PDBot Stats

Game 798174524

[Time] 1651715648
[04:54:08] PDBot has started watching.
[04:54:08] FratMank94 joined the game.
[League] Gravity by bakert99 (178071) vs Of One Ninja by fratmank94 (177963)
[04:54:11] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[04:54:18] FratMank94 chooses to play first.
[04:54:22] FratMank94 mulligans to six cards.
[04:54:25] bakert99 begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[04:54:40] FratMank94 puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[04:54:40] Turn 1: FratMank94
[04:54:43] FratMank94 skips their draw step.
[04:54:46] FratMank94 plays [Island].
[04:54:49] FratMank94 casts [Ponder].
[04:54:59] FratMank94 chooses to not shuffle their library.
[04:54:59] FratMank94 draws a card with [Ponder].
[04:55:02] FratMank94 casts [Ornithopter].
[04:55:05] Turn 1: bakert99
[04:55:11] bakert99 plays [Drowned Catacomb].
[04:55:13] Turn 2: FratMank94
[04:55:17] FratMank94 plays [Island].
[04:55:22] bakert99 is being attacked by [Ornithopter]
[04:55:28] FratMank94 returns [Ornithopter] to its owner's hand with with [Prosperous Thief]'s ability.
[04:55:28] FratMank94 activates Ninjutsu ability of [Prosperous Thief].
[04:55:31] FratMank94 puts triggered ability from [Prosperous Thief] onto the stack (Whenever one or more Ninja or Rogue creatures you control deal combat damage to a player, create a...).
[04:55:34] FratMank94's [Prosperous Thief] creates a Treasure Token.
[04:55:38] FratMank94 casts [Ornithopter].
[04:55:43] FratMank94 casts [Of One Mind].
[04:55:43] FratMank94 draws two cards with [Of One Mind].
[04:55:45] Turn 2: bakert99
[04:55:53] bakert99 casts [Ponder].
[04:56:12] bakert99 chooses to not shuffle their library.
[04:56:12] bakert99 draws a card with [Ponder].
[04:56:14] bakert99 plays [Arcane Sanctum].
[04:56:17] Turn 3: FratMank94
[04:56:25] bakert99 is being attacked by [Ornithopter] and [Prosperous Thief]
[04:56:32] FratMank94 returns [Ornithopter] to its owner's hand with with [Prosperous Thief]'s ability.
[04:56:32] FratMank94 activates Ninjutsu ability of [Prosperous Thief].
[04:56:36] FratMank94 puts triggered ability from [Prosperous Thief] onto the stack (Whenever one or more Ninja or Rogue creatures you control deal combat damage to a player, create a...).
[04:56:36] FratMank94 puts triggered ability from [Prosperous Thief] onto the stack (Whenever one or more Ninja or Rogue creatures you control deal combat damage to a player, create a...).
[04:56:38] FratMank94's [Prosperous Thief] creates a Treasure Token.
[04:56:40] FratMank94's [Prosperous Thief] creates a Treasure Token.
[04:56:44] FratMank94 casts [Ornithopter].
[04:56:47] Turn 3: bakert99
[04:56:51] bakert99 plays [Swamp].
[04:56:56] bakert99 casts [Lingering Souls].
[04:57:07] FratMank94 casts [Memory Lapse] targeting [Lingering Souls].
[04:57:10] Turn 4: FratMank94
[04:57:20] bakert99 is being attacked by [Ornithopter], [Prosperous Thief] and [Prosperous Thief]
[04:57:22] ennosytallo has started watching.
[04:57:24] FratMank94 puts triggered ability from [Prosperous Thief] onto the stack (Whenever one or more Ninja or Rogue creatures you control deal combat damage to a player, create a...).
[04:57:24] FratMank94 puts triggered ability from [Prosperous Thief] onto the stack (Whenever one or more Ninja or Rogue creatures you control deal combat damage to a player, create a...).
