PDBot Stats

Game 803077866

[Time] 1655549169
[13:46:09] PDBot has started watching.
[13:46:09] chickeninthebrain joined the game.
[League] Turbo Clues by chickeninthebrain (183237) vs Just Another Netdeck by cmlrqn (183317)
[13:46:12] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[13:46:15] chickeninthebrain chooses to play first.
[13:46:19] [CHAT] chickeninthebrain: hi! gl hf
[13:46:23] chickeninthebrain begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[13:46:27] cmlrqn mulligans to six cards.
[13:46:34] cmlrqn puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[13:46:34] Turn 1: chickeninthebrain
[13:46:34] chickeninthebrain skips their draw step.
[13:46:36] chickeninthebrain plays [Temple of Mystery].
[13:46:37] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Temple of Mystery] onto the stack (When Temple of Mystery enters the battlefield, scry 1.).
[13:46:45] [CHAT] cmlrqn: hello, gl 
[13:46:45] chickeninthebrain puts 1 card on top of their library.
[13:46:45] chickeninthebrain scrys 1.
[13:46:51] Turn 1: cmlrqn
[13:46:55] cmlrqn plays [Frontier Bivouac].
[13:47:01] Turn 2: chickeninthebrain
[13:47:03] chickeninthebrain plays [Forest].
[13:47:08] chickeninthebrain casts [Lonis, Cryptozoologist].
[13:47:27] Turn 2: cmlrqn
[13:47:28] cmlrqn plays [Tanglepool Bridge].
[13:47:29] Turn 3: chickeninthebrain
[13:47:30] chickeninthebrain plays [Hinterland Harbor].
[13:47:34] chickeninthebrain casts [Woodland Champion].
[13:47:37] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Lonis, Cryptozoologist] onto the stack (Whenever another nontoken creature enters the battlefield under your control, investigate.).
[13:47:40] chickeninthebrain investigates.
[13:47:40] chickeninthebrain's [Lonis, Cryptozoologist] creates a Clue Token.
[13:47:40] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Woodland Champion] onto the stack (Whenever one or more tokens enter the battlefield under your control, put that many +1/+1 counters...).
[13:47:49] cmlrqn is being attacked by [Lonis, Cryptozoologist]
[13:48:00] Turn 3: cmlrqn
[13:48:03] cmlrqn plays [Forest].
[13:48:18] cmlrqn casts [Shardless Agent].
[13:48:18] cmlrqn puts triggered ability from [Shardless Agent] onto the stack (Cascade).
[13:48:25] cmlrqn reveals 7 cards with [Shardless Agent]: [Nissa, Worldwaker], [Mountain], [Bloodbraid Elf], [Tanglepool Bridge], [Dire-Strain Rampage], [Champion of Wits], and [See the Truth].
[13:48:26] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Dire-Strain Rampage[sU] has an advantageous bug.
Targeting an indestructible land with Dire-Strain Rampage allows the controller of the land to search for two lands.
[13:48:47] cmlrqn casts [See the Truth]. (X is 0).
[13:49:02] cmlrqn discards [Jokulhaups].
[13:49:02] Turn 4: chickeninthebrain
[13:49:09] chickeninthebrain plays [Forest].
[13:49:12] chickeninthebrain casts [Erdwal Illuminator].
[13:49:14] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Lonis, Cryptozoologist] onto the stack (Whenever another nontoken creature enters the battlefield under your control, investigate.).
[13:49:16] chickeninthebrain investigates.
[13:49:16] chickeninthebrain's [Lonis, Cryptozoologist] creates a Clue Token.
[13:49:19] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Erdwal Illuminator] onto the stack (Whenever you investigate for the first time each turn, investigate an additional time.).
[13:49:20] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Woodland Champion] onto the stack (Whenever one or more tokens enter the battlefield under your control, put that many +1/+1 counters...).
[13:49:25] chickeninthebrain investigates.
[13:49:25] chickeninthebrain's [Erdwal Illuminator] creates a Clue Token.
[13:49:25] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Woodland Champion] onto the stack (Whenever one or more tokens enter the battlefield under your control, put that many +1/+1 counters...).
[13:49:33] chickeninthebrain casts [Wavesifter] for its evoke cost.
[13:49:37] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Lonis, Cryptozoologist] onto the stack (Whenever another nontoken creature enters the battlefield under your control, investigate.).
[13:49:39] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Wavesifter] onto the stack (When Wavesifter enters the battlefield, investigate twice.).
[13:49:39] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Wavesifter] onto the stack (Evoke (When this permanent enters the battlefield, if its evoke cost was paid, its controller sa...).
