PDBot Stats

Game 793660018

[Time] 1647919649
[05:27:29] PDBot has started watching.
[League] Sprite Dragon by damanindimir (173570) vs Izzet Aggro-Control by bakert99 (173635)
[05:27:32] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[05:27:38] bakert99 chooses to play first.
[05:27:40] Seven47 has started watching.
[05:27:42] bakert99 begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[05:27:44] DaManInDimir begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[05:27:44] Turn 1: bakert99
[05:27:46] bakert99 skips their draw step.
[05:27:47] bakert99 plays [Sulfur Falls].
[05:27:51] Turn 1: DaManInDimir
[05:27:57] DaManInDimir plays [Wandering Fumarole].
[05:28:00] Turn 2: bakert99
[05:28:03] bakert99 plays [Island].
[05:28:06] bakert99 casts [Sprite Dragon].
[05:28:09] DaManInDimir is being attacked by [Sprite Dragon]
[05:28:12] Turn 2: DaManInDimir
[05:28:15] DaManInDimir plays [Sulfur Falls].
[05:28:18] DaManInDimir casts [Play with Fire] targeting [Sprite Dragon].
[05:28:19] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Play with Fire[sU] has an advantageous bug.
Play with Fire lets you scry when damage is prevented
Our data about this bug is out of date.  Please let us know if this card is still bugged (or if it's been fixed).
You can do so by PM'ing this bot, or by typing `!stillbugged Play with Fire` or `!notbugged Play with Fire`
[05:28:21] Turn 3: bakert99
[05:28:24] bakert99 plays [Mountain].
[05:28:26] bakert99 casts [Sprite Dragon].
[05:28:31] bakert99 casts [Delver of Secrets].
[05:28:33] DaManInDimir is being attacked by [Sprite Dragon]
[05:28:34] Turn 3: DaManInDimir
[05:29:13] DaManInDimir casts [Sprite Dragon].
[05:29:16] DaManInDimir casts [Gitaxian Probe] targeting bakert99.
[05:29:16] DaManInDimir puts triggered ability from [Sprite Dragon] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, put a +1/+1 counter on Sprite Dragon.).
[05:29:18] DaManInDimir draws a card with [Gitaxian Probe].
[05:29:22] bakert99 is being attacked by [Sprite Dragon]
[05:29:25] Turn 4: bakert99
[05:29:26] bakert99 puts triggered ability from [Delver of Secrets] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, look at the top card of your library. You may reveal that card. I...).
[05:29:29] bakert99 reveals [Treasure Cruise].
[05:29:29] [Insectile Aberration] transformed
[05:29:34] bakert99 casts [Ponder].
[05:29:34] bakert99 puts triggered ability from [Sprite Dragon] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, put a +1/+1 counter on Sprite Dragon.).
[05:29:52] bakert99 chooses to not shuffle their library.
[05:29:53] bakert99 draws a card with [Ponder].
[05:29:55] bakert99 casts [Sprite Dragon].
[05:29:59] DaManInDimir is being attacked by [Sprite Dragon], [Insectile Aberration] and [Sprite Dragon]
[05:29:59] Turn 4: DaManInDimir
[05:30:03] DaManInDimir casts [Ponder].
[05:30:03] DaManInDimir puts triggered ability from [Sprite Dragon] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, put a +1/+1 counter on Sprite Dragon.).
[05:30:08] DaManInDimir chooses to shuffle their library.
[05:30:08] DaManInDimir draws a card with [Ponder].
[05:30:11] DaManInDimir casts [Ponder].
[05:30:11] DaManInDimir puts triggered ability from [Sprite Dragon] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, put a +1/+1 counter on Sprite Dragon.).
[05:30:21] DaManInDimir chooses to not shuffle their library.
[05:30:21] DaManInDimir draws a card with [Ponder].
[05:30:22] DaManInDimir plays [Island].
[05:30:23] DaManInDimir casts [Ponder].
[05:30:23] DaManInDimir puts triggered ability from [Sprite Dragon] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, put a +1/+1 counter on Sprite Dragon.).
[05:30:29] DaManInDimir chooses to shuffle their library.
[05:30:29] DaManInDimir draws a card with [Ponder].
[05:30:33] Turn 5: bakert99
[05:30:39] bakert99 casts [Consider].
[05:30:39] bakert99 puts triggered ability from [Sprite Dragon] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, put a +1/+1 counter on Sprite Dragon.).
[05:30:39] bakert99 puts triggered ability from [Sprite Dragon] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, put a +1/+1 counter on Sprite Dragon.).
[05:30:49] bakert99 draws a card with [Consider].
[05:30:51] bakert99 plays [Mountain].
