PDBot Stats

Game 793246184

[Time] 1647563754
[02:35:55] PDBot has started watching.
[02:35:55] pak1989 joined the game.
[02:35:55] S-Ponza joined the game.
[League] Rampellos Rofellos by s-ponza (173166) vs Blue Post by pak1989 (173199)
[02:35:57] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[02:36:08] pak1989 chooses to play first.
[02:36:25] pak1989 mulligans to six cards.
[02:36:27] S-Ponza begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[02:36:29] pak1989 puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[02:36:29] Turn 1: pak1989
[02:36:31] pak1989 skips their draw step.
[02:36:31] pak1989 plays [Island].
[02:36:38] Turn 1: S-Ponza
[02:36:43] S-Ponza plays [Forest].
[02:36:46] Turn 2: pak1989
[02:36:54] pak1989 plays [Glimmerpost].
[02:36:54] pak1989 puts triggered ability from [Glimmerpost] onto the stack (When Glimmerpost enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life for each Locus on the battlefield.).
[02:37:17] Turn 2: S-Ponza
[02:37:53] S-Ponza plays [Forest].
[02:37:54] S-Ponza casts [Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary].
[02:37:56] pak1989 casts [Condescend] targeting [Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary]. (X is 1).
[02:38:04] pak1989 puts 2 cards on the bottom of their library.
[02:38:04] pak1989 scrys 2.
[02:38:07] Turn 3: pak1989
[02:38:11] pak1989 plays [Island].
[02:38:17] Turn 3: S-Ponza
[02:38:25] S-Ponza plays [Forest].
[02:38:37] S-Ponza casts [Sylvan Library].
[02:39:02] pak1989 casts [Repeal] targeting [Sylvan Library]. (X is 2).
[02:39:02] pak1989 returns [Sylvan Library] to its owner's hand with [Repeal].
[02:39:02] pak1989 draws a card with [Repeal].
[02:39:05] Turn 4: pak1989
[02:39:22] Turn 4: S-Ponza
[02:39:26] S-Ponza plays [Forest].
[02:39:34] S-Ponza casts [Sylvan Library].
[02:39:44] S-Ponza casts [Joraga Treespeaker].
[02:39:59] pak1989 casts [Condescend] targeting [Joraga Treespeaker]. (X is 2).
[02:40:18] pak1989 puts 2 cards on the bottom of their library.
[02:40:18] pak1989 scrys 2.
[02:40:23] Turn 5: pak1989
[02:40:28] pak1989 casts [Treasure Mage].
[02:40:37] pak1989 puts triggered ability from [Treasure Mage] onto the stack (When Treasure Mage enters the battlefield, you may search your library for an artifact card with m...).
[02:40:45] pak1989 reveals [Mindslaver].
[02:40:48] Turn 5: S-Ponza
[02:40:49] S-Ponza puts triggered ability from [Sylvan Library] onto the stack (At the beginning of your draw step, you may draw two additional cards. If you do, choose two cards...).
[02:41:17] S-Ponza draws two cards with [Sylvan Library]'s ability.
[02:41:21] S-Ponza kept a card.
[02:41:24] S-Ponza kept a card.
[02:41:26] S-Ponza plays [Forest].
[02:41:29] S-Ponza casts [Explore].
[02:41:29] S-Ponza draws a card with [Explore].
[02:41:32] S-Ponza plays [Forest].
[02:41:42] S-Ponza casts [Kitchen Finks].
[02:41:42] S-Ponza puts triggered ability from [Kitchen Finks] onto the stack (When Kitchen Finks enters the battlefield, you gain 2 life.).
[02:41:51] S-Ponza casts [Joraga Treespeaker].
[02:41:56] Turn 6: pak1989
[02:42:04] pak1989 casts [Treasure Mage].
[02:42:14] pak1989 puts triggered ability from [Treasure Mage] onto the stack (When Treasure Mage enters the battlefield, you may search your library for an artifact card with m...).
[02:42:25] pak1989 reveals [Myr Battlesphere].
[02:42:30] Turn 6: S-Ponza
[02:42:32] S-Ponza puts triggered ability from [Sylvan Library] onto the stack (At the beginning of your draw step, you may draw two additional cards. If you do, choose two cards...).
[02:42:34] S-Ponza draws two cards with [Sylvan Library]'s ability.
[02:42:38] S-Ponza kept a card.
[02:42:42] S-Ponza kept a card.
[02:42:49] S-Ponza activates an ability of [Joraga Treespeaker] (Level up).
[02:42:54] S-Ponza casts [Harmonize].
[02:42:54] S-Ponza draws three cards with [Harmonize].
[02:42:58] S-Ponza plays [Forest].
[02:43:07] S-Ponza casts [Joraga Treespeaker].
[02:43:16] S-Ponza activates an ability of [Joraga Treespeaker] (Level up).
