PDBot Stats

Game 795440276

[Time] 1649297506
[05:11:46] PDBot has started watching.
[05:11:46] Poposin_Hyde joined the game.
[League] Mard-Ooze by trihalomethane (175406) vs Blue Architect by poposin_hyde (175412)
[05:11:49] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[05:11:54] Poposin_Hyde chooses to play first.
[05:11:59] Poposin_Hyde mulligans to six cards.
[05:12:01] Trihalomethane begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[05:13:19] Poposin_Hyde mulligans to five cards.
[05:13:22] Poposin_Hyde puts two cards on the bottom of their library and begins the game with five cards in hand.
[05:13:22] Turn 1: Poposin_Hyde
[05:13:22] Poposin_Hyde skips their draw step.
[05:13:26] Poposin_Hyde plays [Island].
[05:14:55] Poposin_Hyde casts [Judge's Familiar].
[05:14:58] Turn 1: Trihalomethane
[05:14:58] Trihalomethane plays [Swamp].
[05:15:02] Turn 2: Poposin_Hyde
[05:15:02] Poposin_Hyde plays [Radiant Fountain].
[05:15:03] Poposin_Hyde puts triggered ability from [Radiant Fountain] onto the stack (When Radiant Fountain enters the battlefield, you gain 2 life.).
[05:15:04] Poposin_Hyde casts [Etherium Sculptor].
[05:15:04] Trihalomethane is being attacked by [Judge's Familiar]
[05:15:07] Turn 2: Trihalomethane
[05:15:07] Trihalomethane plays [Dragonskull Summit].
[05:15:08] Turn 3: Poposin_Hyde
[05:15:08] Poposin_Hyde plays [Island].
[05:15:08] Poposin_Hyde casts [Grand Architect].
[05:15:08] Trihalomethane is being attacked by [Etherium Sculptor] and [Judge's Familiar]
[05:15:11] Turn 3: Trihalomethane
[05:15:11] Trihalomethane plays [Isolated Chapel].
[05:15:16] Trihalomethane casts [Cathartic Pyre] targeting [Grand Architect] (Cathartic Pyre deals 3 damage to target creature or planeswalker.).
[05:15:16] Turn 4: Poposin_Hyde
[05:15:17] Poposin_Hyde plays [Island].
[05:15:17] Poposin_Hyde casts [Precursor Golem].
[05:15:18] Poposin_Hyde puts triggered ability from [Precursor Golem] onto the stack (When Precursor Golem enters the battlefield, create two 3/3 colorless Golem artifact creature toke...).
[05:15:19] Poposin_Hyde's [Precursor Golem] creates two Golem Tokens.
[05:15:29] Trihalomethane is being attacked by [Etherium Sculptor] and [Judge's Familiar]
[05:15:41] Turn 4: Trihalomethane
[05:15:45] Trihalomethane plays [Swamp].
[05:16:03] Trihalomethane casts [Dark Ritual].
[05:16:38] Trihalomethane casts [Cathartic Pyre] targeting [Precursor Golem] (Cathartic Pyre deals 3 damage to target creature or planeswalker.).
[05:16:39] Poposin_Hyde puts triggered ability from [Precursor Golem] onto the stack (Whenever a player casts an instant or sorcery spell that targets only a single Golem, that player ...).
[05:17:31] Trihalomethane casts [Necrotic Ooze].
[05:17:45] Turn 5: Poposin_Hyde
[05:17:51] Poposin_Hyde casts [Chief Engineer].
[05:18:02] Trihalomethane is being attacked by [Judge's Familiar]
[05:18:26] Turn 5: Trihalomethane
[05:19:22] Trihalomethane casts [Cathartic Pyre] targeting [Chief Engineer] (Cathartic Pyre deals 3 damage to target creature or planeswalker.).
[05:19:41] Poposin_Hyde is being attacked by [Necrotic Ooze]
[05:20:04] Turn 6: Poposin_Hyde
[05:20:17] Poposin_Hyde casts [Chief Engineer].
[05:20:29] Trihalomethane is being attacked by [Etherium Sculptor] and [Judge's Familiar]
[05:20:46] Turn 6: Trihalomethane
[05:21:05] Trihalomethane casts [Dark Ritual].
[05:21:19] Trihalomethane casts [Asmodeus the Archfiend].
[05:21:33] Poposin_Hyde is being attacked by [Necrotic Ooze]
[05:21:52] Turn 7: Poposin_Hyde
[05:22:01] Poposin_Hyde has conceded from the game.
Winner: Trihalomethane
Game 1 Completed.

