PDBot Stats

Game 735661658

[Time] 1600117645
[07:07:26] PDBot has started watching.
[07:07:26] Carmandor joined the game.
[League] Dimir Midrange by half_cadence (98164) vs Hermit Worldgorger by carmandor (98395)
[07:07:28] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[07:07:31] Carmandor chooses to play first.
[07:07:40] [CHAT] Carmandor: gl
[07:07:42] Carmandor begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[07:07:45] [CHAT] half_cadence: gl hf :)
[07:07:48] half_cadence mulligans to six cards.
[07:08:00] half_cadence puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[07:08:00] Turn 1: Carmandor
[07:08:01] Carmandor skips their draw step.
[07:08:03] Carmandor plays [Thornwood Falls].
[07:08:03] Carmandor puts triggered ability from [Thornwood Falls] onto the stack (When Thornwood Falls enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life.).
[07:08:11] Turn 1: half_cadence
[07:08:14] half_cadence plays [Bad River].
[07:08:17] Turn 2: Carmandor
[07:08:21] Carmandor plays [Temple of Malady].
[07:08:21] Carmandor puts triggered ability from [Temple of Malady] onto the stack (When Temple of Malady enters the battlefield, scry 1.).
[07:08:26] Carmandor puts 1 card on top of their library.
[07:08:29] Carmandor casts [Hapless Researcher].
[07:08:34] Turn 2: half_cadence
[07:08:39] half_cadence plays [Swamp].
[07:08:41] half_cadence activates an ability of [Bad River] ( Search your library for an Island or Swamp card, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle your l...).
[07:08:48] half_cadence casts [Mire Triton].
[07:08:50] half_cadence puts triggered ability from [Mire Triton] onto the stack (When Mire Triton enters the battlefield, mill two cards and you gain 2 life.).
[07:08:51] half_cadence mills [Swamp] and [Distended Mindbender].
[07:08:51] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Distended Mindbender[sU] has a disadvantageous bug.
When only some cards from an opponent's hand are revealed, they do not appear in the revealed zone
[07:08:54] Turn 3: Carmandor
[07:08:56] Carmandor plays [Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers].
[07:09:07] Carmandor casts [Hermit Druid].
[07:09:13] Turn 3: half_cadence
[07:09:27] half_cadence plays [Island].
[07:09:32] half_cadence casts [Jorubai Murk Lurker].
[07:09:42] Turn 4: Carmandor
[07:09:45] Carmandor plays [Sunscorched Desert].
[07:09:48] Carmandor puts triggered ability from [Sunscorched Desert] onto the stack targeting half_cadence (When Sunscorched Desert enters the battlefield, it deals 1 damage to target player or planeswalker...).
[07:09:54] Carmandor casts [Hermit Druid].
[07:10:00] Carmandor activates an ability of [Hermit Druid] ( Reveal cards from the top of your library until you reveal a basic land card. Put that card into ...).
[07:10:00] Carmandor reveals [Sunscorched Desert].
[07:10:00] Carmandor reveals [Compulsive Research].
[07:10:00] Carmandor reveals [Hermit Druid].
[07:10:00] Carmandor reveals [Hermit Druid].
[07:10:00] Carmandor reveals [Temple of Mystery].
[07:10:00] Carmandor reveals [Memory's Journey].
[07:10:01] Carmandor reveals [Thornwood Falls].
[07:10:01] Carmandor reveals [Frantic Search].
[07:10:01] Carmandor reveals [Animate Dead].
[07:10:01] Carmandor reveals [Frantic Search].
[07:10:01] Carmandor reveals [Temple of Mystery].
[07:10:01] Carmandor reveals [Animate Dead].
[07:10:01] Carmandor reveals [Compulsive Research].
[07:10:01] Carmandor reveals [Worldgorger Dragon].
[07:10:01] Carmandor reveals [Piranha Marsh].
[07:10:01] Carmandor reveals [Temple of Mystery].
[07:10:01] Carmandor reveals [Dread Return].
[07:10:01] Carmandor reveals [Birds of Paradise].
[07:10:01] Carmandor reveals [Temple of Malady].
[07:10:01] Carmandor reveals [Temple of Malady].
[07:10:01] Carmandor reveals [Hapless Researcher].
[07:10:01] Carmandor reveals [Thornwood Falls].
