PDBot Stats

Game 755799812

[Time] 1615914963
[04:16:04] PDBot has started watching.
[League] Black Reanimator by spookyteru (127646) vs MBR by hacobplayz (127621)
[04:16:07] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[04:16:08] Spookyteru chooses to play first.
[04:16:13] Spookyteru begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[04:16:21] HacobPlayz mulligans to six cards.
[04:16:34] HacobPlayz puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[04:16:34] Turn 1: Spookyteru
[04:16:43] Spookyteru skips their draw step.
[04:16:47] Spookyteru plays [Swamp].
[04:16:49] Spookyteru casts [Dark Ritual].
[04:16:51] Spookyteru casts [Divest] targeting Spookyteru.
[04:16:52] Spookyteru discards [Sire of Insanity].
[04:16:52] Spookyteru reveals their hand to [Divest], containing [Swamp], [Artisan of Kozilek], [Death], [Life], and [Life/Death].
[04:17:09] Spookyteru casts [Death] targeting [Sire of Insanity].
[04:17:11] Spookyteru puts triggered ability from [Sire of Insanity] onto the stack (At the beginning of each end step, each player discards their hand.).
[04:17:11] Spookyteru discards [Swamp].
[04:17:12] Spookyteru discards [Artisan of Kozilek].
[04:17:12] HacobPlayz discards [Gitaxian Probe].
[04:17:12] HacobPlayz discards [Swamp].
[04:17:12] HacobPlayz discards [Reanimate].
[04:17:12] HacobPlayz discards [Reanimate].
[04:17:12] HacobPlayz discards [Artisan of Kozilek].
[04:17:12] HacobPlayz discards [Swamp].
[04:17:12] Turn 1: HacobPlayz
[04:17:19] HacobPlayz plays [Swamp].
[04:17:20] Spookyteru puts triggered ability from [Sire of Insanity] onto the stack (At the beginning of each end step, each player discards their hand.).
[04:17:21] Turn 2: Spookyteru
[04:17:24] Spookyteru plays [Swamp].
[04:17:27] HacobPlayz is being attacked by [Sire of Insanity].
[04:17:27] Spookyteru puts triggered ability from [Sire of Insanity] onto the stack (At the beginning of each end step, each player discards their hand.).
[04:17:28] Turn 2: HacobPlayz
[04:17:34] HacobPlayz casts [Putrid Imp].
[04:17:37] Spookyteru puts triggered ability from [Sire of Insanity] onto the stack (At the beginning of each end step, each player discards their hand.).
[04:17:37] Turn 3: Spookyteru
[04:17:43] HacobPlayz is being attacked by [Sire of Insanity].
[04:17:47] Spookyteru puts triggered ability from [Sire of Insanity] onto the stack (At the beginning of each end step, each player discards their hand.).
[04:17:47] Spookyteru discards [Dream Trawler].
[04:17:47] Turn 3: HacobPlayz
[04:17:53] HacobPlayz plays [Swamp].
[04:17:57] HacobPlayz has conceded from the game.
Winner: Spookyteru
Game 1 Completed.
[04:18:01] Spookyteru has left the game.

Game 755800114

[Time] 1615915134
[04:18:55] PDBot has started watching.
[04:18:55] HacobPlayz joined the game.
[04:19:07] HacobPlayz chooses to play first.
[04:19:19] HacobPlayz mulligans to six cards.
[04:19:21] Spookyteru mulligans to six cards.
[04:19:28] HacobPlayz puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[04:19:33] Spookyteru puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[04:19:33] Turn 1: HacobPlayz
[04:19:37] HacobPlayz skips their draw step.
[04:19:38] HacobPlayz plays [Swamp].
[04:19:40] HacobPlayz casts [Dark Ritual].
[04:19:44] HacobPlayz casts [Divest] targeting HacobPlayz.
[04:19:46] HacobPlayz discards [Sire of Insanity].
[04:19:46] HacobPlayz reveals their hand to [Divest], containing [Death], [Life], [Life/Death], and [Reanimate].
[04:19:54] HacobPlayz casts [Death] targeting [Sire of Insanity].
[04:19:57] HacobPlayz puts triggered ability from [Sire of Insanity] onto the stack (At the beginning of each end step, each player discards their hand.).
[04:19:57] HacobPlayz discards [Reanimate].
[04:19:57] Spookyteru discards [Dark Ritual].
[04:19:57] Spookyteru discards [Artisan of Kozilek].
[04:19:57] Spookyteru discards [Swamp].
[04:19:57] Spookyteru discards [Dream Trawler].
[04:19:57] Spookyteru discards [Pathrazer of Ulamog].
[04:19:57] Spookyteru discards [Swamp].
[04:19:58] Turn 1: Spookyteru
[04:20:03] HacobPlayz puts triggered ability from [Sire of Insanity] onto the stack (At the beginning of each end step, each player discards their hand.).
[04:20:03] Spookyteru discards [Pathrazer of Ulamog].
[04:20:03] Turn 2: HacobPlayz
[04:20:13] Spookyteru is being attacked by [Sire of Insanity].
[04:20:15] HacobPlayz puts triggered ability from [Sire of Insanity] onto the stack (At the beginning of each end step, each player discards their hand.).
[04:20:15] HacobPlayz discards [Raven's Crime].
[04:20:16] Turn 2: Spookyteru
[04:20:19] HacobPlayz puts triggered ability from [Sire of Insanity] onto the stack (At the beginning of each end step, each player discards their hand.).
[04:20:20] Spookyteru discards [Dark Ritual].
[04:20:20] Turn 3: HacobPlayz
[04:20:25] HacobPlayz plays [Swamp].
[04:20:28] Spookyteru is being attacked by [Sire of Insanity].
[04:20:31] HacobPlayz puts triggered ability from [Sire of Insanity] onto the stack (At the beginning of each end step, each player discards their hand.).
[04:20:33] Turn 3: Spookyteru
[04:20:35] Spookyteru plays [Swamp].
[04:20:38] HacobPlayz puts triggered ability from [Sire of Insanity] onto the stack (At the beginning of each end step, each player discards their hand.).
[04:20:40] Turn 4: HacobPlayz
[04:20:48] Spookyteru has conceded from the game.
Winner: HacobPlayz
Game 2 Completed.

