PDBot Stats

Game 759092258

[Time] 1618411398
[00:43:18] PDBot has started watching.
[00:43:18] Carmandor joined the game.
[League] Discard Stompy by carmandor (131297) vs Dragonstorm by chilliewrangler (131132)
[00:43:22] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[00:43:23] Carmandor chooses to play first.
[00:43:27] Carmandor mulligans to six cards.
[00:43:30] [CHAT] ChillieWrangler: glgl
[00:43:33] [CHAT] Carmandor: gl
[00:43:39] ChillieWrangler mulligans to six cards.
[00:43:46] Carmandor puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[00:43:49] ChillieWrangler mulligans to five cards.
[00:44:07] ChillieWrangler puts two cards on the bottom of their library and begins the game with five cards in hand.
[00:44:07] Turn 1: Carmandor
[00:44:10] Carmandor skips their draw step.
[00:44:11] Carmandor plays [Swamp].
[00:44:20] Turn 1: ChillieWrangler
[00:44:21] ChillieWrangler plays [Snow-Covered Mountain].
[00:44:26] Turn 2: Carmandor
[00:44:29] Carmandor plays [Swamp].
[00:44:32] Carmandor casts [Asylum Visitor].
[00:44:39] Turn 2: ChillieWrangler
[00:44:41] ChillieWrangler plays [Cloudpost].
[00:44:43] ChillieWrangler casts [Expedition Map].
[00:44:48] Turn 3: Carmandor
[00:44:51] Carmandor plays [Swamp].
[00:44:58] ChillieWrangler is being attacked by [Asylum Visitor].
[00:45:05] Carmandor casts [Liliana's Specter].
[00:45:05] Carmandor puts triggered ability from [Liliana's Specter] onto the stack (When Liliana's Specter enters the battlefield, each opponent discards a card.).
[00:45:17] ChillieWrangler chooses a card from their hand.
[00:45:17] ChillieWrangler discards [Irencrag Feat].
[00:45:22] Turn 3: ChillieWrangler
[00:45:50] ChillieWrangler activates an ability of [Expedition Map] ( Search your library for a land card, reveal it, and put it into your hand. Then shuffle your libr...).
[00:45:55] ChillieWrangler reveals [Cloudpost].
[00:45:56] ChillieWrangler plays [Cloudpost].
[00:46:01] Turn 4: Carmandor
[00:46:08] ChillieWrangler is being attacked by [Liliana's Specter] and [Asylum Visitor].
[00:46:13] Carmandor plays [Swamp].
[00:46:16] Carmandor casts [Nyxathid].
[00:46:17] The chosen player is ChillieWrangler
[00:46:21] Turn 4: ChillieWrangler
[00:47:02] ChillieWrangler plays [Glimmerpost].
[00:47:02] ChillieWrangler puts triggered ability from [Glimmerpost] onto the stack (When Glimmerpost enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life for each Locus on the battlefield.).
[00:47:12] ChillieWrangler casts [Azor's Gateway].
[00:47:18] ChillieWrangler activates an ability of [Azor's Gateway] ( Draw a card, then exile a card from your hand. If cards with five or more different converted man...).
[00:47:22] ChillieWrangler draws a card with [Azor's Gateway]'s ability.
[00:48:05] Turn 5: Carmandor
[00:48:09] Carmandor plays [Swamp].
[00:48:13] Carmandor casts [Ravenous Rats].
[00:48:13] Carmandor puts triggered ability from [Ravenous Rats] onto the stack targeting ChillieWrangler (When Ravenous Rats enters the battlefield, target opponent discards a card.).
[00:48:21] ChillieWrangler discards [Snow-Covered Mountain].
[00:48:24] Carmandor casts [Ravenous Rats].
[00:48:25] Carmandor puts triggered ability from [Ravenous Rats] onto the stack targeting ChillieWrangler (When Ravenous Rats enters the battlefield, target opponent discards a card.).
[00:48:29] ChillieWrangler discards [Seething Song].
[00:48:50] ChillieWrangler is being attacked by [Nyxathid], [Liliana's Specter], and [Asylum Visitor].
[00:48:58] Turn 5: ChillieWrangler
[00:49:06] ChillieWrangler activates an ability of [Azor's Gateway] ( Draw a card, then exile a card from your hand. If cards with five or more different converted man...).
[00:49:08] ChillieWrangler draws a card with [Azor's Gateway]'s ability.
[00:49:12] ChillieWrangler has conceded from the game.
Winner: Carmandor
Game 1 Completed.