[07:10:01] Carmandor reveals [Crumbling Vestige].
[07:10:01] Carmandor reveals [Animate Dead].
[07:10:01] Carmandor reveals [Animate Dead].
[07:10:01] Carmandor reveals [Compulsive Research].
[07:10:01] Carmandor reveals [Worldgorger Dragon].
[07:10:01] Carmandor reveals [Sunscorched Desert].
[07:10:01] Carmandor reveals [Compulsive Research].
[07:10:01] Carmandor reveals [Piranha Marsh].
[07:10:01] Carmandor reveals [Hapless Researcher].
[07:10:01] Carmandor reveals [Thornwood Falls].
[07:10:01] Carmandor reveals [Hapless Researcher].
[07:10:01] Carmandor reveals [Angel of Glory's Rise].
[07:10:01] Carmandor reveals [Worldgorger Dragon].
[07:10:01] Carmandor reveals [Frantic Search].
[07:10:01] Carmandor reveals [Crumbling Vestige].
[07:10:01] Carmandor reveals [Birds of Paradise].
[07:10:01] Carmandor reveals [Laboratory Maniac].
[07:10:01] Carmandor reveals [Sunscorched Desert].
[07:10:01] Carmandor reveals [Birds of Paradise].
[07:10:01] Carmandor reveals [Piranha Marsh].
[07:10:01] Carmandor reveals [Piranha Marsh].
[07:10:01] Carmandor reveals [Pathrazer of Ulamog].
[07:10:01] Carmandor reveals [Birds of Paradise].
[07:10:01] Carmandor reveals [Dread Return].
[07:10:01] Carmandor reveals [Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers].
[07:10:01] Carmandor reveals [Temple of Mystery].
[07:10:01] Carmandor reveals [Frantic Search].
[07:10:01] Carmandor reveals [Temple of Malady].
[07:10:01] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Compulsive Research[sU] has an advantageous bug.
Dredging rather than drawing can let you avoid discarding in a specific case
Our data about this bug is out of date.  Please let us know if this card is still bugged (or if it's been fixed).
You can do so by PM'ing this bot, or by typing `!stillbugged Compulsive Research` or `!notbugged Compulsive Research`
[07:10:10] Carmandor casts [Dread Return] from the graveyard using an alternate cost targeting [Angel of Glory's Rise].
[07:10:10] Carmandor puts triggered ability from [Angel of Glory's Rise] onto the stack (When Angel of Glory's Rise enters the battlefield, exile all Zombies, then return all Human creatu...).
[07:10:16] Carmandor activates an ability of [Hapless Researcher] ( Draw a card, then discard a card.).
[07:10:16] Carmandor draws a card with [Hapless Researcher]'s ability.
[07:10:16] Carmandor wins the game by drawing a card while their library has no cards in it.
Winner: Carmandor
Game 1 Completed.
[07:10:21] Carmandor has left the game.

Game 735662048

[Time] 1600117919
[07:12:00] PDBot has started watching.
[07:12:15] half_cadence chooses to play first.
[07:12:25] half_cadence begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[07:12:27] Carmandor begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[07:12:27] Turn 1: half_cadence
[07:12:27] half_cadence skips their draw step.
[07:12:30] half_cadence plays [Island].
[07:12:43] Turn 1: Carmandor
[07:12:46] Carmandor plays [Thornwood Falls].
[07:12:46] Carmandor puts triggered ability from [Thornwood Falls] onto the stack (When Thornwood Falls enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life.).
[07:12:54] half_cadence casts [Opt].
[07:12:58] half_cadence puts 1 card on the bottom of their library.
[07:12:58] half_cadence draws a card with [Opt].
[07:13:02] Turn 2: half_cadence
[07:13:05] half_cadence plays [Swamp].
[07:13:08] half_cadence casts [Soul-Guide Lantern].
[07:13:10] half_cadence puts triggered ability from [Soul-Guide Lantern] onto the stack targeting [Opt] (When Soul-Guide Lantern enters the battlefield, exile target card from a graveyard.).
[07:13:19] Turn 2: Carmandor
[07:13:24] Carmandor plays [Thornwood Falls].
[07:13:24] Carmandor puts triggered ability from [Thornwood Falls] onto the stack (When Thornwood Falls enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life.).
[07:13:33] Turn 3: half_cadence
[07:13:35] half_cadence plays [Swamp].
