PDBot Stats

Game 790650894

[Time] 1645569194
[00:33:15] PDBot has started watching.
[00:33:15] Crongus joined the game.
[00:33:15] wizzardofoz joined the game.
[League] Esqpoe's White Control by crongus (169589) vs Azorius Control by wizzardofoz (170026)
[00:33:17] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[00:33:17] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Due to a Magic Online bug, PDBot is unable to tell which player is which.  Please report this league match manually.
[00:33:24] wizzardofoz chooses to play first.
[00:33:28] [CHAT] Crongus: hi gl hf
[00:33:33] wizzardofoz mulligans to six cards.
[00:33:34] Crongus begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[00:33:41] wizzardofoz mulligans to five cards.
[00:33:52] wizzardofoz puts two cards on the bottom of their library and begins the game with five cards in hand.
[00:33:52] Turn 1: wizzardofoz
[00:33:52] wizzardofoz skips their draw step.
[00:33:54] wizzardofoz plays [Glacial Floodplain].
[00:33:58] Turn 1: Crongus
[00:34:00] Crongus plays [Plains].
[00:34:00] [CHAT] wizzardofoz: gl
[00:34:07] Turn 2: wizzardofoz
[00:34:09] wizzardofoz plays [Island].
[00:34:13] wizzardofoz casts [Thaumatic Compass].
[00:34:15] Turn 2: Crongus
[00:34:19] Crongus plays [Arch of Orazca].
[00:34:22] Crongus discards [Timeless Dragon].
[00:34:22] Crongus cycles [Timeless Dragon].
[00:34:27] Crongus reveals [Plains].
[00:34:33] Turn 3: wizzardofoz
[00:34:36] wizzardofoz casts [Ponder].
[00:34:46] wizzardofoz chooses to not shuffle his or her library.
[00:34:46] wizzardofoz draws a card with [Ponder].
[00:34:47] wizzardofoz plays [Island].
[00:34:49] Turn 3: Crongus
[00:34:56] Crongus plays [Plains].
[00:35:08] Turn 4: wizzardofoz
[00:35:11] wizzardofoz activates an ability of [Thaumatic Compass] ( Search your library for a basic land card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle.).
[00:35:15] wizzardofoz reveals [Island].
[00:35:17] wizzardofoz plays [Island].
[00:35:22] Turn 4: Crongus
[00:35:29] Crongus plays [Plains].
[00:35:31] Crongus exiles [Timeless Dragon] with [Timeless Dragon]'s ability.
[00:35:31] Crongus activates an ability of [Timeless Dragon] (Eternalize {2WW}).
[00:35:33] Crongus's [Timeless Dragon] creates a Timeless Dragon.
[00:35:37] Turn 5: wizzardofoz
[00:35:40] wizzardofoz plays [Glacial Fortress].
[00:35:43] Turn 5: Crongus
[00:35:45] Crongus plays [Arch of Orazca].
[00:35:49] wizzardofoz is being attacked by [Timeless Dragon]
[00:35:55] wizzardofoz casts [Azorius Charm] targeting [Timeless Dragon] (Put target attacking or blocking creature on top of its owner's library.).
[00:35:56] wizzardofoz puts [Timeless Dragon] token on top of Crongus's library with [Azorius Charm].
[00:36:04] Crongus casts [Timeless Dragon].
[00:36:10] wizzardofoz activates an ability of [Thaumatic Compass] ( Search your library for a basic land card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle.).
[00:36:15] wizzardofoz reveals [Island].
[00:36:16] Turn 6: wizzardofoz
[00:36:19] wizzardofoz plays [Island].
[00:36:23] Turn 6: Crongus
[00:36:29] wizzardofoz is being attacked by [Timeless Dragon]
[00:36:34] Crongus casts [Thaumatic Compass].
[00:36:40] wizzardofoz casts [Counterspell] targeting [Thaumatic Compass].
[00:36:43] Crongus plays [Field of Ruin].
[00:36:49] wizzardofoz activates an ability of [Thaumatic Compass] ( Search your library for a basic land card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle.).
[00:36:53] wizzardofoz reveals [Island].
[00:36:56] Turn 7: wizzardofoz
[00:36:59] wizzardofoz plays [Field of Ruin].
[00:37:04] wizzardofoz activates an ability of [Field of Ruin] targeting [Field of Ruin] ( Destroy target nonbasic land an opponent controls. Each player searches their library for a basic...).
[00:37:21] Crongus activates an ability of [Field of Ruin] targeting [Glacial Floodplain] ( Destroy target nonbasic land an opponent controls. Each player searches their library for a basic...).
[00:37:37] wizzardofoz's Field of Ruin is removed from the stack because it has no legal targets.
[00:37:44] wizzardofoz activates an ability of [Thaumatic Compass] ( Search your library for a basic land card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle.).
[00:37:50] wizzardofoz reveals [Island].
[00:37:58] Turn 7: Crongus
[00:38:04] Crongus casts [Council's Judgment].
[00:38:10] Crongus plays [Plains].
[00:38:15] wizzardofoz is being attacked by [Timeless Dragon]
[00:38:24] wizzardofoz casts [Omen of the Sea].
[00:38:26] wizzardofoz puts triggered ability from [Omen of the Sea] onto the stack (When Omen of the Sea enters the battlefield, scry 2, then draw a card.).
[00:38:35] wizzardofoz puts 2 cards on top of their library.
[00:38:35] wizzardofoz scrys 2.
[00:38:35] wizzardofoz draws a card with [Omen of the Sea]'s ability.
[00:38:36] Turn 8: wizzardofoz
[00:38:39] wizzardofoz plays [Nimbus Maze].
[00:38:44] wizzardofoz casts [Council's Judgment].
[00:38:49] wizzardofoz casts [Ponder].
[00:39:04] wizzardofoz chooses to not shuffle his or her library.
[00:39:04] wizzardofoz draws a card with [Ponder].
[00:39:10] Turn 8: Crongus
[00:39:13] Crongus plays [Plains].
[00:39:19] Turn 9: wizzardofoz
[00:39:22] wizzardofoz plays [Glacial Floodplain].
[00:39:28] wizzardofoz casts [Gideon Jura].
[00:39:28] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Gideon Jura[sU] has an unclassified bug.
Certain effect shields, such as the indestructible one created by Gideon Jura, sometimes display slightly longer than they should.
Our data about this bug is out of date.  Please let us know if this card is still bugged (or if it's been fixed).
You can do so by PM'ing this bot, or by typing `!stillbugged Gideon Jura` or `!notbugged Gideon Jura`
[00:39:32] wizzardofoz activates an ability of [Gideon Jura] targeting Crongus ( During target opponent's next turn, creatures that player controls attack Gideon Jura if able.).
