PDBot Stats

Game 788493874

[Time] 1643781444
[07:57:25] PDBot has started watching.
[League] Mono Black Midrange by cryptozozzle (168280) vs Artifact Aggro by disturbedcanon (168282)
[07:57:27] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[07:57:32] cryptozozzle chooses to play first.
[07:57:36] cryptozozzle mulligans to six cards.
[07:57:37] DisturbedCanon begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[07:57:45] [CHAT] DisturbedCanon: gl
[07:57:50] [CHAT] cryptozozzle: gl
[07:57:51] cryptozozzle puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[07:57:51] Turn 1: cryptozozzle
[07:57:52] cryptozozzle skips their draw step.
[07:57:53] cryptozozzle plays [Swamp].
[07:58:05] cryptozozzle casts [Dread Fugue] targeting DisturbedCanon.
[07:58:37] DisturbedCanon discards [Darksteel Relic].
[07:58:37] DisturbedCanon reveals their hand to [Dread Fugue], containing [Snow-Covered Island], [Skilled Animator], [Ponder], [Rise and Shine], [Snow-Covered Island], and [Snow-Covered Island].
[07:58:39] Turn 1: DisturbedCanon
[07:58:41] DisturbedCanon plays [Snow-Covered Island].
[07:58:43] DisturbedCanon casts [Flight Spellbomb].
[07:58:48] Turn 2: cryptozozzle
[07:58:49] cryptozozzle plays [Swamp].
[07:58:52] cryptozozzle casts [Sign in Blood] targeting cryptozozzle.
[07:58:52] cryptozozzle draws two cards with [Sign in Blood].
[07:58:55] Turn 2: DisturbedCanon
[07:58:56] DisturbedCanon plays [Snow-Covered Island].
[07:59:00] DisturbedCanon casts [Rise and Shine] targeting [Flight Spellbomb].
[07:59:09] cryptozozzle is being attacked by [Flight Spellbomb].
[07:59:17] Turn 3: cryptozozzle
[07:59:19] cryptozozzle plays [Swamp].
[07:59:26] cryptozozzle casts [Bloodchief's Thirst] targeting [Flight Spellbomb].
[07:59:27] DisturbedCanon puts triggered ability from [Flight Spellbomb] onto the stack (When Flight Spellbomb is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, you may pay {U}. If you do, dr...).
[07:59:33] Turn 3: DisturbedCanon
[07:59:35] DisturbedCanon plays [Snow-Covered Island].
[07:59:37] DisturbedCanon casts [Ponder].
[07:59:48] DisturbedCanon chooses to shuffle his or her library.
[07:59:48] DisturbedCanon draws a card with [Ponder].
[07:59:52] DisturbedCanon casts [Darksteel Relic].
[07:59:59] datrobino has started watching.
[08:00:02] Turn 4: cryptozozzle
[08:00:04] cryptozozzle plays [Swamp].
[08:00:09] cryptozozzle casts [Vampire Nighthawk].
[08:00:18] Turn 4: DisturbedCanon
[08:00:22] DisturbedCanon plays [Snow-Covered Island].
[08:00:28] DisturbedCanon casts [Skilled Animator].
[08:00:30] DisturbedCanon puts triggered ability from [Skilled Animator] onto the stack targeting [Darksteel Relic] (When Skilled Animator enters the battlefield, target artifact you control becomes an artifact crea...).
[08:00:38] cryptozozzle is being attacked by [Darksteel Relic].
[08:00:48] Turn 5: cryptozozzle
[08:00:51] cryptozozzle plays [Swamp].
[08:00:56] cryptozozzle casts [Gatekeeper of Malakir] (with kicker).
[08:01:01] cryptozozzle puts triggered ability from [Gatekeeper of Malakir] onto the stack targeting DisturbedCanon (When Gatekeeper of Malakir enters the battlefield, if it was kicked, target player sacrifices a cr...).
[08:01:08] DisturbedCanon sacrifices [Skilled Animator].
[08:01:17] cryptozozzle casts [Dread Fugue] targeting DisturbedCanon.
[08:01:24] DisturbedCanon discards [Rise and Shine].
[08:01:25] DisturbedCanon reveals their hand to [Dread Fugue], containing [Snow-Covered Island].
