PDBot Stats

Game 764030440

[Time] 1623016426
[00:53:47] PDBot has started watching.
[00:53:47] Madman_quail joined the game.
[League] Simic Tooth V4 by madman_quail (138682) vs Four Color Control by bakert99 (138750)
[00:53:49] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[00:53:57] Madman_quail chooses to play first.
[00:53:57] Starting mulligans...
[00:54:01] Madman_quail begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[00:54:06] bakert99 begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[00:54:06] Turn 1: Madman_quail
[00:54:07] [CHAT] Madman_quail: hi, gl hf
[00:54:08] Madman_quail skips their draw step.
[00:54:09] Madman_quail plays [Cloudpost].
[00:54:10] Turn 1: bakert99
[00:54:14] bakert99 plays [Snow-Covered Island].
[00:54:16] bakert99 casts [Ponder].
[00:54:20] bakert99 chooses to shuffle his or her library.
[00:54:20] bakert99 draws a card with [Ponder].
[00:54:22] Turn 2: Madman_quail
[00:54:26] [CHAT] Madman_quail: love the new website changes btw
[00:54:30] [CHAT] Madman_quail: search bar now way beter
[00:54:30] [CHAT] bakert99: you too
[00:54:33] [CHAT] bakert99: which ones?
[00:54:35] Madman_quail plays [Glimmerpost].
[00:54:35] Madman_quail puts triggered ability from [Glimmerpost] onto the stack (When Glimmerpost enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life for each Locus on the battlefield.).
[00:54:35] [CHAT] bakert99: ah, nice :)
[00:54:38] [CHAT] bakert99: yeah 
[00:54:38] Madman_quail casts [Prophetic Prism].
[00:54:38] Madman_quail puts triggered ability from [Prophetic Prism] onto the stack (When Prophetic Prism enters the battlefield, draw a card.).
[00:54:40] Madman_quail draws a card with [Prophetic Prism]'s ability.
[00:54:42] Turn 2: bakert99
[00:54:43] [CHAT] bakert99: it was pretty terrible before :D
[00:54:48] bakert99 plays [Grand Coliseum].
[00:54:49] Turn 3: Madman_quail
[00:54:53] [CHAT] Madman_quail: the cards function is now really good too
[00:55:01] [CHAT] Madman_quail: and offers a really nice way to find good playables
[00:55:10] [CHAT] bakert99: searching? that needs a bit of work but the basics is good yeah i use it all the time :)
[00:55:14] Madman_quail casts [Sylvan Scrying].
[00:55:15] [CHAT] bakert99: thanks :)
[00:55:17] Madman_quail reveals [Cloudpost].
[00:55:21] Madman_quail plays [Cloudpost].
[00:55:22] Turn 3: bakert99
[00:55:28] [CHAT] Madman_quail: its great work. thank you!
[00:55:31] bakert99 plays [Snow-Covered Plains].
[00:55:33] Turn 4: Madman_quail
[00:55:45] Madman_quail plays [Cloudpost].
[00:56:01] bakert99 casts [Esper Charm] targeting Madman_quail (Target player discards two cards.).
[00:56:10] Madman_quail discards [Tectonic Edge].
[00:56:10] Madman_quail discards [Ghostly Flicker].
[00:56:13] Turn 4: bakert99
[00:56:19] bakert99 plays [Snow-Covered Swamp].
[00:56:28] Turn 5: Madman_quail
[00:56:32] Madman_quail plays [Forest].
[00:56:44] bakert99 casts [Esper Charm] targeting Madman_quail (Target player discards two cards.).
[00:56:49] Madman_quail casts [Mana Leak] targeting [Esper Charm].
[00:56:55] Turn 5: bakert99
[00:57:04] bakert99 casts [Azorius Charm] (Draw a card.).
[00:57:04] bakert99 draws a card with [Azorius Charm].
[00:57:08] bakert99 plays [Battlefield Forge].
[00:57:11] Turn 6: Madman_quail
[00:57:22] Madman_quail casts [Mulldrifter].
[00:57:32] Madman_quail puts triggered ability from [Mulldrifter] onto the stack (When Mulldrifter enters the battlefield, draw two cards.).
[00:57:33] Madman_quail draws two cards with [Mulldrifter]'s ability.
[00:57:39] Madman_quail casts [Sylvan Scrying].
[00:57:43] Madman_quail reveals [Vivid Creek].
[00:57:45] Madman_quail plays [Vivid Creek].