[00:39:34] Turn 9: Crongus
[00:39:37] Crongus plays [Mystifying Maze].
[00:39:43] Turn 10: wizzardofoz
[00:39:46] wizzardofoz activates an ability of [Gideon Jura] targeting Crongus ( During target opponent's next turn, creatures that player controls attack Gideon Jura if able.).
[00:39:48] wizzardofoz plays [Glacial Floodplain].
[00:39:52] Turn 10: Crongus
[00:39:53] Crongus plays [Mystifying Maze].
[00:40:04] Crongus activates an ability of [Arch of Orazca] ( Draw a card.).
[00:40:06] Crongus draws a card with [Arch of Orazca]'s ability.
[00:40:09] Crongus casts [Lantern of the Lost].
[00:40:14] Crongus puts triggered ability from [Lantern of the Lost] onto the stack targeting [Council's Judgment] (When Lantern of the Lost enters the battlefield, exile target card from a graveyard.).
[00:40:19] Crongus exiles [Lantern of the Lost] with [Lantern of the Lost]'s ability.
[00:40:19] Crongus activates an ability of [Lantern of the Lost] ( Exile all cards from all graveyards, then draw a card.).
[00:40:20] Crongus draws a card with [Lantern of the Lost]'s ability.
[00:40:29] wizzardofoz activates an ability of [Omen of the Sea] ( Scry 2.).
[00:40:36] wizzardofoz puts 2 cards on top of their library.
[00:40:36] wizzardofoz scrys 2.
[00:40:38] Turn 11: wizzardofoz
[00:40:41] wizzardofoz activates an ability of [Gideon Jura] ( Until end of turn, Gideon Jura becomes a 6/6 Human Soldier creature that's still a planeswalker. ...).
[00:40:46] Crongus is being attacked by [Gideon Jura]
[00:40:52] wizzardofoz casts [Ponder].
[00:41:01] wizzardofoz chooses to not shuffle his or her library.
[00:41:01] wizzardofoz draws a card with [Ponder].
[00:41:03] wizzardofoz casts [Search for Azcanta].
[00:41:06] wizzardofoz plays [Island].
[00:41:08] Turn 11: Crongus
[00:41:20] Crongus casts [Orim's Chant] targeting wizzardofoz.
[00:41:28] Crongus casts [Ondu Inversion].
[00:41:38] Turn 12: wizzardofoz
[00:41:39] wizzardofoz plays [Nimbus Maze].
[00:41:42] Turn 12: Crongus
[00:41:45] Crongus plays [Plains].
[00:41:49] Turn 13: wizzardofoz
[00:41:51] wizzardofoz plays [Glacial Floodplain].
[00:41:58] Crongus activates an ability of [Arch of Orazca] ( Draw a card.).
[00:41:59] Crongus draws a card with [Arch of Orazca]'s ability.
[00:42:01] Turn 13: Crongus
[00:42:11] Crongus casts [Gideon's Intervention].
[00:42:11] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Gideon's Intervention[sU] has a disadvantageous bug.
Casting a second copy of Gideon's Intervention causes the first to allow the named card to deal damage.
Our data about this bug is out of date.  Please let us know if this card is still bugged (or if it's been fixed).
You can do so by PM'ing this bot, or by typing `!stillbugged Gideon's Intervention` or `!notbugged Gideon's Intervention`
[00:42:21] Crongus names Gideon Jura for [Gideon's Intervention].
[00:42:27] Turn 14: wizzardofoz
[00:42:30] wizzardofoz plays [Island].
[00:42:36] Crongus activates an ability of [Arch of Orazca] ( Draw a card.).
[00:42:38] Crongus draws a card with [Arch of Orazca]'s ability.
[00:42:40] Turn 14: Crongus
[00:42:42] Crongus plays [Field of Ruin].
[00:42:49] Turn 15: wizzardofoz
[00:42:52] wizzardofoz casts [Elixir of Immortality].
[00:43:03] Crongus activates an ability of [Arch of Orazca] ( Draw a card.).
[00:43:04] Crongus draws a card with [Arch of Orazca]'s ability.
[00:43:08] Crongus activates an ability of [Arch of Orazca] ( Draw a card.).
[00:43:10] Crongus draws a card with [Arch of Orazca]'s ability.
[00:43:13] Turn 15: Crongus
[00:43:15] Crongus plays [Plains].
[00:43:22] Crongus casts [The Birth of Meletis].
[00:43:24] Crongus puts triggered ability from [The Birth of Meletis] onto the stack (Search your library for a basic Plains card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle.).
[00:43:29] Crongus reveals [Plains].
[00:43:37] Crongus discards [Oust].
[00:43:37] Turn 16: wizzardofoz
[00:43:40] wizzardofoz plays [Plains].
[00:43:47] Crongus activates an ability of [Arch of Orazca] ( Draw a card.).
[00:43:48] Crongus draws a card with [Arch of Orazca]'s ability.
[00:43:50] Turn 16: Crongus
[00:43:51] Crongus puts triggered ability from [The Birth of Meletis] onto the stack (Create a 0/4 colorless Wall artifact creature token with defender.).
[00:43:55] Crongus's [The Birth of Meletis] creates a Wall Token.
[00:43:57] Crongus plays [Plains].
[00:44:02] Crongus discards [Plains].
[00:44:03] Turn 17: wizzardofoz
[00:44:23] Crongus activates an ability of [Arch of Orazca] ( Draw a card.).
[00:44:25] Crongus draws a card with [Arch of Orazca]'s ability.
[00:44:29] Crongus activates an ability of [Arch of Orazca] ( Draw a card.).
[00:44:30] Crongus draws a card with [Arch of Orazca]'s ability.
[00:44:33] Turn 17: Crongus
[00:44:34] Crongus puts triggered ability from [The Birth of Meletis] onto the stack (You gain 2 life.).
[00:44:40] Crongus plays [Plains].
[00:44:43] Crongus casts [The Birth of Meletis].
[00:44:45] Crongus puts triggered ability from [The Birth of Meletis] onto the stack (Search your library for a basic Plains card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle.).
[00:44:49] Crongus reveals [Plains].
[00:44:51] Crongus casts [Thaumatic Compass].
[00:45:03] Crongus casts [Gideon's Intervention].
[00:45:20] Crongus names Elixir of Immortality for [Gideon's Intervention].
[00:45:27] Crongus puts triggered ability from [Thaumatic Compass] onto the stack (At the beginning of your end step, if you control seven or more lands, transform Thaumatic Compass...).
