PDBot Stats

Game 738157238

[Time] 1602196765
[09:39:26] PDBot has started watching.
[09:39:26] Madman_quail joined the game.
[League] Merfolk by glendaloc (103515) vs Deadguy 3 by madman_quail (103508)
[09:39:29] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[09:39:34] glendaloc chooses to play first.
[09:39:39] [CHAT] glendaloc: Hey glhf
[09:39:44] [CHAT] Madman_quail: u2
[09:39:46] glendaloc mulligans to six cards.
[09:39:49] Madman_quail mulligans to six cards.
[09:39:56] glendaloc puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[09:40:01] Madman_quail puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[09:40:01] Turn 1: glendaloc
[09:40:04] glendaloc skips their draw step.
[09:40:08] glendaloc casts [Gitaxian Probe] targeting Madman_quail.
[09:40:22] glendaloc draws a card with [Gitaxian Probe].
[09:40:24] glendaloc plays [Island].
[09:40:26] glendaloc casts [Mist-Cloaked Herald].
[09:40:27] Seven47 has started watching.
[09:40:30] Turn 1: Madman_quail
[09:40:34] Madman_quail plays [Swamp].
[09:40:39] Turn 2: glendaloc
[09:40:43] glendaloc plays [Island].
[09:40:45] glendaloc casts [Master of the Pearl Trident].
[09:40:51] Madman_quail is being attacked by [Mist-Cloaked Herald].
[09:41:06] Seven47 has stopped watching.
[09:41:08] Turn 2: Madman_quail
[09:41:12] Madman_quail plays [Mishra's Factory].
[09:41:20] Madman_quail casts [Feed the Swarm] targeting [Master of the Pearl Trident].
[09:41:21] Turn 3: glendaloc
[09:41:25] glendaloc plays [Island].
[09:41:27] glendaloc casts [Merrow Reejerey].
[09:41:33] Madman_quail is being attacked by [Mist-Cloaked Herald].
[09:41:37] glendaloc exiles [Sign in Blood] with with [Sickening Shoal]'s ability.
[09:41:37] Madman_quail casts [Sickening Shoal] using an alternate cost targeting [Merrow Reejerey]. (X is 2).
[09:41:49] Turn 3: Madman_quail
[09:41:53] Madman_quail plays [Swamp].
[09:41:56] Madman_quail casts [Augur of Skulls].
[09:41:57] Turn 4: glendaloc
[09:42:02] glendaloc plays [Island].
[09:42:05] glendaloc casts [Merrow Reejerey].
[09:42:10] Madman_quail is being attacked by [Mist-Cloaked Herald].
[09:42:21] Turn 4: Madman_quail
[09:42:24] Madman_quail plays [Vault of Whispers].
[09:42:26] Madman_quail casts [Phylactery Lich].
[09:42:35] Turn 5: glendaloc
[09:42:41] glendaloc casts [Merfolk Sovereign].
[09:42:44] glendaloc puts triggered ability from [Merrow Reejerey] onto the stack targeting [Phylactery Lich] (Whenever you cast a Merfolk spell, you may tap or untap target permanent.).
[09:42:46] glendaloc taps [Phylactery Lich].
[09:42:52] Madman_quail is being attacked by [Merrow Reejerey] and [Mist-Cloaked Herald].
[09:43:02] Turn 5: Madman_quail
[09:43:10] Madman_quail plays [Mishra's Factory].
[09:43:15] glendaloc is being attacked by [Phylactery Lich].
[09:43:23] Turn 6: glendaloc
[09:43:35] glendaloc casts [Mist-Cloaked Herald].
[09:43:43] glendaloc puts triggered ability from [Merrow Reejerey] onto the stack targeting [Augur of Skulls] (Whenever you cast a Merfolk spell, you may tap or untap target permanent.).
[09:43:46] glendaloc taps [Augur of Skulls].
[09:43:58] Madman_quail is being attacked by [Merrow Reejerey] and [Mist-Cloaked Herald].
[09:44:08] Madman_quail activates an ability of [Mishra's Factory] ( Mishra's Factory becomes a 2/2 Assembly-Worker artifact creature until end of turn. It's still a ...).
[09:44:13] glendaloc activates an ability of [Merfolk Sovereign] targeting [Merrow Reejerey] ( Target Merfolk creature can't be blocked this turn.).
[09:44:29] Turn 6: Madman_quail
[09:44:39] Madman_quail casts [Pelakka Predation] targeting glendaloc.
[09:44:48] Madman_quail has conceded from the game.
