PDBot Stats

Game 740017588

[Time] 1603739991
[06:19:51] PDBot has started watching.
[06:19:51] lucariva13 joined the game.
[06:19:51] Lordowl joined the game.
[League] Host doesn't have active run
[06:19:58] Lordowl chooses to play first.
[06:20:01] Lordowl mulligans to six cards.
[06:20:14] lucariva13 begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[06:20:17] Lordowl mulligans to five cards.
[06:20:27] Lordowl puts two cards on the bottom of their library and begins the game with five cards in hand.
[06:20:27] Turn 1: Lordowl
[06:20:28] Lordowl skips their draw step.
[06:20:29] Lordowl plays [Forest].
[06:20:30] Lordowl casts [Birds of Paradise].
[06:20:34] Turn 1: lucariva13
[06:20:41] lucariva13 discards [Swamp].
[06:20:41] Turn 2: Lordowl
[06:20:44] Lordowl plays [Forest].
[06:20:45] lucariva13 has conceded from the game.
Winner: Lordowl
Game 1 Completed.

Game 740017674

[Time] 1603740051
[06:20:52] PDBot has started watching.
[06:20:54] lucariva13 has conceded from the game.
[06:20:54] lucariva13 has lost connection to the game.
Winner: Lordowl
Game 2 Completed.
Match Winner: Lordowl: 2–0