[00:45:29] [Spires of Orazca] transformed
[00:45:31] Turn 18: wizzardofoz
[00:45:40] Crongus activates an ability of [Arch of Orazca] ( Draw a card.).
[00:45:40] Crongus draws a card with [Arch of Orazca]'s ability.
[00:45:43] Turn 18: Crongus
[00:45:44] Crongus puts triggered ability from [The Birth of Meletis] onto the stack (Create a 0/4 colorless Wall artifact creature token with defender.).
[00:45:44] Crongus's [The Birth of Meletis] creates a Wall Token.
[00:45:54] Crongus casts [Thaumatic Compass].
[00:45:58] Crongus plays [Plains].
[00:46:07] Crongus puts triggered ability from [Thaumatic Compass] onto the stack (At the beginning of your end step, if you control seven or more lands, transform Thaumatic Compass...).
[00:46:09] [Spires of Orazca] transformed
[00:46:10] Turn 19: wizzardofoz
[00:46:17] wizzardofoz casts [Thaumatic Compass].
[00:46:23] wizzardofoz activates an ability of [Thaumatic Compass] ( Search your library for a basic land card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle.).
[00:46:27] wizzardofoz reveals [Island].
[00:46:28] wizzardofoz plays [Island].
[00:46:30] wizzardofoz puts triggered ability from [Thaumatic Compass] onto the stack (At the beginning of your end step, if you control seven or more lands, transform Thaumatic Compass...).
[00:46:33] [Spires of Orazca] transformed
[00:46:36] Crongus activates an ability of [Arch of Orazca] ( Draw a card.).
[00:46:36] Crongus draws a card with [Arch of Orazca]'s ability.
[00:46:41] Crongus activates an ability of [Arch of Orazca] ( Draw a card.).
[00:46:41] Crongus draws a card with [Arch of Orazca]'s ability.
[00:46:47] Turn 19: Crongus
[00:46:48] Crongus puts triggered ability from [The Birth of Meletis] onto the stack (You gain 2 life.).
[00:46:51] Crongus plays [Crawling Barrens].
[00:46:57] Crongus casts [Gideon's Intervention].
[00:47:06] Crongus names Thaumatic Compass for [Gideon's Intervention].
[00:47:26] Crongus discards [Runed Halo].
[00:47:27] Turn 20: wizzardofoz
[00:47:28] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Runed Halo[sU] has a disadvantageous bug.
Runed Halo do not prevent damage from tokens with the same name as card named with it
Our data about this bug is out of date.  Please let us know if this card is still bugged (or if it's been fixed).
You can do so by PM'ing this bot, or by typing `!stillbugged Runed Halo` or `!notbugged Runed Halo`
[00:47:33] wizzardofoz casts [Future Sight].
[00:47:41] wizzardofoz casts [Day of Judgment].
[00:47:45] wizzardofoz casts [Omen of the Sea].
[00:47:47] wizzardofoz puts triggered ability from [Omen of the Sea] onto the stack (When Omen of the Sea enters the battlefield, scry 2, then draw a card.).
[00:47:53] wizzardofoz puts 2 cards on top of their library.
[00:47:53] wizzardofoz scrys 2.
[00:47:53] wizzardofoz draws a card with [Omen of the Sea]'s ability.
[00:47:56] wizzardofoz plays [Westvale Abbey].
[00:48:04] Crongus activates an ability of [Field of Ruin] targeting [Spires of Orazca] ( Destroy target nonbasic land an opponent controls. Each player searches their library for a basic...).
[00:48:22] Crongus activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[00:48:26] Crongus chooses not to use [Crawling Barrens]'s ability.
[00:48:31] Crongus activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[00:48:34] Crongus chooses not to use [Crawling Barrens]'s ability.
[00:48:40] Crongus activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[00:48:44] Crongus chooses not to use [Crawling Barrens]'s ability.
[00:48:51] Turn 20: Crongus
[00:48:54] Crongus plays [Arch of Orazca].
[00:49:03] Crongus activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[00:49:10] wizzardofoz is being attacked by [Crawling Barrens]
[00:49:19] Crongus activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[00:49:27] wizzardofoz casts [Azorius Charm] targeting [Crawling Barrens] (Put target attacking or blocking creature on top of its owner's library.).
[00:49:30] Crongus puts [Crawling Barrens] on top of their library with [Azorius Charm].
[00:49:55] Turn 21: wizzardofoz
[00:49:57] Crongus casts [Silence].
[00:50:12] wizzardofoz activates an ability of [Omen of the Sea] ( Scry 2.).
[00:50:20] wizzardofoz puts 1 card on the bottom of their library and 1 card on top of their library.
[00:50:20] wizzardofoz scrys 2.
[00:50:35] Crongus activates an ability of [Arch of Orazca] ( Draw a card.).
[00:50:36] Crongus draws a card with [Arch of Orazca]'s ability.
[00:50:38] Turn 21: Crongus
[00:50:46] Crongus plays [Crawling Barrens].
[00:50:55] Crongus casts [Silence].
[00:51:22] Turn 22: wizzardofoz
[00:51:25] Crongus casts [Orim's Chant] targeting wizzardofoz.
[00:51:32] wizzardofoz casts [Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir].
[00:51:32] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir[sU] has a disadvantageous bug.
Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir incorrectly allows opponents to cast spells with Omen Machine.
Our data about this bug is out of date.  Please let us know if this card is still bugged (or if it's been fixed).
You can do so by PM'ing this bot, or by typing `!stillbugged Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir` or `!notbugged Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir`
[00:51:44] wizzardofoz casts [Fact or Fiction].
[00:52:11] wizzardofoz puts [Repeal], [Omen of the Sea], [Ponder] into their hand with [Fact or Fiction].
[00:52:11] wizzardofoz puts [Azorius Charm], [Azorius Charm] into their graveyard.
[00:52:21] wizzardofoz plays [Arch of Orazca].
[00:52:29] Crongus activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[00:52:32] Crongus chooses not to use [Crawling Barrens]'s ability.
[00:52:36] Crongus activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[00:52:41] Crongus chooses not to use [Crawling Barrens]'s ability.
[00:52:45] Crongus activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[00:52:48] Crongus chooses not to use [Crawling Barrens]'s ability.
[00:52:56] Crongus activates an ability of [Arch of Orazca] ( Draw a card.).
[00:52:56] Crongus draws a card with [Arch of Orazca]'s ability.
[00:52:59] wizzardofoz discards [Day of Judgment].
[00:52:59] Turn 22: Crongus
[00:53:04] Crongus plays [Plains].
[00:53:08] Crongus activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[00:53:16] wizzardofoz is being attacked by [Crawling Barrens]
[00:53:24] [Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir] blocks [Crawling Barrens].