Winner: glendaloc
Game 1 Completed.
[09:44:54] Madman_quail has left the game.

Game 738157824

[Time] 1602197199
[09:46:39] PDBot has started watching.
[09:46:46] Madman_quail chooses to play first.
[09:46:50] Madman_quail begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[09:46:59] glendaloc begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[09:46:59] Turn 1: Madman_quail
[09:47:00] Madman_quail skips their draw step.
[09:47:03] Madman_quail plays [Pelakka Caverns].
[09:47:04] Turn 1: glendaloc
[09:47:10] glendaloc casts [Gitaxian Probe] targeting Madman_quail.
[09:47:15] glendaloc draws a card with [Gitaxian Probe].
[09:47:17] glendaloc plays [Island].
[09:47:20] glendaloc casts [Merfolk Windrobber].
[09:47:24] Turn 2: Madman_quail
[09:47:28] Madman_quail plays [Vault of Whispers].
[09:47:29] Madman_quail casts [Witch's Oven].
[09:47:32] Madman_quail casts [Cursed Scroll].
[09:47:33] Turn 2: glendaloc
[09:47:41] glendaloc plays [Island].
[09:47:45] glendaloc casts [Aquitect's Will] targeting [Pelakka Caverns].
[09:47:45] glendaloc draws a card with [Aquitect's Will].
[09:47:48] glendaloc casts [Curious Obsession] targeting [Merfolk Windrobber].
[09:47:51] Madman_quail is being attacked by [Merfolk Windrobber].
[09:47:57] glendaloc puts triggered ability from [Merfolk Windrobber] onto the stack (Whenever Merfolk Windrobber deals combat damage to a player, that player mills a card.).
[09:47:57] glendaloc puts triggered ability from [Merfolk Windrobber] onto the stack (Whenever this creature deals combat damage to a player, you may draw a card.).
[09:47:58] glendaloc draws a card with [Merfolk Windrobber]'s ability.
[09:47:59] Madman_quail mills [Sign in Blood].
[09:48:02] Turn 3: Madman_quail
[09:48:07] Madman_quail plays [Swamp].
[09:48:12] Madman_quail casts [Phylactery Lich].
[09:48:17] Turn 3: glendaloc
[09:48:22] glendaloc plays [Island].
[09:48:25] glendaloc casts [Merrow Reejerey].
[09:48:31] Madman_quail is being attacked by [Merfolk Windrobber].
[09:48:37] glendaloc puts triggered ability from [Merfolk Windrobber] onto the stack (Whenever Merfolk Windrobber deals combat damage to a player, that player mills a card.).
[09:48:37] glendaloc puts triggered ability from [Merfolk Windrobber] onto the stack (Whenever this creature deals combat damage to a player, you may draw a card.).
[09:48:40] glendaloc draws a card with [Merfolk Windrobber]'s ability.
[09:48:41] Madman_quail mills [Mishra's Factory].
[09:48:46] Turn 4: Madman_quail
[09:48:52] Madman_quail casts [Hymn to Tourach] targeting glendaloc.
[09:48:55] glendaloc discards [Merfolk Sovereign].
[09:48:55] glendaloc discards [Merfolk Sovereign].
[09:48:56] Madman_quail plays [Swamp].
[09:49:05] Madman_quail casts [Sign in Blood] targeting Madman_quail.
[09:49:08] Madman_quail draws two cards with [Sign in Blood].
[09:49:13] glendaloc is being attacked by [Phylactery Lich].
[09:49:18] Turn 4: glendaloc
[09:49:24] glendaloc casts [Gitaxian Probe] targeting Madman_quail.
[09:49:37] glendaloc draws a card with [Gitaxian Probe].
[09:49:42] glendaloc plays [Island].
[09:50:13] glendaloc casts [Merfolk Sovereign].
[09:50:16] glendaloc puts triggered ability from [Merrow Reejerey] onto the stack targeting [Island] (Whenever you cast a Merfolk spell, you may tap or untap target permanent.).
[09:50:20] glendaloc untaps [Island].
[09:50:37] Madman_quail is being attacked by [Merrow Reejerey] and [Merfolk Windrobber].
[09:50:43] glendaloc puts triggered ability from [Merfolk Windrobber] onto the stack (Whenever Merfolk Windrobber deals combat damage to a player, that player mills a card.).
[09:50:43] glendaloc puts triggered ability from [Merfolk Windrobber] onto the stack (Whenever this creature deals combat damage to a player, you may draw a card.).
[09:50:46] glendaloc draws a card with [Merfolk Windrobber]'s ability.
