PDBot Stats

Game 791616018

[Time] 1646325880
[18:44:40] PDBot has started watching.
[18:44:40] Carmandor joined the game.
[League] Season of Growth 2 by carmandor (171364) vs Ponza by dotrek (171278)
[18:44:43] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[18:44:47] Carmandor chooses to play first.
[18:44:51] [CHAT] Carmandor: gl
[18:44:54] Carmandor mulligans to six cards.
[18:44:56] [CHAT] DoTrek: gl hf!
[18:45:05] DoTrek begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[18:45:10] Carmandor puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[18:45:10] Turn 1: Carmandor
[18:45:12] Carmandor skips their draw step.
[18:45:12] Carmandor plays [Forest].
[18:45:26] Turn 1: DoTrek
[18:45:29] DoTrek plays [Sheltered Thicket].
[18:45:34] Turn 2: Carmandor
[18:45:36] Carmandor plays [Forest].
[18:45:42] Turn 2: DoTrek
[18:45:45] DoTrek plays [Rootbound Crag].
[18:46:18] DoTrek exiles [Simian Spirit Guide] with [Simian Spirit Guide]'s ability.
[18:46:20] DoTrek casts [Stone Rain] targeting [Forest].
[18:46:24] Turn 3: Carmandor
[18:46:26] Carmandor plays [Forest].
[18:46:27] Carmandor casts [Syr Faren, the Hengehammer].
[18:46:31] Turn 3: DoTrek
[18:46:37] DoTrek plays [Sheltered Thicket].
[18:46:44] DoTrek casts [Llanowar Elves].
[18:46:51] VianLie has started watching.
[18:46:52] DoTrek casts [Llanowar Elves].
[18:46:55] Turn 4: Carmandor
[18:46:57] Carmandor plays [Forest].
[18:47:02] Carmandor casts [Savage Swipe] targeting [Syr Faren, the Hengehammer], and [Llanowar Elves].
[18:47:05] Carmandor casts [Might of Old Krosa] targeting [Syr Faren, the Hengehammer].
[18:47:09] DoTrek is being attacked by [Syr Faren, the Hengehammer]
[18:47:09] No legal targets to choose for triggered ability from [Syr Faren, the Hengehammer].
[18:47:17] Turn 4: DoTrek
[18:47:26] DoTrek casts [Molten Rain] targeting [Forest].
[18:47:43] DoTrek casts [Flame Slash] targeting [Syr Faren, the Hengehammer].
[18:47:48] Carmandor casts [Invigorate] using an alternate cost targeting [Syr Faren, the Hengehammer].
[18:48:04] Turn 5: Carmandor
[18:48:09] Carmandor casts [Might of Old Krosa] targeting [Syr Faren, the Hengehammer].
[18:48:19] DoTrek is being attacked by [Syr Faren, the Hengehammer]
[18:48:19] No legal targets to choose for triggered ability from [Syr Faren, the Hengehammer].
[18:48:26] Carmandor casts [Kessig Prowler].
[18:48:39] Turn 5: DoTrek
[18:49:01] DoTrek plays [Forest].
[18:49:06] DoTrek casts [Simian Spirit Guide].
[18:49:32] Turn 6: Carmandor
[18:49:44] DoTrek is being attacked by [Kessig Prowler] and [Syr Faren, the Hengehammer]
[18:49:44] Carmandor puts triggered ability from [Syr Faren, the Hengehammer] onto the stack targeting [Kessig Prowler] (Whenever Syr Faren, the Hengehammer attacks, another target attacking creature gets +X/+X until en...).
[18:49:52] [Simian Spirit Guide] blocks [Syr Faren, the Hengehammer].
[18:49:59] Carmandor casts [Invigorate] using an alternate cost targeting [Syr Faren, the Hengehammer].
[18:50:08] Turn 6: DoTrek
[18:50:17] DoTrek casts [Pillage] targeting [Forest].
[18:50:20] DoTrek plays [Forest].
