PDBot Stats

Game 796140942

[Time] 1649881101
[23:18:22] PDBot has started watching.
[League] Esper Curses by bot_chris (176135) vs Forced Fruition by pandadon (176190)
[23:18:24] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[23:18:30] [CHAT] pandadon: glhf!
[23:18:32] pandadon chooses to play first.
[23:18:38] pandadon begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[23:18:41] BOT_Chris begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[23:18:41] Turn 1: pandadon
[23:18:43] pandadon skips their draw step.
[23:18:44] pandadon plays [Wandering Fumarole].
[23:18:46] Turn 1: BOT_Chris
[23:18:46] [CHAT] BOT_Chris: yo yo gl
[23:18:57] BOT_Chris plays [Flood Plain].
[23:18:58] Turn 2: pandadon
[23:19:01] pandadon plays [Island].
[23:19:05] pandadon casts [Eye of Nowhere] targeting [Flood Plain].
[23:19:05] pandadon returns [Flood Plain] to its owner's hand with [Eye of Nowhere].
[23:19:06] Turn 2: BOT_Chris
[23:19:13] BOT_Chris plays [Flood Plain].
[23:19:21] BOT_Chris discards [Terminus].
[23:19:21] Turn 3: pandadon
[23:19:26] pandadon plays [Island].
[23:19:31] Turn 3: BOT_Chris
[23:19:36] BOT_Chris activates an ability of [Flood Plain] ( Search your library for a Plains or Island card, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle.).
[23:19:39] pandadon casts [Dictate of Kruphix].
[23:19:49] BOT_Chris plays [Isolated Chapel].
[23:19:53] BOT_Chris casts [Pentad Prism] (with Sunburst 2).
[23:19:55] Turn 4: pandadon
[23:19:58] pandadon puts triggered ability from [Dictate of Kruphix] onto the stack (At the beginning of each player's draw step, that player draws an additional card.).
[23:20:01] pandadon draws a card with [Dictate of Kruphix]'s ability.
[23:20:14] Turn 4: BOT_Chris
[23:20:15] pandadon puts triggered ability from [Dictate of Kruphix] onto the stack (At the beginning of each player's draw step, that player draws an additional card.).
[23:20:18] BOT_Chris draws a card with [Dictate of Kruphix]'s ability.
[23:20:35] BOT_Chris plays [Drowned Catacomb].
[23:20:48] Turn 5: pandadon
[23:20:50] pandadon puts triggered ability from [Dictate of Kruphix] onto the stack (At the beginning of each player's draw step, that player draws an additional card.).
[23:20:51] pandadon draws a card with [Dictate of Kruphix]'s ability.
[23:20:53] pandadon plays [Mountain].
[23:21:30] Turn 5: BOT_Chris
[23:21:31] pandadon puts triggered ability from [Dictate of Kruphix] onto the stack (At the beginning of each player's draw step, that player draws an additional card.).
[23:21:35] BOT_Chris draws a card with [Dictate of Kruphix]'s ability.
[23:21:37] BOT_Chris plays [Port Town].
[23:22:02] BOT_Chris discards [Oust].
[23:22:02] Turn 6: pandadon
[23:22:03] pandadon puts triggered ability from [Dictate of Kruphix] onto the stack (At the beginning of each player's draw step, that player draws an additional card.).
[23:22:05] pandadon draws a card with [Dictate of Kruphix]'s ability.
[23:22:07] pandadon plays [Sulfur Falls].
[23:22:18] pandadon casts [Eye of Nowhere] targeting [Drowned Catacomb].
[23:22:50] pandadon returns [Drowned Catacomb] to its owner's hand with [Eye of Nowhere].
[23:23:10] Turn 6: BOT_Chris
[23:23:11] pandadon puts triggered ability from [Dictate of Kruphix] onto the stack (At the beginning of each player's draw step, that player draws an additional card.).
[23:23:19] BOT_Chris draws a card with [Dictate of Kruphix]'s ability.
[23:23:32] BOT_Chris plays [Bad River].
[23:23:46] pandadon casts [Boomerang] targeting [Port Town].
[23:23:57] pandadon returns [Port Town] to its owner's hand with [Boomerang].