[02:43:29] Turn 7: pak1989
[02:43:37] [CHAT] pak1989: lol
[02:43:53] Turn 7: S-Ponza
[02:43:54] S-Ponza puts triggered ability from [Sylvan Library] onto the stack (At the beginning of your draw step, you may draw two additional cards. If you do, choose two cards...).
[02:43:57] S-Ponza draws two cards with [Sylvan Library]'s ability.
[02:44:02] S-Ponza put a card on top of S-Ponza's library.
[02:44:06] S-Ponza put a card on top of S-Ponza's library.
[02:44:09] S-Ponza plays [Forest].
[02:44:16] S-Ponza casts [Polukranos, World Eater].
[02:44:49] S-Ponza casts [Harmonize].
[02:44:49] S-Ponza draws three cards with [Harmonize].
[02:45:12] S-Ponza casts [Timeless Witness].
[02:45:17] S-Ponza puts triggered ability from [Timeless Witness] onto the stack targeting [Harmonize] (When Timeless Witness enters the battlefield, return target card from your graveyard to your hand.).
[02:45:20] S-Ponza returns [Harmonize] to its owner's hand with [Timeless Witness]'s ability.
[02:45:30] Turn 8: pak1989
[02:45:36] pak1989 plays [Island].
[02:45:40] pak1989 casts [Nevinyrral's Disk].
[02:45:54] Turn 8: S-Ponza
[02:45:56] S-Ponza puts triggered ability from [Sylvan Library] onto the stack (At the beginning of your draw step, you may draw two additional cards. If you do, choose two cards...).
[02:45:56] S-Ponza draws two cards with [Sylvan Library]'s ability.
[02:46:02] S-Ponza put a card on top of S-Ponza's library.
[02:46:06] S-Ponza put a card on top of S-Ponza's library.
[02:46:09] S-Ponza plays [Forest].
[02:46:26] S-Ponza casts [Primal Command] targeting [Nevinyrral's Disk] (Put on top of library).
[02:46:26] S-Ponza puts [Nevinyrral's Disk] on top of pak1989's library with [Primal Command].
[02:46:39] S-Ponza reveals [Acidic Slime].
[02:46:48] pak1989 has conceded from the game.
Winner: S-Ponza
Game 1 Completed.

Game 793247168

[Time] 1647564456
[02:47:36] PDBot has started watching.
[02:47:36] pak1989 chooses to play first.
[02:47:42] pak1989 begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[02:47:52] S-Ponza begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[02:47:52] Turn 1: pak1989
[02:47:55] pak1989 skips their draw step.
[02:47:58] pak1989 plays [Glimmerpost].
[02:47:58] pak1989 puts triggered ability from [Glimmerpost] onto the stack (When Glimmerpost enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life for each Locus on the battlefield.).
[02:48:21] pak1989 casts [Expedition Map].
[02:48:23] Turn 1: S-Ponza
[02:48:31] S-Ponza plays [Forest].
[02:48:36] S-Ponza casts [Joraga Treespeaker].
[02:48:40] Turn 2: pak1989
[02:48:44] pak1989 plays [Island].
[02:49:15] Turn 2: S-Ponza
[02:49:20] S-Ponza plays [Forest].
[02:49:24] S-Ponza activates an ability of [Joraga Treespeaker] (Level up).
[02:49:28] pak1989 casts [Repeal] targeting [Joraga Treespeaker]. (X is 1).
[02:49:32] pak1989 returns [Joraga Treespeaker] to its owner's hand with [Repeal].
[02:49:32] pak1989 draws a card with [Repeal].
[02:49:33] Turn 3: pak1989
[02:49:40] pak1989 activates an ability of [Expedition Map] ( Search your library for a land card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle.).
[02:49:47] pak1989 reveals [Cloudpost].
[02:49:49] pak1989 plays [Cloudpost].
[02:49:51] Turn 3: S-Ponza
[02:50:08] S-Ponza casts [Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary].
[02:50:20] Turn 4: pak1989
[02:50:25] pak1989 casts [Prophetic Prism].
[02:50:37] pak1989 puts triggered ability from [Prophetic Prism] onto the stack (When Prophetic Prism enters the battlefield, draw a card.).
[02:50:39] pak1989 draws a card with [Prophetic Prism]'s ability.
[02:50:49] pak1989 plays [Glimmerpost].
[02:50:49] pak1989 puts triggered ability from [Glimmerpost] onto the stack (When Glimmerpost enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life for each Locus on the battlefield.).
[02:50:55] pak1989 casts [Prophetic Prism].
[02:50:55] pak1989 puts triggered ability from [Prophetic Prism] onto the stack (When Prophetic Prism enters the battlefield, draw a card.).
[02:50:57] pak1989 draws a card with [Prophetic Prism]'s ability.
[02:51:00] Turn 4: S-Ponza
[02:51:20] S-Ponza casts [Emerald Charm] targeting [Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary] (Untap target permanent.).