[13:49:50] chickeninthebrain investigates.
[13:49:50] chickeninthebrain's [Wavesifter] creates a Clue Token.
[13:49:50] chickeninthebrain investigates.
[13:49:50] chickeninthebrain's [Wavesifter] creates a Clue Token.
[13:49:51] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Woodland Champion] onto the stack (Whenever one or more tokens enter the battlefield under your control, put that many +1/+1 counters...).
[13:49:51] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Woodland Champion] onto the stack (Whenever one or more tokens enter the battlefield under your control, put that many +1/+1 counters...).
[13:49:55] chickeninthebrain investigates.
[13:49:55] chickeninthebrain's [Lonis, Cryptozoologist] creates a Clue Token.
[13:49:56] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Woodland Champion] onto the stack (Whenever one or more tokens enter the battlefield under your control, put that many +1/+1 counters...).
[13:50:05] cmlrqn is being attacked by [Woodland Champion]
[13:50:09] [Shardless Agent] blocks [Woodland Champion].
[13:50:18] Turn 4: cmlrqn
[13:50:34] cmlrqn plays [Silverbluff Bridge].
[13:50:43] cmlrqn casts [Chain Lightning] targeting [Lonis, Cryptozoologist].
[13:50:54] chickeninthebrain activates an ability of [Lonis, Cryptozoologist] targeting cmlrqn. (X is 6) ( Target opponent reveals the top X cards of their library. You may put a nonland permanent card wi...).
[13:51:00] cmlrqn reveals 6 cards with [Lonis, Cryptozoologist]'s ability: [Cleansing Wildfire], [Slagwoods Bridge], [Inevitable Betrayal], [Forest], [Bloodbraid Elf], and [Forest].
[13:51:02] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Lonis, Cryptozoologist] onto the stack (Whenever another nontoken creature enters the battlefield under your control, investigate.).
[13:51:05] chickeninthebrain investigates.
[13:51:05] chickeninthebrain's [Lonis, Cryptozoologist] creates a Clue Token.
[13:51:07] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Erdwal Illuminator] onto the stack (Whenever you investigate for the first time each turn, investigate an additional time.).
[13:51:07] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Woodland Champion] onto the stack (Whenever one or more tokens enter the battlefield under your control, put that many +1/+1 counters...).
[13:51:10] chickeninthebrain investigates.
[13:51:10] chickeninthebrain's [Erdwal Illuminator] creates a Clue Token.
[13:51:10] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Woodland Champion] onto the stack (Whenever one or more tokens enter the battlefield under your control, put that many +1/+1 counters...).
[13:51:23] cmlrqn casts [See the Truth].
[13:51:43] Turn 5: chickeninthebrain
[13:51:55] chickeninthebrain activates an ability of [Clue Token] ( Draw a card.).
[13:51:57] chickeninthebrain draws a card with [Clue Token]'s ability.
[13:52:18] cmlrqn is being attacked by [Bloodbraid Elf], [Erdwal Illuminator] and [Woodland Champion]
[13:52:46] chickeninthebrain casts [Erdwal Illuminator].
[13:52:53] Turn 5: cmlrqn
[13:53:02] cmlrqn casts [Ponder].
[13:53:15] cmlrqn chooses to not shuffle their library.
[13:53:15] cmlrqn draws a card with [Ponder].
[13:53:19] cmlrqn casts [Ponder].
[13:53:25] cmlrqn chooses to shuffle their library.
[13:53:25] cmlrqn draws a card with [Ponder].
[13:53:27] cmlrqn plays [Mountain].
[13:53:30] cmlrqn has conceded from the game.
Winner: chickeninthebrain
Game 1 Completed.
[13:53:34] cmlrqn has left the game.

Game 803078364

[Time] 1655549665
[13:54:26] PDBot has started watching.
[13:54:47] cmlrqn begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[13:54:52] chickeninthebrain begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[13:54:52] Turn 1: cmlrqn
[13:54:52] cmlrqn skips their draw step.
[13:54:53] cmlrqn plays [Silverbluff Bridge].
[13:55:01] Turn 1: chickeninthebrain
[13:55:03] chickeninthebrain plays [Forest].
[13:55:05] chickeninthebrain casts [Glimmer Bairn].
[13:55:12] Turn 2: cmlrqn
[13:55:18] cmlrqn plays [Forest].
[13:55:23] cmlrqn casts [Cleansing Wildfire] targeting [Silverbluff Bridge].
