PDBot Stats

Game 735813828

[Time] 1600288075
[06:27:56] PDBot has started watching.
[06:27:56] TealBaron joined the game.
[League] Heroic by bakert99 (97847) vs Cat Tribal by tealbaron (99872)
[06:27:58] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[06:28:05] [CHAT] TealBaron: howdy tom!
[06:28:06] [CHAT] TealBaron: glhf
[06:28:07] TealBaron chooses to play first.
[06:28:09] [CHAT] bakert99: you too :)
[06:28:15] TealBaron begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[06:28:18] bakert99 mulligans to six cards.
[06:28:28] bakert99 puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[06:28:28] Turn 1: TealBaron
[06:28:34] TealBaron skips their draw step.
[06:28:38] TealBaron plays [Swamp].
[06:28:39] TealBaron casts [Diregraf Ghoul].
[06:28:42] Turn 1: bakert99
[06:28:44] bakert99 plays [Plains].
[06:28:47] bakert99 casts [Dryad Militant].
[06:28:49] Turn 2: TealBaron
[06:28:54] TealBaron plays [Swamp].
[06:28:57] TealBaron casts [Duress] targeting bakert99.
[06:29:20] bakert99 discards [Ajani's Presence].
[06:29:20] bakert99 reveals their hand to [Duress], containing [Plains], [Favored Hoplite], [Angelic Gift], and [Plains].
[06:29:26] bakert99 is being attacked by [Diregraf Ghoul].
[06:29:28] [Dryad Militant] blocks [Diregraf Ghoul].
[06:29:32] TealBaron casts [Diregraf Ghoul].
[06:29:33] Turn 2: bakert99
[06:29:36] bakert99 plays [Plains].
[06:29:38] bakert99 casts [Favored Hoplite].
[06:29:40] Turn 3: TealBaron
[06:29:44] TealBaron casts [Duress] targeting bakert99.
[06:29:48] bakert99 discards [Angelic Gift].
[06:29:49] bakert99 reveals their hand to [Duress], containing [Angelic Gift] and [Plains].
[06:29:53] bakert99 is being attacked by [Diregraf Ghoul].
[06:29:56] Turn 3: bakert99
[06:30:03] bakert99 casts [Angelic Gift] targeting [Favored Hoplite].
[06:30:03] bakert99 puts triggered ability from [Favored Hoplite] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a spell that targets Favored Hoplite, put a +1/+1 counter on Favored Hoplite and...).
[06:30:05] bakert99 puts triggered ability from [Angelic Gift] onto the stack (When Angelic Gift enters the battlefield, draw a card.).
[06:30:07] bakert99 draws a card with [Angelic Gift]'s ability.
[06:30:10] bakert99 plays [Plains].
[06:30:12] bakert99 casts [Favored Hoplite].
[06:30:15] TealBaron is being attacked by [Favored Hoplite].
[06:30:17] Turn 4: TealBaron
[06:30:19] TealBaron plays [Swamp].
[06:30:38] TealBaron casts [Lord of the Undead].
[06:30:41] bakert99 is being attacked by [Diregraf Ghoul].
[06:30:43] Turn 4: bakert99
[06:30:55] TealBaron is being attacked by [Favored Hoplite] and [Favored Hoplite].
[06:31:01] bakert99 casts [Phalanx Leader].
[06:31:03] bakert99 casts [Favored Hoplite].
[06:31:05] Turn 5: TealBaron
[06:31:11] [CHAT] TealBaron: uh oh
[06:31:14] [CHAT] TealBaron: this will be sketchy for me
[06:31:29] TealBaron casts [Death Baron].
[06:31:32] bakert99 is being attacked by [Lord of the Undead] and [Diregraf Ghoul].
[06:31:38] Turn 5: bakert99
[06:32:37] bakert99 casts [Gird for Battle] targeting [Phalanx Leader], and [Favored Hoplite].
[06:32:40] bakert99 puts triggered ability from [Phalanx Leader] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a spell that targets Phalanx Leader, put a +1/+1 counter on each creature you co...).
[06:32:40] bakert99 puts triggered ability from [Favored Hoplite] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a spell that targets Favored Hoplite, put a +1/+1 counter on Favored Hoplite and...).
[06:33:00] TealBaron is being attacked by [Phalanx Leader], [Favored Hoplite], and [Favored Hoplite].
[06:33:24] Turn 6: TealBaron
[06:33:28] TealBaron plays [Swamp].
[06:33:29] TealBaron casts [Death Baron].
[06:33:33] bakert99 is being attacked by [Death Baron], [Lord of the Undead], and [Diregraf Ghoul].
[06:33:37] bakert99 has conceded from the game.
Winner: TealBaron
Game 1 Completed.

