PDBot Stats

Game 738095098

[Time] 1602133889
[16:11:29] PDBot has started watching.
[16:11:30] TwelveZimmer joined the game.
[League] Pox by goat314 (103330) vs Affinity by twelvezimmer (103332)
[16:11:32] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[16:11:41] goat314 chooses to play first.
[16:11:46] goat314 mulligans to six cards.
[16:11:55] TwelveZimmer mulligans to six cards.
[16:11:59] goat314 mulligans to five cards.
[16:11:59] CreatedStepTrigger: OnlyOpponents
[16:12:06] TwelveZimmer puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[16:12:09] [CHAT] TwelveZimmer: glhf
[16:12:13] goat314 puts two cards on the bottom of their library and begins the game with five cards in hand.
[16:12:13] Turn 1: goat314
[16:12:13] goat314 skips their draw step.
[16:12:14] goat314 plays [Swamp].
[16:12:22] Turn 1: TwelveZimmer
[16:12:25] TwelveZimmer plays [Darksteel Citadel].
[16:12:27] TwelveZimmer casts [Ornithopter].
[16:12:30] TwelveZimmer casts [Welding Jar].
[16:12:32] TwelveZimmer casts [Frogmite].
[16:12:38] goat314 discards [Barren Moor].
[16:12:38] goat314 cycles [Barren Moor].
[16:12:44] Turn 2: goat314
[16:12:48] goat314 plays [Mishra's Factory].
[16:12:51] goat314 casts [Duress] targeting TwelveZimmer.
[16:12:57] TwelveZimmer reveals their hand to [Duress], containing [Etched Champion], [Spined Thopter], and [Mishra's Factory].
[16:13:00] Turn 2: TwelveZimmer
[16:13:03] TwelveZimmer plays [Vault of Whispers].
[16:13:09] TwelveZimmer casts [Spined Thopter].
[16:13:19] goat314 is being attacked by [Frogmite].
[16:13:26] Turn 3: goat314
[16:13:33] goat314 plays [Swamp].
[16:13:37] goat314 casts [Hymn to Tourach] targeting TwelveZimmer.
[16:13:39] TwelveZimmer discards [Mishra's Factory].
[16:13:39] TwelveZimmer discards [Etched Champion].
[16:13:41] Turn 3: TwelveZimmer
[16:13:44] TwelveZimmer casts [Gingerbrute].
[16:13:53] goat314 is being attacked by [Gingerbrute], [Spined Thopter], and [Frogmite].
[16:13:57] Turn 4: goat314
[16:14:16] Turn 4: TwelveZimmer
[16:14:19] TwelveZimmer casts [Gingerbrute].
[16:14:32] goat314 is being attacked by [Gingerbrute], [Gingerbrute], [Spined Thopter], and [Frogmite].
[16:14:36] goat314 activates an ability of [Mishra's Factory] ( Mishra's Factory becomes a 2/2 Assembly-Worker artifact creature until end of turn. It's still a ...).
[16:14:44] [Mishra's Factory] blocks [Frogmite].
[16:14:50] goat314 activates an ability of [Mishra's Factory] targeting [Mishra's Factory] ( Target Assembly-Worker creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn.).
[16:14:55] TwelveZimmer activates an ability of [Welding Jar] targeting [Frogmite] ( Regenerate target artifact.).
[16:15:13] goat314 casts [Cling to Dust] targeting [Etched Champion].
[16:15:19] Turn 5: goat314
[16:15:24] goat314 casts [Sign in Blood] targeting goat314.
[16:15:26] goat314 draws two cards with [Sign in Blood].
[16:15:27] CreatedStepTrigger: OnlyOpponents
[16:15:28] goat314 plays [Swamp].
[16:15:36] Turn 5: TwelveZimmer
[16:15:44] TwelveZimmer casts [Springleaf Drum].
[16:15:57] goat314 activates an ability of [Mishra's Factory] ( Mishra's Factory becomes a 2/2 Assembly-Worker artifact creature until end of turn. It's still a ...).
[16:16:04] TwelveZimmer activates an ability of [Gingerbrute] ( Gingerbrute can't be blocked this turn except by creatures with haste.).
[16:16:10] TwelveZimmer activates an ability of [Gingerbrute] ( Gingerbrute can't be blocked this turn except by creatures with haste.).
[16:16:20] goat314 is being attacked by [Gingerbrute], [Gingerbrute], and [Spined Thopter].
[16:16:26] Turn 6: goat314
[16:16:31] goat314 plays [Swamp].
[16:16:33] CreatedStepTrigger: OnlyOpponents
[16:16:33] goat314 casts [Davriel, Rogue Shadowmage].
[16:16:35] CreatedStepTrigger: OnlyOpponents
[16:16:37] Turn 6: TwelveZimmer
[16:16:37] goat314 puts triggered ability from [Davriel, Rogue Shadowmage] onto the stack (At the beginning of each opponent's upkeep, if that player has one or fewer cards in hand, Davriel...).
[16:16:47] TwelveZimmer casts [Cranial Plating].
[16:16:53] goat314 has conceded from the game.
Winner: TwelveZimmer
Game 1 Completed.