[00:54:06] wizzardofoz casts [Repeal] targeting [Gideon's Intervention]. (X is 4).
[00:54:12] wizzardofoz returns [Gideon's Intervention] to its owner's hand with [Repeal].
[00:54:12] wizzardofoz draws a card with [Repeal].
[00:54:17] wizzardofoz activates an ability of [Elixir of Immortality] ( You gain 5 life. Shuffle Elixir of Immortality and your graveyard into their owner's library.).
[00:54:25] wizzardofoz casts [Omen of the Sea].
[00:54:27] wizzardofoz puts triggered ability from [Omen of the Sea] onto the stack (When Omen of the Sea enters the battlefield, scry 2, then draw a card.).
[00:54:34] wizzardofoz puts 2 cards on top of their library.
[00:54:34] wizzardofoz scrys 2.
[00:54:34] wizzardofoz draws a card with [Omen of the Sea]'s ability.
[00:54:36] Turn 23: wizzardofoz
[00:54:41] Crongus casts [Orim's Chant] targeting wizzardofoz.
[00:55:08] Crongus activates an ability of [Arch of Orazca] ( Draw a card.).
[00:55:09] Crongus draws a card with [Arch of Orazca]'s ability.
[00:55:13] Crongus activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[00:55:16] Crongus chooses not to use [Crawling Barrens]'s ability.
[00:55:20] Crongus activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[00:55:26] Crongus chooses not to use [Crawling Barrens]'s ability.
[00:55:30] wizzardofoz discards [Day of Judgment].
[00:55:30] Turn 23: Crongus
[00:55:38] Crongus casts [Orim's Chant] targeting wizzardofoz.
[00:55:49] wizzardofoz casts [Counterspell] targeting [Orim's Chant].
[00:56:00] Crongus activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[00:56:10] wizzardofoz is being attacked by [Crawling Barrens]
[00:56:14] wizzardofoz casts [Azorius Charm] targeting [Crawling Barrens] (Put target attacking or blocking creature on top of its owner's library.).
[00:56:17] Crongus puts [Crawling Barrens] on top of their library with [Azorius Charm].
[00:56:22] Crongus activates an ability of [Arch of Orazca] ( Draw a card.).
[00:56:22] Crongus draws a card with [Arch of Orazca]'s ability.
[00:56:23] Crongus plays [Crawling Barrens].
[00:56:29] Crongus casts [Gideon's Intervention].
[00:56:37] wizzardofoz casts [Fact or Fiction].
[00:56:44] wizzardofoz puts [Day of Judgment], [Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir], [Elixir of Immortality], [Glacial Fortress] into their hand with [Fact or Fiction].
[00:56:44] wizzardofoz puts [Counterspell] into their graveyard.
[00:57:05] wizzardofoz casts [Lose Focus] (Replicated 3 times) targeting [Gideon's Intervention].
[00:57:06] wizzardofoz puts triggered ability from [Lose Focus] onto the stack (Replicate {U} (When you cast this spell, copy it for each time you paid its replicate cost @b(3)...).
[00:57:24] wizzardofoz's [Lose Focus] is removed from the stack because it has no legal targets.
[00:57:27] wizzardofoz's [Lose Focus] is removed from the stack because it has no legal targets.
[00:57:29] wizzardofoz's [Lose Focus] is removed from the stack because it has no legal targets.
[00:57:43] Turn 24: wizzardofoz
[00:57:50] wizzardofoz casts [Elixir of Immortality].
[00:58:01] wizzardofoz casts [Search for Azcanta].
[00:58:05] wizzardofoz casts [Ponder].
[00:58:17] wizzardofoz chooses to not shuffle his or her library.
[00:58:17] wizzardofoz draws a card with [Ponder].
[00:58:19] wizzardofoz plays [Glacial Fortress].
[00:58:29] Crongus activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[00:58:32] Crongus chooses not to use [Crawling Barrens]'s ability.
[00:58:39] wizzardofoz discards [Day of Judgment].
[00:58:39] wizzardofoz discards [Spell Pierce].
[00:58:39] Turn 24: Crongus
[00:58:44] Crongus plays [Labyrinth of Skophos].
[00:58:55] Crongus activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[00:59:03] wizzardofoz is being attacked by [Crawling Barrens]
[00:59:11] Crongus casts [Scrabbling Claws].
[00:59:18] wizzardofoz casts [Counterspell] targeting [Scrabbling Claws].
[00:59:33] Crongus casts [Ondu Inversion].
[01:00:01] wizzardofoz casts [Lose Focus] (Replicated 4 times) targeting [Ondu Inversion].
[01:00:02] wizzardofoz puts triggered ability from [Lose Focus] onto the stack (Replicate {U} (When you cast this spell, copy it for each time you paid its replicate cost @b(4)...).
[01:00:22] wizzardofoz's [Lose Focus] is removed from the stack because it has no legal targets.
[01:00:24] wizzardofoz's [Lose Focus] is removed from the stack because it has no legal targets.
[01:00:26] wizzardofoz's [Lose Focus] is removed from the stack because it has no legal targets.
[01:00:28] wizzardofoz's [Lose Focus] is removed from the stack because it has no legal targets.
[01:00:37] wizzardofoz casts [Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir].
[01:00:45] wizzardofoz casts [Omen of the Sea].
[01:00:47] wizzardofoz puts triggered ability from [Omen of the Sea] onto the stack (When Omen of the Sea enters the battlefield, scry 2, then draw a card.).
[01:00:55] wizzardofoz puts 1 card on the bottom of their library and 1 card on top of their library.
[01:00:55] wizzardofoz scrys 2.
[01:00:55] wizzardofoz draws a card with [Omen of the Sea]'s ability.
[01:01:00] Turn 25: wizzardofoz
[01:01:00] wizzardofoz puts triggered ability from [Search for Azcanta] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, look at the top card of your library. You may put it into your gr...).
[01:01:10] [Azcanta, the Sunken Ruin] transformed
[01:01:12] wizzardofoz plays [Glacial Fortress].
[01:01:28] wizzardofoz casts [Repeal] targeting [Gideon's Intervention]. (X is 4).
[01:01:32] wizzardofoz returns [Gideon's Intervention] to its owner's hand with [Repeal].
[01:01:32] wizzardofoz draws a card with [Repeal].
[01:01:39] wizzardofoz casts [Gideon Jura].
[01:01:44] wizzardofoz activates an ability of [Gideon Jura] targeting Crongus ( During target opponent's next turn, creatures that player controls attack Gideon Jura if able.).
[01:01:53] Turn 25: Crongus
[01:01:58] Crongus plays [Plains].
[01:02:07] Crongus casts [Day of Judgment].