[18:50:27] Turn 7: Carmandor
[18:50:34] DoTrek is being attacked by [Kessig Prowler] and [Syr Faren, the Hengehammer]
[18:50:34] Carmandor puts triggered ability from [Syr Faren, the Hengehammer] onto the stack targeting [Kessig Prowler] (Whenever Syr Faren, the Hengehammer attacks, another target attacking creature gets +X/+X until en...).
[18:50:47] Turn 7: DoTrek
[18:50:53] DoTrek has conceded from the game.
Winner: Carmandor
Game 1 Completed.
[18:50:56] DoTrek has left the game.
[18:50:58] VianLie has stopped watching.

Game 791616510

[Time] 1646326298
[18:51:38] PDBot has started watching.
[18:51:40] Carmandor joined the game.
[18:51:43] DoTrek chooses to play first.
[18:51:59] DoTrek begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[18:52:00] Carmandor begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[18:52:00] Turn 1: DoTrek
[18:52:01] DoTrek skips their draw step.
[18:52:03] DoTrek plays [Sheltered Thicket].
[18:52:06] Turn 1: Carmandor
[18:52:08] Carmandor plays [Forest].
[18:52:10] Carmandor casts [Wildwood Tracker].
[18:52:14] Turn 2: DoTrek
[18:52:16] DoTrek plays [Game Trail].
[18:52:28] Turn 2: Carmandor
[18:52:30] Carmandor plays [Forest].
[18:52:34] Carmandor casts [Barkhide Troll].
[18:52:37] DoTrek is being attacked by [Wildwood Tracker]
[18:52:37] Carmandor puts triggered ability from [Wildwood Tracker] onto the stack (Whenever Wildwood Tracker attacks or blocks, if you control another non-Human creature, Wildwood T...).
[18:52:44] Turn 3: DoTrek
[18:52:55] DoTrek plays [Forest].
[18:52:59] DoTrek casts [Flame Slash] targeting [Barkhide Troll].
[18:53:03] DoTrek casts [Birds of Paradise].
[18:53:11] Turn 3: Carmandor
[18:53:13] Carmandor plays [Forest].
[18:53:15] Carmandor casts [Syr Faren, the Hengehammer].
[18:53:22] DoTrek is being attacked by [Wildwood Tracker]
[18:53:31] Turn 4: DoTrek
[18:53:33] DoTrek plays [Mountain].
[18:53:38] DoTrek casts [Goblin Dark-Dwellers].
[18:53:40] DoTrek puts triggered ability from [Goblin Dark-Dwellers] onto the stack targeting [Flame Slash] (When Goblin Dark-Dwellers enters the battlefield, you may cast target instant or sorcery card with...).
[18:53:45] DoTrek casts [Flame Slash] from the graveyard targeting [Syr Faren, the Hengehammer]. (X is 0).
[18:53:48] Carmandor casts [Vines of Vastwood] targeting [Syr Faren, the Hengehammer].
[18:53:50] DoTrek's [Flame Slash] is removed from the stack because it has no legal targets.
[18:53:52] Turn 4: Carmandor
[18:53:54] Carmandor plays [Forest].
[18:53:56] Carmandor casts [Giant Growth] targeting [Syr Faren, the Hengehammer].
[18:54:00] DoTrek is being attacked by [Syr Faren, the Hengehammer] and [Wildwood Tracker]
[18:54:00] Carmandor puts triggered ability from [Syr Faren, the Hengehammer] onto the stack targeting [Wildwood Tracker] (Whenever Syr Faren, the Hengehammer attacks, another target attacking creature gets +X/+X until en...).
[18:54:07] [Goblin Dark-Dwellers] blocks [Wildwood Tracker].
[18:54:16] Carmandor casts [Kavu Predator].
[18:54:16] Turn 5: DoTrek
[18:54:28] DoTrek casts [Flame Slash] targeting [Syr Faren, the Hengehammer].
[18:54:50] DoTrek exiles [Simian Spirit Guide] with [Simian Spirit Guide]'s ability.
