PDBot Stats

Game 791874724

[Time] 1646526337
[02:25:38] PDBot has started watching.
[02:25:38] TheWatchWander joined the game.
[02:25:38] drikorf joined the game.
[02:25:39] Oakman987 has started watching.
[League] Gruul by drikorf (171697) vs Ad Spoilseam by thewatchwander (171698)
[02:25:40] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[02:25:42] drikorf chooses to play first.
[02:25:46] drikorf begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[02:25:51] Oakman987 has stopped watching.
[02:25:52] TheWatchWander begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[02:25:52] Turn 1: drikorf
[02:25:53] drikorf skips their draw step.
[02:25:55] drikorf plays [Forest].
[02:25:56] drikorf casts [Birds of Paradise].
[02:25:58] Turn 1: TheWatchWander
[02:26:07] TheWatchWander plays [Vivid Creek].
[02:26:09] Turn 2: drikorf
[02:26:13] drikorf plays [Sheltered Thicket].
[02:26:15] drikorf casts [Birds of Paradise].
[02:26:18] TheWatchWander is being attacked by [Birds of Paradise]
[02:26:21] Turn 2: TheWatchWander
[02:26:51] TheWatchWander discards [Spoils of the Vault].
[02:26:51] Turn 3: drikorf
[02:26:58] drikorf casts [Stone Rain] targeting [Vivid Creek].
[02:27:01] drikorf casts [Llanowar Elves].
[02:27:03] Turn 3: TheWatchWander
[02:27:11] TheWatchWander has conceded from the game.
Winner: drikorf
Game 1 Completed.
[02:27:15] drikorf has left the game.

Game 791875012

[Time] 1646526488
[02:28:09] PDBot has started watching.
[02:28:16] NimbleThroatPunch has started watching.
[02:28:16] TheWatchWander chooses to play first.
[02:28:24] TheWatchWander begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[02:28:26] drikorf begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[02:28:26] Turn 1: TheWatchWander
[02:28:27] TheWatchWander skips their draw step.
[02:28:28] TheWatchWander plays [Vivid Creek].
[02:28:29] Turn 1: drikorf
[02:28:34] drikorf plays [Raging Ravine].
[02:28:36] Turn 2: TheWatchWander
[02:28:45] TheWatchWander plays [Island].
[02:28:47] Turn 2: drikorf
[02:28:54] drikorf plays [Forest].
[02:29:03] TheWatchWander casts [Peer Through Depths].
[02:29:06] TheWatchWander puts [Duress] into their hand with with [Peer Through Depths].
[02:29:11] Turn 3: TheWatchWander
[02:29:18] TheWatchWander casts [Duress] targeting drikorf.
[02:29:31] drikorf discards [Primal Command].
[02:29:31] drikorf reveals their hand to [Duress], containing [Forest], [Rootbound Crag], [Stone Rain], [Pillage], [Pillage], and [Glorybringer].
[02:29:32] TheWatchWander plays [Isolated Chapel].
[02:29:34] TheWatchWander casts [Consider].
[02:29:37] TheWatchWander draws a card with [Consider].
[02:29:39] Turn 3: drikorf
[02:29:42] drikorf plays [Rootbound Crag].
[02:29:45] drikorf casts [Pillage] targeting [Isolated Chapel].
[02:29:47] Turn 4: TheWatchWander
[02:30:12] TheWatchWander plays [Fetid Pools].
[02:30:24] Turn 4: drikorf
[02:30:30] drikorf plays [Forest].
[02:30:34] drikorf casts [Mwonvuli Acid-Moss] targeting [Vivid Creek].
[02:30:39] TheWatchWander casts [Peer Through Depths].
[02:30:44] TheWatchWander puts [Angel's Grace] into their hand with with [Peer Through Depths].
[02:30:54] Turn 5: TheWatchWander
[02:30:56] TheWatchWander plays [Island].
[02:31:00] TheWatchWander has conceded from the game.
Winner: drikorf
Game 2 Completed.
Match Winner: drikorf: 2–0