PDBot Stats

Game 760849212

[Time] 1620153384
[21:36:24] PDBot has started watching.
[21:36:24] cedrikleblanc joined the game.
[21:36:24] ILikedMyName joined the game.
[21:36:28] ILikedMyName chooses to play first.
[League] Enduring Ideal by ilikedmyname (133892) vs Mono White Tokens by cedrikleblanc (133875)
[21:36:29] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[21:36:31] [CHAT] ILikedMyName: glhf
[21:36:36] ILikedMyName begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[21:36:38] [CHAT] cedrikleblanc: thx, u2!
[21:36:39] cedrikleblanc begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[21:36:39] Turn 1: ILikedMyName
[21:36:43] ILikedMyName skips their draw step.
[21:36:45] ILikedMyName plays [Temple of Enlightenment].
[21:36:45] ILikedMyName puts triggered ability from [Temple of Enlightenment] onto the stack (When Temple of Enlightenment enters the battlefield, scry 1.).
[21:36:50] ILikedMyName puts 1 card on top of their library.
[21:36:50] ILikedMyName scrys 1.
[21:36:52] ILikedMyName exiles [Lotus Bloom] with 3 time counters.
[21:36:53] Turn 1: cedrikleblanc
[21:36:55] cedrikleblanc plays [Plains].
[21:36:57] cedrikleblanc casts [Doomed Traveler].
[21:36:59] Turn 2: ILikedMyName
[21:36:59] ILikedMyName puts triggered ability from [Lotus Bloom] onto the stack (Suspend (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[21:37:11] ILikedMyName plays [Calciform Pools].
[21:37:13] ILikedMyName casts [Wall of Omens].
[21:37:14] ILikedMyName puts triggered ability from [Wall of Omens] onto the stack (When Wall of Omens enters the battlefield, draw a card.).
[21:37:15] ILikedMyName draws a card with [Wall of Omens]'s ability.
[21:37:16] Turn 2: cedrikleblanc
[21:37:19] cedrikleblanc plays [Mishra's Factory].
[21:37:21] cedrikleblanc casts [Raise the Alarm].
[21:37:24] cedrikleblanc's [Raise the Alarm] creates two Soldier tokens.
[21:37:28] Turn 3: ILikedMyName
[21:37:28] ILikedMyName puts triggered ability from [Lotus Bloom] onto the stack (Suspend (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[21:37:44] [CHAT] ILikedMyName: thiunking 1 sec
[21:37:54] [CHAT] cedrikleblanc: np
[21:37:55] ILikedMyName plays [Arch of Orazca].
[21:38:41] [CHAT] ILikedMyName: i have no idea what that deck plays xd
[21:38:52] [CHAT] cedrikleblanc: haha, keep you on your toes
[21:39:00] Turn 3: cedrikleblanc
[21:39:09] ILikedMyName casts [Orim's Chant] targeting cedrikleblanc.
[21:39:18] cedrikleblanc casts [Raise the Alarm].
[21:39:20] cedrikleblanc's [Raise the Alarm] creates two Soldier tokens.
[21:39:24] ILikedMyName activates an ability of [Calciform Pools] ( Put a storage counter on Calciform Pools.).
[21:39:29] cedrikleblanc plays [Mishra's Factory].
[21:39:32] ILikedMyName is being attacked by [Soldier] token, [Soldier] token, and [Doomed Traveler].
[21:39:34] [Wall of Omens] blocks [Doomed Traveler].
[21:39:38] Turn 4: ILikedMyName
[21:39:38] ILikedMyName puts triggered ability from [Lotus Bloom] onto the stack (Suspend (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[21:39:38] ILikedMyName puts triggered ability from [Lotus Bloom] onto the stack (Suspend (When the last time counter is removed from the suspended card, cast it without paying i...).
[21:39:52] ILikedMyName casts [Lotus Bloom].
[21:40:11] ILikedMyName casts [Wall of Omens].
[21:40:11] ILikedMyName puts triggered ability from [Wall of Omens] onto the stack (When Wall of Omens enters the battlefield, draw a card.).