[18:54:54] DoTrek casts [Goblin Dark-Dwellers].
[18:54:56] DoTrek puts triggered ability from [Goblin Dark-Dwellers] onto the stack targeting [Flame Slash] (When Goblin Dark-Dwellers enters the battlefield, you may cast target instant or sorcery card with...).
[18:55:02] DoTrek casts [Flame Slash] from the graveyard targeting [Kavu Predator]. (X is 0).
[18:55:06] Carmandor casts [Giant Growth] targeting [Kavu Predator].
[18:55:10] Turn 5: Carmandor
[18:55:13] Carmandor casts [Kavu Predator].
[18:55:17] Turn 6: DoTrek
[18:55:53] DoTrek casts [Primal Command] targeting [Forest] (Put on top of library).
[18:55:55] Carmandor puts [Forest] on top of their library with [Primal Command].
[18:56:00] DoTrek reveals [Glorybringer].
[18:56:05] Turn 6: Carmandor
[18:56:08] Carmandor plays [Forest].
[18:56:12] Turn 7: DoTrek
[18:56:20] DoTrek casts [Glorybringer].
[18:56:28] Carmandor is being attacked by [Glorybringer]
[18:56:34] DoTrek puts triggered ability from [Glorybringer] onto the stack targeting [Kavu Predator] (Whenever Glorybringer attacks and exerts, it deals 4 damage to target non-Dragon creature an oppon...).
[18:56:42] Turn 7: Carmandor
[18:56:46] Carmandor casts [Might of Old Krosa] targeting [Kavu Predator].
[18:56:49] DoTrek is being attacked by [Kavu Predator]
[18:56:58] Turn 8: DoTrek
[18:57:03] DoTrek discards [Sheltered Thicket].
[18:57:03] DoTrek cycles [Sheltered Thicket].
[18:57:08] DoTrek plays [Forest].
[18:57:20] Turn 8: Carmandor
[18:57:31] Turn 9: DoTrek
[18:57:44] Carmandor is being attacked by [Glorybringer]
[18:57:46] DoTrek puts triggered ability from [Glorybringer] onto the stack targeting [Kavu Predator] (Whenever Glorybringer attacks and exerts, it deals 4 damage to target non-Dragon creature an oppon...).
[18:57:59] DoTrek plays [Forest].
[18:58:07] DoTrek casts ability from [Obosh, the Preypiercer] ( Put Obosh, the Preypiercer into your hand.).
[18:58:22] DoTrek casts [End the Festivities].
[18:58:29] Carmandor has conceded from the game.
Winner: DoTrek
Game 2 Completed.
[18:58:34] DoTrek has left the game.

Game 791616988

[Time] 1646326739
[18:58:59] PDBot has started watching.
[18:59:02] Carmandor chooses to play first.
[18:59:13] Carmandor begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[18:59:16] DoTrek begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[18:59:16] Turn 1: Carmandor
[18:59:17] Carmandor skips their draw step.
[18:59:18] Carmandor plays [Forest].
[18:59:26] Turn 1: DoTrek
[18:59:29] DoTrek plays [Forest].
[18:59:31] DoTrek casts [Llanowar Elves].
[18:59:35] Turn 2: Carmandor
[18:59:37] Carmandor plays [Forest].
[18:59:39] Carmandor casts [Wildwood Tracker].
[18:59:50] Turn 2: DoTrek
[18:59:53] DoTrek plays [Rootbound Crag].
[19:00:19] DoTrek casts [Birds of Paradise].
[19:00:30] DoTrek casts [End the Festivities].
[19:00:41] Carmandor casts [Giant Growth] targeting [Wildwood Tracker].
[19:00:51] Turn 3: Carmandor
[19:00:53] Carmandor plays [Forest].
[19:00:59] DoTrek is being attacked by [Wildwood Tracker]
[19:01:15] Carmandor casts [Savage Swipe] targeting [Wildwood Tracker], and [Birds of Paradise].