[07:13:42] Turn 3: Carmandor
[07:13:45] Carmandor plays [Temple of Mystery].
[07:13:45] Carmandor puts triggered ability from [Temple of Mystery] onto the stack (When Temple of Mystery enters the battlefield, scry 1.).
[07:13:54] Carmandor puts 1 card on the bottom of their library.
[07:14:02] Turn 4: half_cadence
[07:14:10] Turn 4: Carmandor
[07:14:13] Carmandor plays [Piranha Marsh].
[07:14:16] Carmandor puts triggered ability from [Piranha Marsh] onto the stack targeting half_cadence (When Piranha Marsh enters the battlefield, target player loses 1 life.).
[07:14:25] Turn 5: half_cadence
[07:14:28] half_cadence plays [Dismal Backwater].
[07:14:28] half_cadence puts triggered ability from [Dismal Backwater] onto the stack (When Dismal Backwater enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life.).
[07:14:38] Turn 5: Carmandor
[07:14:42] Carmandor plays [Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers].
[07:14:47] Carmandor casts [Acorn Harvest].
[07:14:50] Carmandor's [Acorn Harvest] creates two Squirrel tokens.
[07:14:58] Turn 6: half_cadence
[07:15:04] half_cadence casts [Entomber Exarch].
[07:15:10] half_cadence puts triggered ability from [Entomber Exarch] onto the stack targeting Carmandor (Target opponent reveals their hand. You choose a noncreature card from it. That player discards th...).
[07:15:25] Carmandor discards [Return to Nature].
[07:15:25] Carmandor reveals their hand to [Entomber Exarch]'s ability, containing [Angel of Glory's Rise], [Sunscorched Desert], [Hermit Druid], [Worldgorger Dragon], and [Hapless Researcher].
[07:15:39] Turn 6: Carmandor
[07:15:48] Carmandor plays [Sunscorched Desert].
[07:15:51] Carmandor puts triggered ability from [Sunscorched Desert] onto the stack targeting half_cadence (When Sunscorched Desert enters the battlefield, it deals 1 damage to target player or planeswalker...).
[07:16:01] Carmandor casts [Hermit Druid].
[07:16:13] Carmandor casts [Hapless Researcher].
[07:16:33] Turn 7: half_cadence
[07:17:04] half_cadence casts [Moment of Craving] targeting [Hermit Druid].
[07:17:25] Turn 7: Carmandor
[07:17:28] Carmandor plays [Piranha Marsh].
[07:17:31] Carmandor puts triggered ability from [Piranha Marsh] onto the stack targeting half_cadence (When Piranha Marsh enters the battlefield, target player loses 1 life.).
[07:17:43] Turn 8: half_cadence
[07:17:46] half_cadence plays [Bad River].
[07:18:00] Turn 8: Carmandor
[07:18:14] Turn 9: half_cadence
[07:18:18] half_cadence activates an ability of [Bad River] ( Search your library for an Island or Swamp card, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle your l...).
[07:18:30] half_cadence casts [Distended Mindbender], emerging from [Entomber Exarch].
[07:18:30] half_cadence puts triggered ability from [Distended Mindbender] onto the stack targeting Carmandor (When you cast this spell, target opponent reveals their hand. You choose from it a nonland card wi...).
[07:18:51] Carmandor discards [Angel of Glory's Rise].
[07:18:51] Carmandor discards [Animate Dead].
[07:18:51] Carmandor discards [Angel of Glory's Rise] and [Animate Dead] to [Distended Mindbender]'s ability.
[07:19:06] Turn 9: Carmandor
[07:19:20] Turn 10: half_cadence
[07:19:23] half_cadence plays [Island].
[07:19:29] Carmandor is being attacked by [Distended Mindbender].
[07:19:33] [Squirrel] token blocks [Distended Mindbender].
[07:19:48] half_cadence casts [Phyrexian Rager].
[07:19:51] half_cadence puts triggered ability from [Phyrexian Rager] onto the stack (When Phyrexian Rager enters the battlefield, you draw a card and you lose 1 life.).
[07:19:54] half_cadence draws a card with [Phyrexian Rager]'s ability.
[07:19:59] Turn 10: Carmandor
[07:20:17] Turn 11: half_cadence
[07:20:23] half_cadence casts [Thought Erasure] targeting Carmandor.