Game 738095406

[Time] 1602134254
[16:17:35] PDBot has started watching.
[16:17:42] goat314 chooses to play first.
[16:17:48] goat314 begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[16:18:09] TwelveZimmer begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[16:18:09] Turn 1: goat314
[16:18:10] goat314 skips their draw step.
[16:18:16] goat314 plays [Swamp].
[16:18:18] goat314 casts [Cursed Scroll].
[16:18:23] Turn 1: TwelveZimmer
[16:18:25] TwelveZimmer plays [Darksteel Citadel].
[16:18:29] TwelveZimmer casts [Signal Pest].
[16:18:35] Turn 2: goat314
[16:18:40] goat314 plays [Swamp].
[16:18:42] goat314 casts [Smallpox].
[16:18:42] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Smallpox[sU] has an advantageous bug.
The client incorrectly display that you may choose to discard either the Adventure or the creature side of an Adventure card
[16:18:46] TwelveZimmer has conceded from the game.
Winner: goat314
Game 2 Completed.

Game 738095492

[Time] 1602134344
[16:19:05] PDBot has started watching.
[16:19:06] TwelveZimmer chooses to play first.
[16:19:06] CreatedStepTrigger: OnlyOpponents
[16:19:13] TwelveZimmer mulligans to six cards.
[16:19:16] goat314 begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[16:19:21] TwelveZimmer mulligans to five cards.
[16:19:32] TwelveZimmer puts two cards on the bottom of their library and begins the game with five cards in hand.
[16:19:32] Turn 1: TwelveZimmer
[16:19:32] TwelveZimmer skips their draw step.
[16:19:33] TwelveZimmer plays [Mishra's Factory].
[16:19:37] TwelveZimmer casts [Signal Pest].
[16:19:42] Turn 1: goat314
[16:19:48] goat314 plays [Swamp].
[16:20:09] goat314 casts [Wretched Banquet] targeting [Signal Pest].
[16:20:14] Turn 2: TwelveZimmer
[16:20:16] TwelveZimmer plays [Island].
[16:20:19] TwelveZimmer casts [Gingerbrute].
[16:20:24] TwelveZimmer casts [Gingerbrute].
[16:20:28] goat314 is being attacked by [Gingerbrute] and [Gingerbrute].
[16:20:30] Turn 2: goat314
[16:20:30] CreatedStepTrigger: OnlyOpponents
[16:20:33] goat314 plays [Mishra's Factory].
[16:20:37] Turn 3: TwelveZimmer
[16:20:42] TwelveZimmer casts [Ensoul Artifact] targeting [Gingerbrute].
[16:20:53] goat314 is being attacked by [Gingerbrute].
[16:21:04] Turn 3: goat314
[16:21:10] goat314 plays [Swamp].
[16:21:13] CreatedStepTrigger: OnlyOpponents
[16:21:13] goat314 casts [Davriel, Rogue Shadowmage].
[16:21:15] CreatedStepTrigger: OnlyOpponents
[16:21:18] goat314 activates an ability of [Davriel, Rogue Shadowmage] targeting TwelveZimmer ( Target player discards a card.).
[16:21:23] TwelveZimmer discards [Etched Champion].
[16:21:30] Turn 4: TwelveZimmer
[16:21:30] goat314 puts triggered ability from [Davriel, Rogue Shadowmage] onto the stack (At the beginning of each opponent's upkeep, if that player has one or fewer cards in hand, Davriel...).
[16:21:38] TwelveZimmer casts [Cranial Plating].
[16:21:50] goat314 is being attacked by [Gingerbrute].
[16:22:00] Turn 4: goat314
[16:22:00] CreatedStepTrigger: OnlyOpponents
[16:23:12] goat314 casts [Smallpox].
[16:23:22] goat314 chooses a card from their hand.
[16:23:22] goat314 discards [Davriel, Rogue Shadowmage].
[16:23:22] CreatedStepTrigger: OnlyOpponents
[16:23:24] TwelveZimmer sacrifices [Gingerbrute].
[16:23:27] goat314 sacrifices [Swamp].
[16:23:30] TwelveZimmer sacrifices [Island].
[16:23:32] goat314 plays [Swamp].
[16:23:39] Turn 5: TwelveZimmer
[16:23:40] goat314 puts triggered ability from [Davriel, Rogue Shadowmage] onto the stack (At the beginning of each opponent's upkeep, if that player has one or fewer cards in hand, Davriel...).
[16:23:43] TwelveZimmer plays [Vault of Whispers].
[16:23:49] TwelveZimmer activates an ability of [Cranial Plating] targeting [Gingerbrute] (Equip {1}).
[16:23:56] TwelveZimmer activates an ability of [Gingerbrute] ( Gingerbrute can't be blocked this turn except by creatures with haste.).
[16:24:03] goat314 has conceded from the game.
Winner: TwelveZimmer
Game 3 Completed.
Match Winner: TwelveZimmer: 2–1