[21:40:12] ILikedMyName draws a card with [Wall of Omens]'s ability.
[21:40:17] Turn 4: cedrikleblanc
[21:40:39] ILikedMyName is being attacked by [Soldier] token, [Soldier] token, [Soldier] token, [Soldier] token, and [Doomed Traveler].
[21:40:43] [Wall of Omens] blocks [Doomed Traveler].
[21:40:43] [Wall of Omens] blocks [Soldier] token.
[21:40:56] cedrikleblanc casts [Honor of the Pure].
[21:40:57] Turn 5: ILikedMyName
[21:41:07] ILikedMyName plays [Calciform Pools].
[21:42:23] Turn 5: cedrikleblanc
[21:42:31] ILikedMyName casts [Orim's Chant] (with kicker) targeting cedrikleblanc.
[21:42:40] ILikedMyName activates an ability of [Calciform Pools] ( Put a storage counter on Calciform Pools.).
[21:42:49] Turn 6: ILikedMyName
[21:43:04] ILikedMyName casts [Enduring Ideal].
[21:43:46] Turn 6: cedrikleblanc
[21:43:54] cedrikleblanc plays [Plains].
[21:44:07] cedrikleblanc casts [Intangible Virtue].
[21:44:25] cedrikleblanc casts [Triplicate Spirits].
[21:44:25] cedrikleblanc's [Triplicate Spirits] creates three Spirit tokens.
[21:44:27] Turn 7: ILikedMyName
[21:44:28] ILikedMyName puts triggered ability from [Enduring Ideal] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, copy Enduring Ideal except for its epic ability.).
[21:45:06] Turn 7: cedrikleblanc
[21:45:26] ILikedMyName is being attacked by [Spirit] token.
[21:45:38] ILikedMyName activates an ability of [Calciform Pools] ( Put a storage counter on Calciform Pools.).
[21:45:46] ILikedMyName activates an ability of [Calciform Pools] ( Put a storage counter on Calciform Pools.).
[21:45:48] Turn 8: ILikedMyName
[21:45:48] ILikedMyName puts triggered ability from [Enduring Ideal] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, copy Enduring Ideal except for its epic ability.).
[21:46:27] ILikedMyName plays [Plains].
[21:46:28] cedrikleblanc has conceded from the game.
Winner: ILikedMyName
Game 1 Completed.

Game 760850078

[Time] 1620154100
[21:48:21] PDBot has started watching.
[21:48:34] cedrikleblanc chooses to play first.
[21:48:36] cedrikleblanc begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[21:48:38] ILikedMyName begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[21:48:38] Turn 1: cedrikleblanc
[21:48:38] cedrikleblanc skips their draw step.
[21:48:39] cedrikleblanc plays [Plains].
[21:48:42] cedrikleblanc casts [Doomed Traveler].
[21:48:45] Turn 1: ILikedMyName
[21:48:49] ILikedMyName plays [Temple of Enlightenment].
[21:48:50] ILikedMyName puts triggered ability from [Temple of Enlightenment] onto the stack (When Temple of Enlightenment enters the battlefield, scry 1.).
[21:48:53] ILikedMyName puts 1 card on the bottom of their library.
[21:48:53] ILikedMyName scrys 1.
[21:48:58] Turn 2: cedrikleblanc
[21:49:00] cedrikleblanc plays [Plains].
[21:49:02] cedrikleblanc casts [Gather the Townsfolk].
[21:49:05] cedrikleblanc's [Gather the Townsfolk] creates two Human tokens.
[21:49:09] ILikedMyName is being attacked by [Doomed Traveler].
[21:49:11] Turn 2: ILikedMyName
[21:49:17] ILikedMyName plays [Plains].
[21:49:30] [CHAT] ILikedMyName: what im about to do
[21:49:32] [CHAT] ILikedMyName: might be real dumb
[21:49:34] ILikedMyName casts [Runed Halo].
[21:49:41] ILikedMyName names Leonin Warleader for [Runed Halo].
