PDBot Stats

Game 793417066

[Time] 1647719377
[21:49:38] PDBot has started watching.
[21:49:38] Zyxus joined the game.
[21:49:38] pak1989 joined the game.
[League] Izzet Delver by pak1989 (173389) vs Bant Creature-Less Control v 3.1 by zyxus (173398)
[21:49:41] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[21:49:47] [CHAT] Zyxus: hello glhf
[21:49:49] Zyxus chooses to play first.
[21:49:51] Zyxus begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[21:50:11] pak1989 begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[21:50:11] Turn 1: Zyxus
[21:50:17] Zyxus skips their draw step.
[21:50:22] Zyxus plays [Port Town].
[21:50:26] Zyxus casts [Ponder].
[21:50:51] Zyxus chooses to not shuffle their library.
[21:50:52] Zyxus draws a card with [Ponder].
[21:50:55] Turn 1: pak1989
[21:51:07] pak1989 plays [Island].
[21:51:10] pak1989 casts [Delver of Secrets].
[21:51:16] Turn 2: Zyxus
[21:51:49] Zyxus plays [Flood Plain].
[21:51:53] Zyxus casts [Oust] targeting [Delver of Secrets].
[21:51:53] pak1989 puts [Delver of Secrets] beneath the top 1 cards of their library.
[21:51:55] Turn 2: pak1989
[21:52:22] pak1989 casts [Gitaxian Probe] targeting Zyxus.
[21:52:23] pak1989 draws a card with [Gitaxian Probe].
[21:52:26] pak1989 casts [Delver of Secrets].
[21:52:29] pak1989 plays [Wandering Fumarole].
[21:52:32] Turn 3: Zyxus
[21:52:43] Zyxus plays [Island].
[21:52:48] Zyxus activates an ability of [Flood Plain] ( Search your library for a Plains or Island card, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle.).
[21:52:54] Zyxus casts [Mission Briefing].
[21:53:00] Zyxus puts [Port Town] into their graveyard and 1 card on top of their library.
[21:53:01] Zyxus chooses Oust for Mission Briefing.
[21:53:04] Zyxus casts [Oust] from the graveyard targeting [Delver of Secrets].
[21:53:04] pak1989 puts [Delver of Secrets] beneath the top 1 cards of their library.
[21:53:07] Turn 3: pak1989
[21:53:15] pak1989 casts [Consider].
[21:53:17] pak1989 draws a card with [Consider].
[21:53:20] pak1989 casts [Delver of Secrets].
[21:53:22] Turn 4: Zyxus
[21:53:28] Zyxus plays [Island].
[21:53:31] Zyxus casts [Frantic Inventory].
[21:53:32] Zyxus draws a card with [Frantic Inventory].
[21:53:37] Turn 4: pak1989
[21:53:37] pak1989 puts triggered ability from [Delver of Secrets] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, look at the top card of your library. You may reveal that card. I...).
[21:53:56] pak1989 reveals [Play with Fire].
[21:53:56] [Insectile Aberration] transformed
[21:53:57] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Play with Fire[sU] has an advantageous bug.
Play with Fire lets you scry when damage is prevented
Our data about this bug is out of date.  Please let us know if this card is still bugged (or if it's been fixed).
You can do so by PM'ing this bot, or by typing `!stillbugged Play with Fire` or `!notbugged Play with Fire`
[21:54:06] Zyxus is being attacked by [Insectile Aberration]
[21:54:10] Zyxus casts [Frantic Inventory].
[21:54:12] Zyxus draws a card with [Frantic Inventory].
[21:54:12] Zyxus draws a card with [Frantic Inventory].
[21:54:22] Turn 5: Zyxus
[21:54:25] Zyxus plays [Flood Plain].
[21:54:37] Turn 5: pak1989
[21:54:45] Zyxus is being attacked by [Insectile Aberration]
[21:54:54] Zyxus casts [Frantic Inventory].