[23:24:33] BOT_Chris discards [Ponder].
[23:24:33] BOT_Chris discards [Fact or Fiction].
[23:24:33] BOT_Chris discards [Day of Judgment].
[23:24:34] Turn 7: pandadon
[23:24:35] pandadon puts triggered ability from [Dictate of Kruphix] onto the stack (At the beginning of each player's draw step, that player draws an additional card.).
[23:24:38] pandadon draws a card with [Dictate of Kruphix]'s ability.
[23:24:40] pandadon plays [Island].
[23:24:45] pandadon casts [Eye of Nowhere] targeting [Pentad Prism].
[23:25:00] pandadon returns [Pentad Prism] to its owner's hand with [Eye of Nowhere].
[23:25:20] Turn 7: BOT_Chris
[23:25:21] pandadon puts triggered ability from [Dictate of Kruphix] onto the stack (At the beginning of each player's draw step, that player draws an additional card.).
[23:25:27] BOT_Chris draws a card with [Dictate of Kruphix]'s ability.
[23:25:44] BOT_Chris plays [Port Town].
[23:25:52] BOT_Chris casts [Pentad Prism] (with Sunburst 2).
[23:26:01] pandadon casts [Counterflux] targeting [Pentad Prism].
[23:26:11] BOT_Chris discards [Infernal Grasp].
[23:26:11] Turn 8: pandadon
[23:26:12] pandadon puts triggered ability from [Dictate of Kruphix] onto the stack (At the beginning of each player's draw step, that player draws an additional card.).
[23:26:22] pandadon draws a card with [Dictate of Kruphix]'s ability.
[23:26:35] pandadon casts [Exhaustion] targeting BOT_Chris.
[23:26:59] Turn 8: BOT_Chris
[23:27:01] pandadon puts triggered ability from [Dictate of Kruphix] onto the stack (At the beginning of each player's draw step, that player draws an additional card.).
[23:27:09] BOT_Chris draws a card with [Dictate of Kruphix]'s ability.
[23:27:15] BOT_Chris activates an ability of [Bad River] ( Search your library for an Island or Swamp card, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle.).
[23:27:19] pandadon casts [Dictate of Kruphix].
[23:27:39] BOT_Chris plays [Prairie Stream].
[23:27:58] BOT_Chris discards [Flood Plain].
[23:27:58] Turn 9: pandadon
[23:28:00] pandadon puts triggered ability from [Dictate of Kruphix] onto the stack (At the beginning of each player's draw step, that player draws an additional card.).
[23:28:00] pandadon puts triggered ability from [Dictate of Kruphix] onto the stack (At the beginning of each player's draw step, that player draws an additional card.).
[23:28:02] pandadon draws a card with [Dictate of Kruphix]'s ability.
[23:28:04] pandadon draws a card with [Dictate of Kruphix]'s ability.
[23:28:05] pandadon plays [Island].
[23:28:07] pandadon casts [Fevered Visions].
[23:28:14] BOT_Chris casts [Memory Lapse] targeting [Fevered Visions].
[23:28:20] pandadon casts [Exhaustion] targeting BOT_Chris.
[23:28:25] Turn 9: BOT_Chris
[23:28:26] pandadon puts triggered ability from [Dictate of Kruphix] onto the stack (At the beginning of each player's draw step, that player draws an additional card.).
[23:28:26] pandadon puts triggered ability from [Dictate of Kruphix] onto the stack (At the beginning of each player's draw step, that player draws an additional card.).
[23:28:29] BOT_Chris draws a card with [Dictate of Kruphix]'s ability.
[23:28:30] BOT_Chris draws a card with [Dictate of Kruphix]'s ability.
[23:28:32] BOT_Chris plays [Drowned Catacomb].
[23:29:01] BOT_Chris casts [Pentad Prism] (with Sunburst 2).
[23:29:02] Turn 10: pandadon
[23:29:05] pandadon puts triggered ability from [Dictate of Kruphix] onto the stack (At the beginning of each player's draw step, that player draws an additional card.).
[23:29:05] pandadon puts triggered ability from [Dictate of Kruphix] onto the stack (At the beginning of each player's draw step, that player draws an additional card.).