[19:01:24] Turn 3: DoTrek
[19:01:33] DoTrek plays [Forest].
[19:01:55] DoTrek exiles [Simian Spirit Guide] with [Simian Spirit Guide]'s ability.
[19:01:56] DoTrek casts [Primal Command] targeting [Forest] (Put on top of library).
[19:01:58] DoTrek puts [Forest] on top of Carmandor's library with [Primal Command].
[19:02:05] DoTrek reveals [Glorybringer].
[19:02:07] Turn 4: Carmandor
[19:02:09] Carmandor plays [Forest].
[19:02:13] DoTrek is being attacked by [Wildwood Tracker]
[19:02:17] Turn 4: DoTrek
[19:02:37] Carmandor is being attacked by [Llanowar Elves]
[19:02:41] DoTrek casts [Elvish Mystic].
[19:02:47] DoTrek casts [Flame Slash] targeting [Wildwood Tracker].
[19:02:52] Turn 5: Carmandor
[19:02:54] Carmandor plays [Forest].
[19:02:56] Carmandor casts [Kavu Predator].
[19:03:03] Turn 5: DoTrek
[19:03:42] DoTrek exiles [Simian Spirit Guide] with [Simian Spirit Guide]'s ability.
[19:03:43] DoTrek casts [Glorybringer].
[19:03:52] Carmandor is being attacked by [Glorybringer]
[19:03:52] DoTrek puts triggered ability from [Glorybringer] onto the stack targeting [Kavu Predator] (Whenever Glorybringer attacks and exerts, it deals 4 damage to target non-Dragon creature an oppon...).
[19:03:58] Carmandor casts [Wrap in Vigor].
[19:04:15] Turn 6: Carmandor
[19:04:19] Carmandor casts [Strangleroot Geist].
[19:04:27] DoTrek is being attacked by [Strangleroot Geist] and [Kavu Predator]
[19:04:36] Turn 6: DoTrek
[19:04:52] DoTrek casts [Primal Command] targeting [Forest] (Put on top of library).
[19:04:54] DoTrek puts [Forest] on top of Carmandor's library with [Primal Command].
[19:05:05] DoTrek reveals [Glorybringer].
[19:05:08] Turn 7: Carmandor
[19:05:11] Carmandor plays [Forest].
[19:05:14] DoTrek is being attacked by [Strangleroot Geist] and [Kavu Predator]
[19:05:19] Turn 7: DoTrek
[19:05:25] DoTrek plays [Rootbound Crag].
[19:05:31] DoTrek casts [Glorybringer].
[19:05:38] Carmandor is being attacked by [Glorybringer] and [Glorybringer]
[19:05:40] DoTrek puts triggered ability from [Glorybringer] onto the stack targeting [Kavu Predator] (Whenever Glorybringer attacks and exerts, it deals 4 damage to target non-Dragon creature an oppon...).
[19:05:42] DoTrek puts triggered ability from [Glorybringer] onto the stack targeting [Strangleroot Geist] (Whenever Glorybringer attacks and exerts, it deals 4 damage to target non-Dragon creature an oppon...).
[19:05:45] Carmandor puts triggered ability from [Strangleroot Geist] onto the stack (Undying (When this creature dies, if it had no +1/+1 counters on it, return it to the battlefiel...).
[19:06:14] Turn 8: Carmandor
[19:06:17] Carmandor casts [Season of Growth].
[19:06:25] DoTrek is being attacked by [Strangleroot Geist]
[19:06:33] [Llanowar Elves] blocks [Strangleroot Geist].
[19:06:39] Turn 8: DoTrek
[19:06:50] DoTrek casts [Glorybringer].
[19:06:55] Carmandor has conceded from the game.
Winner: DoTrek
Game 3 Completed.
Match Winner: DoTrek: 2–1
[19:07:01] Carmandor draws their next card.
[19:07:02] Carmandor draws their next card.
[19:07:03] Carmandor draws their next card.
[19:07:03] Carmandor draws their next card.
[19:07:06] Carmandor has left the game.