PDBot Stats

Game 782103300

[Time] 1639116886
[08:14:46] PDBot has started watching.
[08:14:46] Rgriff joined the game.
[League] Soul Burn by rgriff (162433) vs Kithkin by skykingcst (162355)
[08:14:49] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[08:14:52] [CHAT] Rgriff: hello
[08:14:53] [CHAT] Rgriff: gl hf!
[08:14:55] Rgriff chooses to play first.
[08:14:56] [CHAT] Skykingcst: gl hf
[08:15:01] Rgriff begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[08:15:05] Skykingcst begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[08:15:05] Turn 1: Rgriff
[08:15:08] Rgriff skips their draw step.
[08:15:09] Rgriff plays [Swamp].
[08:15:11] yuu200180128 has started watching.
[08:15:12] Rgriff casts [Bump in the Night] targeting Skykingcst.
[08:15:14] Turn 1: Skykingcst
[08:15:16] Skykingcst plays [Plains].
[08:15:22] Skykingcst casts [Figure of Destiny].
[08:15:24] Turn 2: Rgriff
[08:15:29] Rgriff plays [Sulfurous Springs].
[08:15:37] Rgriff casts [Vampire's Kiss] targeting Skykingcst.
[08:15:37] Rgriff's [Vampire's Kiss] creates two Blood Tokens.
[08:15:39] Turn 2: Skykingcst
[08:15:49] Skykingcst plays [Rustic Clachan].
[08:15:54] Skykingcst casts [Burrenton Forge-Tender].
[08:16:00] Skykingcst activates an ability of [Figure of Destiny] ( Figure of Destiny becomes a Kithkin Spirit with base power and toughness 2/2.).
[08:16:05] Rgriff is being attacked by [Figure of Destiny].
[08:16:08] Turn 3: Rgriff
[08:16:27] Rgriff casts [Tyrant's Choice].
[08:16:28] Rgriff votes for Torture
[08:16:48] Skykingcst votes for Torture
[08:16:51] Turn 3: Skykingcst
[08:16:53] Skykingcst plays [Plains].
[08:16:59] Skykingcst casts [Kinsbaile Borderguard].
[08:17:11] Rgriff is being attacked by [Burrenton Forge-Tender] and [Figure of Destiny].
[08:17:16] Turn 4: Rgriff
[08:17:27] Rgriff casts [Sovereign's Bite] targeting Skykingcst.
[08:17:29] Turn 4: Skykingcst
[08:17:33] Skykingcst plays [Plains].
[08:17:47] Skykingcst activates an ability of [Figure of Destiny] ( If Figure of Destiny is a Spirit, it becomes a Kithkin Spirit Warrior with base power and toughne...).
[08:17:56] Rgriff is being attacked by [Kinsbaile Borderguard], [Burrenton Forge-Tender], and [Figure of Destiny].
[08:18:02] Turn 5: Rgriff
[08:18:09] Rgriff casts [Bump in the Night] targeting Skykingcst.
[08:18:18] Rgriff casts [Bump in the Night] targeting Skykingcst.
[08:18:28] Rgriff exiles [Chancellor of the Dross] and [Arguel's Blood Fast] with with [Soul Spike]'s ability.
[08:18:28] Rgriff casts [Soul Spike] using an alternate cost targeting Skykingcst.
Winner: Rgriff
Game 1 Completed.
[08:18:38] Skykingcst has left the game.

