ability.
[21:31:11] ErikAdrien plays [Snow-Covered Forest].
[21:31:14] ErikAdrien casts [Sylvan Scrying].
[21:31:20] ErikAdrien reveals [Glimmerpost].
[21:31:23] Turn 14: Collected_Company
[21:31:34] Turn 15: ErikAdrien
[21:31:46] ErikAdrien plays [Glimmerpost].
[21:31:46] ErikAdrien puts triggered ability from [Glimmerpost] onto the stack (When Glimmerpost enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life for each Locus on the battlefield.).
[21:32:01] ErikAdrien activates an ability of [Mouth of Ronom] targeting [Tempest Djinn] ( Mouth of Ronom deals 4 damage to target creature.).
[21:32:11] ErikAdrien activates an ability of [Mouth of Ronom] targeting [Tempest Djinn] ( Mouth of Ronom deals 4 damage to target creature.).
[21:32:18] ErikAdrien activates an ability of [Buried Ruin] targeting [Mindslaver] ( Return target artifact card from your graveyard to your hand.).
[21:32:18] ErikAdrien returns [Mindslaver] to its owner's hand with [Buried Ruin]'s ability.
[21:32:24] ErikAdrien casts [Mindslaver].
[21:32:29] ErikAdrien activates an ability of [Mindslaver] targeting Collected_Company ( You control target player during that player's next turn.).
[21:32:33] ErikAdrien plays [Selesnya Sanctuary].
[21:32:33] ErikAdrien puts triggered ability from [Selesnya Sanctuary] onto the stack (When Selesnya Sanctuary enters the battlefield, return a land you control to its owner's hand.).
[21:32:36] ErikAdrien returns [Glimmerpost] to its owner's hand with [Selesnya Sanctuary]'s ability.
[21:32:38] ErikAdrien plays [Glimmerpost].
[21:32:38] ErikAdrien puts triggered ability from [Glimmerpost] onto the stack (When Glimmerpost enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life for each Locus on the battlefield.).
[21:32:47] ErikAdrien activates an ability of [Arch of Orazca] ( Draw a card.).
[21:32:48] ErikAdrien draws a card with [Arch of Orazca]'s ability.
[21:32:51] ErikAdrien casts [Summer Bloom].
[21:32:52] ErikAdrien plays [Snow-Covered Forest].
[21:32:53] ErikAdrien plays [Selesnya Sanctuary].
[21:32:53] ErikAdrien puts triggered ability from [Selesnya Sanctuary] onto the stack (When Selesnya Sanctuary enters the battlefield, return a land you control to its owner's hand.).
[21:32:56] ErikAdrien returns [Arch of Orazca] to its owner's hand with [Selesnya Sanctuary]'s ability.
[21:32:57] ErikAdrien plays [Cloudpost].
[21:33:06] ErikAdrien casts [Sylvan Scrying].
[21:33:10] ErikAdrien reveals [Cloudpost].
[21:33:15] Collected_Company is being attacked by [Oracle of Mul Daya] and [Oracle of Mul Daya]
[21:33:20] Turn 15: Collected_Company
[21:33:26] Collected_Company casts [Gitaxian Probe] targeting ErikAdrien.
[21:33:28] Collected_Company draws a card with [Gitaxian Probe].
[21:33:34] Collected_Company casts [Treasure Cruise].
[21:33:37] Collected_Company draws three cards with [Treasure Cruise].
[21:33:46] Turn 16: ErikAdrien
[21:33:54] Collected_Company is being attacked by [Oracle of Mul Daya] and [Oracle of Mul Daya]
[21:33:55] Collected_Company has conceded from the game.
Winner: ErikAdrien
Game 2 Completed.
[21:33:57] xqby has stopped watching.

Game 806485618

[Time] 1657910156
[21:35:56] PDBot has started watching.
[21:36:00] Collected_Company chooses to play first.
[21:36:05] Collected_Company mulligans to six cards.
[21:36:08] ErikAdrien begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[21:36:19] Collected_Company puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[21:36:19] Turn 1: Collected_Company
[21:36:19] Collected_Company skips their draw step.
[21:36:21] Collected_Company plays [Island].
[21:36:28] Turn 1: ErikAdrien
[21:36:30] ErikAdrien plays [Snow-Covered Forest].
[21:36:32] ErikAdrien casts [Ancient Stirrings].
[21:36:35] Collected_Company casts [Stubborn Denial] targeting [Ancient Stirrings].