[13:55:33] cmlrqn draws a card with [Cleansing Wildfire].
[13:55:41] Turn 2: chickeninthebrain
[13:55:43] chickeninthebrain plays [Hinterland Harbor].
[13:55:53] cmlrqn is being attacked by [Glimmer Bairn]
[13:56:10] chickeninthebrain casts [Deglamer] targeting [Silverbluff Bridge].
[13:56:20] Turn 3: cmlrqn
[13:57:09] cmlrqn plays [Mountain].
[13:57:22] cmlrqn casts [Dire-Strain Rampage] targeting [Island].
[13:58:03] Turn 3: chickeninthebrain
[13:58:06] chickeninthebrain plays [Hinterland Harbor].
[13:58:15] chickeninthebrain casts [Lonis, Cryptozoologist].
[13:58:21] cmlrqn is being attacked by [Glimmer Bairn]
[13:58:43] Turn 4: cmlrqn
[13:58:49] cmlrqn plays [Slagwoods Bridge].
[13:58:59] cmlrqn casts [Mizzium Mortars] targeting [Lonis, Cryptozoologist].
[13:59:11] Turn 4: chickeninthebrain
[13:59:14] chickeninthebrain plays [Island].
[13:59:16] chickeninthebrain casts [Lonis, Cryptozoologist].
[13:59:22] chickeninthebrain casts [Erdwal Illuminator].
[13:59:23] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Lonis, Cryptozoologist] onto the stack (Whenever another nontoken creature enters the battlefield under your control, investigate.).
[13:59:28] chickeninthebrain investigates.
[13:59:28] chickeninthebrain's [Lonis, Cryptozoologist] creates a Clue Token.
[13:59:28] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Erdwal Illuminator] onto the stack (Whenever you investigate for the first time each turn, investigate an additional time.).
[13:59:31] chickeninthebrain investigates.
[13:59:31] chickeninthebrain's [Erdwal Illuminator] creates a Clue Token.
[13:59:38] cmlrqn is being attacked by [Glimmer Bairn]
[13:59:46] Turn 5: cmlrqn
[14:00:05] cmlrqn plays [Slagwoods Bridge].
[14:00:10] cmlrqn casts [Cleansing Wildfire] targeting [Slagwoods Bridge].
[14:00:18] cmlrqn draws a card with [Cleansing Wildfire].
[14:00:31] cmlrqn exiles [Inevitable Betrayal] with 3 time counters.
[14:00:46] Turn 5: chickeninthebrain
[14:00:59] chickeninthebrain casts [Wavesifter] for its evoke cost.
[14:01:03] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Lonis, Cryptozoologist] onto the stack (Whenever another nontoken creature enters the battlefield under your control, investigate.).
[14:01:04] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Wavesifter] onto the stack (When Wavesifter enters the battlefield, investigate twice.).
[14:01:04] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Wavesifter] onto the stack (Evoke (When this permanent enters the battlefield, if its evoke cost was paid, its controller sa...).
[14:01:11] chickeninthebrain investigates.
[14:01:11] chickeninthebrain's [Wavesifter] creates a Clue Token.
[14:01:11] chickeninthebrain investigates.
[14:01:11] chickeninthebrain's [Wavesifter] creates a Clue Token.
[14:01:11] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Erdwal Illuminator] onto the stack (Whenever you investigate for the first time each turn, investigate an additional time.).
[14:01:14] chickeninthebrain investigates.
[14:01:14] chickeninthebrain's [Erdwal Illuminator] creates a Clue Token.
[14:01:14] chickeninthebrain investigates.
[14:01:14] chickeninthebrain's [Lonis, Cryptozoologist] creates a Clue Token.
[14:01:25] cmlrqn is being attacked by [Erdwal Illuminator], [Lonis, Cryptozoologist] and [Glimmer Bairn]
[14:01:28] chickeninthebrain activates an ability of [Glimmer Bairn] ( Glimmer Bairn gets +2/+2 until end of turn.).
[14:01:31] chickeninthebrain activates an ability of [Glimmer Bairn] ( Glimmer Bairn gets +2/+2 until end of turn.).
[14:01:40] chickeninthebrain activates an ability of [Glimmer Bairn] ( Glimmer Bairn gets +2/+2 until end of turn.).
[14:01:43] chickeninthebrain activates an ability of [Glimmer Bairn] ( Glimmer Bairn gets +2/+2 until end of turn.).
[14:01:52] chickeninthebrain activates an ability of [Glimmer Bairn] ( Glimmer Bairn gets +2/+2 until end of turn.).
