PDBot Stats

Game 802480836

[Time] 1655180160
[07:16:00] PDBot has started watching.
[07:16:00] ErikAdrien joined the game.
[League] I Hope This Doesnt 0-5 by hacobplayz (182753) vs Cascade by erikadrien (182830)
[07:16:02] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[07:16:29] HacobPlayz chooses to play first.
[07:16:38] [CHAT] HacobPlayz: i got the wrong deck
[07:16:40] [CHAT] HacobPlayz: sorry
[07:16:42] HacobPlayz begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[07:16:47] [CHAT] HacobPlayz: what should I do
[07:17:00] [CHAT] HacobPlayz: backout or wait for it to say that its an illegal deck
[07:17:02] [CHAT] ErikAdrien: No worries, concede and run it back? I'm pretty sure bot doesn't report games if nothing happens
[07:17:10] [CHAT] ErikAdrien: Oh, not a bad idea :)
[07:17:11] HacobPlayz has conceded from the game.
[07:17:11] Turn 1: HacobPlayz
[07:17:11] HacobPlayz has lost connection to the game.
Winner: ErikAdrien
Game 1 Completed.