[21:49:44] Turn 3: cedrikleblanc
[21:49:49] [CHAT] ILikedMyName: its a commander staple xd
[21:49:52] [CHAT] cedrikleblanc: well just know that you can't name tokens
[21:50:01] [CHAT] cedrikleblanc: it is a good call
[21:50:04] cedrikleblanc plays [Plains].
[21:50:05] [CHAT] ILikedMyName: yah found that out the other day
[21:50:06] cedrikleblanc casts [Honor of the Pure].
[21:50:06] [CHAT] ILikedMyName: xd
[21:50:10] cedrikleblanc casts [Doomed Traveler].
[21:50:14] ILikedMyName is being attacked by [Human] token, [Human] token, and [Doomed Traveler].
[21:50:19] Turn 3: ILikedMyName
[21:50:27] ILikedMyName plays [Plains].
[21:50:32] ILikedMyName casts [Nevermore].
[21:50:40] [CHAT] cedrikleblanc: cuz tokens aren't cards and Runed Halo says name a card
[21:50:48] ILikedMyName names Intangible Virtue for [Nevermore].
[21:50:54] Turn 4: cedrikleblanc
[21:51:00] ILikedMyName is being attacked by [Doomed Traveler], [Human] token, [Human] token, and [Doomed Traveler].
[21:51:34] cedrikleblanc casts [Gather the Townsfolk].
[21:51:34] cedrikleblanc's [Gather the Townsfolk] creates two Human tokens.
[21:51:37] Turn 4: ILikedMyName
[21:51:44] cedrikleblanc casts [Orim's Chant] targeting ILikedMyName.
[21:51:45] ILikedMyName has conceded from the game.
Winner: cedrikleblanc
Game 2 Completed.

Game 760850360

[Time] 1620154321
[21:52:01] PDBot has started watching.
[21:52:02] ILikedMyName chooses to play first.
[21:52:06] ILikedMyName mulligans to six cards.
[21:52:08] cedrikleblanc begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[21:52:10] ILikedMyName mulligans to five cards.
[21:52:28] ILikedMyName puts two cards on the bottom of their library and begins the game with five cards in hand.
[21:52:28] Turn 1: ILikedMyName
[21:52:32] ILikedMyName skips their draw step.
[21:52:33] ILikedMyName plays [Plains].
[21:52:37] Turn 1: cedrikleblanc
[21:52:43] cedrikleblanc plays [Plains].
[21:52:48] Turn 2: ILikedMyName
[21:52:55] ILikedMyName plays [Plains].
[21:52:57] ILikedMyName casts [Wall of Omens].
[21:52:57] ILikedMyName puts triggered ability from [Wall of Omens] onto the stack (When Wall of Omens enters the battlefield, draw a card.).
[21:52:58] ILikedMyName draws a card with [Wall of Omens]'s ability.
[21:52:59] Turn 2: cedrikleblanc
[21:53:03] cedrikleblanc plays [Plains].
[21:53:06] cedrikleblanc casts [Gather the Townsfolk].
[21:53:09] cedrikleblanc's [Gather the Townsfolk] creates two Human tokens.
[21:53:09] Turn 3: ILikedMyName
[21:53:22] [CHAT] ILikedMyName: pass
[21:53:28] ILikedMyName plays [Plains].
[21:53:37] ILikedMyName casts [Wall of Omens].
[21:53:39] ILikedMyName puts triggered ability from [Wall of Omens] onto the stack (When Wall of Omens enters the battlefield, draw a card.).
[21:53:42] ILikedMyName draws a card with [Wall of Omens]'s ability.
[21:53:47] Turn 3: cedrikleblanc
[21:53:51] cedrikleblanc plays [Plains].
[21:53:59] cedrikleblanc casts [Honor of the Pure].
[21:54:08] Turn 4: ILikedMyName
[21:54:22] ILikedMyName plays [Plains].
[21:54:41] ILikedMyName casts [Nevermore].
[21:54:46] ILikedMyName names Battle Screech for [Nevermore].
[21:54:47] Turn 4: cedrikleblanc
[21:54:49] cedrikleblanc plays [Plains].