[05:30:56] Turn 5: DaManInDimir
[05:31:00] DaManInDimir plays [Sulfur Falls].
[05:31:24] Turn 6: bakert99
[05:31:34] DaManInDimir casts [Faerie Vandal].
[05:31:38] Turn 6: DaManInDimir
[05:31:41] DaManInDimir plays [Island].
[05:31:58] DaManInDimir casts [Delver of Secrets].
[05:32:09] Turn 7: bakert99
[05:32:12] bakert99 plays [Island].
[05:32:17] Turn 7: DaManInDimir
[05:32:18] DaManInDimir puts triggered ability from [Delver of Secrets] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, look at the top card of your library. You may reveal that card. I...).
[05:32:22] DaManInDimir reveals [Memory Lapse].
[05:32:22] [Insectile Aberration] transformed
[05:32:24] DaManInDimir plays [Island].
[05:32:53] bakert99 is being attacked by [Insectile Aberration]
[05:32:56] [Insectile Aberration] blocks [Insectile Aberration].
[05:33:09] Turn 8: bakert99
[05:33:17] Turn 8: DaManInDimir
[05:33:21] DaManInDimir casts [Gitaxian Probe] targeting bakert99.
[05:33:21] DaManInDimir puts triggered ability from [Sprite Dragon] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, put a +1/+1 counter on Sprite Dragon.).
[05:33:25] DaManInDimir draws a card with [Gitaxian Probe].
[05:33:25] DaManInDimir puts triggered ability from [Faerie Vandal] onto the stack (Whenever you draw your second card each turn, put a +1/+1 counter on Faerie Vandal.).
[05:33:43] DaManInDimir casts [Treasure Cruise].
[05:33:43] DaManInDimir puts triggered ability from [Sprite Dragon] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, put a +1/+1 counter on Sprite Dragon.).
[05:33:48] bakert99 casts [Memory Lapse] targeting [Treasure Cruise].
[05:33:48] bakert99 puts triggered ability from [Sprite Dragon] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, put a +1/+1 counter on Sprite Dragon.).
[05:33:48] bakert99 puts triggered ability from [Sprite Dragon] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, put a +1/+1 counter on Sprite Dragon.).
[05:34:03] DaManInDimir casts [Lofty Denial] targeting [Memory Lapse].
[05:34:03] DaManInDimir puts triggered ability from [Sprite Dragon] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, put a +1/+1 counter on Sprite Dragon.).
[05:34:15] bakert99 casts [Lose Focus] (Replicated 1 time) targeting [Lofty Denial].
[05:34:17] bakert99 puts triggered ability from [Lose Focus] onto the stack (Replicate {U} (When you cast this spell, copy it for each time you paid its replicate cost @b(1)...).
[05:34:17] bakert99 puts triggered ability from [Sprite Dragon] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, put a +1/+1 counter on Sprite Dragon.).
[05:34:17] bakert99 puts triggered ability from [Sprite Dragon] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, put a +1/+1 counter on Sprite Dragon.).
[05:34:32] DaManInDimir casts [Spell Pierce] targeting [Lose Focus].
[05:34:32] DaManInDimir puts triggered ability from [Sprite Dragon] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, put a +1/+1 counter on Sprite Dragon.).
[05:34:46] DaManInDimir draws three cards with [Treasure Cruise].
[05:34:47] DaManInDimir plays [Sulfur Falls].
[05:34:54] Turn 9: bakert99
[05:34:57] bakert99 casts [Venser, Shaper Savant].
[05:35:01] DaManInDimir has conceded from the game.
Winner: bakert99
Game 1 Completed.
[05:35:04] DaManInDimir has left the game.

Game 793660736

[Time] 1647920166
[05:36:06] PDBot has started watching.
[05:36:10] DaManInDimir chooses to play first.
[05:36:12] DaManInDimir begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[05:36:15] bakert99 mulligans to six cards.
[05:36:22] bakert99 puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[05:36:22] Turn 1: DaManInDimir
[05:36:24] DaManInDimir skips their draw step.
[05:36:24] DaManInDimir plays [Wandering Fumarole].
[05:36:27] Turn 1: bakert99
[05:36:29] bakert99 plays [Wandering Fumarole].
[05:36:31] Turn 2: DaManInDimir
[05:36:33] DaManInDimir casts [Ponder].
[05:36:41] DaManInDimir chooses to not shuffle their library.
[05:36:41] DaManInDimir draws a card with [Ponder].
[05:36:42] DaManInDimir plays [Island].
[05:36:44] Turn 2: bakert99
[05:36:47] bakert99 plays [Mountain].
[05:36:49] bakert99 casts [Sprite Dragon].
