PDBot Stats

Game 806059750

[Time] 1657581285
[02:14:46] PDBot has started watching.
[League] Host doesn't have active run
[02:14:52] Cliolio exiles [Kumano Faces Kakkazan] with its own ability.
[02:14:52] [Etching of Kumano] transformed
[02:14:57] Cliolio plays [Mountain].
[02:14:58] Cliolio casts [Ash Zealot].
[02:15:13] Qu4 is being attacked by [Ash Zealot], [Etching of Kumano] and [Falkenrath Pit Fighter]
[02:15:25] Turn 4: Qu4
[02:15:31] Qu4 plays [Island].
[02:16:24] Turn 5: Cliolio
[02:17:07] Qu4 is being attacked by [Ash Zealot], [Etching of Kumano] and [Falkenrath Pit Fighter]
[02:17:21] Cliolio casts [Flame Rift].
[02:17:27] Turn 5: Qu4
[02:17:32] Qu4 casts [Desperate Ritual].
[02:17:35] Qu4 casts [Seething Song].
[02:17:50] Qu4 casts [Frantic Search].
[02:17:52] Qu4 draws two cards with [Frantic Search].
[02:18:00] Qu4 discards [Sleight of Hand].
[02:18:00] Qu4 discards [Ponder].
[02:18:25] Qu4 casts [Invoke Calamity].
[02:18:33] Qu4 casts [Invoke Calamity].
[02:18:38] Qu4 casts [Mind's Desire].
[02:18:38] Qu4 puts triggered ability from [Mind's Desire] onto the stack (5 spells cast before Mind's Desire this turn.
Storm (When you cast this spell, copy it for each ...).
[02:19:07] Qu4 casts [Abrade] targeting [Ash Zealot] (Abrade deals 3 damage to target creature.).
[02:19:12] Qu4 casts [Desperate Ritual].
[02:19:16] Qu4 casts [Desperate Ritual].
[02:19:19] Qu4 casts [Seething Song].
[02:19:21] Qu4 casts [Mind's Desire].
[02:19:22] Qu4 puts triggered ability from [Mind's Desire] onto the stack (10 spells cast before Mind's Desire this turn.
Storm (When you cast this spell, copy it for each...).
[02:19:49] Cliolio has conceded from the game.
Winner: Qu4
Game 1 Completed.
[02:19:55] Cliolio has left the game.