PDBot Stats

Game 803816906

[Time] 1655972850
[11:27:31] PDBot has started watching.
[11:27:31] catmoozi joined the game.
[11:27:31] ciaphas2037 joined the game.
[League] No Goblins Storm by catmoozi (183929) vs Mono Blue Merfolk by ciaphas2037 (183896)
[11:27:33] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[11:27:40] ciaphas2037 chooses to play first.
[11:27:44] ciaphas2037 begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[11:27:45] catmoozi begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[11:27:45] Turn 1: ciaphas2037
[11:27:45] ciaphas2037 skips their draw step.
[11:27:48] ciaphas2037 plays [Island].
[11:27:50] ciaphas2037 casts [Cursecatcher].
[11:27:55] Turn 1: catmoozi
[11:27:59] catmoozi plays [Island].
[11:28:02] catmoozi casts [Gitaxian Probe] targeting ciaphas2037.
[11:28:02] catmoozi draws a card with [Gitaxian Probe].
[11:28:05] Turn 2: ciaphas2037
[11:28:08] ciaphas2037 plays [Island].
[11:28:13] ciaphas2037 casts [Master of the Pearl Trident].
[11:28:21] catmoozi is being attacked by [Cursecatcher]
[11:28:27] Turn 2: catmoozi
[11:28:30] catmoozi plays [Temple of Epiphany].
[11:28:30] catmoozi puts triggered ability from [Temple of Epiphany] onto the stack (When Temple of Epiphany enters the battlefield, scry 1.).
[11:28:36] catmoozi puts 1 card on top of their library.
[11:28:36] catmoozi scrys 1.
[11:28:42] Turn 3: ciaphas2037
[11:28:45] ciaphas2037 plays [Island].
[11:28:52] ciaphas2037 casts [Merrow Reejerey].
[11:29:01] catmoozi is being attacked by [Master of the Pearl Trident] and [Cursecatcher]
[11:29:10] Turn 3: catmoozi
[11:29:13] catmoozi plays [Mountain].
[11:29:15] catmoozi casts [Pyretic Ritual].
[11:29:21] catmoozi casts [Seething Song].
[11:29:34] catmoozi casts [Frantic Search].
[11:29:38] catmoozi draws two cards with [Frantic Search].
[11:29:40] catmoozi discards [Mountain].
[11:29:40] catmoozi discards [Mountain].
[11:29:41] MagaMan has started watching.
[11:29:48] MagaMan has stopped watching.
[11:29:54] catmoozi casts [Frantic Search].
[11:29:56] catmoozi draws two cards with [Frantic Search].
[11:29:58] catmoozi discards [Island].
[11:29:58] catmoozi discards [Izzet Boilerworks].
[11:30:10] catmoozi casts [Invoke Calamity].
[11:30:45] catmoozi casts [Frantic Search] from the graveyard.
[11:30:48] catmoozi casts [Frantic Search] from the graveyard.
[11:30:58] catmoozi draws two cards with [Frantic Search].
[11:31:08] catmoozi discards [Frantic Search].
[11:31:08] catmoozi discards [Thought Scour].
[11:31:17] catmoozi draws two cards with [Frantic Search].
[11:31:19] catmoozi discards [Island].
[11:31:19] catmoozi discards [Tendrils of Agony].
[11:31:36] catmoozi casts [Treasure Cruise].
[11:31:50] catmoozi draws three cards with [Treasure Cruise].
[11:32:11] catmoozi casts [Ponder].
[11:32:25] catmoozi chooses to not shuffle their library.
[11:32:25] catmoozi draws a card with [Ponder].
[11:32:28] catmoozi casts [Desperate Ritual].
[11:32:37] catmoozi casts [Invoke Calamity].
[11:32:46] ciaphas2037 has conceded from the game.
Winner: catmoozi
Game 1 Completed.

Game 803817290

[Time] 1655973294
[11:34:55] PDBot has started watching.
[11:35:02] ciaphas2037 chooses to play first.