[09:50:48] Madman_quail mills [Cauldron Familiar].
[09:50:52] glendaloc casts [Aquitect's Will] targeting [Vault of Whispers].
[09:50:56] glendaloc puts triggered ability from [Merrow Reejerey] onto the stack targeting [Island] (Whenever you cast a Merfolk spell, you may tap or untap target permanent.).
[09:50:58] glendaloc untaps [Island].
[09:51:01] glendaloc draws a card with [Aquitect's Will].
[09:51:08] Turn 5: Madman_quail
[09:51:13] Madman_quail plays [Vault of Whispers].
[09:51:17] Madman_quail casts [Ritual of Soot].
[09:51:25] glendaloc is being attacked by [Phylactery Lich].
[09:51:30] Turn 5: glendaloc
[09:51:34] glendaloc plays [Island].
[09:51:36] glendaloc casts [Merrow Reejerey].
[09:51:41] glendaloc casts [Master of the Pearl Trident].
[09:51:44] glendaloc puts triggered ability from [Merrow Reejerey] onto the stack targeting [Pelakka Caverns] (Whenever you cast a Merfolk spell, you may tap or untap target permanent.).
[09:51:48] glendaloc taps [Pelakka Caverns].
[09:51:55] Turn 6: Madman_quail
[09:52:04] glendaloc is being attacked by [Phylactery Lich].
[09:52:13] Madman_quail plays [Swamp].
[09:52:15] Madman_quail casts [Augur of Skulls].
[09:52:20] Madman_quail activates an ability of [Cursed Scroll] targeting glendaloc ( Choose a card name, then reveal a card at random from your hand. If that card has the chosen name...).
[09:52:20] glendaloc has conceded from the game.
Winner: Madman_quail
Game 2 Completed.
[09:52:27] Madman_quail has left the game.

Game 738158462

[Time] 1602197670
[09:54:30] PDBot has started watching.
[09:54:32] glendaloc joined the game.
[09:54:54] glendaloc chooses to play first.
[09:54:59] glendaloc begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[09:55:10] Madman_quail begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[09:55:10] Turn 1: glendaloc
[09:55:19] glendaloc skips their draw step.
[09:55:21] glendaloc plays [Island].
[09:55:26] glendaloc casts [Gitaxian Probe] targeting Madman_quail.
[09:55:37] glendaloc draws a card with [Gitaxian Probe].
[09:55:41] glendaloc casts [Cursecatcher].
[09:55:47] Turn 1: Madman_quail
[09:55:53] Madman_quail plays [Vault of Whispers].
[09:55:56] Madman_quail casts [Witch's Oven].
[09:55:58] Turn 2: glendaloc
[09:56:05] glendaloc plays [Island].
[09:56:10] glendaloc reveals [Mist-Cloaked Herald] with [Silvergill Adept]'s ability.
[09:56:10] glendaloc casts [Silvergill Adept] (revealing [Mist-Cloaked Herald]).
[09:56:10] glendaloc puts triggered ability from [Silvergill Adept] onto the stack (When Silvergill Adept enters the battlefield, draw a card.).
[09:56:11] glendaloc draws a card with [Silvergill Adept]'s ability.
[09:56:15] Madman_quail is being attacked by [Cursecatcher].
[09:56:19] Turn 2: Madman_quail
[09:56:23] Madman_quail plays [Vault of Whispers].
[09:56:24] Madman_quail casts [Cauldron Familiar].
[09:56:27] Madman_quail puts triggered ability from [Cauldron Familiar] onto the stack (When Cauldron Familiar enters the battlefield, each opponent loses 1 life and you gain 1 life.).
[09:56:33] Madman_quail activates an ability of [Witch's Oven] ( Create a Food token. If the sacrificed creature's toughness was four or greater, create two Food ...).
[09:56:34] Madman_quail's [Witch's Oven] creates a Food token.
[09:56:36] Madman_quail casts [Bone Picker].
[09:56:42] Turn 3: glendaloc
[09:56:46] glendaloc plays [Island].
[09:56:52] glendaloc casts [Merfolk Sovereign].
[09:56:58] Madman_quail is being attacked by [Silvergill Adept] and [Cursecatcher].
[09:57:02] [Bone Picker] blocks [Cursecatcher].
[09:57:12] Madman_quail activates an ability of [Cauldron Familiar] ( Return Cauldron Familiar from your graveyard to the battlefield.).