Game 782103530

[Time] 1639117217
[08:20:18] PDBot has started watching.
[08:20:19] Skykingcst chooses to play first.
[08:20:23] Skykingcst mulligans to six cards.
[08:20:28] Rgriff begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[08:20:29] Skykingcst mulligans to five cards.
[08:20:41] Skykingcst puts two cards on the bottom of their library and begins the game with five cards in hand.
[08:20:41] Turn 1: Skykingcst
[08:20:41] Skykingcst skips their draw step.
[08:20:42] Skykingcst plays [Plains].
[08:20:44] Skykingcst casts [Deafening Silence].
[08:20:50] Turn 1: Rgriff
[08:20:59] Rgriff plays [Swamp].
[08:21:29] Turn 2: Skykingcst
[08:21:30] Skykingcst plays [Plains].
[08:21:30] Turn 2: Rgriff
[08:21:30] Rgriff plays [Swamp].
[08:21:30] Rgriff casts [Sygg, River Cutthroat].
[08:21:37] Turn 3: Skykingcst
[08:21:41] Skykingcst plays [Plains].
[08:21:47] Skykingcst reveals [Figure of Destiny] with [Goldmeadow Stalwart]'s ability.
[08:21:47] Skykingcst casts [Goldmeadow Stalwart] (revealing [Figure of Destiny]).
[08:21:55] Skykingcst casts [Figure of Destiny].
[08:22:01] Turn 3: Rgriff
[08:22:10] Rgriff plays [Zof Bloodbog].
[08:22:15] Rgriff casts [Sovereign's Bite] targeting Skykingcst.
[08:22:28] Rgriff puts triggered ability from [Sygg, River Cutthroat] onto the stack (At the beginning of each end step, if an opponent lost 3 or more life this turn, you may draw a ca...).
[08:22:33] Skykingcst activates an ability of [Figure of Destiny] ( Figure of Destiny becomes a Kithkin Spirit with base power and toughness 2/2.).
[08:22:38] Rgriff draws a card with [Sygg, River Cutthroat]'s ability.
[08:22:40] Turn 4: Skykingcst
[08:22:48] Skykingcst casts [Benalish Marshal].
[08:22:59] Rgriff is being attacked by [Figure of Destiny] and [Goldmeadow Stalwart].
[08:23:21] Rgriff exiles [Chancellor of the Dross] and [Arguel's Blood Fast] with with [Soul Spike]'s ability.
[08:23:21] Rgriff casts [Soul Spike] using an alternate cost targeting Skykingcst.
[08:23:25] Rgriff puts triggered ability from [Sygg, River Cutthroat] onto the stack (At the beginning of each end step, if an opponent lost 3 or more life this turn, you may draw a ca...).
[08:23:29] Rgriff draws a card with [Sygg, River Cutthroat]'s ability.
[08:23:30] Turn 4: Rgriff
[08:23:41] Rgriff casts [Vampire's Kiss] targeting Skykingcst.
[08:23:43] Rgriff's [Vampire's Kiss] creates two Blood Tokens.
[08:23:56] Rgriff discards [Arguel's Blood Fast].
[08:23:56] Rgriff activates an ability of [Blood Token] ( Draw a card.).
[08:23:58] Rgriff draws a card with [Blood Token]'s ability.
[08:24:00] Rgriff plays [Sulfurous Springs].
[08:24:09] Turn 5: Skykingcst
[08:24:13] Skykingcst casts [Wizened Cenn].
[08:24:24] Rgriff is being attacked by [Benalish Marshal], [Figure of Destiny], and [Goldmeadow Stalwart].
[08:24:34] Turn 5: Rgriff
[08:25:25] Rgriff casts [Feed the Swarm] targeting [Benalish Marshal].
[08:25:33] Turn 6: Skykingcst
[08:25:46] Rgriff is being attacked by [Wizened Cenn], [Figure of Destiny], and [Goldmeadow Stalwart].
[08:25:55] [Sygg, River Cutthroat] blocks [Wizened Cenn].
[08:26:00] Skykingcst activates an ability of [Figure of Destiny] ( If Figure of Destiny is a Spirit, it becomes a Kithkin Spirit Warrior with base power and toughne...).
[08:26:10] Rgriff discards [Sign in Blood].
[08:26:10] Rgriff activates an ability of [Blood Token] ( Draw a card.).
[08:26:11] Rgriff draws a card with [Blood Token]'s ability.
[08:26:15] Turn 6: Rgriff
Winner: Skykingcst
Game 2 Completed.