[21:54:55] Zyxus draws a card with [Frantic Inventory].
[21:54:55] Zyxus draws two cards with [Frantic Inventory].
[21:54:59] Turn 6: Zyxus
[21:55:04] Zyxus activates an ability of [Flood Plain] ( Search your library for a Plains or Island card, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle.).
[21:55:12] Zyxus plays [Port Town].
[21:55:21] Turn 6: pak1989
[21:55:27] pak1989 casts [Ponder].
[21:55:42] pak1989 chooses to not shuffle their library.
[21:55:42] pak1989 draws a card with [Ponder].
[21:55:43] pak1989 plays [Island].
[21:55:50] Zyxus is being attacked by [Insectile Aberration]
[21:55:58] Turn 7: Zyxus
[21:56:01] Zyxus plays [Forest].
[21:56:12] Zyxus casts [Sylvan Library].
[21:56:21] Turn 7: pak1989
[21:56:28] pak1989 casts [Sprite Dragon].
[21:56:33] Zyxus casts [Prohibit] targeting [Sprite Dragon].
[21:56:50] Zyxus is being attacked by [Insectile Aberration]
[21:56:54] Zyxus casts [Mission Briefing].
[21:56:59] pak1989 casts [Spell Pierce] targeting [Mission Briefing].
[21:57:10] Turn 8: Zyxus
[21:57:11] Zyxus puts triggered ability from [Sylvan Library] onto the stack (At the beginning of your draw step, you may draw two additional cards. If you do, choose two cards...).
[21:57:15] Zyxus draws two cards with [Sylvan Library]'s ability.
[21:57:18] Zyxus put a card on top of Zyxus's library.
[21:57:19] Zyxus put a card on top of Zyxus's library.
[21:57:21] Zyxus plays [Plains].
[21:57:49] Zyxus casts [Decree of Justice]. (X is 2).
[21:57:50] Zyxus's [Decree of Justice] creates two Angel Tokens.
[21:57:54] Turn 8: pak1989
[21:58:18] pak1989 casts [Faerie Vandal].
[21:58:24] pak1989 casts [Repeal] targeting [Angel Token]. (X is 0).
[21:58:26] pak1989 returns [Angel] token to its owner's hand with [Repeal].
[21:58:26] pak1989 draws a card with [Repeal].
[21:58:26] pak1989 puts triggered ability from [Faerie Vandal] onto the stack (Whenever you draw your second card each turn, put a +1/+1 counter on Faerie Vandal.).
[21:58:36] Turn 9: Zyxus
[21:58:39] Zyxus puts triggered ability from [Sylvan Library] onto the stack (At the beginning of your draw step, you may draw two additional cards. If you do, choose two cards...).
[21:58:42] Zyxus draws two cards with [Sylvan Library]'s ability.
[21:58:50] Zyxus put a card on top of Zyxus's library.
[21:58:52] Zyxus put a card on top of Zyxus's library.
[21:58:59] Zyxus casts [Approach of the Second Sun].
[21:59:04] Zyxus puts [Approach of the Second Sun] beneath the top 6 cards of their library.
[21:59:34] Zyxus casts [Ponder].
[21:59:46] Zyxus chooses to not shuffle their library.
[21:59:46] Zyxus draws a card with [Ponder].
[21:59:48] Turn 9: pak1989
[21:59:57] pak1989 casts [Consider].
[22:00:03] pak1989 draws a card with [Consider].
[22:00:04] pak1989 puts triggered ability from [Faerie Vandal] onto the stack (Whenever you draw your second card each turn, put a +1/+1 counter on Faerie Vandal.).
[22:00:29] pak1989 plays [Mountain].
[22:00:45] pak1989 casts [Faerie Vandal].
[22:00:54] Turn 10: Zyxus
[22:01:01] Zyxus puts triggered ability from [Sylvan Library] onto the stack (At the beginning of your draw step, you may draw two additional cards. If you do, choose two cards...).