[04:57:26] FratMank94's [Prosperous Thief] creates a Treasure Token.
[04:57:28] FratMank94's [Prosperous Thief] creates a Treasure Token.
[04:57:32] FratMank94 plays [Island].
[04:57:43] FratMank94 casts [Tempest Djinn].
[04:57:45] Turn 4: bakert99
[04:57:51] bakert99 has conceded from the game.
Winner: FratMank94
Game 1 Completed.
[04:57:52] ennosytallo has stopped watching.
[04:57:55] bakert99 has left the game.

Game 798174960

[Time] 1651715939
[04:58:59] PDBot has started watching.
[04:59:00] bakert99 chooses to play first.
[04:59:04] bakert99 begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[04:59:07] FratMank94 mulligans to six cards.
[04:59:20] FratMank94 puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[04:59:20] Turn 1: bakert99
[04:59:23] bakert99 skips their draw step.
[04:59:24] bakert99 plays [Port Town].
[04:59:27] Turn 1: FratMank94
[04:59:32] FratMank94 plays [Island].
[04:59:39] FratMank94 casts [Faerie Miscreant].
[04:59:46] bakert99 casts [Consider].
[04:59:49] bakert99 draws a card with [Consider].
[04:59:51] Turn 2: bakert99
[04:59:58] bakert99 plays [Arcane Sanctum].
[04:59:59] Turn 2: FratMank94
[05:00:10] bakert99 is being attacked by [Faerie Miscreant]
[05:00:18] FratMank94 returns [Faerie Miscreant] to its owner's hand with with [Moon-Circuit Hacker]'s ability.
[05:00:18] FratMank94 activates Ninjutsu ability of [Moon-Circuit Hacker].
[05:00:32] FratMank94 puts triggered ability from [Moon-Circuit Hacker] onto the stack (Whenever Moon-Circuit Hacker deals combat damage to a player, you may draw a card. If you do, disc...).
[05:00:38] FratMank94 draws a card with [Moon-Circuit Hacker]'s ability.
[05:00:40] FratMank94 plays [Island].
[05:01:00] FratMank94 casts [Ponder].
[05:01:10] FratMank94 chooses to not shuffle their library.
[05:01:10] FratMank94 draws a card with [Ponder].
[05:01:16] Turn 3: bakert99
[05:01:19] bakert99 plays [Island].
[05:01:25] bakert99 casts [Lingering Souls].
[05:01:25] bakert99's [Lingering Souls] creates two Spirit Tokens.
[05:01:27] Turn 3: FratMank94
[05:02:03] bakert99 is being attacked by [Moon-Circuit Hacker]
[05:02:06] [Spirit Token] blocks [Moon-Circuit Hacker].
[05:02:13] FratMank94 plays [Island].
[05:02:18] FratMank94 casts [Prosperous Thief].
[05:02:21] Turn 4: bakert99
[05:02:28] bakert99 casts [Ponder].
[05:02:35] bakert99 chooses to shuffle their library.
[05:02:35] bakert99 draws a card with [Ponder].
[05:02:40] bakert99 plays [Swamp].
[05:02:44] bakert99 casts [Lingering Souls] from the graveyard.
[05:02:45] bakert99's [Lingering Souls] creates two Spirit Tokens.
[05:02:53] Turn 4: FratMank94
[05:03:23] bakert99 is being attacked by [Prosperous Thief]
[05:03:27] [Spirit Token] blocks [Prosperous Thief].
[05:03:29] [Spirit Token] blocks [Prosperous Thief].
[05:03:35] Blockers for [Prosperous Thief] are ordered as follows: [Spirit Token], [Spirit Token]
[05:03:42] FratMank94 casts [Stern Dismissal] targeting [Spirit Token].
[05:03:43] FratMank94 returns [Spirit] token to its owner's hand with [Stern Dismissal].
[05:03:50] FratMank94 plays [Island].
[05:03:53] FratMank94 casts [Faerie Miscreant].