[11:35:07] ciaphas2037 begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[11:35:09] catmoozi begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[11:35:09] Turn 1: ciaphas2037
[11:35:09] ciaphas2037 skips their draw step.
[11:35:12] ciaphas2037 plays [Island].
[11:35:14] ciaphas2037 casts [Cursecatcher].
[11:35:22] Turn 1: catmoozi
[11:35:27] catmoozi plays [Island].
[11:35:29] catmoozi casts [Ponder].
[11:35:38] catmoozi chooses to not shuffle their library.
[11:35:38] catmoozi draws a card with [Ponder].
[11:35:45] Turn 2: ciaphas2037
[11:35:47] ciaphas2037 plays [Island].
[11:35:55] catmoozi is being attacked by [Cursecatcher]
[11:36:04] ciaphas2037 casts [Harbinger of the Tides].
[11:36:04] Couldn't put triggered ability from [Harbinger of the Tides] on the stack.
[11:36:07] Turn 2: catmoozi
[11:36:10] catmoozi casts [Sleight of Hand].
[11:36:20] catmoozi plays [Island].
[11:36:21] catmoozi casts [Ponder].
[11:36:37] catmoozi chooses to not shuffle their library.
[11:36:37] catmoozi draws a card with [Ponder].
[11:36:42] Turn 3: ciaphas2037
[11:36:44] ciaphas2037 plays [Island].
[11:36:49] catmoozi is being attacked by [Harbinger of the Tides] and [Cursecatcher]
[11:36:56] ciaphas2037 casts [Rishadan Dockhand].
[11:36:58] Turn 3: catmoozi
[11:37:13] catmoozi plays [Izzet Boilerworks].
[11:37:13] catmoozi puts triggered ability from [Izzet Boilerworks] onto the stack (When Izzet Boilerworks enters the battlefield, return a land you control to its owner's hand.).
[11:37:18] catmoozi returns [Island] to its owner's hand with [Izzet Boilerworks]'s ability.
[11:37:22] catmoozi discards [Island].
[11:37:22] Turn 4: ciaphas2037
[11:37:25] ciaphas2037 plays [Island].
[11:37:31] catmoozi is being attacked by [Harbinger of the Tides] and [Cursecatcher]
[11:37:39] ciaphas2037 casts [Rishadan Dockhand].
[11:37:41] Turn 4: catmoozi
[11:37:45] ciaphas2037 activates an ability of [Rishadan Dockhand] targeting [Izzet Boilerworks] ( Tap target land.).
[11:37:50] catmoozi casts [Abrade] targeting [Rishadan Dockhand] (Abrade deals 3 damage to target creature.).
[11:38:21] catmoozi plays [Island].
[11:38:44] Turn 5: ciaphas2037
[11:38:53] catmoozi is being attacked by [Harbinger of the Tides] and [Cursecatcher]
[11:39:04] Turn 5: catmoozi
[11:39:09] ciaphas2037 activates an ability of [Rishadan Dockhand] targeting [Izzet Boilerworks] ( Tap target land.).
[11:39:25] catmoozi casts [Frantic Search].
[11:39:33] ciaphas2037 casts [Spell Pierce] targeting [Frantic Search].
[11:39:42] catmoozi plays [Island].
[11:39:45] catmoozi casts [Ponder].
[11:39:53] catmoozi chooses to shuffle their library.
[11:39:53] catmoozi draws a card with [Ponder].
[11:39:57] Turn 6: ciaphas2037
[11:40:13] catmoozi is being attacked by [Rishadan Dockhand], [Harbinger of the Tides] and [Cursecatcher]
[11:40:17] Turn 6: catmoozi
[11:40:28] catmoozi casts [Desperate Ritual].
[11:40:32] catmoozi casts [Seething Song].
[11:40:40] ciaphas2037 casts [Negate] targeting [Seething Song].
[11:40:45] catmoozi casts [Pieces of the Puzzle].
[11:40:54] ciaphas2037 activates an ability of [Cursecatcher] targeting [Pieces of the Puzzle] ( Counter target instant or sorcery spell unless its controller pays {1}.).