[00:57:53] Turn 6: bakert99
[00:58:03] bakert99 casts [Chandra, Pyromaster].
[00:58:09] bakert99 activates an ability of [Chandra, Pyromaster] ( Exile the top card of your library. You may play it this turn.).
[00:58:12] bakert99 plays [Snow-Covered Plains].
[00:58:22] Turn 7: Madman_quail
[00:58:31] Madman_quail casts [Prophetic Prism].
[00:58:32] Madman_quail puts triggered ability from [Prophetic Prism] onto the stack (When Prophetic Prism enters the battlefield, draw a card.).
[00:58:34] Madman_quail draws a card with [Prophetic Prism]'s ability.
[00:58:49] Madman_quail casts [Prophetic Prism].
[00:58:51] Madman_quail puts triggered ability from [Prophetic Prism] onto the stack (When Prophetic Prism enters the battlefield, draw a card.).
[00:58:53] Madman_quail draws a card with [Prophetic Prism]'s ability.
[00:58:55] Madman_quail plays [Glimmerpost].
[00:58:55] Madman_quail puts triggered ability from [Glimmerpost] onto the stack (When Glimmerpost enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life for each Locus on the battlefield.).
[00:59:03] bakert99 's [Chandra, Pyromaster] is being attacked by [Mulldrifter].
[00:59:12] Turn 7: bakert99
[00:59:31] bakert99 casts [Gideon Jura].
[00:59:31] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Gideon Jura[sU] has an unclassified bug.
Certain effect shields, such as the indestructible one created by Gideon Jura, sometimes display slightly longer than they should.
Our data about this bug is out of date.  Please let us know if this card is still bugged (or if it's been fixed).
You can do so by PM'ing this bot, or by typing `!stillbugged Gideon Jura` or `!notbugged Gideon Jura`
[00:59:55] Madman_quail casts [Venser, Shaper Savant].
[01:00:03] Madman_quail puts triggered ability from [Venser, Shaper Savant] onto the stack targeting [Gideon Jura] (When Venser, Shaper Savant enters the battlefield, return target spell or permanent to its owner's...).
[01:00:05] Madman_quail returns [Gideon Jura] to its owner's hand with [Venser, Shaper Savant]'s ability.
[01:00:08] bakert99 plays [Snow-Covered Island].
[01:00:16] Madman_quail casts [Thryx, the Sudden Storm].
[01:00:29] bakert99 activates an ability of [Chandra, Pyromaster] ( Exile the top card of your library. You may play it this turn.).
[01:00:45] Turn 8: Madman_quail
[01:01:05] Madman_quail casts [Tooth and Nail] (Search your library for up to two creature cards, reveal them, put them into your hand, then shuff...).
[01:01:13] Madman_quail reveals [Mnemonic Wall].
[01:01:14] Madman_quail reveals [Realm Razer].
[01:01:21] Madman_quail puts triggered ability from [Tyrant of Discord] onto the stack targeting bakert99 (When Tyrant of Discord enters the battlefield, target opponent chooses a permanent they control at...).
[01:01:21] Madman_quail puts triggered ability from [Realm Razer] onto the stack (When Realm Razer enters the battlefield, exile all lands.).
[01:01:36] bakert99's [Chandra, Pyromaster] is sacrificed at random.
[01:01:43] bakert99 has conceded from the game.
Winner: Madman_quail
Game 1 Completed.
[01:01:47] Madman_quail has left the game.

Game 764031864

[Time] 1623017061
[01:04:21] PDBot has started watching.
[01:04:26] bakert99 chooses to play first.
[01:04:27] Starting mulligans...
[01:04:31] bakert99 begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[01:04:36] Madman_quail begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[01:04:36] Turn 1: bakert99
[01:04:41] bakert99 skips their draw step.
[01:04:43] bakert99 plays [Port Town].
[01:04:47] bakert99 casts [Ponder].
[01:05:00] [CHAT] Madman_quail: i kinda hate the look of the snow lands
[01:05:09] [CHAT] Madman_quail: its a shame they are so heavily played this season
[01:05:18] bakert99 chooses to not shuffle his or her library.
[01:05:18] bakert99 draws a card with [Ponder].
[01:05:20] Turn 1: Madman_quail
[01:05:25] [CHAT] Madman_quail: ah well. maybe astrolabe will rotate
[01:05:28] Madman_quail plays [Vivid Creek].