[22:01:01] Zyxus puts triggered ability from [Terminus] onto the stack (You may cast Terminus for its miracle cost.).
[22:01:28] pak1989 has conceded from the game.
Winner: Zyxus
Game 1 Completed.
[22:01:33] pak1989 has left the game.

Game 793418486

[Time] 1647720237
[22:03:57] PDBot has started watching.
[22:04:00] Zyxus joined the game.
[22:04:03] pak1989 chooses to play first.
[22:04:11] pak1989 begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[22:04:20] Zyxus mulligans to six cards.
[22:04:30] Zyxus puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[22:04:30] Turn 1: pak1989
[22:04:33] pak1989 skips their draw step.
[22:04:34] pak1989 plays [Island].
[22:04:36] pak1989 casts [Delver of Secrets].
[22:04:41] Turn 1: Zyxus
[22:04:46] Zyxus plays [Island].
[22:04:48] Turn 2: pak1989
[22:04:48] pak1989 puts triggered ability from [Delver of Secrets] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, look at the top card of your library. You may reveal that card. I...).
[22:04:55] pak1989 reveals [Negate].
[22:04:55] [Insectile Aberration] transformed
[22:05:06] Zyxus is being attacked by [Insectile Aberration]
[22:05:08] Turn 2: Zyxus
[22:05:25] Zyxus plays [Forest].
[22:05:32] Turn 3: pak1989
[22:05:36] pak1989 plays [Island].
[22:05:44] Zyxus is being attacked by [Insectile Aberration]
[22:06:01] pak1989 casts [Ponder].
[22:06:16] pak1989 chooses to not shuffle their library.
[22:06:16] pak1989 draws a card with [Ponder].
[22:06:24] Zyxus casts [Frantic Inventory].
[22:06:27] Zyxus draws a card with [Frantic Inventory].
[22:06:29] Turn 3: Zyxus
[22:06:32] Zyxus plays [Prairie Stream].
[22:06:35] Zyxus casts [Ponder].
[22:06:39] Zyxus chooses to shuffle their library.
[22:06:39] Zyxus draws a card with [Ponder].
[22:06:47] Turn 4: pak1989
[22:06:52] pak1989 plays [Island].
[22:06:55] pak1989 casts [Ponder].
[22:07:12] pak1989 chooses to shuffle their library.
[22:07:12] pak1989 draws a card with [Ponder].
[22:07:17] Zyxus is being attacked by [Insectile Aberration]
[22:07:27] Turn 4: Zyxus
[22:07:31] Zyxus plays [Scattered Groves].
[22:07:38] Turn 5: pak1989
[22:07:45] Zyxus is being attacked by [Insectile Aberration]
[22:08:12] Turn 5: Zyxus
[22:08:16] Zyxus plays [Forest].
[22:08:25] Zyxus casts [Sylvan Library].
[22:08:48] pak1989 casts [Lofty Denial] targeting [Sylvan Library].
[22:09:25] Turn 6: pak1989
[22:09:25] pak1989 plays [Sulfur Falls].
[22:09:54] Zyxus is being attacked by [Insectile Aberration]
[22:09:54] Zyxus casts [Mission Briefing].
[22:09:59] Zyxus puts 2 cards on top of their library.
[22:10:02] Zyxus chooses Ponder for Mission Briefing.
[22:10:16] Turn 6: Zyxus
[22:10:21] Zyxus casts [Timely Reinforcements].
[22:10:33] pak1989 casts [Negate] targeting [Timely Reinforcements].
[22:10:38] Zyxus casts [Prohibit] targeting [Negate].
[22:10:47] pak1989 casts [Spell Pierce] targeting [Timely Reinforcements].
[22:10:58] pak1989 casts [Play with Fire] targeting Zyxus.
[22:11:00] Zyxus has conceded from the game.
Winner: pak1989
Game 2 Completed.
[22:11:05] pak1989 has left the game.

Game 793419214

[Time] 1647720711
[22:11:51] PDBot has started watching.