[05:04:00] Turn 5: bakert99
[05:04:09] bakert99 plays [Plains].
[05:04:23] Turn 5: FratMank94
[05:04:33] bakert99 is being attacked by [Faerie Miscreant] and [Prosperous Thief]
[05:04:37] [Spirit Token] blocks [Faerie Miscreant].
[05:04:41] FratMank94 puts triggered ability from [Prosperous Thief] onto the stack (Whenever one or more Ninja or Rogue creatures you control deal combat damage to a player, create a...).
[05:04:45] FratMank94's [Prosperous Thief] creates a Treasure Token.
[05:04:54] bakert99 casts [Fact or Fiction].
[05:05:15] FratMank94 casts [Lose Focus] targeting [Fact or Fiction].
[05:05:21] Turn 6: bakert99
[05:05:25] bakert99 plays [Island].
[05:05:29] bakert99 casts [Master of Death].
[05:05:39] FratMank94 casts [Memory Lapse] targeting [Master of Death].
[05:05:51] bakert99 casts [Vindicate] targeting [Prosperous Thief].
[05:05:59] Turn 6: FratMank94
[05:06:08] FratMank94 casts [Prosperous Thief].
[05:06:11] FratMank94 plays [Island].
[05:06:13] Turn 7: bakert99
[05:06:19] bakert99 plays [Island].
[05:06:23] bakert99 casts [Master of Death].
[05:06:25] bakert99 puts triggered ability from [Master of Death] onto the stack (When Master of Death enters the battlefield, surveil 2.).
[05:06:43] bakert99 puts 2 cards on top of their library.
[05:06:49] Turn 7: FratMank94
[05:07:01] bakert99 is being attacked by [Prosperous Thief]
[05:07:05] [Master of Death] blocks [Prosperous Thief].
[05:07:15] FratMank94 casts [Moon-Circuit Hacker].
[05:07:22] Turn 8: bakert99
[05:07:22] bakert99 puts triggered ability from [Master of Death] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, if Master of Death is in your graveyard, you may pay 1 life. If y...).
[05:07:34] bakert99 casts [Master of Death].
[05:07:40] FratMank94 has conceded from the game.
Winner: bakert99
Game 2 Completed.

Game 798175850

[Time] 1651716570
[05:09:30] PDBot has started watching.
[05:09:35] FratMank94 chooses to play first.
[05:09:45] FratMank94 begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[05:09:48] bakert99 mulligans to six cards.
[05:09:56] bakert99 puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[05:09:56] Turn 1: FratMank94
[05:09:58] FratMank94 skips their draw step.
[05:10:18] [CHAT] FratMank94: gotta say, this  match up makes me feel really uneducated about how to sideboard
[05:10:21] [CHAT] FratMank94: lol
[05:10:22] FratMank94 plays [Island].
[05:10:23] [CHAT] bakert99: :)
[05:10:25] FratMank94 casts [Faerie Miscreant].
[05:10:29] Turn 1: bakert99
[05:10:38] bakert99 plays [Island].
[05:10:39] Turn 2: FratMank94
[05:11:04] [CHAT] bakert99: get under me, stop me catching up by using counterspells is the plan
[05:11:10] [CHAT] FratMank94: like, I think just getting under you is the way to go, but if you can resolve a sweeper I probably lose
[05:11:19] FratMank94 plays [Island].
[05:11:30] [CHAT] FratMank94: okay
[05:11:42] bakert99 is being attacked by [Faerie Miscreant]
[05:11:50] FratMank94 returns [Faerie Miscreant] to its owner's hand with with [Moon-Circuit Hacker]'s ability.
[05:11:50] FratMank94 activates Ninjutsu ability of [Moon-Circuit Hacker].
[05:11:53] FratMank94 puts triggered ability from [Moon-Circuit Hacker] onto the stack (Whenever Moon-Circuit Hacker deals combat damage to a player, you may draw a card. If you do, disc...).