[14:01:56] chickeninthebrain activates an ability of [Glimmer Bairn] ( Glimmer Bairn gets +2/+2 until end of turn.).
[14:02:09] chickeninthebrain casts [Deglamer] targeting [Slagwoods Bridge].
[14:02:19] Turn 6: cmlrqn
[14:02:19] cmlrqn puts triggered ability from [Inevitable Betrayal] onto the stack (Suspend 3{1UU}  (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[14:02:31] cmlrqn casts [Jokulhaups].
[14:02:37] Turn 6: chickeninthebrain
[14:02:40] chickeninthebrain plays [Forest].
[14:02:46] Turn 7: cmlrqn
[14:02:46] cmlrqn puts triggered ability from [Inevitable Betrayal] onto the stack (Suspend 3{1UU}  (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[14:03:03] Turn 7: chickeninthebrain
[14:03:10] Turn 8: cmlrqn
[14:03:10] cmlrqn puts triggered ability from [Inevitable Betrayal] onto the stack (Suspend 3{1UU}  (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[14:03:13] cmlrqn puts triggered ability from [Inevitable Betrayal] onto the stack (Suspend 3{1UU}  (When the last time counter is removed from the suspended card, cast it withou...).
[14:03:23] cmlrqn casts [Inevitable Betrayal] targeting chickeninthebrain.
[14:04:12] Turn 8: chickeninthebrain
[14:04:19] Turn 9: cmlrqn
[14:04:24] cmlrqn casts [Chain Lightning] targeting chickeninthebrain.
[14:04:33] chickeninthebrain is being attacked by [Shardless Agent]
[14:04:37] Turn 9: chickeninthebrain
[14:04:46] Turn 10: cmlrqn
[14:04:53] chickeninthebrain is being attacked by [Shardless Agent]
[14:04:57] Turn 10: chickeninthebrain
[14:05:04] Turn 11: cmlrqn
[14:05:06] cmlrqn plays [Mountain].
[14:05:14] chickeninthebrain is being attacked by [Shardless Agent]
[14:05:19] Turn 11: chickeninthebrain
[14:05:22] chickeninthebrain plays [Hinterland Harbor].
[14:05:26] chickeninthebrain casts [Deglamer] targeting [Slagwoods Bridge].
[14:05:34] Turn 12: cmlrqn
[14:05:37] cmlrqn plays [Mountain].
[14:05:45] chickeninthebrain is being attacked by [Shardless Agent]
[14:05:50] Turn 12: chickeninthebrain
[14:05:54] chickeninthebrain casts [Jolrael, Mwonvuli Recluse].
[14:06:01] Turn 13: cmlrqn
[14:06:04] cmlrqn plays [Silverbluff Bridge].
[14:06:10] chickeninthebrain is being attacked by [Shardless Agent]
[14:06:33] cmlrqn casts [Chain Lightning] targeting [Jolrael, Mwonvuli Recluse].
[14:06:38] Turn 13: chickeninthebrain
[14:06:40] chickeninthebrain plays [Forest].
[14:06:44] chickeninthebrain casts [Shardless Agent].
[14:06:44] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Shardless Agent] onto the stack (Cascade).
[14:06:49] chickeninthebrain reveals [Erdwal Illuminator] with [Shardless Agent].
[14:06:53] chickeninthebrain casts [Erdwal Illuminator]. (X is 0).
[14:07:03] Turn 14: cmlrqn
[14:07:37] chickeninthebrain is being attacked by [Shardless Agent]
[14:07:42] [Erdwal Illuminator] blocks [Shardless Agent].
[14:07:53] cmlrqn casts [Slagstorm] (Slagstorm deals 3 damage to each creature.).
[14:07:59] cmlrqn plays [Tanglepool Bridge].
[14:08:02] Turn 14: chickeninthebrain
[14:08:05] chickeninthebrain plays [Forest].
[14:08:08] chickeninthebrain casts [Briarbridge Patrol].
[14:08:20] Turn 15: cmlrqn
[14:08:26] cmlrqn casts [Ponder].
[14:08:46] cmlrqn chooses to not shuffle their library.
[14:08:46] cmlrqn draws a card with [Ponder].
[14:08:52] cmlrqn casts [Cleansing Wildfire] targeting [Tanglepool Bridge].
[14:08:55] cmlrqn draws a card with [Cleansing Wildfire].
[14:09:00] cmlrqn has conceded from the game.
Winner: chickeninthebrain
Game 2 Completed.
Match Winner: chickeninthebrain: 2–0
[14:09:04] cmlrqn has left the game.