[01:05:29] Turn 2: bakert99
[01:05:34] [CHAT] bakert99: yeah we are in the same spot modern and such were in for a while
[01:05:38] [CHAT] bakert99: it's all upside to play snow basics
[01:05:44] [CHAT] Madman_quail: yeh
[01:05:46] bakert99 plays [Snow-Covered Plains].
[01:05:52] Turn 2: Madman_quail
[01:05:59] Madman_quail plays [Tectonic Edge].
[01:06:02] Madman_quail casts [Prophetic Prism].
[01:06:05] [CHAT] bakert99: they are printing a massive hoser in mh2
[01:06:06] [CHAT] Madman_quail: they all look white to me
[01:06:10] [CHAT] bakert99: hopefully we get it! or lose astrolabe
[01:06:14] Madman_quail puts triggered ability from [Prophetic Prism] onto the stack (When Prophetic Prism enters the battlefield, draw a card.).
[01:06:19] [CHAT] Madman_quail: oh yeah? i will need to check that out
[01:06:22] Madman_quail draws a card with [Prophetic Prism]'s ability.
[01:06:25] Turn 3: bakert99
[01:06:33] bakert99 plays [Snow-Covered Swamp].
[01:06:37] bakert99 casts [Duress] targeting Madman_quail.
[01:06:48] Madman_quail discards [Sylvan Scrying].
[01:06:48] Madman_quail reveals their hand to [Duress], containing [Glimmerpost], [Pulse of Murasa], [Mystical Teachings], [Mnemonic Wall], [Crawling Barrens], and [Mulldrifter].
[01:06:51] Turn 3: Madman_quail
[01:06:59] Madman_quail plays [Cloudpost].
[01:07:06] Turn 4: bakert99
[01:07:13] bakert99 casts [Arcum's Astrolabe].
[01:07:15] bakert99 puts triggered ability from [Arcum's Astrolabe] onto the stack (When Arcum's Astrolabe enters the battlefield, draw a card.).
[01:07:19] bakert99 draws a card with [Arcum's Astrolabe]'s ability.
[01:07:26] bakert99 casts [Cleansing Wildfire] targeting [Cloudpost].
[01:07:43] bakert99 draws a card with [Cleansing Wildfire].
[01:07:48] [CHAT] bakert99: Break the Ice
[01:07:56] [CHAT] bakert99: it's a hoser for tron and snow
[01:07:59] [CHAT] bakert99: sinkhole
[01:08:02] bakert99 plays [Grand Coliseum].
[01:08:17] Turn 4: Madman_quail
[01:08:30] Madman_quail casts [Pulse of Murasa] targeting [Cloudpost].
[01:08:30] Madman_quail returns [Cloudpost] to its owner's hand with [Pulse of Murasa].
[01:08:32] Madman_quail plays [Cloudpost].
[01:08:33] Turn 5: bakert99
[01:08:35] [CHAT] bakert99: (with overload!)
[01:08:42] [CHAT] Madman_quail: oh yeah thats pretty cool
[01:08:52] bakert99 casts [Ponder].
[01:08:53] [CHAT] Madman_quail: black land destruction. instresting
[01:08:56] bakert99 chooses to shuffle his or her library.
[01:08:56] bakert99 draws a card with [Ponder].
[01:08:58] bakert99 plays [Snow-Covered Mountain].
[01:09:02] [CHAT] Madman_quail: thought that would be a red card
[01:09:03] bakert99 casts [Cleansing Wildfire] targeting [Cloudpost].
[01:09:12] bakert99 draws a card with [Cleansing Wildfire].
[01:09:21] Turn 5: Madman_quail
[01:09:26] Madman_quail plays [Glimmerpost].
[01:09:26] Madman_quail puts triggered ability from [Glimmerpost] onto the stack (When Glimmerpost enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life for each Locus on the battlefield.).
[01:09:33] Madman_quail casts [Mnemonic Wall].
[01:09:41] bakert99 casts [Memory Lapse] targeting [Mnemonic Wall].
[01:09:46] Turn 6: bakert99
[01:09:52] bakert99 plays [Snow-Covered Island].
[01:10:02] bakert99 casts [Foreshadow] targeting Madman_quail.
[01:10:09] bakert99 names Mnemonic Wall for [Foreshadow].
[01:10:09] Madman_quail mills [Mnemonic Wall].
[01:10:09] bakert99 draws a card with [Foreshadow].
[01:10:16] Turn 6: Madman_quail
[01:10:16] bakert99 puts triggered ability from [Foreshadow] onto the stack (Draw a card at the beginning of the next turn's upkeep.).