[05:11:58] FratMank94 draws a card with [Moon-Circuit Hacker]'s ability.
[05:12:03] FratMank94 casts [Faerie Miscreant].
[05:12:06] Turn 2: bakert99
[05:12:17] bakert99 plays [Drowned Catacomb].
[05:12:22] bakert99 casts [Bloodchief's Thirst] targeting [Moon-Circuit Hacker].
[05:12:24] Turn 3: FratMank94
[05:12:33] bakert99 is being attacked by [Faerie Miscreant]
[05:12:41] FratMank94 plays [Island].
[05:12:46] FratMank94 casts [Tempest Djinn].
[05:12:48] Turn 3: bakert99
[05:12:54] bakert99 plays [Plains].
[05:12:59] bakert99 casts [Lingering Souls].
[05:12:59] bakert99's [Lingering Souls] creates two Spirit Tokens.
[05:13:02] Turn 4: FratMank94
[05:13:19] bakert99 is being attacked by [Tempest Djinn]
[05:13:29] FratMank94 casts [Ponder].
[05:13:46] FratMank94 chooses to shuffle their library.
[05:13:46] FratMank94 draws a card with [Ponder].
[05:13:49] FratMank94 plays [Island].
[05:13:53] Turn 4: bakert99
[05:13:59] bakert99 plays [Swamp].
[05:14:02] bakert99 casts [Lingering Souls] from the graveyard.
[05:14:04] bakert99's [Lingering Souls] creates two Spirit Tokens.
[05:14:09] bakert99 casts [Search for Azcanta].
[05:14:22] Turn 5: FratMank94
[05:14:31] FratMank94 plays [Island].
[05:14:38] bakert99 is being attacked by [Tempest Djinn] and [Faerie Miscreant]
[05:14:59] FratMank94 returns [Faerie Miscreant] to its owner's hand with with [Prosperous Thief]'s ability.
[05:14:59] FratMank94 activates Ninjutsu ability of [Prosperous Thief].
[05:15:07] FratMank94 puts triggered ability from [Prosperous Thief] onto the stack (Whenever one or more Ninja or Rogue creatures you control deal combat damage to a player, create a...).
[05:15:11] FratMank94's [Prosperous Thief] creates a Treasure Token.
[05:15:17] FratMank94 casts [Of One Mind].
[05:15:19] FratMank94 draws two cards with [Of One Mind].
[05:15:26] FratMank94 casts [Faerie Miscreant].
[05:15:32] FratMank94 casts [Faerie Miscreant].
[05:15:33] FratMank94 puts triggered ability from [Faerie Miscreant] onto the stack (When Faerie Miscreant enters the battlefield, if you control another creature named Faerie Miscrea...).
[05:15:37] FratMank94 draws a card with [Faerie Miscreant]'s ability.
[05:15:41] Turn 5: bakert99
[05:15:41] bakert99 puts triggered ability from [Search for Azcanta] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, look at the top card of your library. You may put it into your gr...).
[05:15:56] bakert99 casts [Ponder].
[05:16:04] bakert99 chooses to shuffle their library.
[05:16:04] bakert99 draws a card with [Ponder].
[05:16:06] bakert99 plays [Arcane Sanctum].
[05:16:11] bakert99 casts [Lingering Souls].
[05:16:32] FratMank94 casts [Spell Pierce] targeting [Lingering Souls].
[05:16:43] Turn 6: FratMank94
[05:16:52] FratMank94 casts [Of One Mind].
[05:16:52] FratMank94 draws two cards with [Of One Mind].
[05:16:56] FratMank94 plays [Island].
[05:17:00] FratMank94 casts [Ponder].
[05:17:10] FratMank94 chooses to not shuffle their library.
[05:17:10] FratMank94 draws a card with [Ponder].