[08:01:30] DisturbedCanon is being attacked by [Vampire Nighthawk].
[08:01:37] Turn 5: DisturbedCanon
[08:01:41] DisturbedCanon plays [Mistvault Bridge].
[08:01:45] Turn 6: cryptozozzle
[08:02:03] [CHAT] DisturbedCanon: I have 17 lands in this deck xD I don't know how I'm flooding
[08:02:11] [CHAT] cryptozozzle: lol that sucks
[08:02:14] DisturbedCanon is being attacked by [Gatekeeper of Malakir] and [Vampire Nighthawk].
[08:02:22] [CHAT] DisturbedCanon: it happens :)
[08:02:24] cryptozozzle casts [Vampire Nighthawk].
[08:02:44] Turn 6: DisturbedCanon
[08:02:47] DisturbedCanon plays [Mistvault Bridge].
[08:02:51] Turn 7: cryptozozzle
[08:02:59] DisturbedCanon is being attacked by [Vampire Nighthawk], [Gatekeeper of Malakir], and [Vampire Nighthawk].
[08:03:06] cryptozozzle plays [Swamp].
[08:03:08] Turn 7: DisturbedCanon
[08:03:13] DisturbedCanon plays [Snow-Covered Island].
[08:03:14] [CHAT] cryptozozzle: indeed
[08:03:16] DisturbedCanon has conceded from the game.
Winner: cryptozozzle
Game 1 Completed.

Game 788494196

[Time] 1643781857
[08:04:17] PDBot has started watching.
[08:04:18] DisturbedCanon chooses to play first.
[08:04:26] DisturbedCanon begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[08:04:42] cryptozozzle mulligans to six cards.
[08:05:02] cryptozozzle mulligans to five cards.
[08:05:19] cryptozozzle puts two cards on the bottom of their library and begins the game with five cards in hand.
[08:05:19] Turn 1: DisturbedCanon
[08:05:20] DisturbedCanon skips their draw step.
[08:05:37] DisturbedCanon casts [Gitaxian Probe] targeting cryptozozzle.
[08:05:40] DisturbedCanon draws a card with [Gitaxian Probe].
[08:05:51] DisturbedCanon plays [Snow-Covered Island].
[08:06:02] DisturbedCanon casts [Arcum's Astrolabe].
[08:06:03] DisturbedCanon puts triggered ability from [Arcum's Astrolabe] onto the stack (When Arcum's Astrolabe enters the battlefield, draw a card.).
[08:06:07] DisturbedCanon draws a card with [Arcum's Astrolabe]'s ability.
[08:06:10] DisturbedCanon casts [Darksteel Relic].
[08:06:18] Turn 1: cryptozozzle
[08:06:20] cryptozozzle plays [Swamp].
[08:06:25] cryptozozzle casts [Dread Fugue] targeting DisturbedCanon.
[08:06:31] DisturbedCanon discards [Rise and Shine].
[08:06:31] DisturbedCanon reveals their hand to [Dread Fugue], containing [Snow-Covered Island], [Mistvault Bridge], [Snow-Covered Island], and [Ponder].
[08:06:34] Turn 2: DisturbedCanon
[08:06:38] DisturbedCanon plays [Snow-Covered Island].
[08:06:47] Turn 2: cryptozozzle
[08:06:49] cryptozozzle plays [Swamp].
[08:06:57] Turn 3: DisturbedCanon
[08:07:01] DisturbedCanon casts [Ponder].
[08:07:22] DisturbedCanon chooses to not shuffle his or her library.
[08:07:22] DisturbedCanon draws a card with [Ponder].
[08:07:25] DisturbedCanon plays [Snow-Covered Island].
[08:07:32] Turn 3: cryptozozzle
[08:07:34] cryptozozzle plays [Swamp].
[08:07:42] Turn 4: DisturbedCanon
[08:07:44] DisturbedCanon plays [Mistvault Bridge].
[08:07:50] DisturbedCanon casts [Skilled Animator].
[08:07:54] DisturbedCanon puts triggered ability from [Skilled Animator] onto the stack targeting [Darksteel Relic] (When Skilled Animator enters the battlefield, target artifact you control becomes an artifact crea...).
[08:08:00] cryptozozzle is being attacked by [Darksteel Relic].
[08:08:07] Turn 4: cryptozozzle
[08:08:10] cryptozozzle plays [Swamp].
