PDBot Stats

Game 788463236

[Time] 1643756424
[01:00:24] PDBot has started watching.
[01:00:24] Rgriff joined the game.
[League] Low Tide by swinger_of_steel (168230) vs Sanity Grinding by rgriff (168229)
[01:00:27] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[01:00:32] [CHAT] Rgriff: gl hf!
[01:00:34] Rgriff chooses to play first.
[01:00:37] Rgriff begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[01:00:49] Swinger_of_Steel begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[01:00:50] Rgriff reveals [Chancellor of the Spires] from their opening hand.
[01:00:52] Turn 1: Rgriff
[01:00:52] Rgriff puts triggered ability from [Chancellor of the Spires] onto the stack (At the beginning of the first upkeep, each opponent mills seven cards.).
[01:01:00] Swinger_of_Steel mills [Twincast], [Island], [Island], [Turnabout], [Twincast], [Gitaxian Probe] and [Frantic Search].
[01:01:04] Rgriff skips their draw step.
[01:01:09] Rgriff plays [Island].
[01:01:15] Turn 1: Swinger_of_Steel
[01:01:16] Swinger_of_Steel plays [Island].
[01:01:17] Swinger_of_Steel casts [Consider].
[01:01:21] Swinger_of_Steel draws a card with [Consider].
[01:01:26] Rgriff casts [Otherworldly Gaze].
[01:01:39] Rgriff put a card on top of Rgriff's library.
[01:01:41] Turn 2: Rgriff
[01:01:46] Rgriff plays [Island].
[01:01:47] Turn 2: Swinger_of_Steel
[01:01:53] Swinger_of_Steel casts [Consider].
[01:01:56] Swinger_of_Steel draws a card with [Consider].
[01:01:57] Swinger_of_Steel plays [Island].
[01:01:59] Swinger_of_Steel casts [Ponder].
[01:02:05] Swinger_of_Steel chooses to not shuffle his or her library.
[01:02:05] Swinger_of_Steel draws a card with [Ponder].
[01:02:07] Swinger_of_Steel casts [Gitaxian Probe] targeting Rgriff.
[01:02:10] Swinger_of_Steel draws a card with [Gitaxian Probe].
[01:02:21] Rgriff casts [Otherworldly Gaze] from the graveyard.
[01:02:30] Rgriff put a card on top of Rgriff's library.
[01:02:31] Turn 3: Rgriff
[01:02:36] Rgriff plays [Island].
[01:02:37] Turn 3: Swinger_of_Steel
[01:02:40] Swinger_of_Steel plays [Island].
[01:02:50] Rgriff casts [Mission Briefing].
[01:02:54] Swinger_of_Steel casts [Pulse of the Grid].
[01:02:56] Swinger_of_Steel draws two cards with [Pulse of the Grid].
[01:02:57] Swinger_of_Steel discards [Island].
[01:03:08] Rgriff puts [Lullmage's Domination] and [Island] into their graveyard.
[01:03:08] Rgriff chooses Lullmage's Domination for Mission Briefing.
[01:03:09] Turn 4: Rgriff
[01:03:18] Turn 4: Swinger_of_Steel
[01:03:20] Swinger_of_Steel plays [Island].
[01:03:33] Swinger_of_Steel casts [Treasure Cruise].
[01:03:39] Swinger_of_Steel draws three cards with [Treasure Cruise].
[01:03:44] Swinger_of_Steel casts [Ponder].
[01:03:50] Swinger_of_Steel chooses to not shuffle his or her library.
[01:03:50] Swinger_of_Steel draws a card with [Ponder].
[01:04:02] Swinger_of_Steel discards [Island].
[01:04:02] Swinger_of_Steel discards [Island].
[01:04:02] Turn 5: Rgriff
[01:04:13] Turn 5: Swinger_of_Steel
[01:04:15] Swinger_of_Steel plays [Island].
[01:04:35] Swinger_of_Steel casts [Treasure Cruise].
[01:04:37] Swinger_of_Steel draws three cards with [Treasure Cruise].
[01:04:46] Swinger_of_Steel casts [High Tide].
[01:04:52] Swinger_of_Steel casts [High Tide].
[01:04:59] Swinger_of_Steel casts [Turnabout] targeting Swinger_of_Steel.
[01:05:04] Rgriff casts [Counterspell] targeting [Turnabout].
[01:05:10] Swinger_of_Steel casts [Counterspell] targeting [Counterspell].
[01:05:16] Rgriff casts [Counterspell] targeting [Counterspell].
[01:05:21] Rgriff casts [Otherworldly Gaze].
[01:05:36] Rgriff casts [Otherworldly Gaze] from the graveyard.
[01:05:47] Rgriff casts [Otherworldly Gaze] from the graveyard.
[01:06:04] Turn 6: Rgriff
[01:06:19] Rgriff casts [Thought Scour] targeting Swinger_of_Steel.
[01:06:23] Swinger_of_Steel mills [Commit/Memory] and [Ponder].
[01:06:23] Rgriff draws a card with [Thought Scour].
[01:06:25] Rgriff plays [Island].
[01:06:28] Rgriff casts [The Magic Mirror].
[01:06:38] Turn 6: Swinger_of_Steel
[01:06:40] Swinger_of_Steel plays [Island].
[01:07:07] Swinger_of_Steel casts [Turnabout] targeting Swinger_of_Steel.
[01:07:08] Swinger_of_Steel chooses land for [Turnabout].
[01:07:13] Swinger_of_Steel casts [Bond of Insight].
[01:07:14] Swinger_of_Steel mills [Pulse of the Grid], [Ponder], [Island] and [Counterspell].
[01:07:14] Rgriff mills [Ruin Crab], [Sanity Grinding], [Treasure Cruise] and [Winds of Rebuke].
[01:07:22] Swinger_of_Steel returns [High Tide] and [High Tide] to their owner's hand with [Bond of Insight].
[01:07:24] Swinger_of_Steel casts [High Tide].
[01:07:26] Swinger_of_Steel casts [High Tide].
[01:07:30] Swinger_of_Steel casts [Turnabout] targeting Swinger_of_Steel.
[01:07:32] Swinger_of_Steel chooses land for [Turnabout].
[01:07:43] Rgriff has conceded from the game.
Winner: Swinger_of_Steel
Game 1 Completed.
[01:07:47] Swinger_of_Steel has left the game.