[21:54:54] [CHAT] ILikedMyName: is it even legal in pd?
[21:55:02] [CHAT] cedrikleblanc: you betcha
[21:55:08] cedrikleblanc casts [Raise the Alarm].
[21:55:11] cedrikleblanc's [Raise the Alarm] creates two Soldier tokens.
[21:55:18] cedrikleblanc casts [Triplicate Spirits].
[21:55:18] cedrikleblanc's [Triplicate Spirits] creates three Spirit tokens.
[21:55:22] Turn 5: ILikedMyName
[21:55:28] ILikedMyName plays [Plains].
[21:55:31] ILikedMyName casts [Archon of Sun's Grace].
[21:55:34] Turn 5: cedrikleblanc
[21:55:38] cedrikleblanc plays [Mishra's Factory].
[21:55:57] Turn 6: ILikedMyName
[21:56:08] ILikedMyName plays [Plains].
[21:56:10] ILikedMyName casts [Orim's Prayer].
[21:56:17] ILikedMyName puts triggered ability from [Archon of Sun's Grace] onto the stack (Whenever an enchantment enters the battlefield under your control, create a 2/2 white Pegasus crea...).
[21:56:23] ILikedMyName's [Archon of Sun's Grace] creates a Pegasus token.
[21:56:26] ILikedMyName casts [Dawn of Hope].
[21:56:28] ILikedMyName puts triggered ability from [Archon of Sun's Grace] onto the stack (Whenever an enchantment enters the battlefield under your control, create a 2/2 white Pegasus crea...).
[21:56:29] ILikedMyName's [Archon of Sun's Grace] creates a Pegasus token.
[21:56:33] Turn 6: cedrikleblanc
[21:56:35] cedrikleblanc plays [Plains].
[21:56:41] Turn 7: ILikedMyName
[21:56:50] cedrikleblanc is being attacked by [Pegasus] token.
[21:56:55] ILikedMyName puts triggered ability from [Dawn of Hope] onto the stack (Whenever you gain life, you may pay {2}. If you do, draw a card.).
[21:56:59] ILikedMyName draws a card with [Dawn of Hope]'s ability.
[21:57:03] ILikedMyName plays [Calciform Pools].
[21:57:04] Turn 7: cedrikleblanc
[21:57:18] ILikedMyName activates an ability of [Calciform Pools] ( Put a storage counter on Calciform Pools.).
[21:57:20] Turn 8: ILikedMyName
[21:57:28] cedrikleblanc is being attacked by [Pegasus] token.
[21:57:34] ILikedMyName puts triggered ability from [Dawn of Hope] onto the stack (Whenever you gain life, you may pay {2}. If you do, draw a card.).
[21:57:38] ILikedMyName draws a card with [Dawn of Hope]'s ability.
[21:57:41] ILikedMyName plays [Plains].
[21:57:45] Turn 8: cedrikleblanc
[21:57:58] ILikedMyName activates an ability of [Dawn of Hope] ( Create a 1/1 white Soldier creature token with lifelink.).
[21:57:59] ILikedMyName's [Dawn of Hope] creates a Soldier token.
[21:58:02] ILikedMyName activates an ability of [Calciform Pools] ( Put a storage counter on Calciform Pools.).
[21:58:03] Turn 9: ILikedMyName
[21:58:08] cedrikleblanc casts [Orim's Chant] (with kicker) targeting ILikedMyName.
[21:58:22] cedrikleblanc casts [Raise the Alarm].
[21:58:23] cedrikleblanc's [Raise the Alarm] creates two Soldier tokens.
[21:58:29] Turn 9: cedrikleblanc
[21:58:33] ILikedMyName casts [Orim's Chant] (with kicker) targeting cedrikleblanc.
[21:58:44] ILikedMyName activates an ability of [Dawn of Hope] ( Create a 1/1 white Soldier creature token with lifelink.).
[21:58:45] ILikedMyName's [Dawn of Hope] creates a Soldier token.