Game 795441334

[Time] 1649298184
[05:23:04] PDBot has started watching.
[05:23:07] Poposin_Hyde chooses to play first.
[05:23:10] Poposin_Hyde begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[05:23:13] Trihalomethane begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[05:23:13] Turn 1: Poposin_Hyde
[05:23:13] Poposin_Hyde skips their draw step.
[05:23:18] Poposin_Hyde plays [Island].
[05:23:22] Poposin_Hyde casts [Judge's Familiar].
[05:23:32] Turn 1: Trihalomethane
[05:23:35] Trihalomethane plays [Swamp].
[05:23:39] Trihalomethane casts [Dread Fugue] targeting Poposin_Hyde.
[05:23:59] Poposin_Hyde reveals their hand to [Dread Fugue], containing [Lodestone Golem], [Island], [Master of Etherium], [Mishra's Factory], and [Buried Ruin].
[05:24:07] Turn 2: Poposin_Hyde
[05:24:14] Poposin_Hyde plays [Mishra's Factory].
[05:24:18] Poposin_Hyde casts [Silver Raven].
[05:24:22] Poposin_Hyde puts triggered ability from [Silver Raven] onto the stack (When Silver Raven enters the battlefield, scry 1.).
[05:24:36] Poposin_Hyde puts 1 card on top of their library.
[05:24:36] Poposin_Hyde scrys 1.
[05:24:41] Trihalomethane is being attacked by [Judge's Familiar]
[05:24:54] Turn 2: Trihalomethane
[05:24:57] Trihalomethane plays [Isolated Chapel].
[05:25:08] Turn 3: Poposin_Hyde
[05:25:12] Poposin_Hyde plays [Island].
[05:25:19] Poposin_Hyde casts [Grand Architect].
[05:25:29] Trihalomethane is being attacked by [Silver Raven] and [Judge's Familiar]
[05:25:43] Turn 3: Trihalomethane
[05:25:49] Trihalomethane plays [Dragonskull Summit].
[05:25:58] Trihalomethane casts [Duress] targeting Poposin_Hyde.
[05:26:19] Poposin_Hyde reveals their hand to [Duress], containing [Lodestone Golem], [Master of Etherium], and [Buried Ruin].
[05:26:27] Turn 4: Poposin_Hyde
[05:26:30] Poposin_Hyde plays [Buried Ruin].
[05:26:52] Poposin_Hyde casts [Master of Etherium].
[05:27:16] Poposin_Hyde casts [Lodestone Golem].
[05:27:32] Trihalomethane is being attacked by [Grand Architect] and [Silver Raven]
[05:27:43] Turn 4: Trihalomethane
[05:28:12] Trihalomethane plays [Dragonskull Summit].
[05:29:14] Trihalomethane has conceded from the game.
Winner: Poposin_Hyde
Game 2 Completed.