[23:29:07] pandadon draws a card with [Dictate of Kruphix]'s ability.
[23:29:09] pandadon draws a card with [Dictate of Kruphix]'s ability.
[23:29:10] pandadon plays [Island].
[23:29:13] pandadon casts [Boomerang] targeting [Pentad Prism].
[23:29:22] pandadon returns [Pentad Prism] to its owner's hand with [Boomerang].
[23:29:31] pandadon casts [Forced Fruition].
[23:29:52] Turn 10: BOT_Chris
[23:29:53] pandadon puts triggered ability from [Dictate of Kruphix] onto the stack (At the beginning of each player's draw step, that player draws an additional card.).
[23:29:53] pandadon puts triggered ability from [Dictate of Kruphix] onto the stack (At the beginning of each player's draw step, that player draws an additional card.).
[23:29:56] BOT_Chris draws a card with [Dictate of Kruphix]'s ability.
[23:29:56] BOT_Chris draws a card with [Dictate of Kruphix]'s ability.
[23:30:01] BOT_Chris has conceded from the game.
Winner: pandadon
Game 1 Completed.

Game 796142042

[Time] 1649881856
[23:30:56] PDBot has started watching.
[23:31:06] BOT_Chris chooses to play first.
[23:31:10] BOT_Chris begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[23:31:12] pandadon mulligans to six cards.
[23:31:21] pandadon puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[23:31:21] Turn 1: BOT_Chris
[23:31:22] BOT_Chris skips their draw step.
[23:31:23] BOT_Chris plays [Island].
[23:31:24] BOT_Chris casts [Ponder].
[23:31:32] BOT_Chris chooses to not shuffle their library.
[23:31:32] BOT_Chris draws a card with [Ponder].
[23:31:34] Turn 1: pandadon
[23:31:37] pandadon plays [Island].
[23:31:40] Turn 2: BOT_Chris
[23:31:42] BOT_Chris plays [Plains].
[23:31:44] BOT_Chris casts [Pentad Prism] (with Sunburst 2).
[23:31:50] Turn 2: pandadon
[23:31:54] pandadon has conceded from the game.
Winner: BOT_Chris
Game 2 Completed.

Game 796142178

[Time] 1649881946
[23:32:27] PDBot has started watching.
[23:32:34] pandadon chooses to play first.
[23:32:38] pandadon begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[23:33:30] BOT_Chris begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[23:33:30] Turn 1: pandadon
[23:33:31] pandadon skips their draw step.
[23:33:49] pandadon plays [Island].
[23:33:52] Turn 1: BOT_Chris
[23:33:55] BOT_Chris plays [Swamp].
[23:33:57] BOT_Chris casts [Duress] targeting pandadon.
[23:34:24] pandadon discards [Howling Mine].
[23:34:24] pandadon reveals their hand to [Duress], containing [Fevered Visions], [Sulfur Falls], [Counterflux], [Counterflux], and [Forced Fruition].
[23:34:26] Turn 2: pandadon
[23:34:29] pandadon plays [Sulfur Falls].
[23:34:31] Turn 2: BOT_Chris
[23:34:34] BOT_Chris plays [Drowned Catacomb].
[23:34:39] BOT_Chris casts [Pentad Prism] (with Sunburst 2).
[23:34:42] Turn 3: pandadon
[23:34:45] pandadon plays [Island].
[23:34:49] pandadon casts [Fevered Visions].
[23:34:52] pandadon puts triggered ability from [Fevered Visions] onto the stack (At the beginning of each player's end step, that player draws a card. If the player is your oppone...).
[23:34:52] pandadon draws a card with [Fevered Visions]'s ability.
[23:34:52] Turn 3: BOT_Chris
[23:35:08] BOT_Chris casts [Seal of Cleansing].
[23:35:13] BOT_Chris plays [Island].
[23:35:18] pandadon puts triggered ability from [Fevered Visions] onto the stack (At the beginning of each player's end step, that player draws a card. If the player is your oppone...).
[23:35:21] BOT_Chris activates an ability of [Seal of Cleansing] targeting [Fevered Visions] ( Destroy target artifact or enchantment.).
