PDBot Stats

Game 753672430

[Time] 1614569070
[14:24:30] PDBot has started watching.
[League] Pox? by bjornthejesus (123770) vs Jund Fires by tduhbya (123911)
[14:24:33] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[14:24:43] TDuhBya chooses to play first.
[14:24:48] TDuhBya begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[14:24:53] Bjornthejesus mulligans to six cards.
[14:25:04] Bjornthejesus puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[14:25:04] Turn 1: TDuhBya
[14:25:04] TDuhBya skips their draw step.
[14:25:09] TDuhBya plays [Forest].
[14:25:17] Turn 1: Bjornthejesus
[14:25:19] Bjornthejesus plays [Swamp].
[14:25:22] Bjornthejesus returns [Swamp] to its owner's hand with with [Veinfire Borderpost]'s ability.
[14:25:22] Bjornthejesus casts [Veinfire Borderpost] using an alternate cost.
[14:25:34] Turn 2: TDuhBya
[14:25:36] TDuhBya plays [Mountain].
[14:25:41] TDuhBya casts [Nature's Lore].
[League] Invalid Match
[14:25:41] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD][sR] Nature's Lore was not on a submitted league decklist. This is not a league match.
[14:25:45] Turn 2: Bjornthejesus
[14:25:50] Bjornthejesus plays [Swamp].
[14:25:52] Bjornthejesus casts [Talisman of Resilience].
[14:27:12] TDuhBya has conceded from the game.
[14:27:12] TDuhBya has lost connection to the game.
Winner: Bjornthejesus
Game 1 Completed.