[01:02:20] Crongus activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[01:02:28] wizzardofoz's [Gideon Jura] is being attacked by [Crawling Barrens]
[01:02:34] Crongus activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[01:02:39] wizzardofoz casts [Azorius Charm] targeting [Crawling Barrens] (Put target attacking or blocking creature on top of its owner's library.).
[01:02:40] wizzardofoz puts [Crawling Barrens] on top of Crongus's library with [Azorius Charm].
[01:02:47] Crongus chooses not to use [Crawling Barrens]'s ability.
[01:02:57] Crongus casts [Gideon's Intervention].
[01:03:07] wizzardofoz activates an ability of [Elixir of Immortality] ( You gain 5 life. Shuffle Elixir of Immortality and your graveyard into their owner's library.).
[01:03:26] wizzardofoz discards [Dream Trawler].
[01:03:26] wizzardofoz discards [Nimbus Maze].
[01:03:26] wizzardofoz casts [Forbid] with buyback targeting [Gideon's Intervention].
[01:03:31] Crongus casts [Runed Halo].
[01:03:42] Crongus names Gideon Jura for [Runed Halo].
[01:03:46] Turn 26: wizzardofoz
[01:03:59] wizzardofoz casts [Ponder].
[01:04:12] wizzardofoz chooses to not shuffle his or her library.
[01:04:12] wizzardofoz draws a card with [Ponder].
[01:04:15] wizzardofoz casts [Omen of the Sea].
[01:04:19] wizzardofoz puts triggered ability from [Omen of the Sea] onto the stack (When Omen of the Sea enters the battlefield, scry 2, then draw a card.).
[01:04:23] wizzardofoz puts 1 card on the bottom of their library and 1 card on top of their library.
[01:04:23] wizzardofoz scrys 2.
[01:04:24] wizzardofoz draws a card with [Omen of the Sea]'s ability.
[01:04:30] wizzardofoz casts [Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir].
[01:04:33] wizzardofoz plays [Urza's Factory].
[01:04:38] Turn 26: Crongus
[01:04:42] Crongus plays [Crawling Barrens].
[01:04:47] Crongus casts [Declaration in Stone] targeting [Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir].
[01:05:01] wizzardofoz discards [Glacial Fortress].
[01:05:01] wizzardofoz discards [Day of Judgment].
[01:05:01] wizzardofoz casts [Forbid] with buyback targeting [Declaration in Stone].
[01:05:11] Crongus activates an ability of [Arch of Orazca] ( Draw a card.).
[01:05:11] Crongus draws a card with [Arch of Orazca]'s ability.
[01:05:22] Crongus activates an ability of [Arch of Orazca] ( Draw a card.).
[01:05:23] Crongus draws a card with [Arch of Orazca]'s ability.
[01:05:40] wizzardofoz activates an ability of [Arch of Orazca] ( Draw a card.).
[01:05:42] wizzardofoz draws a card with [Arch of Orazca]'s ability.
[01:05:49] wizzardofoz activates an ability of [Azcanta, the Sunken Ruin] ( Look at the top four cards of your library. You may reveal a noncreature, nonland card from among...).
[01:05:57] wizzardofoz puts [Azorius Charm] into their hand with with [Azcanta, the Sunken Ruin]'s ability.
[01:06:04] Turn 27: wizzardofoz
[01:06:09] wizzardofoz casts [Ponder].
[01:06:19] wizzardofoz chooses to not shuffle his or her library.
[01:06:19] wizzardofoz draws a card with [Ponder].
[01:06:33] Crongus activates an ability of [Arch of Orazca] ( Draw a card.).
[01:06:34] Crongus draws a card with [Arch of Orazca]'s ability.
[01:06:39] Crongus discards [Renewed Faith].
[01:06:39] Crongus cycles [Renewed Faith].
[01:06:40] Crongus puts triggered ability from [Renewed Faith] onto the stack (When you cycle Renewed Faith, you may gain 2 life.).
[01:06:53] Turn 27: Crongus
[01:06:59] Crongus casts [The Birth of Meletis].
[01:07:02] Crongus puts triggered ability from [The Birth of Meletis] onto the stack (Search your library for a basic Plains card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle.).
[01:07:04] Crongus reveals [Plains].
[01:07:06] Crongus plays [Tectonic Edge].
[01:07:44] wizzardofoz activates an ability of [Omen of the Sea] ( Scry 2.).
[01:07:50] wizzardofoz puts 1 card on the bottom of their library and 1 card on top of their library.
[01:07:50] wizzardofoz scrys 2.
[01:07:53] Turn 28: wizzardofoz
[01:07:57] wizzardofoz plays [Plains].
[01:08:01] wizzardofoz casts [Omen of the Sea].
[01:08:03] wizzardofoz puts triggered ability from [Omen of the Sea] onto the stack (When Omen of the Sea enters the battlefield, scry 2, then draw a card.).
[01:08:13] wizzardofoz puts 1 card on the bottom of their library and 1 card on top of their library.
[01:08:13] wizzardofoz scrys 2.
[01:08:13] wizzardofoz draws a card with [Omen of the Sea]'s ability.
[01:08:36] Crongus activates an ability of [Tectonic Edge] targeting [Azcanta, the Sunken Ruin] ( Destroy target nonbasic land.).
[01:08:44] wizzardofoz activates an ability of [Azcanta, the Sunken Ruin] ( Look at the top four cards of your library. You may reveal a noncreature, nonland card from among...).
[01:08:51] wizzardofoz puts [Repeal] into their hand with with [Azcanta, the Sunken Ruin]'s ability.
[01:09:04] Crongus activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[01:09:07] Crongus chooses not to use [Crawling Barrens]'s ability.
[01:09:10] Crongus activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[01:09:16] Crongus chooses not to use [Crawling Barrens]'s ability.
[01:09:27] Crongus activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[01:09:30] Crongus chooses not to use [Crawling Barrens]'s ability.
[01:09:34] Crongus activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[01:09:37] Crongus chooses not to use [Crawling Barrens]'s ability.
[01:09:40] Crongus activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[01:09:42] Crongus chooses not to use [Crawling Barrens]'s ability.
[01:09:48] wizzardofoz discards [Lose Focus].
[01:09:48] wizzardofoz discards [Lose Focus].
[01:09:49] Turn 28: Crongus
[01:09:51] Crongus puts triggered ability from [The Birth of Meletis] onto the stack (Create a 0/4 colorless Wall artifact creature token with defender.).
[01:09:51] Crongus's [The Birth of Meletis] creates a Wall Token.
[01:09:54] Crongus plays [Crawling Barrens].