[01:10:27] bakert99 draws a card with [Foreshadow]'s ability.
[01:10:48] [CHAT] Madman_quail: duct tape counterspell + divination :)
[01:10:51] Madman_quail plays [Vivid Creek].
[01:10:56] Madman_quail casts [Mulldrifter].
[01:11:00] Madman_quail puts triggered ability from [Mulldrifter] onto the stack (When Mulldrifter enters the battlefield, draw two cards.).
[01:11:03] Madman_quail draws two cards with [Mulldrifter]'s ability.
[01:11:18] bakert99 casts [Electrolyze] targeting [Mulldrifter] for 2.
[01:11:18] bakert99 draws a card with [Electrolyze].
[01:11:21] Turn 7: bakert99
[01:11:30] bakert99 casts [Arcum's Astrolabe].
[01:11:31] bakert99 puts triggered ability from [Arcum's Astrolabe] onto the stack (When Arcum's Astrolabe enters the battlefield, draw a card.).
[01:11:33] bakert99 draws a card with [Arcum's Astrolabe]'s ability.
[01:11:38] bakert99 plays [Battlefield Forge].
[01:11:48] bakert99 casts [Stupor] targeting Madman_quail.
[01:11:51] Madman_quail discards [Unwind].
[01:11:58] Madman_quail discards [Mystical Teachings].
[01:12:13] Turn 7: Madman_quail
[01:12:18] Madman_quail plays [Glimmerpost].
[01:12:18] Madman_quail puts triggered ability from [Glimmerpost] onto the stack (When Glimmerpost enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life for each Locus on the battlefield.).
[01:12:27] Madman_quail casts [Mulldrifter].
[01:12:31] Madman_quail puts triggered ability from [Mulldrifter] onto the stack (When Mulldrifter enters the battlefield, draw two cards.).
[01:12:48] bakert99 casts [Esper Charm] (Draw two cards.).
[01:12:50] bakert99 draws two cards with [Esper Charm].
[01:12:52] Madman_quail draws two cards with [Mulldrifter]'s ability.
[01:13:06] Madman_quail casts [Sylvan Scrying].
[01:13:08] Madman_quail reveals [Cloudpost].
[01:13:11] Turn 8: bakert99
[01:13:18] bakert99 plays [Snow-Covered Plains].
[01:13:24] bakert99 casts [Gideon Jura].
[01:13:29] bakert99 activates an ability of [Gideon Jura] targeting Madman_quail ( During target opponent's next turn, creatures that player controls attack Gideon Jura if able.).
[01:13:36] Turn 8: Madman_quail
[01:13:41] Madman_quail plays [Cloudpost].
[01:13:53] Madman_quail casts [Gaea's Revenge].
[01:14:03] bakert99 's [Gideon Jura] is being attacked by [Gaea's Revenge] and [Mulldrifter].
[01:14:15] Turn 9: bakert99
[01:14:23] bakert99 casts [Day of Judgment].
[01:14:30] Turn 9: Madman_quail
[01:14:37] Madman_quail casts [Chromatic Star].
[01:14:42] Madman_quail puts triggered ability from [Chromatic Star] onto the stack (When Chromatic Star is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, draw a card.).
[01:14:44] Madman_quail draws a card with [Chromatic Star]'s ability.
[01:14:47] Madman_quail plays [Crawling Barrens].
[01:15:03] [CHAT] Madman_quail: chromatic star seems to have the game restart bug too
[01:15:09] Turn 10: bakert99
[01:15:14] bakert99 casts [Ponder].
[01:15:35] bakert99 chooses to not shuffle his or her library.
[01:15:35] bakert99 draws a card with [Ponder].
[01:15:44] bakert99 casts [Kefnet the Mindful].
[01:15:52] [CHAT] Madman_quail: im guessing it must have shown up in vintage cube games from sylvan library, hopefully it will get fixed
[01:16:11] [CHAT] bakert99: it's a lot of cards
[01:16:15] [CHAT] bakert99: hopefully they fix it soon
[01:16:33] Madman_quail activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[01:16:37] Madman_quail chooses not to use [Crawling Barrens]'s ability.
[01:16:43] Madman_quail activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[01:16:46] Madman_quail chooses not to use [Crawling Barrens]'s ability.
[01:16:53] Turn 10: Madman_quail
[01:17:06] Madman_quail casts [Hour of Promise].