Game 795442094

[Time] 1649298684
[05:31:25] PDBot has started watching.
[05:31:37] Trihalomethane begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[05:31:40] Poposin_Hyde begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[05:31:40] Turn 1: Trihalomethane
[05:31:40] Trihalomethane skips their draw step.
[05:31:41] Trihalomethane plays [Swamp].
[05:31:45] Trihalomethane casts [Dread Fugue] targeting Poposin_Hyde.
[05:31:55] Poposin_Hyde discards [Etherium Sculptor].
[05:31:55] Poposin_Hyde reveals their hand to [Dread Fugue], containing [Master of Etherium], [Etherium Sculptor], [Island], [Master of Etherium], [Mishra's Factory], and [Island].
[05:32:06] Turn 1: Poposin_Hyde
[05:32:11] Poposin_Hyde plays [Island].
[05:32:14] Poposin_Hyde casts [Artificer's Assistant].
[05:32:26] Turn 2: Trihalomethane
[05:32:28] Trihalomethane plays [Dragonskull Summit].
[05:32:50] Turn 2: Poposin_Hyde
[05:32:53] Poposin_Hyde plays [Mishra's Factory].
[05:32:56] Poposin_Hyde casts [Etherium Sculptor].
[05:32:56] Poposin_Hyde puts triggered ability from [Artificer's Assistant] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a historic spell, scry 1.).
[05:33:06] Poposin_Hyde puts 1 card on the bottom of their library.
[05:33:06] Poposin_Hyde scrys 1.
[05:33:18] Trihalomethane is being attacked by [Artificer's Assistant]
[05:33:28] Trihalomethane casts [Cathartic Pyre] targeting [Etherium Sculptor] (Cathartic Pyre deals 3 damage to target creature or planeswalker.).
[05:33:45] Turn 3: Trihalomethane
[05:33:48] Trihalomethane plays [Isolated Chapel].
[05:34:16] Turn 3: Poposin_Hyde
[05:34:21] Poposin_Hyde plays [Island].
[05:34:25] Poposin_Hyde casts [Master of Etherium].
[05:34:25] Poposin_Hyde puts triggered ability from [Artificer's Assistant] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a historic spell, scry 1.).
[05:34:36] Poposin_Hyde puts 1 card on the bottom of their library.
[05:34:36] Poposin_Hyde scrys 1.
[05:34:46] Trihalomethane is being attacked by [Artificer's Assistant]
[05:35:03] Turn 4: Trihalomethane
[05:35:19] Trihalomethane plays [Crumbling Vestige].
[05:35:20] Trihalomethane puts triggered ability from [Crumbling Vestige] onto the stack (When Crumbling Vestige enters the battlefield, add one mana of any color.).
[05:35:35] Trihalomethane chooses red.
[05:35:52] Trihalomethane casts [Banefire] targeting [Master of Etherium]. (X is 1).
[05:36:40] Trihalomethane casts [Dark Ritual].
[05:36:52] Trihalomethane casts [Mastermind's Acquisition] (Put a card you own from outside the game into your hand.).
[05:37:31] Turn 4: Poposin_Hyde
[05:37:34] Poposin_Hyde plays [Island].
[05:37:39] Poposin_Hyde casts [Master of Etherium].
[05:37:39] Poposin_Hyde puts triggered ability from [Artificer's Assistant] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a historic spell, scry 1.).
[05:37:52] Poposin_Hyde puts 1 card on top of their library.
[05:37:52] Poposin_Hyde scrys 1.
[05:37:59] Trihalomethane is being attacked by [Artificer's Assistant]
[05:38:10] Turn 5: Trihalomethane
[05:38:12] Trihalomethane plays [Nomad Outpost].
[05:38:19] Turn 5: Poposin_Hyde
[05:38:22] Poposin_Hyde plays [Island].
[05:38:28] Poposin_Hyde casts [Lodestone Golem].
[05:38:28] Poposin_Hyde puts triggered ability from [Artificer's Assistant] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a historic spell, scry 1.).
[05:38:39] Poposin_Hyde puts 1 card on the bottom of their library.
[05:38:39] Poposin_Hyde scrys 1.
[05:38:48] Trihalomethane is being attacked by [Master of Etherium] and [Artificer's Assistant]
[05:39:10] Turn 6: Trihalomethane
[05:39:49] Trihalomethane casts [Dread Fugue] for its cleave cost using an alternate cost targeting Poposin_Hyde.
[05:39:53] Poposin_Hyde discards [Master of Etherium].
[05:39:53] Poposin_Hyde reveals their hand to [Dread Fugue], containing no cards.
[05:40:02] Turn 6: Poposin_Hyde
[05:40:09] Poposin_Hyde casts [Artificer's Assistant].
[05:40:19] Trihalomethane is being attacked by [Lodestone Golem], [Master of Etherium] and [Artificer's Assistant]
[05:40:31] Turn 7: Trihalomethane
[05:40:34] Trihalomethane plays [Swamp].
[05:41:15] Trihalomethane has conceded from the game.
Winner: Poposin_Hyde
Game 3 Completed.
Match Winner: Poposin_Hyde: 2–1
[05:41:19] Trihalomethane has left the game.