PDBot Stats

Game 691545434

[Time] 1570970751
[23:45:51] PDBot has started watching.
[23:45:51] Carmandor joined the game.
[23:45:51] 4423 joined the game.
[League] Mono Red Deck Wins Byvci by carmandor (62628) vs White Weenie by 4423 (62629)
[23:45:54] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[23:45:59] 4423 chooses to play first.
[23:46:03] 4423 mulligans to six cards.
[23:46:12] [CHAT] Carmandor: gl
[23:46:14] Carmandor mulligans to six cards.
[23:46:37] 4423 puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[23:46:42] Carmandor puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[23:46:42] Turn 1: 4423
[23:46:42] 4423 skips their draw step.
[23:46:43] [CHAT] 4423: glhf
[23:46:46] 4423 plays [Plains].
[23:46:47] 4423 casts [Dryad Militant].
[23:46:51] Turn 1: Carmandor
[23:46:54] Carmandor plays [Mountain].
[23:46:57] Carmandor casts [Rakdos Cackler].
[23:47:02] Turn 2: 4423
[23:47:04] 4423 plays [Plains].
[23:47:09] 4423 casts [Benevolent Bodyguard].
[23:47:18] Carmandor is being attacked by [Dryad Militant].
[23:47:22] Turn 2: Carmandor
[23:47:26] Carmandor plays [Mountain].
[23:47:28] Carmandor casts [Ash Zealot].
[23:47:35] 4423 is being attacked by [Ash Zealot] and [Rakdos Cackler].
[23:47:43] Turn 3: 4423
[23:47:45] 4423 plays [Plains].
[23:47:50] 4423 casts [Bygone Bishop].
[23:47:57] Carmandor is being attacked by [Benevolent Bodyguard] and [Dryad Militant].
[23:48:02] Turn 3: Carmandor
[23:48:06] Carmandor plays [Mountain].
[23:48:13] Carmandor casts [Burst Lightning] targeting [Benevolent Bodyguard].
[23:48:18] 4423 activates an ability of [Benevolent Bodyguard] targeting [Bygone Bishop] ( Target creature you control gains protection from the color of your choice until end of turn.).
[23:48:21] Carmandor casts [Incinerate] targeting [Bygone Bishop].
[23:48:25] 4423's Benevolent Bodyguard is removed from the stack because it has no legal targets.
[23:48:26] Carmandor's [Burst Lightning] is removed from the stack because it has no legal targets.
[23:48:29] 4423 is being attacked by [Ash Zealot] and [Rakdos Cackler].
[23:48:34] Turn 4: 4423
[23:48:37] 4423 plays [Plains].
[23:48:39] 4423 casts [Angel of Jubilation].
[23:48:47] Carmandor is being attacked by [Dryad Militant].
[23:48:51] Turn 4: Carmandor
[23:48:55] Carmandor plays [Mountain].
[23:48:57] Carmandor casts [Viashino Pyromancer].
[23:49:02] Carmandor puts triggered ability from [Viashino Pyromancer] onto the stack targeting 4423 (When Viashino Pyromancer enters the battlefield, it deals 2 damage to target player or planeswalke...).
[23:49:05] Carmandor casts [Stormblood Berserker].
[23:49:10] Turn 5: 4423
[23:49:39] 4423 casts [Vryn Wingmare].
[23:49:43] 4423 casts [Icatian Javelineers].
[23:50:09] Turn 5: Carmandor
[23:50:20] Turn 6: 4423
[23:50:26] Carmandor is being attacked by [Vryn Wingmare].
[23:50:35] 4423 plays [Plains].
[23:50:37] Turn 6: Carmandor
[23:50:41] Carmandor plays [Mountain].
[23:50:56] Carmandor casts [Ash Zealot].
[23:51:04] 4423 is being attacked by [Ash Zealot], [Stormblood Berserker], [Viashino Pyromancer], [Ash Zealot], and [Rakdos Cackler].
[23:51:14] [Icatian Javelineers] blocks [Rakdos Cackler].
[23:51:18] [Angel of Jubilation] blocks [Ash Zealot].
[23:51:33] 4423 activates an ability of [Icatian Javelineers] targeting [Viashino Pyromancer] ( Icatian Javelineers deals 1 damage to any target.).
[23:51:45] Turn 7: 4423
[23:51:57] Carmandor is being attacked by [Vryn Wingmare], [Angel of Jubilation], and [Dryad Militant].
[23:52:03] Carmandor has conceded from the game.
Winner: 4423
Game 1 Completed.