[01:10:03] Crongus casts [Timeless Dragon].
[01:10:13] wizzardofoz casts [Counterspell] targeting [Timeless Dragon].
[01:10:33] wizzardofoz casts [Repeal] targeting [Gideon's Intervention]. (X is 4).
[01:10:38] wizzardofoz returns [Gideon's Intervention] to its owner's hand with [Repeal].
[01:10:38] wizzardofoz draws a card with [Repeal].
[01:10:43] Turn 29: wizzardofoz
[01:10:49] wizzardofoz casts [Elixir of Immortality].
[01:11:04] Crongus activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[01:11:06] Crongus chooses not to use [Crawling Barrens]'s ability.
[01:11:09] Crongus activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[01:11:12] Crongus chooses not to use [Crawling Barrens]'s ability.
[01:11:15] Crongus activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[01:11:18] Crongus chooses not to use [Crawling Barrens]'s ability.
[01:11:22] Crongus activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[01:11:24] Crongus chooses not to use [Crawling Barrens]'s ability.
[01:11:27] Turn 29: Crongus
[01:11:29] Crongus puts triggered ability from [The Birth of Meletis] onto the stack (You gain 2 life.).
[01:11:37] Crongus casts [Gideon's Intervention].
[01:11:42] wizzardofoz casts [Counterspell] targeting [Gideon's Intervention].
[01:11:46] Crongus plays [Plains].
[01:11:50] Crongus discards [Renewed Faith].
[01:11:50] Crongus cycles [Renewed Faith].
[01:11:51] Crongus puts triggered ability from [Renewed Faith] onto the stack (When you cycle Renewed Faith, you may gain 2 life.).
[01:12:09] wizzardofoz activates an ability of [Omen of the Sea] ( Scry 2.).
[01:12:15] wizzardofoz puts 1 card on the bottom of their library and 1 card on top of their library.
[01:12:15] wizzardofoz scrys 2.
[01:12:18] wizzardofoz activates an ability of [Omen of the Sea] ( Scry 2.).
[01:12:25] wizzardofoz puts 2 cards on top of their library.
[01:12:25] wizzardofoz scrys 2.
[01:12:29] wizzardofoz activates an ability of [Omen of the Sea] ( Scry 2.).
[01:12:34] wizzardofoz puts 2 cards on top of their library.
[01:12:34] wizzardofoz scrys 2.
[01:12:37] Turn 30: wizzardofoz
[01:12:42] wizzardofoz casts [Thaumatic Compass].
[01:12:50] wizzardofoz activates an ability of [Elixir of Immortality] ( You gain 5 life. Shuffle Elixir of Immortality and your graveyard into their owner's library.).
[01:13:01] wizzardofoz puts triggered ability from [Thaumatic Compass] onto the stack (At the beginning of your end step, if you control seven or more lands, transform Thaumatic Compass...).
[01:13:07] Crongus activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[01:13:08] Crongus chooses not to use [Crawling Barrens]'s ability.
[01:13:12] Crongus activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[01:13:14] Crongus chooses not to use [Crawling Barrens]'s ability.
[01:13:17] Crongus activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[01:13:20] Crongus chooses not to use [Crawling Barrens]'s ability.
[01:13:23] Crongus activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[01:13:26] Crongus chooses not to use [Crawling Barrens]'s ability.
[01:13:28] [Spires of Orazca] transformed
[01:13:31] Turn 30: Crongus
[01:13:35] Crongus plays [Crawling Barrens].
[01:13:42] Crongus casts [Sunscour].
[01:13:55] Crongus casts [The Birth of Meletis].
[01:13:58] Crongus puts triggered ability from [The Birth of Meletis] onto the stack (Search your library for a basic Plains card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle.).
[01:14:00] Crongus reveals [Plains].
[01:14:08] wizzardofoz casts [Fact or Fiction].
[01:14:15] wizzardofoz puts [Elixir of Immortality] into their hand with [Fact or Fiction].
[01:14:15] wizzardofoz puts [Counterspell], [Omen of the Sea], [Day of Judgment], [Day of Judgment] into their graveyard.
[01:14:18] Turn 31: wizzardofoz
[01:14:24] wizzardofoz casts [Elixir of Immortality].
[01:14:31] wizzardofoz activates an ability of [Arch of Orazca] ( Draw a card.).
[01:14:32] wizzardofoz draws a card with [Arch of Orazca]'s ability.
[01:14:44] Crongus activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[01:14:47] Crongus chooses not to use [Crawling Barrens]'s ability.
[01:14:50] Crongus activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[01:14:52] Crongus chooses not to use [Crawling Barrens]'s ability.
[01:14:56] Crongus activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[01:14:58] Crongus chooses not to use [Crawling Barrens]'s ability.
[01:15:02] Crongus activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[01:15:04] Crongus chooses not to use [Crawling Barrens]'s ability.
[01:15:07] Turn 31: Crongus
[01:15:09] Crongus puts triggered ability from [The Birth of Meletis] onto the stack (Create a 0/4 colorless Wall artifact creature token with defender.).
[01:15:10] Crongus's [The Birth of Meletis] creates a Wall Token.
[01:15:12] Crongus plays [Plains].
[01:15:24] Turn 32: wizzardofoz
[01:15:30] wizzardofoz casts [Repeal] targeting [Runed Halo]. (X is 2).
[01:15:31] wizzardofoz returns [Runed Halo] to its owner's hand with [Repeal].
[01:15:31] wizzardofoz draws a card with [Repeal].
[01:15:35] wizzardofoz activates an ability of [Gideon Jura] targeting Crongus ( During target opponent's next turn, creatures that player controls attack Gideon Jura if able.).
[01:15:38] wizzardofoz casts [Ponder].
[01:15:49] wizzardofoz chooses to not shuffle his or her library.
[01:15:49] wizzardofoz draws a card with [Ponder].
[01:15:52] wizzardofoz plays [Glacial Fortress].
[01:16:01] Crongus activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[01:16:03] Crongus chooses not to use [Crawling Barrens]'s ability.
[01:16:07] Crongus activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[01:16:10] Crongus chooses not to use [Crawling Barrens]'s ability.
[01:16:14] Crongus activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[01:16:16] Crongus chooses not to use [Crawling Barrens]'s ability.
[01:16:20] Crongus activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[01:16:21] Crongus chooses not to use [Crawling Barrens]'s ability.
[01:16:25] Crongus activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[01:16:26] Crongus chooses not to use [Crawling Barrens]'s ability.
[01:16:32] Crongus activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[01:16:34] Crongus chooses not to use [Crawling Barrens]'s ability.
[01:16:39] wizzardofoz discards [Spell Pierce].