[22:11:57] Zyxus chooses to play first.
[22:12:00] Zyxus begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[22:12:06] pak1989 begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[22:12:06] Turn 1: Zyxus
[22:12:13] Zyxus skips their draw step.
[22:12:14] Zyxus plays [Flood Plain].
[22:12:17] Turn 1: pak1989
[22:12:26] pak1989 plays [Island].
[22:12:28] pak1989 casts [Delver of Secrets].
[22:12:30] Turn 2: Zyxus
[22:12:38] Zyxus plays [Island].
[22:12:42] Turn 2: pak1989
[22:12:42] pak1989 puts triggered ability from [Delver of Secrets] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, look at the top card of your library. You may reveal that card. I...).
[22:13:00] pak1989 casts [Gitaxian Probe] targeting Zyxus.
[22:13:02] pak1989 draws a card with [Gitaxian Probe].
[22:13:29] pak1989 casts [Ponder].
[22:13:55] pak1989 chooses to not shuffle their library.
[22:13:55] pak1989 draws a card with [Ponder].
[22:14:03] pak1989 plays [Wandering Fumarole].
[22:14:16] Zyxus activates an ability of [Flood Plain] ( Search your library for a Plains or Island card, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle.).
[22:14:21] Turn 3: Zyxus
[22:14:24] Zyxus plays [Lumbering Falls].
[22:14:35] Turn 3: pak1989
[22:14:35] pak1989 puts triggered ability from [Delver of Secrets] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, look at the top card of your library. You may reveal that card. I...).
[22:14:40] pak1989 reveals [Ponder].
[22:14:40] [Insectile Aberration] transformed
[22:14:48] pak1989 plays [Sulfur Falls].
[22:14:58] Zyxus is being attacked by [Insectile Aberration]
[22:15:00] Zyxus casts [Condemn] targeting [Insectile Aberration].
[22:15:06] pak1989 casts [Lofty Denial] targeting [Condemn].
[22:15:11] Zyxus casts [Dispel] targeting [Lofty Denial].
[22:15:33] pak1989 casts [Consider].
[22:15:40] pak1989 draws a card with [Consider].
[22:15:46] Turn 4: Zyxus
[22:15:50] [CHAT] pak1989: the punts
[22:15:56] Zyxus casts [Ponder].
[22:16:04] Zyxus chooses to not shuffle their library.
[22:16:04] Zyxus draws a card with [Ponder].
[22:16:06] Zyxus plays [Island].
[22:16:12] Turn 4: pak1989
[22:16:19] pak1989 plays [Mountain].
[22:16:22] pak1989 casts [Ponder].
[22:16:38] pak1989 chooses to shuffle their library.
[22:16:38] pak1989 draws a card with [Ponder].
[22:16:42] pak1989 casts [Faerie Vandal].
[22:16:50] Zyxus casts [Prohibit] targeting [Faerie Vandal].
[22:17:05] Turn 5: Zyxus
[22:17:22] Turn 5: pak1989
[22:17:38] pak1989 casts [Sprite Dragon].
[22:17:52] Zyxus casts [Lose Focus] (Replicated 2 times) targeting [Sprite Dragon].
[22:17:52] Zyxus puts triggered ability from [Lose Focus] onto the stack (Replicate {U} (When you cast this spell, copy it for each time you paid its replicate cost @b(2)...).
[22:18:22] Zyxus's [Lose Focus] is removed from the stack because it has no legal targets.
[22:18:24] Zyxus's [Lose Focus] is removed from the stack because it has no legal targets.
[22:18:37] Turn 6: Zyxus
[22:18:52] Zyxus casts [Ponder].
[22:19:03] Zyxus chooses to not shuffle their library.
[22:19:03] Zyxus draws a card with [Ponder].
[22:19:05] Zyxus plays [Port Town].
[22:19:13] Turn 6: pak1989
[22:19:20] pak1989 casts [Gitaxian Probe] targeting Zyxus.