Game 691545954

[Time] 1570971292
[23:54:52] PDBot has started watching.
[23:55:07] Carmandor chooses to play first.
[23:55:10] Carmandor begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[23:55:12] 4423 mulligans to six cards.
[23:55:22] 4423 puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[23:55:22] Turn 1: Carmandor
[23:55:24] Carmandor skips their draw step.
[23:55:25] Carmandor plays [Mountain].
[23:55:27] Carmandor casts [Village Messenger].
[23:55:30] 4423 is being attacked by [Village Messenger].
[23:55:34] Turn 1: 4423
[23:55:36] 4423 plays [Plains].
[23:55:40] Turn 2: Carmandor
[23:55:40] Carmandor puts triggered ability from [Village Messenger] onto the stack (At the beginning of each upkeep, if no spells were cast last turn, transform Village Messenger.).
[23:55:45] Carmandor plays [Mountain].
[23:55:48] 4423 is being attacked by [Moonrise Intruder].
[23:55:52] Carmandor casts [Viashino Pyromancer].
[23:55:56] Carmandor puts triggered ability from [Viashino Pyromancer] onto the stack targeting 4423 (When Viashino Pyromancer enters the battlefield, it deals 2 damage to target player or planeswalke...).
[23:56:00] Turn 2: 4423
[23:56:02] 4423 plays [Plains].
[23:56:04] 4423 casts [Eight-and-a-Half-Tails].
[23:56:14] Turn 3: Carmandor
[23:56:20] Carmandor casts [Burst Lightning] targeting [Eight-and-a-Half-Tails].
[23:56:25] 4423 is being attacked by [Viashino Pyromancer] and [Moonrise Intruder].
[23:56:29] Turn 3: 4423
[23:56:30] 4423 plays [Plains].
[23:56:45] 4423 casts [Bygone Bishop].
[23:56:49] Turn 4: Carmandor
[23:56:58] Carmandor casts [Incinerate] targeting [Bygone Bishop].
[23:57:02] 4423 is being attacked by [Viashino Pyromancer] and [Moonrise Intruder].
[23:57:06] Turn 4: 4423
[23:57:15] 4423 casts [Bygone Bishop].
[23:57:38] Turn 5: Carmandor
[23:57:43] Carmandor casts [Incinerate] targeting [Bygone Bishop].
[23:57:47] 4423 is being attacked by [Viashino Pyromancer] and [Moonrise Intruder].
[23:57:51] Turn 5: 4423
[23:57:54] 4423 plays [Plains].
[23:58:05] 4423 casts [Magus of the Moat].
[23:58:14] Turn 6: Carmandor
[23:58:17] Carmandor plays [Mountain].
[23:58:19] Carmandor casts [Chain Lightning] targeting [Magus of the Moat].
[23:58:23] 4423 has conceded from the game.
Winner: Carmandor
Game 2 Completed.
[23:58:30] 4423 has left the game.

