PDBot Stats

Game 785049060

[Time] 1641249191
[00:33:12] PDBot has started watching.
[League] Host doesn't have active run
[00:33:16] [CHAT] HugDug: Hi GLHF
[00:33:28] HugDug chooses to play first.
[00:33:34] _counterspell has started watching.
[00:33:34] HugDug mulligans to six cards.
[00:33:36] wizzardofoz mulligans to six cards.
[00:33:46] HugDug puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[00:33:53] wizzardofoz puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[00:33:53] Turn 1: HugDug
[00:33:55] HugDug skips their draw step.
[00:33:56] HugDug plays [Plains].
[00:33:58] HugDug casts [Favored Hoplite].
[00:34:04] Turn 1: wizzardofoz
[00:34:14] wizzardofoz has conceded from the game.
[00:34:14] wizzardofoz has lost connection to the game.
Winner: HugDug
Game 1 Completed.