[21:58:47] ILikedMyName activates an ability of [Calciform Pools] ( Put a storage counter on Calciform Pools.).
[21:58:48] Turn 10: ILikedMyName
[21:58:53] cedrikleblanc casts [Orim's Chant] (with kicker) targeting ILikedMyName.
[21:59:03] [CHAT] cedrikleblanc: chanting away
[21:59:07] ILikedMyName plays [Plains].
[21:59:17] Turn 10: cedrikleblanc
[21:59:24] cedrikleblanc casts [Strixhaven Stadium].
[21:59:38] cedrikleblanc casts [Honor of the Pure].
[22:00:07] ILikedMyName activates an ability of [Dawn of Hope] ( Create a 1/1 white Soldier creature token with lifelink.).
[22:00:07] ILikedMyName's [Dawn of Hope] creates a Soldier token.
[22:00:10] ILikedMyName activates an ability of [Dawn of Hope] ( Create a 1/1 white Soldier creature token with lifelink.).
[22:00:11] ILikedMyName's [Dawn of Hope] creates a Soldier token.
[22:00:12] Turn 11: ILikedMyName
[22:00:24] ILikedMyName plays [Temple of Enlightenment].
[22:00:25] ILikedMyName puts triggered ability from [Temple of Enlightenment] onto the stack (When Temple of Enlightenment enters the battlefield, scry 1.).
[22:00:31] ILikedMyName puts 1 card on top of their library.
[22:00:31] ILikedMyName scrys 1.
[22:00:37] cedrikleblanc is being attacked by [Soldier] token.
[22:00:43] [Human] token blocks [Soldier] token.
[22:00:46] ILikedMyName puts triggered ability from [Dawn of Hope] onto the stack (Whenever you gain life, you may pay {2}. If you do, draw a card.).
[22:00:55] ILikedMyName draws a card with [Dawn of Hope]'s ability.
[22:00:58] ILikedMyName casts [Archon of Sun's Grace].
[22:01:06] ILikedMyName casts [Nevermore].
[22:01:22] ILikedMyName names Intangible Virtue for [Nevermore].
[22:01:22] ILikedMyName puts triggered ability from [Archon of Sun's Grace] onto the stack (Whenever an enchantment enters the battlefield under your control, create a 2/2 white Pegasus crea...).
[22:01:22] ILikedMyName puts triggered ability from [Archon of Sun's Grace] onto the stack (Whenever an enchantment enters the battlefield under your control, create a 2/2 white Pegasus crea...).
[22:01:32] ILikedMyName's [Archon of Sun's Grace] creates a Pegasus token.
[22:01:35] ILikedMyName's [Archon of Sun's Grace] creates a Pegasus token.
[22:01:38] Turn 11: cedrikleblanc
[22:01:46] cedrikleblanc casts [Gather the Townsfolk].
[22:01:46] cedrikleblanc's [Gather the Townsfolk] creates two Human tokens.
[22:01:50] Turn 12: ILikedMyName
[22:02:24] [CHAT] ILikedMyName: 1 sec
[22:02:44] ILikedMyName casts [Runed Halo].
[22:03:06] ILikedMyName names Strixhaven Stadium for [Runed Halo].
[22:03:06] ILikedMyName puts triggered ability from [Archon of Sun's Grace] onto the stack (Whenever an enchantment enters the battlefield under your control, create a 2/2 white Pegasus crea...).
[22:03:06] ILikedMyName puts triggered ability from [Archon of Sun's Grace] onto the stack (Whenever an enchantment enters the battlefield under your control, create a 2/2 white Pegasus crea...).
[22:03:06] ILikedMyName's [Archon of Sun's Grace] creates a Pegasus token.
[22:03:07] ILikedMyName's [Archon of Sun's Grace] creates a Pegasus token.
[22:03:09] ILikedMyName exiles [Lotus Bloom] with 3 time counters.
[22:03:12] [CHAT] cedrikleblanc: ggs
[22:03:14] cedrikleblanc has conceded from the game.
Winner: ILikedMyName
Game 3 Completed.
Match Winner: ILikedMyName: 2–1