[01:16:39] wizzardofoz discards [Day of Judgment].
[01:16:39] Turn 32: Crongus
[01:16:41] Crongus puts triggered ability from [The Birth of Meletis] onto the stack (You gain 2 life.).
[01:16:43] Crongus plays [Arch of Orazca].
[01:16:55] Crongus casts [Runed Halo].
[01:16:55] wizzardofoz casts wizzardofoz targeting [Runed Halo].
[01:16:57] Crongus casts [Council's Judgment].
[01:17:04] wizzardofoz casts [Counterspell] targeting [Council's Judgment].
[01:17:15] wizzardofoz casts [Omen of the Sea].
[01:17:17] wizzardofoz puts triggered ability from [Omen of the Sea] onto the stack (When Omen of the Sea enters the battlefield, scry 2, then draw a card.).
[01:17:23] wizzardofoz puts 2 cards on top of their library.
[01:17:23] wizzardofoz scrys 2.
[01:17:23] wizzardofoz draws a card with [Omen of the Sea]'s ability.
[01:17:27] Turn 33: wizzardofoz
[01:17:32] wizzardofoz activates an ability of [Gideon Jura] targeting Crongus ( During target opponent's next turn, creatures that player controls attack Gideon Jura if able.).
[01:17:36] wizzardofoz casts [Search for Azcanta].
[01:17:41] Turn 33: Crongus
[01:17:46] Crongus plays [Plains].
[01:17:53] wizzardofoz activates an ability of [Elixir of Immortality] ( You gain 5 life. Shuffle Elixir of Immortality and your graveyard into their owner's library.).
[01:17:58] wizzardofoz casts [Omen of the Sea].
[01:17:59] wizzardofoz puts triggered ability from [Omen of the Sea] onto the stack (When Omen of the Sea enters the battlefield, scry 2, then draw a card.).
[01:18:05] wizzardofoz puts 2 cards on the bottom of their library.
[01:18:05] wizzardofoz scrys 2.
[01:18:05] wizzardofoz draws a card with [Omen of the Sea]'s ability.
[01:18:08] Turn 34: wizzardofoz
[01:18:09] wizzardofoz puts triggered ability from [Search for Azcanta] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, look at the top card of your library. You may put it into your gr...).
[01:18:20] wizzardofoz casts [Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir].
[01:18:26] wizzardofoz activates an ability of [Gideon Jura] targeting Crongus ( During target opponent's next turn, creatures that player controls attack Gideon Jura if able.).
[01:18:32] wizzardofoz discards [Ponder].
[01:18:33] Turn 34: Crongus
[01:18:50] wizzardofoz casts [Dream Trawler].
[01:18:58] Turn 35: wizzardofoz
[01:18:58] wizzardofoz puts triggered ability from [Search for Azcanta] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, look at the top card of your library. You may put it into your gr...).
[01:19:03] wizzardofoz puts triggered ability from [Dream Trawler] onto the stack (Whenever you draw a card, Dream Trawler gets +1/+0 until end of turn.).
[01:19:11] Crongus is being attacked by [Dream Trawler]
[01:19:11] wizzardofoz puts triggered ability from [Dream Trawler] onto the stack (Whenever Dream Trawler attacks, draw a card.).
[01:19:14] wizzardofoz draws a card with [Dream Trawler]'s ability.
[01:19:15] wizzardofoz puts triggered ability from [Dream Trawler] onto the stack (Whenever you draw a card, Dream Trawler gets +1/+0 until end of turn.).
[01:19:28] Crongus activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[01:19:30] Crongus chooses not to use [Crawling Barrens]'s ability.
[01:19:37] Crongus activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[01:19:39] Crongus chooses not to use [Crawling Barrens]'s ability.
[01:19:44] Crongus activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[01:19:46] Crongus chooses not to use [Crawling Barrens]'s ability.
[01:19:52] Crongus activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[01:19:54] Crongus chooses not to use [Crawling Barrens]'s ability.
[01:20:00] wizzardofoz discards [Day of Judgment].
[01:20:00] wizzardofoz discards [Lose Focus].
[01:20:00] Turn 35: Crongus
[01:20:07] Crongus casts [Day of Judgment].
[01:20:13] wizzardofoz casts [Omen of the Sea].
[01:20:15] wizzardofoz puts triggered ability from [Omen of the Sea] onto the stack (When Omen of the Sea enters the battlefield, scry 2, then draw a card.).
[01:20:22] wizzardofoz puts 2 cards on top of their library.
[01:20:22] wizzardofoz scrys 2.
[01:20:22] wizzardofoz draws a card with [Omen of the Sea]'s ability.
[01:20:22] wizzardofoz puts triggered ability from [Dream Trawler] onto the stack (Whenever you draw a card, Dream Trawler gets +1/+0 until end of turn.).
[01:20:32] wizzardofoz discards [Lose Focus].
[01:20:32] wizzardofoz discards [Day of Judgment].
[01:20:32] wizzardofoz casts [Forbid] with buyback targeting [Day of Judgment].
[01:20:41] Turn 36: wizzardofoz
[01:20:42] wizzardofoz puts triggered ability from [Search for Azcanta] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, look at the top card of your library. You may put it into your gr...).
[01:20:48] wizzardofoz puts triggered ability from [Dream Trawler] onto the stack (Whenever you draw a card, Dream Trawler gets +1/+0 until end of turn.).
[01:20:53] Crongus is being attacked by [Dream Trawler]
[01:20:53] wizzardofoz puts triggered ability from [Dream Trawler] onto the stack (Whenever Dream Trawler attacks, draw a card.).
[01:20:54] wizzardofoz draws a card with [Dream Trawler]'s ability.
[01:20:54] wizzardofoz puts triggered ability from [Dream Trawler] onto the stack (Whenever you draw a card, Dream Trawler gets +1/+0 until end of turn.).
[01:21:05] wizzardofoz plays [Nimbus Maze].
[01:21:08] wizzardofoz casts [Omen of the Sea].
[01:21:11] wizzardofoz puts triggered ability from [Omen of the Sea] onto the stack (When Omen of the Sea enters the battlefield, scry 2, then draw a card.).
[01:21:17] wizzardofoz puts 1 card on the bottom of their library and 1 card on top of their library.
[01:21:17] wizzardofoz scrys 2.
[01:21:18] wizzardofoz draws a card with [Omen of the Sea]'s ability.
[01:21:18] wizzardofoz puts triggered ability from [Dream Trawler] onto the stack (Whenever you draw a card, Dream Trawler gets +1/+0 until end of turn.).
[01:21:22] wizzardofoz casts [Elixir of Immortality].