[21:36:41] Turn 2: Collected_Company
[21:36:43] Collected_Company plays [Island].
[21:36:44] Turn 2: ErikAdrien
[21:36:48] ErikAdrien plays [Mystifying Maze].
[21:36:51] ErikAdrien casts [Explore].
[21:36:58] Collected_Company casts [Memory Lapse] targeting [Explore].
[21:37:08] Turn 3: Collected_Company
[21:37:09] Collected_Company plays [Island].
[21:37:11] Turn 3: ErikAdrien
[21:37:20] ErikAdrien casts [Explore].
[21:37:22] Collected_Company casts [Spell Pierce] targeting [Explore].
[21:37:27] ErikAdrien plays [Gruul Turf].
[21:37:27] ErikAdrien puts triggered ability from [Gruul Turf] onto the stack (When Gruul Turf enters the battlefield, return a land you control to its owner's hand.).
[21:37:31] ErikAdrien returns [Mystifying Maze] to its owner's hand with [Gruul Turf]'s ability.
[21:37:33] Turn 4: Collected_Company
[21:37:35] Collected_Company plays [Island].
[21:37:38] Collected_Company casts [Tempest Djinn].
[21:37:39] Turn 4: ErikAdrien
[21:37:42] ErikAdrien casts [Sylvan Scrying].
[21:37:46] ErikAdrien reveals [Cloudpost].
[21:37:47] ErikAdrien plays [Cloudpost].
[21:37:49] Turn 5: Collected_Company
[21:37:53] Collected_Company casts [Gitaxian Probe] targeting ErikAdrien.
[21:37:53] Collected_Company draws a card with [Gitaxian Probe].
[21:38:04] Collected_Company casts [Thought Scour] targeting Collected_Company.
[21:38:04] Collected_Company mills [Ponder] and [Stubborn Denial].
[21:38:04] Collected_Company draws a card with [Thought Scour].
[21:38:06] Collected_Company plays [Island].
[21:38:08] ErikAdrien is being attacked by [Tempest Djinn]
[21:38:09] Turn 5: ErikAdrien
[21:38:19] ErikAdrien plays [Mystifying Maze].
[21:38:26] Turn 6: Collected_Company
[21:38:28] Collected_Company plays [Island].
[21:38:33] ErikAdrien is being attacked by [Tempest Djinn]
[21:38:37] ErikAdrien activates an ability of [Mystifying Maze] targeting [Tempest Djinn] ( Exile target attacking creature an opponent controls. At the beginning of the next end step, retu...).
[21:38:39] ErikAdrien puts triggered ability from [Mystifying Maze] onto the stack (Return Tempest Djinn to the battlefield under its owner's control at the beginning of the next end...).
[21:38:40] Turn 6: ErikAdrien
[21:38:45] ErikAdrien plays [Snow-Covered Forest].
[21:38:51] Turn 7: Collected_Company
[21:38:56] ErikAdrien is being attacked by [Tempest Djinn]
[21:39:00] ErikAdrien activates an ability of [Mystifying Maze] targeting [Tempest Djinn] ( Exile target attacking creature an opponent controls. At the beginning of the next end step, retu...).
[21:39:02] ErikAdrien puts triggered ability from [Mystifying Maze] onto the stack (Return Tempest Djinn to the battlefield under its owner's control at the beginning of the next end...).
[21:39:03] Turn 7: ErikAdrien
[21:39:07] ErikAdrien plays [Selesnya Sanctuary].
[21:39:07] ErikAdrien puts triggered ability from [Selesnya Sanctuary] onto the stack (When Selesnya Sanctuary enters the battlefield, return a land you control to its owner's hand.).
[21:39:11] ErikAdrien returns [Snow-Covered Forest] to its owner's hand with [Selesnya Sanctuary]'s ability.
[21:39:17] Turn 8: Collected_Company
[21:39:23] ErikAdrien is being attacked by [Tempest Djinn]
[21:39:27] ErikAdrien activates an ability of [Mystifying Maze] targeting [Tempest Djinn] ( Exile target attacking creature an opponent controls. At the beginning of the next end step, retu...).
[21:39:29] ErikAdrien puts triggered ability from [Mystifying Maze] onto the stack (Return Tempest Djinn to the battlefield under its owner's control at the beginning of the next end...).
[21:39:40] Turn 8: ErikAdrien
[21:39:40] ErikAdrien plays [Selesnya Sanctuary].
[21:39:40] ErikAdrien puts triggered ability from [Selesnya Sanctuary] onto the stack (When Selesnya Sanctuary enters the battlefield, return a land you control to its owner's hand.).