Game 759092444

[Time] 1618411810
[00:50:11] PDBot has started watching.
[00:50:19] ChillieWrangler begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[00:50:21] Carmandor mulligans to six cards.
[00:50:41] Carmandor puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[00:50:41] Turn 1: ChillieWrangler
[00:50:41] ChillieWrangler skips their draw step.
[00:50:46] ChillieWrangler plays [Cloudpost].
[00:50:50] Turn 1: Carmandor
[00:50:53] Carmandor plays [Swamp].
[00:50:56] Carmandor casts [Dark Ritual].
[00:50:59] Carmandor casts [Davriel, Rogue Shadowmage].
[00:51:04] Carmandor activates an ability of [Davriel, Rogue Shadowmage] targeting ChillieWrangler ( Target player discards a card.).
[00:51:23] ChillieWrangler discards [Bogardan Hellkite].
[00:51:30] Turn 2: ChillieWrangler
[00:51:33] ChillieWrangler plays [Snow-Covered Mountain].
[00:51:38] Turn 2: Carmandor
[00:51:41] Carmandor plays [Swamp].
[00:51:45] Carmandor casts [Ravenous Rats].
[00:51:50] Carmandor puts triggered ability from [Ravenous Rats] onto the stack targeting ChillieWrangler (When Ravenous Rats enters the battlefield, target opponent discards a card.).
[00:51:56] ChillieWrangler casts [Fire Prophecy] targeting [Ravenous Rats].
[00:52:00] ChillieWrangler draws a card with [Fire Prophecy].
[00:52:05] ChillieWrangler discards [Dragonstorm].
[00:52:08] Carmandor activates an ability of [Davriel, Rogue Shadowmage] targeting ChillieWrangler ( Target player discards a card.).
[00:52:12] ChillieWrangler discards [Dragonstorm].
[00:52:17] Turn 3: ChillieWrangler
[00:52:39] ChillieWrangler casts [Azor's Gateway].
[00:52:46] Turn 3: Carmandor
[00:52:49] Carmandor plays [Swamp].
[00:52:52] Carmandor activates an ability of [Davriel, Rogue Shadowmage] targeting ChillieWrangler ( Target player discards a card.).
[00:53:00] ChillieWrangler discards [Seething Song].
[00:53:02] Carmandor casts [Nyxathid].
[00:53:03] The chosen player is ChillieWrangler
[00:53:10] Turn 4: ChillieWrangler
[00:53:16] ChillieWrangler activates an ability of [Azor's Gateway] ( Draw a card, then exile a card from your hand. If cards with five or more different converted man...).
[00:53:18] ChillieWrangler draws a card with [Azor's Gateway]'s ability.
[00:53:26] Turn 4: Carmandor
[00:53:30] Carmandor plays [Swamp].
[00:53:35] ChillieWrangler is being attacked by [Nyxathid].
[00:53:41] Carmandor casts [Nyxathid].
[00:53:41] The chosen player is ChillieWrangler
[00:53:45] Turn 5: ChillieWrangler
[00:53:53] ChillieWrangler activates an ability of [Azor's Gateway] ( Draw a card, then exile a card from your hand. If cards with five or more different converted man...).
[00:53:56] ChillieWrangler draws a card with [Azor's Gateway]'s ability.
[00:54:44] Turn 5: Carmandor
[00:54:50] Carmandor casts [Duress] targeting ChillieWrangler.
[00:54:53] ChillieWrangler has conceded from the game.
Winner: Carmandor
Game 2 Completed.
Match Winner: Carmandor: 2–0
[00:54:55] ChillieWrangler draws their next card.
[00:54:56] ChillieWrangler draws their next card.