Game 755800352

[Time] 1615915285
[04:21:25] PDBot has started watching.
[04:21:27] Spookyteru begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[04:22:28] HacobPlayz begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[04:22:28] Turn 1: Spookyteru
[04:22:31] Spookyteru skips their draw step.
[04:22:33] Spookyteru plays [Swamp].
[04:22:35] Spookyteru casts [Nihil Spellbomb].
[04:22:36] Turn 1: HacobPlayz
[04:23:25] HacobPlayz plays [Swamp].
[04:23:36] Turn 2: Spookyteru
[04:23:39] Spookyteru plays [Swamp].
[04:23:56] Spookyteru casts [Divest] targeting HacobPlayz.
[04:24:06] HacobPlayz discards [Dream Trawler].
[04:24:06] HacobPlayz reveals their hand to [Divest], containing [Dark Ritual], [Dream Trawler], [Swamp], [Death], [Life], [Life/Death], [Raven's Crime], and [Swamp].
[04:24:09] Turn 2: HacobPlayz
[04:24:26] HacobPlayz plays [Swamp].
[04:24:38] Turn 3: Spookyteru
[04:24:42] Spookyteru plays [Swamp].
[04:25:01] Turn 3: HacobPlayz
[04:25:05] HacobPlayz plays [Swamp].
[04:25:07] HacobPlayz casts [Putrid Imp].
[04:25:18] HacobPlayz casts [Raven's Crime] targeting Spookyteru.
[04:25:22] Spookyteru discards [Pathrazer of Ulamog].
[04:25:28] Turn 4: Spookyteru
[04:25:34] Spookyteru plays [Swamp].
[04:25:37] Turn 4: HacobPlayz
[04:25:44] HacobPlayz casts [Duress] targeting Spookyteru.
[04:25:50] Spookyteru discards [Dark Ritual].
[04:25:50] Spookyteru reveals their hand to [Duress], containing [Swamp] and [Swamp].
[04:25:58] Spookyteru is being attacked by [Putrid Imp].
[04:26:12] Turn 5: Spookyteru
[04:26:29] Turn 5: HacobPlayz
[04:26:57] Spookyteru is being attacked by [Putrid Imp].
[04:27:08] Turn 6: Spookyteru
[04:27:20] Spookyteru casts [Reanimate] targeting [Pathrazer of Ulamog].
[04:27:29] Spookyteru plays [Swamp].
[04:27:40] Turn 6: HacobPlayz
[04:28:17] HacobPlayz casts [Reanimate] targeting [Dream Trawler].
[04:28:20] Spookyteru activates an ability of [Nihil Spellbomb] targeting HacobPlayz ( Exile all cards from target player's graveyard.).
[04:28:20] Spookyteru puts triggered ability from [Nihil Spellbomb] onto the stack (When Nihil Spellbomb is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, you may pay {B}. If you do, dra...).
[04:28:27] Spookyteru draws a card with [Nihil Spellbomb]'s ability.
[04:28:34] HacobPlayz's [Reanimate] is removed from the stack because it has no legal targets.
[04:28:39] HacobPlayz discards [Dream Trawler].
[04:28:39] HacobPlayz activates an ability of [Putrid Imp] ( Putrid Imp gains flying until end of turn.).
[04:28:53] HacobPlayz casts [Death] targeting [Dream Trawler].
[04:29:01] Spookyteru is being attacked by [Putrid Imp].
[04:29:03] Turn 7: Spookyteru
[04:29:08] Spookyteru plays [Swamp].
[04:29:18] HacobPlayz is being attacked by [Pathrazer of Ulamog].
[04:29:18] Spookyteru puts triggered ability from [Pathrazer of Ulamog] onto the stack (Annihilator 3 (Whenever this creature attacks, defending player sacrifices three permanents.)).
[04:29:22] HacobPlayz sacrifices [Swamp].
[04:29:23] HacobPlayz sacrifices [Swamp].
[04:29:23] HacobPlayz sacrifices [Swamp].
[04:29:28] Spookyteru has conceded from the game.
Winner: HacobPlayz
Game 3 Completed.
Match Winner: HacobPlayz: 2–1
[04:29:31] Spookyteru has left the game.