PDBot Stats

Game 753344010

[Time] 1614342681
[23:31:21] PDBot has started watching.
[23:31:21] Carmandor joined the game.
[23:31:21] Peasami joined the game.
[League] Orzhov Midrange by carmandor (123144) vs Azorius Allies by peasami (123146)
[23:31:24] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[23:31:27] Carmandor chooses to play first.
[23:31:28] [CHAT] Peasami: glhf
[23:31:34] [CHAT] Carmandor: gl
[23:31:35] Carmandor begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[23:31:38] Peasami mulligans to six cards.
[23:31:41] Peasami mulligans to five cards.
[23:32:20] Peasami puts two cards on the bottom of their library and begins the game with five cards in hand.
[23:32:20] Turn 1: Carmandor
[23:32:35] Carmandor skips their draw step.
[23:32:36] Carmandor plays [Swamp].
[23:32:39] Carmandor casts [Raven's Crime] targeting Peasami.
[23:32:50] Peasami discards [Kabira Evangel].
[23:32:57] Turn 1: Peasami
[23:33:02] Peasami plays [Plains].
[23:33:05] Turn 2: Carmandor
[23:33:09] Carmandor plays [Isolated Chapel].
[23:33:13] Carmandor casts [Sign in Blood] targeting Carmandor.
[23:33:15] Carmandor draws two cards with [Sign in Blood].
[23:33:19] Turn 2: Peasami
[23:33:21] Peasami plays [Ally Encampment].
[23:33:25] Peasami casts [Kazandu Blademaster].
[23:33:26] Peasami puts triggered ability from [Kazandu Blademaster] onto the stack (Whenever Kazandu Blademaster or another Ally enters the battlefield under your control, you may pu...).
[23:33:37] Turn 3: Carmandor
[23:33:44] Carmandor casts [Hymn to Tourach] targeting Peasami.
[23:33:46] Peasami discards [Ondu Cleric].
[23:33:46] Peasami discards [Jwari Shapeshifter].
[23:33:46] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Jwari Shapeshifter[sU] has an advantageous bug.
Clone creatures still can copy creature although Humility or similar effects are in effect
Our data about this bug is out of date.  Please let us know if this card is still bugged (or if it's been fixed).
You can do so by PM'ing this bot, or by typing `!stillbugged Jwari Shapeshifter` or `!notbugged Jwari Shapeshifter`
[23:33:48] Carmandor plays [Swamp].
[23:33:55] Turn 3: Peasami
[23:34:03] Carmandor is being attacked by [Kazandu Blademaster].
[23:34:06] Turn 4: Carmandor
[23:34:11] Carmandor plays [Shambling Vent].
[23:34:14] Carmandor casts [Hymn to Tourach] targeting Peasami.
[23:34:19] Peasami discards [Ally Encampment].
[23:34:19] Peasami discards [Plains].
[23:34:26] Turn 4: Peasami
[23:34:34] Carmandor is being attacked by [Kazandu Blademaster].
[23:34:37] Turn 5: Carmandor
[23:34:43] Carmandor casts [Desecration Demon].
[23:34:53] Peasami has conceded from the game.
Winner: Carmandor
Game 1 Completed.
[23:34:55] Peasami draws their next card.
[23:34:57] Peasami draws their next card.
[23:34:58] Peasami draws their next card.
[23:34:59] Peasami draws their next card.