[07:20:28] Carmandor discards [Animate Dead].
[07:20:28] Carmandor reveals their hand to [Thought Erasure], containing [Worldgorger Dragon], [Birds of Paradise], and [Worldgorger Dragon].
[07:20:32] half_cadence puts [Swamp] into their graveyard.
[07:20:40] Carmandor is being attacked by [Phyrexian Rager] and [Distended Mindbender].
[07:20:44] [Squirrel] token blocks [Distended Mindbender].
[07:20:51] Turn 11: Carmandor
[07:20:54] Carmandor plays [Piranha Marsh].
[07:20:57] Carmandor puts triggered ability from [Piranha Marsh] onto the stack targeting half_cadence (When Piranha Marsh enters the battlefield, target player loses 1 life.).
[07:21:05] Carmandor casts [Acorn Harvest] from the graveyard using an alternate cost.
[07:21:08] Carmandor's [Acorn Harvest] creates two Squirrel tokens.
[07:21:13] half_cadence is being attacked by [Hapless Researcher].
[07:21:22] Turn 12: half_cadence
[07:21:33] Carmandor is being attacked by [Phyrexian Rager] and [Distended Mindbender].
[07:21:36] [Squirrel] token blocks [Distended Mindbender].
[07:21:42] half_cadence plays [Bad River].
[07:21:59] half_cadence casts [Tombstalker].
[07:22:07] Turn 12: Carmandor
[07:22:16] Carmandor casts [Birds of Paradise].
[07:22:21] Turn 13: half_cadence
[07:22:29] Carmandor is being attacked by [Tombstalker], [Phyrexian Rager], and [Distended Mindbender].
[07:22:33] [Squirrel] token blocks [Distended Mindbender].
[07:22:34] [Birds of Paradise] blocks [Tombstalker].
[07:22:46] half_cadence casts [Entomber Exarch].
[07:22:53] half_cadence puts triggered ability from [Entomber Exarch] onto the stack targeting Carmandor (Target opponent reveals their hand. You choose a noncreature card from it. That player discards th...).
[07:22:58] Carmandor discards [Animate Dead].
[07:22:58] Carmandor reveals their hand to [Entomber Exarch]'s ability, containing [Worldgorger Dragon] and [Worldgorger Dragon].
[07:23:05] Carmandor activates an ability of [Hapless Researcher] ( Draw a card, then discard a card.).
[07:23:07] Carmandor draws a card with [Hapless Researcher]'s ability.
[07:23:09] Carmandor discards [Worldgorger Dragon].
[07:23:11] Turn 13: Carmandor
[07:23:17] Carmandor casts [Compulsive Research] targeting Carmandor.
[07:23:21] Carmandor draws three cards with [Compulsive Research].
[07:23:30] Carmandor discards [Temple of Malady].
[07:23:34] Carmandor casts [Hermit Druid].
[07:23:40] Carmandor casts [Hermit Druid].
[07:23:54] half_cadence activates an ability of [Bad River] ( Search your library for an Island or Swamp card, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle your l...).
[07:24:07] half_cadence casts [Forbidden Alchemy].
[07:24:12] half_cadence puts [Dismal Backwater], [Lonely Sandbar], and [Island] into their graveyard.
[07:24:18] Turn 14: half_cadence
[07:24:27] half_cadence casts [Moment of Craving] targeting [Hermit Druid].
[07:24:33] half_cadence casts [Tyrant's Scorn] targeting [Hermit Druid] (Destroy target creature with converted mana cost 3 or less.).
[07:24:37] Carmandor has conceded from the game.
Winner: half_cadence
Game 2 Completed.

Game 735663130

[Time] 1600118700
[07:25:01] PDBot has started watching.
[07:25:05] Carmandor mulligans to six cards.
[07:25:11] half_cadence begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[07:25:16] Carmandor puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[07:25:16] Turn 1: Carmandor
[07:25:17] Carmandor skips their draw step.
[07:25:18] Carmandor plays [Temple of Malady].
[07:25:18] Carmandor puts triggered ability from [Temple of Malady] onto the stack (When Temple of Malady enters the battlefield, scry 1.).
[07:25:23] Carmandor puts 1 card on the bottom of their library.
[07:25:30] Turn 1: half_cadence
[07:25:32] half_cadence plays [Bad River].