[22:19:22] pak1989 draws a card with [Gitaxian Probe].
[22:19:38] pak1989 casts [Faerie Vandal].
[22:20:09] Zyxus casts [Frantic Inventory].
[22:20:11] Zyxus draws a card with [Frantic Inventory].
[22:20:14] Turn 7: Zyxus
[22:20:27] Turn 7: pak1989
[22:20:50] Zyxus is being attacked by [Faerie Vandal]
[22:20:56] Zyxus casts [Condemn] targeting [Faerie Vandal].
[22:21:03] pak1989 casts [Negate] targeting [Condemn].
[22:21:13] Zyxus casts [Lose Focus] (Replicated 1 time) targeting [Negate].
[22:21:13] Zyxus puts triggered ability from [Lose Focus] onto the stack (Replicate {U} (When you cast this spell, copy it for each time you paid its replicate cost @b(1)...).
[22:21:35] pak1989 casts [Negate] targeting [Condemn].
[22:21:42] Zyxus's [Lose Focus] is removed from the stack because it has no legal targets.
[22:21:49] Turn 8: Zyxus
[22:21:56] Zyxus casts [Timely Reinforcements].
[22:22:01] Zyxus's [Timely Reinforcements] creates three Soldier Tokens.
[22:22:08] Turn 8: pak1989
[22:22:17] pak1989 casts [Curiosity] targeting [Faerie Vandal].
[22:22:23] Zyxus casts [Prohibit] targeting [Curiosity].
[22:22:45] pak1989 casts [Lose Focus] targeting [Prohibit].
[22:22:56] Zyxus is being attacked by [Faerie Vandal]
[22:23:02] pak1989 puts triggered ability from [Curiosity] onto the stack (Whenever enchanted creature deals damage to an opponent, you may draw a card.).
[22:23:09] pak1989 draws a card with [Curiosity]'s ability.
[22:23:09] pak1989 puts triggered ability from [Faerie Vandal] onto the stack (Whenever you draw your second card each turn, put a +1/+1 counter on Faerie Vandal.).
[22:23:18] pak1989 plays [Island].
[22:23:23] Turn 9: Zyxus
[22:23:26] Zyxus plays [Plains].
[22:23:33] pak1989 is being attacked by [Soldier Token], [Soldier Token] and [Soldier Token]
[22:23:42] Turn 9: pak1989
[22:23:58] pak1989 casts [Sprite Dragon].
[22:24:05] pak1989 casts [Play with Fire] targeting Zyxus.
[22:24:05] pak1989 puts triggered ability from [Sprite Dragon] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, put a +1/+1 counter on Sprite Dragon.).
[22:24:26] pak1989 puts 1 card on the bottom of their library.
[22:24:26] pak1989 scrys 1.
[22:24:31] Zyxus is being attacked by [Sprite Dragon] and [Faerie Vandal]
[22:24:35] pak1989 puts triggered ability from [Curiosity] onto the stack (Whenever enchanted creature deals damage to an opponent, you may draw a card.).
[22:24:36] pak1989 draws a card with [Curiosity]'s ability.
[22:24:36] pak1989 puts triggered ability from [Faerie Vandal] onto the stack (Whenever you draw your second card each turn, put a +1/+1 counter on Faerie Vandal.).
[22:24:43] Turn 10: Zyxus
[22:24:50] pak1989 is being attacked by [Soldier Token], [Soldier Token] and [Soldier Token]
[22:25:00] Zyxus casts [Terminus].
[22:25:05] pak1989 casts [Lofty Denial] targeting [Terminus].
[22:25:05] pak1989 puts triggered ability from [Sprite Dragon] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, put a +1/+1 counter on Sprite Dragon.).
[22:25:09] [CHAT] Zyxus: ggs
[22:25:12] Zyxus has conceded from the game.
Winner: pak1989
Game 3 Completed.
Match Winner: pak1989: 2–1