PDBot Stats

Game 721970072

[Time] 1589563747
[03:29:08] PDBot has started watching.
[League] Reanimate by catacuio (76227) vs Mermaids 2 by shredmorten (76224)
[03:29:11] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[03:29:14] Catacuio chooses to play first.
[03:29:18] Catacuio mulligans to six cards.
[03:29:24] Shredmorten begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[03:29:26] Catacuio mulligans to five cards.
[03:29:39] Catacuio puts two cards on the bottom of their library and begins the game with five cards in hand.
[03:29:39] Turn 1: Catacuio
[03:29:40] Catacuio skips their draw step.
[03:29:42] Catacuio plays [Swamp].
[03:29:51] Turn 1: Shredmorten
[03:29:55] Shredmorten plays [Island].
[03:29:57] Shredmorten casts [Mistcaller].
[03:30:08] Turn 2: Catacuio
[03:30:24] Catacuio plays [Swamp].
[03:30:28] Catacuio casts [Oona's Prowler].
[03:30:34] Catacuio discards [Pathrazer of Ulamog].
[03:30:34] Catacuio activates an ability of [Oona's Prowler] ( Oona's Prowler gets -2/-0 until end of turn.).
[03:30:47] Turn 2: Shredmorten
[03:30:53] Shredmorten plays [Island].
[03:31:19] Shredmorten reveals [Mistcaller] with [Silvergill Adept]'s ability.
[03:31:19] Shredmorten casts [Silvergill Adept] (revealing [Mistcaller]).
[03:31:29] Shredmorten puts triggered ability from [Silvergill Adept] onto the stack (When Silvergill Adept enters the battlefield, draw a card.).
[03:31:33] Shredmorten draws a card with [Silvergill Adept]'s ability.
[03:31:42] Turn 3: Catacuio
[03:31:51] Shredmorten is being attacked by [Oona's Prowler].
[03:32:05] Shredmorten exiles [Oona's Prowler] with with [Soul Exchange]'s ability.
[03:32:05] Catacuio casts [Soul Exchange] targeting [Pathrazer of Ulamog].
[03:32:10] Shredmorten activates an ability of [Mistcaller] ( Until end of turn, if a nontoken creature would enter the battlefield and it wasn't cast, exile i...).
[03:32:24] Catacuio has conceded from the game.
Winner: Shredmorten
Game 1 Completed.

Game 721970604

[Time] 1589564040
[03:34:00] PDBot has started watching.
[03:34:03] Catacuio mulligans to six cards.
[03:34:06] Shredmorten begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[03:34:08] Catacuio mulligans to five cards.
[03:34:26] Catacuio puts two cards on the bottom of their library and begins the game with five cards in hand.
[03:34:26] Turn 1: Catacuio
[03:34:27] Catacuio skips their draw step.
[03:34:28] Catacuio plays [Swamp].
[03:34:30] Catacuio casts [Putrid Imp].
[03:34:39] Turn 1: Shredmorten
[03:34:43] Shredmorten plays [Island].
[03:34:45] Shredmorten casts [Mistcaller].
[03:34:53] Turn 2: Catacuio
[03:34:58] Catacuio plays [Tendo Ice Bridge].
[03:35:03] Catacuio discards [Ulamog's Crusher].
[03:35:03] Catacuio activates an ability of [Putrid Imp] ( Putrid Imp gains flying until end of turn.).
[03:35:12] Shredmorten is being attacked by [Putrid Imp].
[03:35:20] Catacuio casts [Putrid Imp].
[03:35:26] Turn 2: Shredmorten
[03:35:31] Shredmorten plays [Island].
[03:35:42] Turn 3: Catacuio
[03:35:50] Shredmorten is being attacked by [Putrid Imp] and [Putrid Imp].
[03:35:59] Catacuio plays [Swamp].
[03:36:02] Shredmorten casts [Opt].
[03:36:11] Shredmorten puts 1 card on the bottom of their library.
[03:36:11] Shredmorten draws a card with [Opt].
[03:36:17] Shredmorten casts [Opt].
[03:36:27] Shredmorten puts 1 card on top of their library.
[03:36:27] Shredmorten draws a card with [Opt].
[03:36:30] Turn 3: Shredmorten
[03:36:33] Shredmorten plays [Island].
[03:36:37] Shredmorten casts [Merrow Reejerey].
[03:36:47] Catacuio is being attacked by [Mistcaller].
[03:36:57] Turn 4: Catacuio
[03:37:01] Catacuio casts [Duress] targeting Shredmorten.
[03:37:15] Shredmorten discards [Negate].
[03:37:15] Shredmorten reveals their hand to [Duress], containing [Mana Leak], [Island], [Control Magic], and [Mana Leak].
[03:37:19] Catacuio plays [Swamp].
[03:37:29] Turn 4: Shredmorten
[03:37:34] Shredmorten plays [Island].
[03:37:41] Shredmorten casts [Merfolk Sovereign].
[03:37:43] Shredmorten puts triggered ability from [Merrow Reejerey] onto the stack targeting [Island] (Whenever you cast a Merfolk spell, you may tap or untap target permanent.).
[03:37:49] Catacuio has conceded from the game.
[03:37:49] Catacuio has lost connection to the game.
Winner: Shredmorten
Game 2 Completed.
Match Winner: Shredmorten: 2–0