[11:40:59] catmoozi plays [Temple of Epiphany].
[11:40:59] catmoozi puts triggered ability from [Temple of Epiphany] onto the stack (When Temple of Epiphany enters the battlefield, scry 1.).
[11:41:04] catmoozi puts 1 card on the bottom of their library.
[11:41:04] catmoozi scrys 1.
[11:41:09] Turn 7: ciaphas2037
[11:41:22] catmoozi is being attacked by [Harbinger of the Tides]
[11:41:36] Turn 7: catmoozi
[11:41:46] ciaphas2037 activates an ability of [Rishadan Dockhand] targeting [Izzet Boilerworks] ( Tap target land.).
[11:41:57] Turn 8: ciaphas2037
[11:42:40] catmoozi is being attacked by [Harbinger of the Tides]
[11:42:52] Turn 8: catmoozi
[11:42:55] ciaphas2037 activates an ability of [Rishadan Dockhand] targeting [Izzet Boilerworks] ( Tap target land.).
[11:43:02] catmoozi casts [Pieces of the Puzzle].
[11:43:17] catmoozi reveals 5 cards with [Pieces of the Puzzle]: [Seething Song], [Island], [Island], [Izzet Boilerworks], and [Invoke Calamity].
[11:43:18] catmoozi has conceded from the game.
Winner: ciaphas2037
Game 2 Completed.

Game 803817748

[Time] 1655973835
[11:43:55] PDBot has started watching.
[11:43:56] catmoozi chooses to play first.
[11:43:59] catmoozi begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[11:44:02] ciaphas2037 begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[11:44:02] Turn 1: catmoozi
[11:44:07] catmoozi skips their draw step.
[11:44:08] catmoozi plays [Island].
[11:44:10] catmoozi casts [Ponder].
[11:44:25] catmoozi chooses to not shuffle their library.
[11:44:25] catmoozi draws a card with [Ponder].
[11:44:27] Turn 1: ciaphas2037
[11:44:37] ciaphas2037 plays [Island].
[11:44:38] ciaphas2037 casts [Cursecatcher].
[11:44:44] Turn 2: catmoozi
[11:44:50] catmoozi casts [Thought Scour] targeting catmoozi.
[11:44:53] catmoozi mills [Desperate Ritual] and [Island].
[11:44:53] catmoozi draws a card with [Thought Scour].
[11:44:55] catmoozi plays [Temple of Epiphany].
[11:44:55] catmoozi puts triggered ability from [Temple of Epiphany] onto the stack (When Temple of Epiphany enters the battlefield, scry 1.).
[11:45:02] catmoozi puts 1 card on top of their library.
[11:45:02] catmoozi scrys 1.
[11:45:06] Turn 2: ciaphas2037
[11:45:10] ciaphas2037 plays [Island].
[11:45:22] catmoozi is being attacked by [Cursecatcher]
[11:45:30] ciaphas2037 casts [Rishadan Dockhand].
[11:45:36] ciaphas2037 casts [Tide Shaper].
[11:45:38] Turn 3: catmoozi
[11:45:44] catmoozi plays [Mountain].
[11:45:48] catmoozi casts [Gitaxian Probe] targeting ciaphas2037.
[11:45:52] catmoozi draws a card with [Gitaxian Probe].
[11:46:00] catmoozi casts [Pyroclasm].
[11:46:09] ciaphas2037 activates an ability of [Cursecatcher] targeting [Pyroclasm] ( Counter target instant or sorcery spell unless its controller pays {1}.).
[11:46:20] Turn 3: ciaphas2037
[11:46:23] ciaphas2037 plays [Island].
[11:46:49] ciaphas2037 casts [Tide Shaper].
[11:46:54] ciaphas2037 casts [Tide Shaper].
[11:46:57] Turn 4: catmoozi
[11:47:16] catmoozi plays [Island].
[11:47:19] catmoozi casts [Pieces of the Puzzle].
[11:47:31] ciaphas2037 casts [Spell Pierce] targeting [Pieces of the Puzzle].
