PDBot Stats

Game 722030996

[Time] 1589595694
[12:21:35] PDBot has started watching.
[12:21:35] A_A_RAWN joined the game.
[League] Llanowar by ozizi (76274) vs Enchantments Matter by a_a_rawn (76262)
[12:21:38] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[12:21:40] OZIZI chooses to play first.
[12:21:46] OZIZI begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[12:21:49] [CHAT] A_A_RAWN: sorry, wrong deck
[12:21:51] [CHAT] A_A_RAWN: one sec
[12:21:53] [CHAT] OZIZI: ok
[12:21:55] OZIZI has conceded from the game.
[12:21:55] OZIZI has lost connection to the game.
Winner: A_A_RAWN
Game 1 Completed.