Game 753344264

[Time] 1614342954
[23:35:55] PDBot has started watching.
[23:36:01] Peasami begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[23:36:04] Carmandor begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[23:36:04] Turn 1: Peasami
[23:36:04] Peasami skips their draw step.
[23:36:05] Peasami plays [Plains].
[23:36:07] Peasami casts [Hada Freeblade].
[23:36:08] Peasami puts triggered ability from [Hada Freeblade] onto the stack (Whenever Hada Freeblade or another Ally enters the battlefield under your control, you may put a +...).
[23:36:21] Turn 1: Carmandor
[23:36:25] Carmandor plays [Swamp].
[23:36:28] Carmandor casts [Bloodchief's Thirst] targeting [Hada Freeblade].
[23:36:53] Turn 2: Peasami
[23:36:54] Peasami plays [Plains].
[23:36:58] Turn 2: Carmandor
[23:37:04] Carmandor plays [Swamp].
[23:37:09] Turn 3: Peasami
[23:37:12] Peasami plays [Plains].
[23:37:13] Peasami casts [Hada Freeblade].
[23:37:15] Peasami puts triggered ability from [Hada Freeblade] onto the stack (Whenever Hada Freeblade or another Ally enters the battlefield under your control, you may put a +...).
[23:37:22] Turn 3: Carmandor
[23:37:25] Carmandor plays [Swamp].
[23:37:27] Carmandor casts [Vampire Nighthawk].
[23:37:34] Turn 4: Peasami
[23:37:40] Peasami plays [Plains].
[23:37:53] Peasami casts [Celestial Purge] targeting [Vampire Nighthawk].
[23:37:57] Peasami casts [Stone Haven Outfitter].
[23:37:57] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Stone Haven Outfitter[sU] has an advantageous bug.
Stone Haven Outfitter buffs 0/0 germ tokens from Mortar Pod even if equipment is destroyed prior to living weapon trigger
Our data about this bug is out of date.  Please let us know if this card is still bugged (or if it's been fixed).
You can do so by PM'ing this bot, or by typing `!stillbugged Stone Haven Outfitter` or `!notbugged Stone Haven Outfitter`
[23:37:59] Peasami puts triggered ability from [Hada Freeblade] onto the stack (Whenever Hada Freeblade or another Ally enters the battlefield under your control, you may put a +...).
[23:38:05] Carmandor is being attacked by [Hada Freeblade].
[23:38:11] Turn 4: Carmandor
[23:38:19] Carmandor plays [Plains].
[23:38:27] Carmandor casts [Vampire Nighthawk].
[23:38:32] Carmandor casts [Bloodchief's Thirst] targeting [Hada Freeblade].
[23:38:38] Turn 5: Peasami
[23:38:40] Peasami plays [Plains].
[23:38:48] Turn 5: Carmandor
[23:38:55] Carmandor plays [Isolated Chapel].
[23:39:00] Peasami is being attacked by [Vampire Nighthawk].
[23:39:07] Carmandor casts [Lingering Souls].
[23:39:08] Carmandor's [Lingering Souls] creates two Spirit tokens.
[23:39:13] Carmandor casts [Lingering Souls] from the graveyard using an alternate cost.
[23:39:14] Carmandor's [Lingering Souls] creates two Spirit tokens.
[23:39:18] Turn 6: Peasami
[23:39:22] Peasami plays [Plains].
[23:39:28] Turn 6: Carmandor
[23:39:38] Peasami is being attacked by [Spirit] token, [Spirit] token, [Spirit] token, and [Spirit] token.
[23:39:47] Turn 7: Peasami
[23:39:54] Peasami plays [Glacial Fortress].
[23:40:02] Turn 7: Carmandor
[23:40:06] Carmandor plays [Isolated Chapel].
[23:40:12] Peasami is being attacked by [Spirit] token, [Spirit] token, [Spirit] token, and [Spirit] token.
[23:40:23] Turn 8: Peasami
[23:40:27] Peasami plays [Ally Encampment].
[23:40:32] Turn 8: Carmandor
[23:40:37] Carmandor casts [Raven's Crime] targeting Peasami.
[23:40:44] Peasami discards [Jwari Shapeshifter].
[23:40:50] Carmandor discards [Plains].
[23:40:50] Carmandor casts [Raven's Crime] from the graveyard targeting Peasami.
[23:40:54] Peasami has conceded from the game.
Winner: Carmandor
Game 2 Completed.
Match Winner: Carmandor: 2–0
[23:41:01] Carmandor has left the game.