PDBot Stats

Game 719824346

[Time] 1588123013
[11:16:54] PDBot has started watching.
[11:16:54] Phyrexian_Machinist joined the game.
[Gatherling] Event=Pauper Classic Tuesdays 7.52
[Gatherling] Round=2
[11:17:05] [CHAT] Phyrexian_Machinist: gl hf
[11:17:06] Christd chooses to play first.
[11:17:11] [CHAT] Christd: you too
[11:17:16] [CHAT] Christd: oooppps stop here
[11:17:25] [CHAT] Christd: i took the wrong deck lol
[11:17:34] [CHAT] Christd: lets restart a game
[11:17:38] [CHAT] Phyrexian_Machinist: ok
[11:17:50] [CHAT] Christd: sorry :D
[11:17:52] Christd has conceded from the game.
Winner: Phyrexian_Machinist
Game 1 Completed.
[11:17:56] Christd has left the game.