[05:17:17] bakert99 is being attacked by [Faerie Miscreant], [Faerie Miscreant], [Prosperous Thief] and [Tempest Djinn]
[05:17:22] [Spirit Token] blocks [Tempest Djinn].
[05:17:24] [Spirit Token] blocks [Faerie Miscreant].
[05:17:26] [Spirit Token] blocks [Faerie Miscreant].
[05:17:51] FratMank94 returns [Prosperous Thief] to its owner's hand with with [Moon-Circuit Hacker]'s ability.
[05:17:51] FratMank94 activates Ninjutsu ability of [Moon-Circuit Hacker].
[05:17:56] FratMank94 puts triggered ability from [Moon-Circuit Hacker] onto the stack (Whenever Moon-Circuit Hacker deals combat damage to a player, you may draw a card. If you do, disc...).
[05:18:03] FratMank94 draws a card with [Moon-Circuit Hacker]'s ability.
[05:18:12] FratMank94 casts [Ornithopter].
[05:18:16] Turn 6: bakert99
[05:18:16] bakert99 puts triggered ability from [Search for Azcanta] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, look at the top card of your library. You may put it into your gr...).
[05:18:31] bakert99 casts [Consider].
[05:18:35] bakert99 draws a card with [Consider].
[05:18:40] bakert99 casts [Lingering Souls] from the graveyard.
[05:18:45] bakert99's [Lingering Souls] creates two Spirit Tokens.
[05:18:50] bakert99 casts [Lingering Souls] from the graveyard.
[05:18:53] bakert99's [Lingering Souls] creates two Spirit Tokens.
[05:19:05] Turn 7: FratMank94
[05:19:24] bakert99 is being attacked by [Ornithopter], [Moon-Circuit Hacker] and [Tempest Djinn]
[05:19:28] [Spirit Token] blocks [Moon-Circuit Hacker].
[05:19:32] [Spirit Token] blocks [Ornithopter].
[05:19:33] [Spirit Token] blocks [Ornithopter].
[05:19:35] [Spirit Token] blocks [Ornithopter].
[05:19:38] [Spirit Token] blocks [Tempest Djinn].
[05:19:47] Blockers for [Ornithopter] are ordered as follows: [Spirit Token], [Spirit Token], [Spirit Token]
[05:20:00] FratMank94 casts [Ornithopter].
[05:20:03] FratMank94 plays [Island].
[05:20:10] FratMank94 casts [Mistblade Shinobi].
[05:20:14] Turn 7: bakert99
[05:20:18] bakert99 puts triggered ability from [Master of Death] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, if Master of Death is in your graveyard, you may pay 1 life. If y...).
[05:20:18] bakert99 puts triggered ability from [Search for Azcanta] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, look at the top card of your library. You may put it into your gr...).
[05:20:43] [CHAT] FratMank94: 3x block ornitopther just cuz or was there a reason
[05:20:55] [CHAT] bakert99: if you have a bounce spell you can keep it alive
[05:20:58] [CHAT] bakert99: no reason to allow that
[05:21:06] [CHAT] FratMank94: okay
[05:21:10] [CHAT] FratMank94: makes good sense
[05:21:21] bakert99 plays [Island].
[05:21:27] Turn 8: FratMank94
[05:21:52] [CHAT] FratMank94: lol I feel like this game is Lingering Souls vs my whole deck XD
[05:22:00] [CHAT] bakert99: p much
[05:22:13] bakert99 is being attacked by [Mistblade Shinobi], [Ornithopter] and [Tempest Djinn]
[05:22:43] [CHAT] FratMank94: am I the only one or is this just how Delver style match ups tend to be?
[05:22:56] bakert99 casts [Lochmere Serpent].
[05:23:03] [CHAT] bakert99: your deck has 1/1 fliers
[05:23:12] [Spirit Token] blocks [Tempest Djinn].
[05:23:14] [Spirit Token] blocks [Ornithopter].
[05:23:16] [Spirit Token] blocks [Ornithopter].
