PDBot Stats

Game 767071546

[Time] 1625167442
[22:24:03] PDBot has started watching.
[22:24:03] maro_ink joined the game.
[League] Blue Cloudpost by maro_ink (141612) vs Mdog Affinity by wolverine789 (141635)
[22:24:05] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[22:24:08] maro_ink chooses to play first.
[22:24:08] Starting mulligans...
[22:24:14] maro_ink begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[22:24:20] wolverine789 begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[22:24:20] Turn 1: maro_ink
[22:24:20] maro_ink skips their draw step.
[22:24:22] maro_ink plays [Island].
[League] Invalid Match
[22:24:22] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD][sR] Island was not on a submitted league decklist. This is not a league match.
[22:24:24] maro_ink casts [Elixir of Immortality].
[22:24:34] Turn 1: wolverine789
[22:24:37] wolverine789 plays [Darksteel Citadel].
[22:24:39] wolverine789 casts [Gingerbrute].
[22:24:50] maro_ink is being attacked by [Gingerbrute].
[22:24:51] Turn 2: maro_ink
[22:24:54] maro_ink plays [Snow-Covered Island].
[22:25:02] Turn 2: wolverine789
[22:25:07] wolverine789 plays [Frostwalk Bastion].
[22:25:12] wolverine789 casts [Springleaf Drum].
[22:25:23] wolverine789 casts [Springleaf Drum].
[22:25:36] wolverine789 casts [Frogmite].
[22:25:51] maro_ink casts [Repeal] targeting [Gingerbrute]. (X is 1).
[22:26:03] maro_ink returns [Gingerbrute] to its owner's hand with [Repeal].
[22:26:03] maro_ink draws a card with [Repeal].
[22:26:12] wolverine789 casts [Gingerbrute].
[22:26:18] wolverine789 casts [Thoughtcast].
[22:26:21] wolverine789 draws two cards with [Thoughtcast].
[22:26:29] maro_ink is being attacked by [Gingerbrute].
[22:26:49] Turn 3: maro_ink
[22:26:52] maro_ink plays [Glimmerpost].
[22:26:52] maro_ink puts triggered ability from [Glimmerpost] onto the stack (When Glimmerpost enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life for each Locus on the battlefield.).
[22:27:11] Turn 3: wolverine789
[22:27:16] wolverine789 plays [Snow-Covered Island].
[22:27:23] wolverine789 casts [Signal Pest].
[22:27:54] wolverine789 casts [Springleaf Drum].
[22:28:05] wolverine789 casts [Cranial Plating].
[22:28:12] maro_ink casts [Disallow] targeting [Cranial Plating].
[22:28:26] wolverine789 casts [Thoughtcast].
[22:28:27] [CHAT] maro_ink: ?
[22:28:42] maro_ink has conceded from the game.
[22:28:42] maro_ink has lost connection to the game.
Winner: wolverine789
Game 1 Completed.