[11:47:42] Turn 4: ciaphas2037
[11:47:53] catmoozi is being attacked by [Tide Shaper] and [Tide Shaper]
[11:48:04] ciaphas2037 casts [Coralhelm Commander].
[11:48:04] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Coralhelm Commander[sU] has a graphical bug.
If a level-up card would gain an ability that it would through leveling, it won't show it has gained that ability.
[11:48:10] Turn 5: catmoozi
[11:48:19] catmoozi casts [Treasure Cruise].
[11:48:23] catmoozi draws three cards with [Treasure Cruise].
[11:48:27] catmoozi plays [Izzet Boilerworks].
[11:48:27] catmoozi puts triggered ability from [Izzet Boilerworks] onto the stack (When Izzet Boilerworks enters the battlefield, return a land you control to its owner's hand.).
[11:48:32] catmoozi returns [Island] to its owner's hand with [Izzet Boilerworks]'s ability.
[11:48:34] catmoozi casts [Ponder].
[11:48:45] catmoozi chooses to not shuffle their library.
[11:48:45] catmoozi draws a card with [Ponder].
[11:48:51] Turn 5: ciaphas2037
[11:49:11] ciaphas2037 activates an ability of [Coralhelm Commander] (Level up).
[11:49:17] ciaphas2037 activates an ability of [Coralhelm Commander] (Level up).
[11:49:30] catmoozi casts [Abrade] targeting [Coralhelm Commander] (Abrade deals 3 damage to target creature.).
[11:49:41] catmoozi is being attacked by [Tide Shaper] and [Tide Shaper]
[11:49:45] Turn 6: catmoozi
[11:50:00] catmoozi plays [Island].
[11:50:12] catmoozi casts [Desperate Ritual] splicing [Desperate Ritual].
[11:50:26] catmoozi casts [Frantic Search].
[11:50:29] catmoozi draws two cards with [Frantic Search].
[11:50:32] catmoozi discards [Island].
[11:50:32] catmoozi discards [Island].
[11:50:41] catmoozi casts [Gitaxian Probe] targeting ciaphas2037.
[11:50:44] catmoozi draws a card with [Gitaxian Probe].
[11:50:47] catmoozi casts [Ponder].
[11:50:55] catmoozi chooses to not shuffle their library.
[11:50:55] catmoozi draws a card with [Ponder].
[11:51:04] catmoozi casts [Frantic Search].
[11:51:04] catmoozi draws two cards with [Frantic Search].
[11:51:12] catmoozi discards [Frantic Search].
[11:51:12] catmoozi discards [Tendrils of Agony].
[11:51:22] catmoozi casts [Invoke Calamity].
[11:51:27] catmoozi casts [Frantic Search] from the graveyard.
[11:51:35] catmoozi casts [Ponder] from the graveyard.
[11:51:46] catmoozi chooses to not shuffle their library.
[11:51:46] catmoozi draws a card with [Ponder].
[11:51:49] catmoozi draws two cards with [Frantic Search].
[11:51:53] catmoozi discards [Mountain].
[11:51:53] catmoozi discards [Desperate Ritual].
[11:52:09] catmoozi casts [Mind's Desire].
[11:52:09] catmoozi puts triggered ability from [Mind's Desire] onto the stack (8 spells cast before Mind's Desire this turn.
Storm (When you cast this spell, copy it for each ...).
[11:52:31] catmoozi casts [Gigadrowse] targeting [Island].
[11:52:34] catmoozi casts [Seething Song].
[11:52:36] catmoozi casts [Seething Song].
[11:52:38] catmoozi casts [Invoke Calamity].
[11:52:42] catmoozi casts [Tendrils of Agony] from the graveyard targeting ciaphas2037.
[11:52:45] catmoozi puts triggered ability from [Tendrils of Agony] onto the stack (13 spells cast before Tendrils of Agony this turn.
Storm (When you cast this spell, copy it for ...).
Winner: catmoozi
Game 3 Completed.
Match Winner: catmoozi: 2–1