Game 735814338

[Time] 1600288474
[06:34:35] PDBot has started watching.
[06:34:36] bakert99 chooses to play first.
[06:34:39] bakert99 begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[06:34:46] TealBaron mulligans to six cards.
[06:34:50] TealBaron mulligans to five cards.
[06:34:57] TealBaron puts two cards on the bottom of their library and begins the game with five cards in hand.
[06:34:57] Turn 1: bakert99
[06:34:59] bakert99 skips their draw step.
[06:35:01] bakert99 plays [Plains].
[06:35:03] bakert99 casts [Favored Hoplite].
[06:35:04] Turn 1: TealBaron
[06:35:06] TealBaron plays [Swamp].
[06:35:08] TealBaron casts [Sarcomancy].
[06:35:08] TealBaron puts triggered ability from [Sarcomancy] onto the stack (When Sarcomancy enters the battlefield, create a 2/2 black Zombie creature token.).
[06:35:10] TealBaron's [Sarcomancy] creates a Zombie token.
[06:35:12] Turn 2: bakert99
[06:35:23] TealBaron is being attacked by [Favored Hoplite].
[06:35:28] bakert99 plays [Plains].
[06:35:31] bakert99 casts [Dauntless Bodyguard].
[06:35:35] Turn 2: TealBaron
[06:35:38] TealBaron plays [Swamp].
[06:35:40] TealBaron casts [Diregraf Ghoul].
[06:35:49] TealBaron casts [Dark Salvation] targeting TealBaron, and [Favored Hoplite]. (X is 0).
[06:36:04] bakert99 casts [Ajani's Presence] targeting [Favored Hoplite].
[06:36:04] bakert99 puts triggered ability from [Favored Hoplite] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a spell that targets Favored Hoplite, put a +1/+1 counter on Favored Hoplite and...).
[06:36:12] bakert99 is being attacked by [Zombie] token.
[06:36:19] [Dauntless Bodyguard] blocks [Zombie] token.
[06:36:23] Turn 3: bakert99
[06:36:26] bakert99 plays [Plains].
[06:36:28] bakert99 casts [Phalanx Leader].
[06:36:32] TealBaron is being attacked by [Favored Hoplite].
[06:36:34] Turn 3: TealBaron
[06:36:37] TealBaron plays [Swamp].
[06:36:41] bakert99 is being attacked by [Diregraf Ghoul].
[06:36:50] Turn 4: bakert99
[06:36:56] TealBaron is being attacked by [Phalanx Leader] and [Favored Hoplite].
[06:37:01] bakert99 casts [Defiant Strike] targeting [Phalanx Leader].
[06:37:01] bakert99 puts triggered ability from [Phalanx Leader] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a spell that targets Phalanx Leader, put a +1/+1 counter on each creature you co...).
[06:37:04] bakert99 draws a card with [Defiant Strike].
[06:37:08] bakert99 plays [Plains].
[06:37:10] Turn 4: TealBaron
[06:37:12] TealBaron plays [Swamp].
[06:37:14] TealBaron casts [Lazotep Reaver].
[06:37:16] TealBaron puts triggered ability from [Lazotep Reaver] onto the stack (When Lazotep Reaver enters the battlefield, amass one.).
[06:37:18] TealBaron's [Lazotep Reaver] creates a Zombie Army token.
[06:37:23] bakert99 is being attacked by [Diregraf Ghoul].
[06:37:31] Turn 5: bakert99
[06:37:36] bakert99 casts [Gird for Battle] targeting [Favored Hoplite], and [Phalanx Leader].
[06:37:38] bakert99 puts triggered ability from [Phalanx Leader] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a spell that targets Phalanx Leader, put a +1/+1 counter on each creature you co...).
[06:37:38] bakert99 puts triggered ability from [Favored Hoplite] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a spell that targets Favored Hoplite, put a +1/+1 counter on Favored Hoplite and...).
[06:37:45] TealBaron is being attacked by [Phalanx Leader] and [Favored Hoplite].
[06:37:48] [Zombie Army] token blocks [Favored Hoplite].
[06:37:50] 1 damage caused by [Zombie Army] token to [Favored Hoplite] is prevented.
[06:37:52] Turn 5: TealBaron
[06:37:56] TealBaron casts [Diregraf Ghoul].
[06:38:00] bakert99 is being attacked by [Diregraf Ghoul].
[06:38:07] Turn 6: bakert99
[06:38:12] TealBaron is being attacked by [Phalanx Leader] and [Favored Hoplite].
[06:38:14] [Lazotep Reaver] blocks [Favored Hoplite].
[06:38:23] bakert99 casts [Ajani's Presence] targeting [Phalanx Leader].
[06:38:23] bakert99 puts triggered ability from [Phalanx Leader] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a spell that targets Phalanx Leader, put a +1/+1 counter on each creature you co...).
[06:38:31] bakert99 casts [Ajani's Presence] targeting [Phalanx Leader].
[06:38:32] bakert99 puts triggered ability from [Phalanx Leader] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a spell that targets Phalanx Leader, put a +1/+1 counter on each creature you co...).
[06:38:32] TealBaron has conceded from the game.
Winner: bakert99
Game 2 Completed.
[06:38:36] TealBaron has left the game.