[08:08:33] cryptozozzle casts [Gatekeeper of Malakir] (with kicker).
[08:08:37] cryptozozzle puts triggered ability from [Gatekeeper of Malakir] onto the stack targeting DisturbedCanon (When Gatekeeper of Malakir enters the battlefield, if it was kicked, target player sacrifices a cr...).
[08:08:41] DisturbedCanon sacrifices [Skilled Animator].
[08:08:48] Turn 5: DisturbedCanon
[08:08:51] DisturbedCanon plays [Mistvault Bridge].
[08:08:56] Turn 5: cryptozozzle
[08:09:07] DisturbedCanon is being attacked by [Gatekeeper of Malakir].
[08:09:17] cryptozozzle casts [Korlash, Heir to Blackblade].
[08:09:22] DisturbedCanon casts [Counterspell] targeting [Korlash, Heir to Blackblade].
[08:09:26] Turn 6: DisturbedCanon
[08:09:28] DisturbedCanon plays [Snow-Covered Island].
[08:09:34] DisturbedCanon casts [Rise and Shine] for its overload cost using an alternate cost.
[08:09:41] cryptozozzle is being attacked by [Darksteel Relic] and [Arcum's Astrolabe].
[08:09:49] -Hyperion- has started watching.
[08:09:50] Turn 6: cryptozozzle
[08:09:52] cryptozozzle plays [Swamp].
[08:10:01] cryptozozzle casts [Bloodchief's Thirst] targeting [Arcum's Astrolabe].
[08:10:09] cryptozozzle casts [Gatekeeper of Malakir] (with kicker).
[08:10:14] cryptozozzle puts triggered ability from [Gatekeeper of Malakir] onto the stack targeting DisturbedCanon (When Gatekeeper of Malakir enters the battlefield, if it was kicked, target player sacrifices a cr...).
[08:10:17] DisturbedCanon sacrifices [Darksteel Relic].
[08:10:23] DisturbedCanon is being attacked by [Gatekeeper of Malakir].
[08:10:30] Turn 7: DisturbedCanon
[08:10:38] cryptozozzle is being attacked by [Mistvault Bridge] and [Mistvault Bridge].
[08:10:44] cryptozozzle has conceded from the game.
Winner: DisturbedCanon
Game 2 Completed.

Game 788494524

[Time] 1643782308
[08:11:48] PDBot has started watching.
[08:11:52] cryptozozzle chooses to play first.
[08:11:56] cryptozozzle begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[08:12:01] DisturbedCanon begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[08:12:01] Turn 1: cryptozozzle
[08:12:01] cryptozozzle skips their draw step.
[08:12:03] cryptozozzle plays [Swamp].
[08:12:07] cryptozozzle casts [Dread Fugue] targeting DisturbedCanon.
[08:12:24] DisturbedCanon discards [Darksteel Relic].
[08:12:24] DisturbedCanon reveals their hand to [Dread Fugue], containing [Snow-Covered Island], [Snow-Covered Island], [Ensoul Artifact], [Rise and Shine], [Snow-Covered Island], and [Snow-Covered Island].
[08:12:27] Turn 1: DisturbedCanon
[08:12:29] DisturbedCanon plays [Snow-Covered Island].
[08:12:30] DisturbedCanon casts [Flight Spellbomb].
[08:12:36] Turn 2: cryptozozzle
[08:12:38] cryptozozzle plays [Swamp].
[08:12:42] Turn 2: DisturbedCanon
[08:12:44] DisturbedCanon plays [Snow-Covered Island].
[08:12:45] DisturbedCanon casts [Nihil Spellbomb].
[08:12:50] Turn 3: cryptozozzle
[08:12:52] cryptozozzle plays [Swamp].
[08:12:56] Turn 3: DisturbedCanon
[08:13:02] DisturbedCanon plays [Snow-Covered Island].
[08:13:05] DisturbedCanon casts [Arcum's Astrolabe].
[08:13:07] DisturbedCanon puts triggered ability from [Arcum's Astrolabe] onto the stack (When Arcum's Astrolabe enters the battlefield, draw a card.).
[08:13:10] DisturbedCanon draws a card with [Arcum's Astrolabe]'s ability.
[08:13:12] DisturbedCanon casts [Ponder].