[23:35:22] BOT_Chris draws a card with [Fevered Visions]'s ability.
[23:35:23] Turn 4: pandadon
[23:35:28] pandadon casts [Fevered Visions].
[23:35:32] pandadon puts triggered ability from [Fevered Visions] onto the stack (At the beginning of each player's end step, that player draws a card. If the player is your oppone...).
[23:35:32] pandadon draws a card with [Fevered Visions]'s ability.
[23:35:32] Turn 4: BOT_Chris
[23:35:41] BOT_Chris plays [Prairie Stream].
[23:35:51] BOT_Chris casts [Curse of Exhaustion] targeting pandadon.
[23:35:55] pandadon puts triggered ability from [Fevered Visions] onto the stack (At the beginning of each player's end step, that player draws a card. If the player is your oppone...).
[23:35:56] BOT_Chris draws a card with [Fevered Visions]'s ability.
[23:35:56] Turn 5: pandadon
[23:36:04] pandadon plays [Island].
[23:36:06] pandadon casts [Howling Mine].
[23:36:09] pandadon puts triggered ability from [Fevered Visions] onto the stack (At the beginning of each player's end step, that player draws a card. If the player is your oppone...).
[23:36:10] pandadon draws a card with [Fevered Visions]'s ability.
[23:36:10] Turn 5: BOT_Chris
[23:36:12] pandadon puts triggered ability from [Howling Mine] onto the stack (At the beginning of each player's draw step, if Howling Mine is untapped, that player draws an add...).
[23:36:14] BOT_Chris draws a card with [Howling Mine]'s ability.
[23:36:24] BOT_Chris casts [Duress] targeting pandadon.
[23:36:28] pandadon casts [Memory Lapse] targeting [Duress].
[23:36:40] BOT_Chris plays [Isolated Chapel].
[23:36:44] BOT_Chris casts [Kitchen Finks].
[23:36:44] BOT_Chris puts triggered ability from [Kitchen Finks] onto the stack (When Kitchen Finks enters the battlefield, you gain 2 life.).
[23:37:11] BOT_Chris casts [Dread Fugue] targeting pandadon.
[23:37:13] pandadon reveals their hand to [Dread Fugue], containing [Mountain], [Counterflux], [Counterflux], [Counterflux], and [Forced Fruition].
[23:37:15] pandadon puts triggered ability from [Fevered Visions] onto the stack (At the beginning of each player's end step, that player draws a card. If the player is your oppone...).
[23:37:15] BOT_Chris draws a card with [Fevered Visions]'s ability.
[23:37:15] Turn 6: pandadon
[23:37:18] pandadon puts triggered ability from [Howling Mine] onto the stack (At the beginning of each player's draw step, if Howling Mine is untapped, that player draws an add...).
[23:37:20] pandadon draws a card with [Howling Mine]'s ability.
[23:37:21] pandadon plays [Mountain].
[23:37:26] pandadon puts triggered ability from [Fevered Visions] onto the stack (At the beginning of each player's end step, that player draws a card. If the player is your oppone...).
[23:37:27] pandadon draws a card with [Fevered Visions]'s ability.
[23:37:28] Turn 6: BOT_Chris
[23:37:29] pandadon puts triggered ability from [Howling Mine] onto the stack (At the beginning of each player's draw step, if Howling Mine is untapped, that player draws an add...).
[23:37:33] BOT_Chris draws a card with [Howling Mine]'s ability.
[23:37:41] pandadon is being attacked by [Kitchen Finks]
[23:37:50] BOT_Chris casts [Duress] targeting pandadon.
[23:37:57] pandadon discards [Forced Fruition].
[23:37:57] pandadon reveals their hand to [Duress], containing [Chasm Skulker], [Island], [Island], [Counterflux], [Counterflux], and [Counterflux].
[23:38:16] BOT_Chris plays [Drowned Catacomb].
[23:38:27] BOT_Chris casts [Kitchen Finks].
[23:38:31] pandadon casts [Counterflux] targeting [Kitchen Finks].
[23:38:31] pandadon puts triggered ability from [Fevered Visions] onto the stack (At the beginning of each player's end step, that player draws a card. If the player is your oppone...).