[02:51:31] S-Ponza casts [Plow Under] targeting [Cloudpost], and [Glimmerpost].
[02:51:42] Turn 5: pak1989
[02:51:47] pak1989 plays [Cloudpost].
[02:51:54] Turn 5: S-Ponza
[02:52:05] S-Ponza casts [Joraga Treespeaker].
[02:52:16] S-Ponza casts [Scryb Ranger].
[02:52:25] S-Ponza returns [Forest] to its owner's hand with with [Scryb Ranger]'s ability.
[02:52:25] S-Ponza activates an ability of [Scryb Ranger] targeting [Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary] (Return a Forest you control to its owner's hand: Untap target creature.).
[02:52:29] S-Ponza plays [Forest].
[02:52:41] S-Ponza casts [Harmonize].
[02:52:43] S-Ponza draws three cards with [Harmonize].
[02:52:49] Turn 6: pak1989
[02:52:53] pak1989 plays [Glimmerpost].
[02:52:53] pak1989 puts triggered ability from [Glimmerpost] onto the stack (When Glimmerpost enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life for each Locus on the battlefield.).
[02:53:07] pak1989 casts [Nevinyrral's Disk].
[02:53:10] Turn 6: S-Ponza
[02:53:17] S-Ponza plays [Forest].
[02:53:28] S-Ponza activates an ability of [Joraga Treespeaker] (Level up).
[02:53:51] S-Ponza casts [Primal Command] targeting [Nevinyrral's Disk] (Put on top of library).
[02:53:54] S-Ponza puts [Nevinyrral's Disk] on top of pak1989's library with [Primal Command].
[02:54:05] S-Ponza reveals [Acidic Slime].
[02:54:38] pak1989 is being attacked by [Scryb Ranger]
[02:54:39] Turn 7: pak1989
[02:54:44] pak1989 plays [Glimmerpost].
[02:54:44] pak1989 puts triggered ability from [Glimmerpost] onto the stack (When Glimmerpost enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life for each Locus on the battlefield.).
[02:54:59] pak1989 casts [Nevinyrral's Disk].
[02:55:02] Turn 7: S-Ponza
[02:55:08] S-Ponza plays [Forest].
[02:55:26] S-Ponza casts [Acidic Slime].
[02:55:38] S-Ponza puts triggered ability from [Acidic Slime] onto the stack targeting [Nevinyrral's Disk] (When Acidic Slime enters the battlefield, destroy target artifact, enchantment, or land.).
[02:56:02] S-Ponza casts [Timeless Witness].
[02:56:11] S-Ponza puts triggered ability from [Timeless Witness] onto the stack targeting [Primal Command] (When Timeless Witness enters the battlefield, return target card from your graveyard to your hand.).
[02:56:17] S-Ponza returns [Primal Command] to its owner's hand with [Timeless Witness]'s ability.
[02:56:31] S-Ponza returns [Forest] to its owner's hand with with [Scryb Ranger]'s ability.
[02:56:31] S-Ponza activates an ability of [Scryb Ranger] targeting [Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary] (Return a Forest you control to its owner's hand: Untap target creature.).
[02:56:39] S-Ponza casts [Timeless Witness].
[02:56:45] S-Ponza puts triggered ability from [Timeless Witness] onto the stack targeting [Plow Under] (When Timeless Witness enters the battlefield, return target card from your graveyard to your hand.).
[02:56:50] S-Ponza returns [Plow Under] to its owner's hand with [Timeless Witness]'s ability.
[02:56:58] pak1989 is being attacked by [Scryb Ranger]
[02:57:01] Turn 8: pak1989
[02:57:14] pak1989 plays [Cloudpost].
[02:57:25] pak1989 casts [Mindslaver].
[02:57:37] Turn 8: S-Ponza
[02:57:46] S-Ponza plays [Forest].
[02:58:08] S-Ponza casts [Primal Command] targeting [Cloudpost] (Put on top of library).
[02:58:08] S-Ponza puts [Cloudpost] on top of pak1989's library with [Primal Command].
[02:58:15] S-Ponza reveals [Outland Liberator].
[02:58:25] S-Ponza casts [Outland Liberator].
[02:58:25] It becomes day.
[02:58:35] S-Ponza activates an ability of [Outland Liberator] targeting [Mindslaver] ( Destroy target artifact or enchantment.).
[02:58:47] S-Ponza returns [Forest] to its owner's hand with with [Scryb Ranger]'s ability.
[02:58:47] S-Ponza activates an ability of [Scryb Ranger] targeting [Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary] (Return a Forest you control to its owner's hand: Untap target creature.).
[02:58:59] S-Ponza casts [Plow Under] targeting [Cloudpost], and [Glimmerpost].
[02:59:04] pak1989 has conceded from the game.
Winner: S-Ponza
Game 2 Completed.
Match Winner: S-Ponza: 2–0
[02:59:08] pak1989 draws their next card.
[02:59:12] pak1989 has left the game.