[09:57:13] Madman_quail puts triggered ability from [Cauldron Familiar] onto the stack (When Cauldron Familiar enters the battlefield, each opponent loses 1 life and you gain 1 life.).
[09:57:18] Turn 3: Madman_quail
[09:57:22] Madman_quail plays [Swamp].
[09:57:25] Madman_quail casts [Feed the Swarm] targeting [Merfolk Sovereign].
[09:57:36] Turn 4: glendaloc
[09:57:43] glendaloc casts [Gitaxian Probe] targeting Madman_quail.
[09:57:49] glendaloc draws a card with [Gitaxian Probe].
[09:57:52] glendaloc casts [Master of the Pearl Trident].
[09:57:58] Madman_quail is being attacked by [Silvergill Adept].
[09:58:01] [Cauldron Familiar] blocks [Silvergill Adept].
[09:58:06] Madman_quail activates an ability of [Witch's Oven] ( Create a Food token. If the sacrificed creature's toughness was four or greater, create two Food ...).
[09:58:06] Madman_quail's [Witch's Oven] creates a Food token.
[09:58:14] Madman_quail activates an ability of [Cauldron Familiar] ( Return Cauldron Familiar from your graveyard to the battlefield.).
[09:58:16] Madman_quail puts triggered ability from [Cauldron Familiar] onto the stack (When Cauldron Familiar enters the battlefield, each opponent loses 1 life and you gain 1 life.).
[09:58:21] Turn 4: Madman_quail
[09:58:27] Madman_quail plays [Swamp].
[09:58:29] Madman_quail casts [Feed the Swarm] targeting [Master of the Pearl Trident].
[09:58:38] Madman_quail casts [Sign in Blood] targeting Madman_quail.
[09:58:40] glendaloc casts [Spell Pierce] targeting [Sign in Blood].
[09:58:54] Turn 5: glendaloc
[09:58:58] glendaloc plays [Island].
[09:59:00] glendaloc casts [Mist-Cloaked Herald].
[09:59:04] glendaloc casts [Merfolk Sovereign].
[09:59:09] Madman_quail is being attacked by [Silvergill Adept].
[09:59:13] [Cauldron Familiar] blocks [Silvergill Adept].
[09:59:18] Madman_quail activates an ability of [Witch's Oven] ( Create a Food token. If the sacrificed creature's toughness was four or greater, create two Food ...).
[09:59:18] Madman_quail's [Witch's Oven] creates a Food token.
[09:59:31] Madman_quail activates an ability of [Cauldron Familiar] ( Return Cauldron Familiar from your graveyard to the battlefield.).
[09:59:32] Madman_quail puts triggered ability from [Cauldron Familiar] onto the stack (When Cauldron Familiar enters the battlefield, each opponent loses 1 life and you gain 1 life.).
[09:59:36] Turn 5: Madman_quail
[09:59:42] Madman_quail casts [Phylactery Lich].
[09:59:55] Turn 6: glendaloc
[10:00:01] glendaloc casts [Merrow Reejerey].
[10:00:13] glendaloc activates an ability of [Merfolk Sovereign] targeting [Silvergill Adept] ( Target Merfolk creature can't be blocked this turn.).
[10:00:21] glendaloc casts [Mist-Cloaked Herald].
[10:00:24] glendaloc puts triggered ability from [Merrow Reejerey] onto the stack targeting [Merfolk Sovereign] (Whenever you cast a Merfolk spell, you may tap or untap target permanent.).
[10:00:27] glendaloc untaps [Merfolk Sovereign].
[10:00:40] Madman_quail is being attacked by [Mist-Cloaked Herald] and [Silvergill Adept].
[10:00:50] Madman_quail activates an ability of [Witch's Oven] ( Create a Food token. If the sacrificed creature's toughness was four or greater, create two Food ...).
[10:00:51] Madman_quail's [Witch's Oven] creates a Food token.
[10:00:54] Madman_quail activates an ability of [Cauldron Familiar] ( Return Cauldron Familiar from your graveyard to the battlefield.).
[10:00:56] Madman_quail puts triggered ability from [Cauldron Familiar] onto the stack (When Cauldron Familiar enters the battlefield, each opponent loses 1 life and you gain 1 life.).
[10:01:02] Turn 6: Madman_quail
[10:01:17] Madman_quail casts [Sign in Blood] targeting Madman_quail.
[10:01:19] Madman_quail draws two cards with [Sign in Blood].
[10:01:26] Madman_quail has conceded from the game.
Winner: glendaloc
Game 3 Completed.
Match Winner: glendaloc: 2–1
[10:01:31] Madman_quail has left the game.