[21:39:40] ErikAdrien returns [Snow-Covered Forest] to its owner's hand with [Selesnya Sanctuary]'s ability.
[21:39:45] Turn 9: Collected_Company
[21:39:50] ErikAdrien is being attacked by [Tempest Djinn]
[21:39:53] ErikAdrien activates an ability of [Mystifying Maze] targeting [Tempest Djinn] ( Exile target attacking creature an opponent controls. At the beginning of the next end step, retu...).
[21:39:57] Collected_Company casts [Tempest Djinn].
[21:40:01] ErikAdrien puts triggered ability from [Mystifying Maze] onto the stack (Return Tempest Djinn to the battlefield under its owner's control at the beginning of the next end...).
[21:40:04] Turn 9: ErikAdrien
[21:40:08] ErikAdrien casts [Summer Bloom].
[21:40:18] ErikAdrien plays [Snow-Covered Forest].
[21:40:19] ErikAdrien plays [Selesnya Sanctuary].
[21:40:19] ErikAdrien puts triggered ability from [Selesnya Sanctuary] onto the stack (When Selesnya Sanctuary enters the battlefield, return a land you control to its owner's hand.).
[21:40:22] ErikAdrien returns [Snow-Covered Forest] to its owner's hand with [Selesnya Sanctuary]'s ability.
[21:40:24] ErikAdrien plays [Snow-Covered Forest].
[21:40:28] ErikAdrien plays [Gruul Turf].
[21:40:28] ErikAdrien puts triggered ability from [Gruul Turf] onto the stack (When Gruul Turf enters the battlefield, return a land you control to its owner's hand.).
[21:40:31] ErikAdrien returns [Snow-Covered Forest] to its owner's hand with [Gruul Turf]'s ability.
[21:40:39] Turn 10: Collected_Company
[21:40:42] Collected_Company plays [Island].
[21:40:47] ErikAdrien is being attacked by [Tempest Djinn] and [Tempest Djinn]
[21:40:50] ErikAdrien activates an ability of [Mystifying Maze] targeting [Tempest Djinn] ( Exile target attacking creature an opponent controls. At the beginning of the next end step, retu...).
[21:40:58] ErikAdrien puts triggered ability from [Mystifying Maze] onto the stack (Return Tempest Djinn to the battlefield under its owner's control at the beginning of the next end...).
[21:41:02] Turn 10: ErikAdrien
[21:41:05] ErikAdrien casts [Cartographer's Survey].
[21:41:37] Collected_Company casts [Lose Focus] (Replicated 2 times) targeting [Cartographer's Survey].
[21:41:37] Collected_Company puts triggered ability from [Lose Focus] onto the stack (Replicate {U} (When you cast this spell, copy it for each time you paid its replicate cost @b(2)...).
[21:42:22] ErikAdrien puts triggered ability from [Glimmerpost] onto the stack (When Glimmerpost enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life for each Locus on the battlefield.).
[21:42:27] ErikAdrien plays [Snow-Covered Forest].
[21:42:34] Turn 11: Collected_Company
[21:42:36] Collected_Company plays [Island].
[21:42:40] ErikAdrien is being attacked by [Tempest Djinn] and [Tempest Djinn]
[21:42:45] ErikAdrien activates an ability of [Mystifying Maze] targeting [Tempest Djinn] ( Exile target attacking creature an opponent controls. At the beginning of the next end step, retu...).
[21:42:50] ErikAdrien puts triggered ability from [Mystifying Maze] onto the stack (Return Tempest Djinn to the battlefield under its owner's control at the beginning of the next end...).
[21:42:53] Turn 11: ErikAdrien
[21:42:59] ErikAdrien plays [Arch of Orazca].
[21:43:02] ErikAdrien casts [Mindslaver].
[21:43:15] Collected_Company casts [Lose Focus] (Replicated 6 times) targeting [Mindslaver].
[21:43:16] Collected_Company puts triggered ability from [Lose Focus] onto the stack (Replicate {U} (When you cast this spell, copy it for each time you paid its replicate cost @b(6)...).
[21:43:38] ErikAdrien activates an ability of [Arch of Orazca] ( Draw a card.).
[21:44:43] ErikAdrien draws a card with [Arch of Orazca]'s ability.
[21:44:48] ErikAdrien has conceded from the game.
Winner: Collected_Company
Game 3 Completed.
Match Winner: Collected_Company: 2–1