[08:13:34] DisturbedCanon chooses to not shuffle his or her library.
[08:13:34] DisturbedCanon draws a card with [Ponder].
[08:13:42] Turn 4: cryptozozzle
[08:13:45] cryptozozzle plays [Swamp].
[08:13:48] CptAjani has started watching.
[08:13:52] Turn 4: DisturbedCanon
[08:14:11] DisturbedCanon casts [Skilled Animator].
[08:14:16] DisturbedCanon puts triggered ability from [Skilled Animator] onto the stack targeting [Flight Spellbomb] (When Skilled Animator enters the battlefield, target artifact you control becomes an artifact crea...).
[08:14:21] DisturbedCanon plays [Snow-Covered Island].
[08:14:25] cryptozozzle is being attacked by [Flight Spellbomb].
[08:14:33] Turn 5: cryptozozzle
[08:14:35] cryptozozzle plays [Swamp].
[08:15:59] cryptozozzle casts [Demigod of Revenge].
[08:15:59] cryptozozzle puts triggered ability from [Demigod of Revenge] onto the stack (When you cast this spell, return all cards named Demigod of Revenge from your graveyard to the bat...).
[08:16:17] Turn 5: DisturbedCanon
[08:16:21] DisturbedCanon plays [Mistvault Bridge].
[08:17:00] Turn 6: cryptozozzle
[08:18:22] CptAjani has stopped watching.
[08:18:28] cryptozozzle casts [Sign in Blood] targeting cryptozozzle.
[08:18:33] cryptozozzle draws two cards with [Sign in Blood].
[08:18:40] cryptozozzle plays [Swamp].
[08:18:49] cryptozozzle casts [Korlash, Heir to Blackblade].
[08:19:26] Turn 6: DisturbedCanon
[08:19:29] DisturbedCanon plays [Snow-Covered Island].
[08:19:37] DisturbedCanon casts [Rise and Shine] for its overload cost using an alternate cost.
[08:20:22] cryptozozzle is being attacked by [Skilled Animator], [Arcum's Astrolabe], [Nihil Spellbomb], and [Flight Spellbomb].
[08:20:27] [Korlash, Heir to Blackblade] blocks [Flight Spellbomb].
[08:20:30] [Demigod of Revenge] blocks [Nihil Spellbomb].
[08:20:37] DisturbedCanon puts triggered ability from [Nihil Spellbomb] onto the stack (When Nihil Spellbomb is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, you may pay {B}. If you do, dra...).
[08:20:37] DisturbedCanon puts triggered ability from [Flight Spellbomb] onto the stack (When Flight Spellbomb is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, you may pay {U}. If you do, dr...).
[08:20:48] Turn 7: cryptozozzle
[08:20:57] cryptozozzle casts [Duress] targeting DisturbedCanon.
[08:21:22] DisturbedCanon discards [Ensoul Artifact].
[08:21:22] DisturbedCanon reveals their hand to [Duress], containing [Flight Spellbomb].
[08:21:32] cryptozozzle casts [Demigod of Revenge].
[08:21:32] cryptozozzle puts triggered ability from [Demigod of Revenge] onto the stack (When you cast this spell, return all cards named Demigod of Revenge from your graveyard to the bat...).
[08:22:31] DisturbedCanon is being attacked by [Demigod of Revenge].
[08:22:40] Turn 7: DisturbedCanon
[08:23:05] cryptozozzle is being attacked by [Mistvault Bridge] and [Arcum's Astrolabe].
[08:23:12] [Demigod of Revenge] blocks [Arcum's Astrolabe].
[08:23:13] [Korlash, Heir to Blackblade] blocks [Mistvault Bridge].
[08:23:21] DisturbedCanon casts [Flight Spellbomb].
[08:23:26] Turn 8: cryptozozzle
[08:23:29] cryptozozzle plays [Swamp].
[08:23:39] cryptozozzle casts [Demigod of Revenge].
[08:23:39] cryptozozzle puts triggered ability from [Demigod of Revenge] onto the stack (When you cast this spell, return all cards named Demigod of Revenge from your graveyard to the bat...).
[08:23:43] DisturbedCanon has conceded from the game.
Winner: cryptozozzle
Game 3 Completed.
Match Winner: cryptozozzle: 2–1