Game 735814694

[Time] 1600288735
[06:38:55] PDBot has started watching.
[06:39:00] TealBaron chooses to play first.
[06:39:03] TealBaron begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[06:39:05] bakert99 begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[06:39:05] Turn 1: TealBaron
[06:39:08] TealBaron skips their draw step.
[06:39:09] TealBaron plays [Swamp].
[06:39:11] TealBaron casts [Sarcomancy].
[06:39:11] TealBaron puts triggered ability from [Sarcomancy] onto the stack (When Sarcomancy enters the battlefield, create a 2/2 black Zombie creature token.).
[06:39:13] TealBaron's [Sarcomancy] creates a Zombie token.
[06:39:15] Turn 1: bakert99
[06:39:18] bakert99 plays [Plains].
[06:39:20] bakert99 casts [Dauntless Bodyguard].
[06:39:21] Turn 2: TealBaron
[06:39:27] TealBaron plays [Swamp].
[06:39:50] TealBaron casts [Sarcomancy].
[06:39:50] TealBaron puts triggered ability from [Sarcomancy] onto the stack (When Sarcomancy enters the battlefield, create a 2/2 black Zombie creature token.).
[06:39:50] TealBaron's [Sarcomancy] creates a Zombie token.
[06:39:52] Turn 2: bakert99
[06:39:56] bakert99 plays [Plains].
[06:39:58] bakert99 casts [Phalanx Leader].
[06:40:01] Turn 3: TealBaron
[06:40:03] TealBaron plays [Swamp].
[06:40:29] TealBaron casts [Duress] targeting bakert99.
[06:40:39] bakert99 discards [Ajani's Presence].
[06:40:39] bakert99 reveals their hand to [Duress], containing [Plains], [Phalanx Leader], [Plains], and [Plains].
[06:41:10] Turn 3: bakert99
[06:41:17] bakert99 plays [Plains].
[06:41:25] TealBaron is being attacked by [Dauntless Bodyguard].
[06:41:31] bakert99 casts [Phalanx Leader].
[06:41:33] bakert99 casts [Favored Hoplite].
[06:41:34] Turn 4: TealBaron
[06:41:45] TealBaron plays [Lake of the Dead].
[06:41:46] TealBaron sacrifices [Swamp].
[06:42:14] TealBaron casts [Dark Salvation] targeting TealBaron, and [Phalanx Leader]. (X is 3).
[06:42:15] TealBaron's [Dark Salvation] creates three Zombie tokens.
[06:42:19] bakert99 is being attacked by [Zombie] token and [Zombie] token.
[06:42:26] Turn 4: bakert99
[06:42:33] bakert99 plays [Plains].
[06:42:37] bakert99 casts [White Knight].
[06:42:39] Turn 5: TealBaron
[06:42:42] TealBaron plays [Swamp].
[06:42:47] TealBaron casts [Death Baron].
[06:42:48] TealBaron casts [Undead Augur].
[06:42:53] bakert99 is being attacked by [Zombie] token, [Zombie] token, [Zombie] token, [Zombie] token, and [Zombie] token.
[06:42:59] [White Knight] blocks [Zombie] token.
[06:43:01] [Dauntless Bodyguard] blocks [Zombie] token.
[06:43:04] bakert99 has conceded from the game.
Winner: TealBaron
Game 3 Completed.
Match Winner: TealBaron: 2–1
[06:43:09] bakert99 has left the game.