Game 782103804

[Time] 1639117615
[08:26:55] PDBot has started watching.
[08:26:57] Rgriff chooses to play first.
[08:27:04] Rgriff mulligans to six cards.
[08:27:06] Skykingcst begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[08:27:12] Rgriff puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[08:27:13] Rgriff reveals [Chancellor of the Dross] from their opening hand.
[08:27:14] Turn 1: Rgriff
[08:27:14] Rgriff puts triggered ability from [Chancellor of the Dross] onto the stack (At the beginning of the first upkeep, each opponent loses 3 life, then you gain life equal to the ...).
[08:27:27] Rgriff skips their draw step.
[08:27:29] Rgriff plays [Sulfurous Springs].
[08:27:31] Turn 1: Skykingcst
[08:27:33] Skykingcst plays [Plains].
[08:27:36] Skykingcst casts [Legion's Landing].
[08:27:37] Skykingcst puts triggered ability from [Legion's Landing] onto the stack (When Legion's Landing enters the battlefield, create a 1/1 white Vampire creature token with lifel...).
[08:27:40] Skykingcst's [Legion's Landing] creates a Vampire Token.
[08:27:41] Turn 2: Rgriff
[08:27:51] Turn 2: Skykingcst
[08:27:55] Skykingcst plays [Plains].
[08:27:58] Skykingcst casts [Figure of Destiny].
[08:28:01] Skykingcst casts [Burrenton Forge-Tender].
[08:28:08] Rgriff is being attacked by [Vampire Token].
[08:28:14] Turn 3: Rgriff
[08:28:17] Rgriff plays [Swamp].
[08:28:41] Rgriff casts [Feed the Swarm] targeting [Vampire Token].
[08:28:43] Turn 3: Skykingcst
[08:28:46] Skykingcst plays [Plains].
[08:28:55] Skykingcst casts [Benalish Marshal].
[08:29:06] Rgriff is being attacked by [Burrenton Forge-Tender] and [Figure of Destiny].
[08:29:15] Turn 4: Rgriff
[08:29:34] Rgriff casts [Sovereign's Bite] targeting Skykingcst.
[08:29:36] Turn 4: Skykingcst
[08:29:37] Skykingcst plays [Plains].
[08:29:37] Skykingcst casts [Wizened Cenn].
[08:29:38] Skykingcst casts [Wizened Cenn].
[08:29:49] Skykingcst exiles [Chancellor of the Dross] and [Zof Consumption] with with [Soul Spike]'s ability.
[08:29:49] Rgriff casts [Soul Spike] using an alternate cost targeting [Benalish Marshal].
[08:30:01] Rgriff is being attacked by [Burrenton Forge-Tender] and [Figure of Destiny].
[08:30:13] Turn 5: Rgriff
[08:30:44] Rgriff casts [Sovereign's Bite] targeting Skykingcst.
[08:30:54] Turn 5: Skykingcst
[08:30:56] Skykingcst plays [Plains].
[08:31:03] Rgriff is being attacked by [Wizened Cenn], [Wizened Cenn], [Burrenton Forge-Tender], and [Figure of Destiny].
[08:31:03] Skykingcst puts triggered ability from [Legion's Landing] onto the stack (When you attack with three or more creatures, transform Legion's Landing.).
[08:31:05] [Adanto, the First Fort] transformed
[08:31:14] Skykingcst activates an ability of [Figure of Destiny] ( Figure of Destiny becomes a Kithkin Spirit with base power and toughness 2/2.).
[08:31:24] Turn 6: Rgriff
[08:31:29] Rgriff plays [Swamp].
[08:31:39] Rgriff casts [Tyrant's Choice].
[08:31:47] Rgriff votes for Torture
[08:31:50] Skykingcst votes for Torture
[08:31:52] [CHAT] Rgriff: gg
[08:31:54] Rgriff has conceded from the game.
Winner: Skykingcst
Game 3 Completed.
Match Winner: Skykingcst: 2–1
[08:31:59] Rgriff draws their next card.
[08:32:00] Rgriff draws their next card.
[08:32:03] Skykingcst has left the game.