[01:21:28] wizzardofoz activates an ability of [Gideon Jura] targeting Crongus ( During target opponent's next turn, creatures that player controls attack Gideon Jura if able.).
[01:21:31] Turn 36: Crongus
[01:21:34] Crongus plays [Mystifying Maze].
[01:21:40] Turn 37: wizzardofoz
[01:21:41] wizzardofoz puts triggered ability from [Search for Azcanta] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, look at the top card of your library. You may put it into your gr...).
[01:21:51] [Azcanta, the Sunken Ruin] transformed
[01:21:52] wizzardofoz puts triggered ability from [Dream Trawler] onto the stack (Whenever you draw a card, Dream Trawler gets +1/+0 until end of turn.).
[01:22:00] Crongus is being attacked by [Dream Trawler]
[01:22:00] wizzardofoz puts triggered ability from [Dream Trawler] onto the stack (Whenever Dream Trawler attacks, draw a card.).
[01:22:03] Crongus activates an ability of [Spires of Orazca] targeting [Dream Trawler] ( Untap target attacking creature an opponent controls and remove it from combat.).
[01:22:09] wizzardofoz draws a card with [Dream Trawler]'s ability.
[01:22:10] wizzardofoz puts triggered ability from [Dream Trawler] onto the stack (Whenever you draw a card, Dream Trawler gets +1/+0 until end of turn.).
[01:22:15] wizzardofoz activates an ability of [Gideon Jura] targeting Crongus ( During target opponent's next turn, creatures that player controls attack Gideon Jura if able.).
[01:22:22] wizzardofoz discards [Counterspell].
[01:22:22] wizzardofoz discards [Spell Pierce].
[01:22:23] Turn 37: Crongus
[01:22:32] wizzardofoz activates an ability of [Elixir of Immortality] ( You gain 5 life. Shuffle Elixir of Immortality and your graveyard into their owner's library.).
[01:22:36] Turn 38: wizzardofoz
[01:22:37] wizzardofoz puts triggered ability from [Dream Trawler] onto the stack (Whenever you draw a card, Dream Trawler gets +1/+0 until end of turn.).
[01:22:51] wizzardofoz discards [Day of Judgment].
[01:22:52] Turn 38: Crongus
[01:23:01] Turn 39: wizzardofoz
[01:23:02] wizzardofoz puts triggered ability from [Dream Trawler] onto the stack (Whenever you draw a card, Dream Trawler gets +1/+0 until end of turn.).
[01:23:11] wizzardofoz discards [Lose Focus].
[01:23:11] Turn 39: Crongus
[01:23:17] Turn 40: wizzardofoz
[01:23:19] wizzardofoz puts triggered ability from [Dream Trawler] onto the stack (Whenever you draw a card, Dream Trawler gets +1/+0 until end of turn.).
[01:23:25] Crongus is being attacked by [Dream Trawler]
[01:23:25] wizzardofoz puts triggered ability from [Dream Trawler] onto the stack (Whenever Dream Trawler attacks, draw a card.).
[01:23:25] wizzardofoz draws a card with [Dream Trawler]'s ability.
[01:23:26] wizzardofoz puts triggered ability from [Dream Trawler] onto the stack (Whenever you draw a card, Dream Trawler gets +1/+0 until end of turn.).
[01:23:36] wizzardofoz discards [Day of Judgment].
[01:23:36] wizzardofoz discards [Ponder].
[01:23:37] Turn 40: Crongus
[01:23:43] Turn 41: wizzardofoz
[01:23:45] wizzardofoz puts triggered ability from [Dream Trawler] onto the stack (Whenever you draw a card, Dream Trawler gets +1/+0 until end of turn.).
[01:23:53] Crongus is being attacked by [Dream Trawler]
[01:23:53] wizzardofoz puts triggered ability from [Dream Trawler] onto the stack (Whenever Dream Trawler attacks, draw a card.).
[01:23:56] Crongus activates an ability of [Spires of Orazca] targeting [Dream Trawler] ( Untap target attacking creature an opponent controls and remove it from combat.).
[01:23:59] wizzardofoz draws a card with [Dream Trawler]'s ability.
[01:24:00] wizzardofoz puts triggered ability from [Dream Trawler] onto the stack (Whenever you draw a card, Dream Trawler gets +1/+0 until end of turn.).
[01:24:06] wizzardofoz discards [Ponder].
[01:24:06] wizzardofoz discards [Repeal].
[01:24:07] Turn 41: Crongus
[01:24:16] Crongus casts [Sunscour].
[01:24:22] wizzardofoz casts [Counterspell] targeting [Sunscour].
[01:24:25] Turn 42: wizzardofoz
[01:24:27] wizzardofoz puts triggered ability from [Dream Trawler] onto the stack (Whenever you draw a card, Dream Trawler gets +1/+0 until end of turn.).
[01:24:31] wizzardofoz casts [Elixir of Immortality].
[01:24:44] Turn 42: Crongus
[01:24:52] Turn 43: wizzardofoz
[01:24:53] wizzardofoz puts triggered ability from [Dream Trawler] onto the stack (Whenever you draw a card, Dream Trawler gets +1/+0 until end of turn.).
[01:24:59] Crongus is being attacked by [Dream Trawler]
[01:25:00] wizzardofoz puts triggered ability from [Dream Trawler] onto the stack (Whenever Dream Trawler attacks, draw a card.).
[01:25:02] Crongus activates an ability of [Spires of Orazca] targeting [Dream Trawler] ( Untap target attacking creature an opponent controls and remove it from combat.).
[01:25:05] wizzardofoz draws a card with [Dream Trawler]'s ability.
[01:25:05] wizzardofoz puts triggered ability from [Dream Trawler] onto the stack (Whenever you draw a card, Dream Trawler gets +1/+0 until end of turn.).
[01:25:11] wizzardofoz discards [Day of Judgment].
[01:25:11] wizzardofoz discards [Spell Pierce].
[01:25:12] Turn 43: Crongus
[01:25:19] Crongus plays [Plains].
[01:25:24] Crongus casts [Sunscour].
[01:25:29] wizzardofoz casts [Counterspell] targeting [Sunscour].
[01:25:38] Turn 44: wizzardofoz
[01:25:39] wizzardofoz puts triggered ability from [Dream Trawler] onto the stack (Whenever you draw a card, Dream Trawler gets +1/+0 until end of turn.).
[01:25:44] wizzardofoz activates an ability of [Elixir of Immortality] ( You gain 5 life. Shuffle Elixir of Immortality and your graveyard into their owner's library.).
[01:25:54] Turn 44: Crongus
[01:25:57] Crongus has run out of time and has lost the match.
Winner: Crongus
Game 1 Completed.