[05:23:18] [Lochmere Serpent] blocks [Mistblade Shinobi].
[05:23:25] Blockers for [Ornithopter] are ordered as follows: [Spirit Token], [Spirit Token]
[05:23:40] FratMank94 casts [Prosperous Thief].
[05:23:47] FratMank94 casts [Prosperous Thief].
[05:23:52] Turn 8: bakert99
[05:23:52] bakert99 puts triggered ability from [Search for Azcanta] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, look at the top card of your library. You may put it into your gr...).
[05:24:12] bakert99 casts [Consider].
[05:24:14] bakert99 draws a card with [Consider].
[05:24:25] bakert99 casts [Treasure Cruise].
[05:24:25] bakert99 draws three cards with [Treasure Cruise].
[05:24:37] bakert99 plays [Island].
[05:24:41] bakert99 casts [Master of Death].
[05:24:42] bakert99 puts triggered ability from [Master of Death] onto the stack (When Master of Death enters the battlefield, surveil 2.).
[05:24:51] bakert99 puts [Swamp] and [Fact or Fiction] into their graveyard.
[05:24:56] FratMank94 is being attacked by [Lochmere Serpent]
[05:24:59] [CHAT] FratMank94: so, lingering sould is extra good agianst me then?
[05:25:08] [CHAT] bakert99: yes
[05:25:23] bakert99 casts [Tasigur, the Golden Fang].
[05:25:24] [CHAT] FratMank94: okay, good to hear
[05:25:26] Turn 9: FratMank94
[05:26:14] [CHAT] FratMank94: the question I've been asking myself the whole time I've been playing this deck is: "how is this better than delver?'
[05:26:34] [CHAT] FratMank94: and if Garcia is playing UR delver I can't find a reason
[05:26:58] [CHAT] bakert99: he played orzhov in the 500
[05:27:18] [CHAT] FratMank94: thats news to me
[05:27:25] bakert99 is being attacked by [Tempest Djinn]
[05:27:32] [Spirit Token] blocks [Tempest Djinn].
[05:27:43] FratMank94 casts [Tempest Djinn].
[05:27:50] FratMank94 casts [Tempest Djinn].
[05:27:54] Turn 9: bakert99
[05:27:54] bakert99 puts triggered ability from [Search for Azcanta] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, look at the top card of your library. You may put it into your gr...).
[05:28:13] bakert99 casts [Ponder].
[05:28:17] bakert99 chooses to shuffle their library.
[05:28:17] bakert99 draws a card with [Ponder].
[05:28:29] bakert99 activates an ability of [Lochmere Serpent] ( You gain 1 life and draw a card.).
[05:28:29] bakert99 draws a card with [Lochmere Serpent]'s ability.
[05:28:40] [CHAT] bakert99: didn't find the sweeeper
[05:28:48] [CHAT] FratMank94: oof
[05:28:54] bakert99 casts [Vindicate] targeting [Tempest Djinn].
[05:29:01] bakert99 casts [Sudden Edict] targeting FratMank94.
[05:29:05] [CHAT] FratMank94: I knew thats what I had to play around
[05:29:11] FratMank94 sacrifices [Prosperous Thief].
[05:29:14] bakert99 plays [Arcane Sanctum].
[05:29:21] FratMank94 is being attacked by [Tasigur, the Golden Fang], [Master of Death], [Lochmere Serpent] and [Spirit Token]
[05:29:29] [Prosperous Thief] blocks [Lochmere Serpent].
[05:29:36] bakert99 has conceded from the game.
Winner: FratMank94
Game 3 Completed.
Match Winner: FratMank94: 2–1
[05:29:38] bakert99 draws their next card.
[05:29:39] bakert99 draws their next card.
[05:29:40] bakert99 draws their next card.
[05:29:41] bakert99 draws their next card.
[05:29:42] bakert99 draws their next card.
[05:29:43] bakert99 draws their next card.
[05:29:44] bakert99 draws their next card.