[07:25:35] Turn 2: Carmandor
[07:25:39] Carmandor casts [Birds of Paradise].
[07:25:42] Carmandor plays [Thornwood Falls].
[07:25:42] Carmandor puts triggered ability from [Thornwood Falls] onto the stack (When Thornwood Falls enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life.).
[07:25:47] Turn 2: half_cadence
[07:25:50] half_cadence activates an ability of [Bad River] ( Search your library for an Island or Swamp card, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle your l...).
[07:25:55] half_cadence plays [Island].
[07:25:58] half_cadence casts [Thought Erasure] targeting Carmandor.
[07:26:04] Carmandor discards [Frantic Search].
[07:26:04] Carmandor reveals their hand to [Thought Erasure], containing [Worldgorger Dragon], [Piranha Marsh], and [Frantic Search].
[07:26:09] half_cadence puts 1 card on top of their library.
[07:26:13] Turn 3: Carmandor
[07:26:19] Carmandor casts [Frantic Search].
[07:26:20] Carmandor draws two cards with [Frantic Search].
[07:26:33] Carmandor discards [Worldgorger Dragon].
[07:26:33] Carmandor discards [Piranha Marsh].
[07:26:38] Carmandor plays [Piranha Marsh].
[07:26:41] Carmandor puts triggered ability from [Piranha Marsh] onto the stack targeting half_cadence (When Piranha Marsh enters the battlefield, target player loses 1 life.).
[07:26:47] Turn 3: half_cadence
[07:26:53] half_cadence casts [Thought Erasure] targeting Carmandor.
[07:26:57] Carmandor discards [Return to Nature].
[07:26:58] Carmandor reveals their hand to [Thought Erasure], containing [Birds of Paradise].
[07:27:02] half_cadence puts [Swamp] into their graveyard.
[07:27:09] half_cadence plays [Dismal Backwater].
[07:27:09] half_cadence puts triggered ability from [Dismal Backwater] onto the stack (When Dismal Backwater enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life.).
[07:27:13] Turn 4: Carmandor
[07:27:18] Carmandor casts [Hapless Researcher].
[07:27:22] Carmandor activates an ability of [Hapless Researcher] ( Draw a card, then discard a card.).
[07:27:22] Carmandor draws a card with [Hapless Researcher]'s ability.
[07:27:26] Carmandor discards [Crumbling Vestige].
[07:27:28] Carmandor casts [Birds of Paradise].
[07:27:33] Turn 4: half_cadence
[07:27:36] half_cadence plays [Swamp].
[07:27:44] Turn 5: Carmandor
[07:27:53] Turn 5: half_cadence
[07:27:58] Turn 6: Carmandor
[07:28:01] Carmandor plays [Thornwood Falls].
[07:28:01] Carmandor puts triggered ability from [Thornwood Falls] onto the stack (When Thornwood Falls enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life.).
[07:28:06] Carmandor casts [Hermit Druid].
[07:28:14] half_cadence casts [Sinister Sabotage] targeting [Hermit Druid].
[07:28:19] half_cadence puts 1 card on top of their library.
[07:28:29] Turn 6: half_cadence
[07:28:32] half_cadence plays [Lonely Sandbar].
[07:28:37] Turn 7: Carmandor
[07:28:44] Carmandor casts [Animate Dead] targeting [Worldgorger Dragon].
[07:28:56] Carmandor puts triggered ability from [Animate Dead] onto the stack (When Animate Dead enters the battlefield, if it's on the battlefield, it loses 'enchant creature c...).
[07:29:05] Carmandor puts triggered ability from [Worldgorger Dragon] onto the stack (When Worldgorger Dragon enters the battlefield, exile all other permanents you control.).
[07:29:15] half_cadence casts [Vraska's Contempt] targeting [Worldgorger Dragon].
[07:29:18] Carmandor puts triggered ability from [Animate Dead] onto the stack (When this leaves the battlefield, the enchanted creature's controller sacrifices it.).
[07:29:18] Carmandor puts triggered ability from [Worldgorger Dragon] onto the stack (When Worldgorger Dragon leaves the battlefield, return the exiled cards to the battlefield under t...).
[07:29:27] Turn 7: half_cadence
[07:29:40] Carmandor has conceded from the game.
Winner: half_cadence
Game 3 Completed.
Match Winner: half_cadence: 2–1
[07:29:44] Carmandor draws their next card.