PDBot Stats

Game 740685842

[Time] 1604357876
[09:57:56] PDBot has started watching.
[09:57:56] goat314 joined the game.
[League] Pongify 1.1 by juno161 (108460) vs Greenpost by goat314 (108451)
[09:57:58] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[09:58:04] goat314 chooses to play first.
[09:58:09] goat314 mulligans to six cards.
[09:58:14] Juno161 mulligans to six cards.
[09:58:21] [CHAT] Juno161: Hi glhf
[09:58:23] goat314 puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[09:58:31] Juno161 puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[09:58:31] Turn 1: goat314
[09:58:31] goat314 skips their draw step.
[09:58:33] Turn 1: Juno161
[09:58:49] Juno161 plays [Island].
[09:58:51] Juno161 casts [Cloudfin Raptor].
[09:58:56] Turn 2: goat314
[09:59:03] goat314 has conceded from the game.
Winner: Juno161
Game 1 Completed.
[09:59:07] goat314 has left the game.