[01:17:21] bakert99 casts [Memory Lapse] targeting [Hour of Promise].
[01:17:26] Madman_quail casts [Mana Leak] targeting [Memory Lapse].
[01:17:35] bakert99 casts [Negate] targeting [Hour of Promise].
[01:17:43] Madman_quail casts [Venser, Shaper Savant].
[01:17:52] Madman_quail puts triggered ability from [Venser, Shaper Savant] onto the stack targeting [Memory Lapse] (When Venser, Shaper Savant enters the battlefield, return target spell or permanent to its owner's...).
[01:17:55] Madman_quail returns [Memory Lapse] to its owner's hand with [Venser, Shaper Savant]'s ability.
[01:18:01] Madman_quail's [Mana Leak] is removed from the stack because it has no legal targets.
[01:18:03] Madman_quail plays [Vivid Creek].
[01:18:13] [CHAT] Madman_quail: oh bother
[01:18:20] Turn 11: bakert99
[01:18:27] bakert99 casts [Esper Charm] (Draw two cards.).
[01:18:29] bakert99 draws two cards with [Esper Charm].
[01:18:36] bakert99 plays [Snow-Covered Island].
[01:18:48] Turn 11: Madman_quail
[01:18:52] Madman_quail plays [Glimmerpost].
[01:18:52] Madman_quail puts triggered ability from [Glimmerpost] onto the stack (When Glimmerpost enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life for each Locus on the battlefield.).
[01:19:01] Madman_quail activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[01:19:11] bakert99 is being attacked by [Venser, Shaper Savant] and [Crawling Barrens].
[01:19:17] bakert99 activates an ability of [Kefnet the Mindful] ( Draw a card, then you may return a land you control to its owner's hand.).
[01:19:18] bakert99 draws a card with [Kefnet the Mindful]'s ability.
[01:19:22] bakert99 returns [Snow-Covered Plains] to its owner's hand with [Kefnet the Mindful]'s ability.
[01:19:28] Madman_quail activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[01:19:37] Madman_quail activates an ability of [Crawling Barrens] ( Put two +1/+1 counters on Crawling Barrens. Then you may have it become a 0/0 Elemental creature ...).
[01:19:43] Turn 12: bakert99
[01:19:52] bakert99 casts [Arcum's Astrolabe].
[01:19:53] bakert99 puts triggered ability from [Arcum's Astrolabe] onto the stack (When Arcum's Astrolabe enters the battlefield, draw a card.).
[01:19:56] bakert99 draws a card with [Arcum's Astrolabe]'s ability.
[01:20:18] Turn 12: Madman_quail
[01:20:33] Madman_quail casts [Mystical Teachings] from the graveyard using an alternate cost.
[01:20:41] bakert99 casts [Memory Lapse] targeting [Mystical Teachings].
[01:20:47] Madman_quail casts [Ponder].
[01:21:22] Madman_quail chooses to not shuffle his or her library.
[01:21:22] Madman_quail draws a card with [Ponder].
[01:21:29] Madman_quail casts [Mystical Teachings].
[01:21:41] bakert99 casts [Negate] targeting [Mystical Teachings].
[01:21:56] bakert99 is being attacked by [Venser, Shaper Savant].
[01:22:01] Madman_quail plays [Forest].
[01:22:05] Turn 13: bakert99
[01:22:20] bakert99 activates an ability of [Kefnet the Mindful] ( Draw a card, then you may return a land you control to its owner's hand.).
[01:22:22] bakert99 draws a card with [Kefnet the Mindful]'s ability.
[01:22:46] bakert99 returns [Snow-Covered Swamp] to its owner's hand with [Kefnet the Mindful]'s ability.
[01:22:59] bakert99 casts [Expressive Iteration].
[01:22:59] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Expressive Iteration[sU] has an advantageous bug.
Expressive Iteration behaves incorrectly if you undo your selection
[01:23:19] bakert99 plays [Snow-Covered Swamp].
[01:23:33] Madman_quail activates an ability of [Tectonic Edge] targeting [Grand Coliseum] ( Destroy target nonbasic land.).
[01:23:37] Turn 13: Madman_quail
[01:23:53] Madman_quail casts [Ghostly Flicker] targeting [Venser, Shaper Savant], and [Prophetic Prism].
[01:23:59] bakert99 has conceded from the game.
Winner: Madman_quail
Game 2 Completed.
Match Winner: Madman_quail: 2–0
[01:24:07] Madman_quail has left the game.