Game 691546332

[Time] 1570971662
[00:01:03] PDBot has started watching.
[00:01:04] 4423 chooses to play first.
[00:01:08] 4423 begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[00:01:10] Carmandor begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[00:01:10] Turn 1: 4423
[00:01:11] 4423 skips their draw step.
[00:01:12] 4423 plays [Plains].
[00:01:16] Turn 1: Carmandor
[00:01:19] Carmandor plays [Mountain].
[00:01:21] Carmandor casts [Village Messenger].
[00:01:26] 4423 is being attacked by [Village Messenger].
[00:01:31] Turn 2: 4423
[00:01:32] 4423 plays [Plains].
[00:01:34] 4423 casts [Samurai of the Pale Curtain].
[00:01:35] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Samurai of the Pale Curtain[sU] has a disadvantageous bug.
Samurai of the Pale Curtain does not exile tokens.
Our data about this bug is out of date.  Please let us know if this card is still bugged (or if it's been fixed).
You can do so by PM'ing this bot, or by typing `!stillbugged Samurai of the Pale Curtain` or `!notbugged Samurai of the Pale Curtain`
[00:01:38] Turn 2: Carmandor
[00:01:45] Carmandor plays [Mountain].
[00:01:48] Carmandor casts [Viashino Pyromancer].
[00:01:51] Carmandor puts triggered ability from [Viashino Pyromancer] onto the stack targeting 4423 (When Viashino Pyromancer enters the battlefield, it deals 2 damage to target player or planeswalke...).
[00:01:58] Turn 3: 4423
[00:02:00] 4423 plays [Plains].
[00:02:03] 4423 casts [Samurai of the Pale Curtain].
[00:02:05] 4423 casts [Icatian Javelineers].
[00:02:12] Carmandor is being attacked by [Samurai of the Pale Curtain].
[00:02:16] Turn 3: Carmandor
[00:02:21] Carmandor plays [Mountain].
[00:02:24] Carmandor casts [Village Messenger].
[00:02:30] 4423 is being attacked by [Village Messenger], [Viashino Pyromancer], and [Village Messenger].
[00:02:55] [Samurai of the Pale Curtain] blocks [Viashino Pyromancer].
[00:02:57] 4423 puts triggered ability from [Samurai of the Pale Curtain] onto the stack (Bushido 1).
[00:03:04] Carmandor casts [Stormblood Berserker].
[00:03:07] Turn 4: 4423
[00:03:12] 4423 plays [Plains].
[00:03:59] 4423 casts [Angel of Jubilation].
[00:04:02] Turn 4: Carmandor
[00:04:18] Carmandor casts [Village Messenger].
[00:04:33] 4423 activates an ability of [Icatian Javelineers] targeting [Village Messenger] ( Icatian Javelineers deals 1 damage to any target.).
[00:04:37] Turn 5: 4423
[00:04:39] 4423 plays [Plains].
[00:04:47] Carmandor is being attacked by [Angel of Jubilation], [Icatian Javelineers], [Samurai of the Pale Curtain], and [Samurai of the Pale Curtain].
[00:05:25] Carmandor casts [Incinerate] targeting [Angel of Jubilation].
[00:05:45] 4423 casts [Magus of the Moat].
[00:05:49] Turn 5: Carmandor
[00:05:54] Carmandor plays [Mountain].
[00:05:55] Carmandor casts [Chain Lightning] targeting [Magus of the Moat].
[00:06:03] 4423 is being attacked by [Stormblood Berserker], [Village Messenger], and [Village Messenger].
[00:06:08] Turn 6: 4423
[00:06:40] Carmandor is being attacked by [Samurai of the Pale Curtain] and [Samurai of the Pale Curtain].
[00:06:48] 4423 casts [Knight of the White Orchid].
[00:06:51] 4423 casts [Benevolent Bodyguard].
[00:06:59] Turn 6: Carmandor
[00:07:05] Carmandor plays [Mountain].
[00:07:14] Turn 7: 4423
[00:07:15] Carmandor puts triggered ability from [Village Messenger] onto the stack (At the beginning of each upkeep, if no spells were cast last turn, transform Village Messenger.).
[00:07:15] Carmandor puts triggered ability from [Village Messenger] onto the stack (At the beginning of each upkeep, if no spells were cast last turn, transform Village Messenger.).
[00:07:32] Carmandor is being attacked by [Samurai of the Pale Curtain] and [Samurai of the Pale Curtain].
[00:07:40] 4423 casts [Bygone Bishop].
[00:07:59] Turn 7: Carmandor
[00:10:50] Turn 8: 4423
[00:11:40] Carmandor is being attacked by [Bygone Bishop].
[00:11:55] Carmandor casts [Burst Lightning] (with kicker) targeting 4423.
[00:11:59] Turn 8: Carmandor
[00:12:14] 4423 is being attacked by [Stormblood Berserker], [Moonrise Intruder], and [Moonrise Intruder].
[00:12:26] [Benevolent Bodyguard] blocks [Stormblood Berserker].
[00:12:28] [Icatian Javelineers] blocks [Stormblood Berserker].
[00:12:30] [Samurai of the Pale Curtain] blocks [Moonrise Intruder].
[00:12:31] [Samurai of the Pale Curtain] blocks [Moonrise Intruder].
[00:12:50] [Knight of the White Orchid] blocks [Moonrise Intruder].
[00:12:52] Illegal blocking - @B[Moonrise Intruder] can't be blocked except by 2 or more creatures, but only 1 are assigned to block it.
[00:12:55] [Samurai of the Pale Curtain] stops blocking.
[00:12:58] [Samurai of the Pale Curtain] blocks [Moonrise Intruder].
[00:12:59] [Samurai of the Pale Curtain] stops blocking.
[00:13:04] [Samurai of the Pale Curtain] blocks [Moonrise Intruder].
[00:13:11] Blockers for [Stormblood Berserker] are ordered as follows: [Icatian Javelineers], [Benevolent Bodyguard]
[00:13:12] Blockers for [Moonrise Intruder] are ordered as follows: [Samurai of the Pale Curtain], [Samurai of the Pale Curtain], [Knight of the White Orchid]
[00:13:12] 4423 puts triggered ability from [Samurai of the Pale Curtain] onto the stack (Bushido 1).
[00:13:12] 4423 puts triggered ability from [Samurai of the Pale Curtain] onto the stack (Bushido 1).
[00:13:20] 4423 activates an ability of [Benevolent Bodyguard] targeting [Icatian Javelineers] ( Target creature you control gains protection from the color of your choice until end of turn.).
[00:13:23] 4423 chooses red.
[00:13:35] Carmandor casts [Flame Javelin] targeting 4423.
Winner: Carmandor
Game 3 Completed.
Match Winner: Carmandor: 2–1
[00:13:46] 4423 has left the game.