[05:36:53] DaManInDimir is being attacked by [Sprite Dragon]
[05:36:53] Turn 3: DaManInDimir
[05:36:57] DaManInDimir casts [Play with Fire] targeting [Sprite Dragon].
[05:36:59] Turn 3: bakert99
[05:37:03] bakert99 plays [Island].
[05:37:05] bakert99 casts [Delver of Secrets].
[05:37:08] Turn 4: DaManInDimir
[05:37:15] Turn 4: bakert99
[05:37:15] bakert99 puts triggered ability from [Delver of Secrets] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, look at the top card of your library. You may reveal that card. I...).
[05:37:26] DaManInDimir is being attacked by [Delver of Secrets]
[05:37:29] DaManInDimir casts [Faerie Vandal].
[05:37:33] bakert99 casts [Burst Lightning] targeting [Faerie Vandal].
[05:37:39] Turn 5: DaManInDimir
[05:37:56] Turn 5: bakert99
[05:37:57] bakert99 puts triggered ability from [Delver of Secrets] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, look at the top card of your library. You may reveal that card. I...).
[05:38:00] bakert99 reveals [Burst Lightning].
[05:38:00] [Insectile Aberration] transformed
[05:38:07] DaManInDimir casts [Play with Fire] targeting [Insectile Aberration].
[05:38:16] bakert99 casts [Hanweir Garrison].
[05:38:20] Turn 6: DaManInDimir
[05:38:20] VAgodIN has started watching.
[05:38:23] DaManInDimir casts [Consider].
[05:38:28] DaManInDimir draws a card with [Consider].
[05:38:29] DaManInDimir plays [Sulfur Falls].
[05:38:35] DaManInDimir casts [Sprite Dragon].
[05:38:37] bakert99 is being attacked by [Sprite Dragon]
[05:38:40] Turn 6: bakert99
[05:38:43] bakert99 plays [Island].
[05:38:45] bakert99 casts [Ponder].
[05:38:54] bakert99 chooses to shuffle their library.
[05:38:54] bakert99 draws a card with [Ponder].
[05:38:59] bakert99 casts [Flame Slash] targeting [Sprite Dragon].
[05:39:07] DaManInDimir is being attacked by [Hanweir Garrison]
[05:39:07] bakert99 puts triggered ability from [Hanweir Garrison] onto the stack (Whenever Hanweir Garrison attacks, create two 1/1 red Human creature tokens that are tapped and at...).
[05:39:07] bakert99's [Hanweir Garrison] creates two Human Tokens.
[05:39:07] bakert99 puts [Human Token] onto the battlefield attacking DaManInDimir
[05:39:07] bakert99 puts [Human Token] onto the battlefield attacking DaManInDimir
[05:39:08] Turn 7: DaManInDimir
[05:39:22] DaManInDimir casts [Treasure Cruise].
[05:39:27] bakert99 casts [Memory Lapse] targeting [Treasure Cruise].
[05:39:29] DaManInDimir casts [Spell Pierce] targeting [Memory Lapse].
[05:39:34] DaManInDimir draws three cards with [Treasure Cruise].
[05:39:35] DaManInDimir plays [Island].
[05:39:37] DaManInDimir casts [Delver of Secrets].
[05:39:39] Turn 7: bakert99
[05:39:46] bakert99 casts [Repeal] targeting [Delver of Secrets]. (X is 1).
[05:39:46] bakert99 returns [Delver of Secrets] to its owner's hand with [Repeal].
[05:39:46] bakert99 draws a card with [Repeal].
[05:39:49] bakert99 plays [Mountain].
[05:39:52] DaManInDimir is being attacked by [Human Token], [Human Token] and [Hanweir Garrison]
[05:39:52] bakert99 puts triggered ability from [Hanweir Garrison] onto the stack (Whenever Hanweir Garrison attacks, create two 1/1 red Human creature tokens that are tapped and at...).
[05:39:52] bakert99's [Hanweir Garrison] creates two Human Tokens.
[05:39:52] bakert99 puts [Human Token] onto the battlefield attacking DaManInDimir
[05:39:52] bakert99 puts [Human Token] onto the battlefield attacking DaManInDimir
[05:39:53] Turn 8: DaManInDimir
[05:39:57] DaManInDimir casts [Ponder].
[05:40:02] DaManInDimir chooses to shuffle their library.
[05:40:02] DaManInDimir draws a card with [Ponder].
[05:40:05] DaManInDimir plays [Sulfur Falls].
[05:40:08] DaManInDimir has conceded from the game.
Winner: bakert99
Game 2 Completed.
Match Winner: bakert99: 2–0
[05:40:12] DaManInDimir has left the game.