[23:38:33] BOT_Chris draws a card with [Fevered Visions]'s ability.
[23:38:35] Turn 7: pandadon
[23:38:36] pandadon puts triggered ability from [Howling Mine] onto the stack (At the beginning of each player's draw step, if Howling Mine is untapped, that player draws an add...).
[23:38:37] pandadon draws a card with [Howling Mine]'s ability.
[23:38:39] pandadon plays [Island].
[23:38:41] pandadon casts [Chasm Skulker].
[23:38:44] pandadon puts triggered ability from [Fevered Visions] onto the stack (At the beginning of each player's end step, that player draws a card. If the player is your oppone...).
[23:38:45] pandadon draws a card with [Fevered Visions]'s ability.
[23:38:45] pandadon puts triggered ability from [Chasm Skulker] onto the stack (Whenever you draw a card, put a +1/+1 counter on Chasm Skulker.).
[23:38:49] Turn 7: BOT_Chris
[23:38:50] pandadon puts triggered ability from [Howling Mine] onto the stack (At the beginning of each player's draw step, if Howling Mine is untapped, that player draws an add...).
[23:38:53] BOT_Chris draws a card with [Howling Mine]'s ability.
[23:39:09] pandadon is being attacked by [Kitchen Finks]
[23:39:27] BOT_Chris casts [Curse of Death's Hold] targeting pandadon.
[23:39:32] pandadon casts [Counterflux] targeting [Curse of Death's Hold].
[23:39:37] BOT_Chris plays [Flood Plain].
[23:39:38] pandadon puts triggered ability from [Fevered Visions] onto the stack (At the beginning of each player's end step, that player draws a card. If the player is your oppone...).
[23:39:40] BOT_Chris draws a card with [Fevered Visions]'s ability.
[23:39:42] Turn 8: pandadon
[23:39:45] pandadon puts triggered ability from [Chasm Skulker] onto the stack (Whenever you draw a card, put a +1/+1 counter on Chasm Skulker.).
[23:39:45] pandadon puts triggered ability from [Howling Mine] onto the stack (At the beginning of each player's draw step, if Howling Mine is untapped, that player draws an add...).
[23:39:47] pandadon draws a card with [Howling Mine]'s ability.
[23:39:47] pandadon puts triggered ability from [Chasm Skulker] onto the stack (Whenever you draw a card, put a +1/+1 counter on Chasm Skulker.).
[23:39:54] pandadon plays [Island].
[23:39:59] BOT_Chris is being attacked by [Chasm Skulker]
[23:40:04] pandadon puts triggered ability from [Fevered Visions] onto the stack (At the beginning of each player's end step, that player draws a card. If the player is your oppone...).
[23:40:06] pandadon draws a card with [Fevered Visions]'s ability.
[23:40:06] pandadon puts triggered ability from [Chasm Skulker] onto the stack (Whenever you draw a card, put a +1/+1 counter on Chasm Skulker.).
[23:40:09] Turn 8: BOT_Chris
[23:40:11] pandadon puts triggered ability from [Howling Mine] onto the stack (At the beginning of each player's draw step, if Howling Mine is untapped, that player draws an add...).
[23:40:15] BOT_Chris draws a card with [Howling Mine]'s ability.
[23:40:37] BOT_Chris casts [Ponder].
[23:40:44] BOT_Chris chooses to shuffle their library.
[23:40:44] BOT_Chris draws a card with [Ponder].
[23:40:50] BOT_Chris casts [Ponder].
[23:40:58] BOT_Chris chooses to not shuffle their library.
[23:40:58] BOT_Chris draws a card with [Ponder].
[23:41:08] BOT_Chris plays [Flood Plain].
[23:41:25] pandadon puts triggered ability from [Fevered Visions] onto the stack (At the beginning of each player's end step, that player draws a card. If the player is your oppone...).
[23:41:32] pandadon casts [Boomerang] targeting [Curse of Exhaustion].
[23:41:39] BOT_Chris has conceded from the game.
Winner: pandadon
Game 3 Completed.
Match Winner: pandadon: 2–1
[23:41:44] pandadon has left the game.