Game 788463810

[Time] 1643756908
[01:08:29] PDBot has started watching.
[01:08:33] Rgriff chooses to play first.
[01:08:36] Rgriff begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[01:08:43] Swinger_of_Steel begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[01:08:43] Turn 1: Rgriff
[01:08:45] Rgriff skips their draw step.
[01:08:46] Rgriff plays [Island].
[01:08:48] Rgriff casts [Otherworldly Gaze].
[01:09:02] Turn 1: Swinger_of_Steel
[01:09:04] Swinger_of_Steel plays [Island].
[01:09:05] Swinger_of_Steel casts [Consider].
[01:09:14] Swinger_of_Steel draws a card with [Consider].
[01:09:16] Turn 2: Rgriff
[01:09:19] Rgriff plays [Island].
[01:09:22] Rgriff casts [Otherworldly Gaze] from the graveyard.
[01:09:29] Turn 2: Swinger_of_Steel
[01:09:32] Swinger_of_Steel plays [Island].
[01:09:33] Swinger_of_Steel casts [Ponder].
[01:09:39] Swinger_of_Steel chooses to not shuffle his or her library.
[01:09:39] Swinger_of_Steel draws a card with [Ponder].
[01:09:41] Swinger_of_Steel casts [Consider].
[01:09:44] Swinger_of_Steel draws a card with [Consider].
[01:09:46] Turn 3: Rgriff
[01:09:55] Rgriff plays [Island].
[01:10:00] Rgriff casts [Otherworldly Gaze] from the graveyard.
[01:10:36] Rgriff casts [Treasure Cruise].
[01:10:36] Rgriff draws three cards with [Treasure Cruise].
[01:10:39] Turn 3: Swinger_of_Steel
[01:10:41] Swinger_of_Steel plays [Island].
[01:10:44] Swinger_of_Steel casts [High Tide].
[01:10:48] Swinger_of_Steel casts [High Tide].
[01:10:52] Swinger_of_Steel casts [Frantic Search].
[01:10:52] Swinger_of_Steel draws two cards with [Frantic Search].
[01:10:54] Rgriff has conceded from the game.
Winner: Swinger_of_Steel
Game 2 Completed.
Match Winner: Swinger_of_Steel: 2–0